Frighteningly Intriguing - Chapter 13 - GlitchySquidd (2024)

Chapter Text

You don't quite remember what happened the night before.

It was foggy, and distant.

You think you had gone through some sort of dissociated episode, it would explain the brain fog and missing pieces of what you did yesterday.

You remember seeing some weird things.

It's a blur though, you mainly just remember the rush of anxiety you felt.

Although it's completely possible that those memories are all derived from some sort of weird fever dream you had while sleeping. Wouldn't be the first time that you had a mix up.

Clearly your memory is not quite doing its best for you this past week it seems.

Sitting up out of bed you rub your eyes, trying to get the built up crust out from them from sleeping so long.

Everything felt so stiff.

Blindly you swiped a hand across your nightstand's surface.

Your fingers hit nothing.

Blinking a few times you look at your nightstand.

Vision coming into focus on the spot your phone should be.

"Huh…" is all that seems to leave you.

Sliding out of bed, you take a look to see if your phone fell between your bed and nightstand.


Rubbing your eye once more you let out a yawn, and continue groggily looking around the nightstand. However there appears to be absolutely nothing, just a wrapper or two and dust.

You were just sitting stupidly on the floor by your nightstand and bed like an idiot now. Part of you wanted to curl up on the floor and go back to sleep, but you had two problems.

One, you didn't know where your phone was.

Two, you didn't know what time it was.

A glance out the window told you it was night, so you must've slept all day after that grave shift. Not a surprise to you, but it did leave you sort of disoriented.

Heaving a sigh you decide to get up.

Pulling yourself up using the side of your bed you stumble to your desk. Reaching over you turn on your computer, for a moment you squint at the bright light, eyes adjusting, you take a glance at the corner.


You'd been sleeping for…you think nineteen hours straight.

Not the longest you've fallen asleep for.

Still not good for you though.

Closing your laptop, you take a glance around your room again.

Your eyes landing on the bag you always take to work. Maybe your phone is in there?

Walking over you unzip the bag and lazily sift through everything inside.

Snacks, pens, pencils, two notebooks, a bottle of Gatorade, and other miscellaneous objects.

No phone.

Not even your charger was in there.

Brows scrunching together you try to think about where you last had it.

However, nothing comes to you.

You can’t remember where you last put it.

Where was it?

If it’s not on your nightstand?


Pausing, You felt your heart sink.

You forgot your phone at work.

You plugged it in back when you and Springtrap were in the office.

What if someone stole it?

Or maybe someone looked through it?

Not that anything bad was on there, it'd just be extremely embarrassing, especially considering you didn’t have a lock on your phone. All you had to do was swipe up and anyone would have full range to everything. You were too scared to set a lock on it and forget. So you didn't risk that happening and sort of just… didn't set one up.

You stood there for a moment, looking at your sneakers. You didn't know who was working the night shift.

You had the keys to get inside if you needed to, you're sure whoever's guarding for the night wouldn't mind if you just popped in to grab your phone. You'd of course need to slip on something other than… the nothing you are wearing. Rushing over to your dresser you grab the first things you see, a pair of shorts and a baggy red sweater. You grab your keys.

Sneakers on, you’re out the door, to your bicycle. The rush was all a tad too fast, making you light headed but you persisted. Part of you regretted wearing shorts on a cold autumn night, but you were alreadyhalfway on the ride there.

You weren’t really too great with thinking about the consequences.

Rushing up to the door you were hoping Springtrap would know where your phone is, you assume he might be out and about as well. If he messes around with you on night shifts he must do so with the other staff as well, right?

Perhaps you are putting too much faith into him.

He only seems to behave around you.

Jogging down the hallway you beelined it to the office, you paused right before the window. You waited before taking a glance in through the corner.

You walk quietly under the window to the entrance of the office.

No one.

You take a few steps inside towards the desk.

And it looks like they gave it a makeover.

Actually, makeover was an over exaggeration.

More like they only took out the two old panels for rebooting and cameras and decided to replace them with a computer and television. Both were casually sitting upon the desk.

Again, no one was here.

The computer was on, and you could see the camera system pulled up on it. Meaning someone was working.

You just didn't know who it was, or where they were.

That didn't matter if you could just find your phone and get out of here, they wouldn't even know you had arrived in the first place.

Taking a few more steps towards the desk, you stopped.

Someone was here.

You were about to write it off as you being paranoid, until you heard something.

Whirling around you were right in front of a tall figure, holding something in their hand. Giving no time for you to formulate a response before they just swung it at you.

On instinct you ducked down as fast as you could.

It wasn't fast enough, just the end of the weapon clonked you. Luckily it wasn't too hard of a hit, falling back you cover yourself, arms wrapping around the top of your head.

You expected to maybe get hit again but nothing happened.

You didn't expect to hear the sound of a familiar voice.

“it's …you?" A familiar voice rasped out.

Similar to Springtrap’s raspy voice.

Uncovering your head, you hesitantly looked up.

Now you could see your aggressor.

The familiar purple rotted looking tint of his skin was so easy to spot in the faint green lights within the office, his white pupils leered down at you.

He wasn't wearing a mask this time.

You could see yellow teeth poking through scarred torn lips and some nasty wounds across his cheeks as if his face had been stretched out until it tore open. The lack of cartilage around his nose made him look as though he were a carcass, he must've been through a traumatic event to end up looking in such a way as he does now.

A glance at his clothing was enough to spell out to you that he was a night guard, which was weird, considering they didn't have an official nightguard yet.

Unless, they hired one.

You didn't have your phone so it's not like you'd see if you got an email telling you they finally hired a night guard.

"Oh… they…they uh.. hired a nightguard?"

You could see his brows furrow in annoyance. "Yes, and you are currently trespassing. Have you been sneaking in here previously to steal sh*t?"

You shook your head, and let out a nervous laugh.

"No, no! God no. I work here, I was on night watch the previous night and had forgotten my phone in the office… so I was just uh… y'know…?"

He showed obvious confusion for a moment, a sigh left, sounding more akin to a quiet wheeze leaving his throat.

He lifted a hand and pinched the small bridge of what was left of his nose.

"Right… I completely forgot you worked here."

"You knew I worked here? Are you stalking me?"

"No, you were wearing your work uniform the day you bumped into me, that logo is hard to miss." He tapped on the small bear that was pinned on his chest right above the nametag.

Speaking of which.

Glancing down you take a peek at his name.


You look up at his face, brows furrowed slightly.

"Oh… yeah…I suppose I was." You didn't really buy it, the logo was pretty small, easy to miss. And that was days ago. "Well, is my phone in here? Cause if I could just grab it and get right out of here you won't have to deal with me any longer than necessary."

You braced your hand on your knee, picking yourself up from off the floor.

"No, somebody probably took it to the lost and found room." He jabbed a thumb at the doorway behind him.

"There's a lost and found?"

He raised a brow at you. "You didn't know that?"

"Uh…" you shook your head with an awkward smile. "No, I mean, it looked like they added quite a lot since I worked the other night. So… uh.."

"Right." He wiped something from the corner of his eye."So, right when you walk in from the entrance, there should be two doors on the wall to the far left."

You nodded, brows scrunching up in some sort of confusion. "Isn't that where the other workers are? For the tech and stuff?"

Mike gave you a weird look.

"Other workers?" He shook his head. "No, no one goes back there, but what do I know? I just started."

Part of your heart sank, you decided not to say anything further. You saw people go back there, but how would Mike know if he's working here? At night, in the office.

After a moment of silence you spoke up.

"I've heard tons of people talking back there, are you really sure? I even saw people walking back there." You bury your hands into the ends of your sleeves, the cold of the room was prickling at your fingertips.

He shook his head. "No, there's just generators back there. It's part of my job to check up on them, and shut them off if they get too overheated. Maybe they were the ones checking up on them before they hired me?"

You slowly nodded. "Yeah, okay…. Uh thanks. I'll get outta your… Uh hair now."

Before he could replay you rounded him, something grabbed your shoulder, stopping you. Flinching away and you looked back directly at Mike.

He seemed unfazed by your flinch.

"I just had a question." He seemed to hesitate for a moment. "Have you maybe-"

“Um…” You cut him off. “No. Everything has been perfectly fine.”

You didn't want to bother him any longer and you felt embarrassed at this point, so without giving him time to respond you turned and walked out of the office. You avoided the feeling of Mike staring at you through the glass as you passed by.

The soft sound of your sneakers tapping on the hallway tile.

Though… the further down the hall you got, the colder it seemed to get, the cold especially prickling at your skin as you began to approach Springtrap's door. You didn't walk past this time, instead you took a step forward and knocked gently against the door.

Silent, and unresponsive.

Perhaps he was “sleeping”.

Which had you pondering once again if Springtrap truly could even sleep. Maybe he could, but if so, how? And if not, what did he do while you were away? Or perhaps he had a different way that he “slept”, though you wonder how he does that, can he dream? He has thoughts and makes coherent sentences so you'd assume he could somewhat dream, even if not much.

You shake away those thoughts, your task right now is getting your phone back, shouldn't get too distracted and forget what you were even doing here in the first place.

You stood there staring at his door just a few more moments before walking away.

As you walked down the hallway you stared down at your feet, not paying much attention to what was in front of you.

Overall it was quiet.

Just the sound of your sneakers against tile floor, echoing down the hallways, and the draft of

Random thoughts were brewing a storm in your head, about who? Dave.

You were learning things about him, understanding things about him too, at least trying to. One thing you still just could not grasp was how he was still alive, if he was at all, at this point it's more like he is undead, a shell of who he once was. Without y’know all the zombie aspects like flesh eating monsters that bite and infect you.


Dave was no monster.

Maybe he’s y’know smelly as hell and gross looking, sort of monster looking if you were actually honest to yourself but not a monster personality wise. You think he just has lots of trauma mentally, most likely scarred from dying and somehow coming back to life and being in absolute horrific pain all the time.

And he–

You bumped into s o m e t h i n g.

You stopped.

Stock still, eyes wide, the heavy air stuck in your lungs was beginning to hurt.

You saw the legs of whatever was in front of you, dark with stripes wrapped around, they weren’t touching the floor.

If something were this close in front of you, wouldn’t you have noticed? There must be a camera in here, so if you do die, at least it’ll be on camera… Maybe you shouldn’t think about that, you definitely watch one too many horror movies.

You hear something.

It’s soft.

Like something is breathing.

You take a step back.

Something grabs your wrist.

You flinch, gasping, but not out of pain.

The hold, it was firm and gentle, despite the cold aura it felt protective, and caring.

Like a distant friend trying to comfort you, the feeling of comfort was too strong for you, in seconds you had ripped your arm out of it’s grasp and took as many backsteps you could, bumping your shoulder painfully into the side of the hallway’s doorway, knocking you sideways onto the floor.

The feeling of bare legs on a cracked tile, and ice cold floor was not quite pleasant.

It all went by so fast, you were gasping air, light headed, and confused, you looked up. The thing was in the distance down the hallway, For a moment you thought maybe you were just crazy and it's a string decoration Springtrap put up to prank you.

Then it moved.

It didn’t quite walk, but it did softly glide your direction, like a mastered puppeteer was controlling it. You pushed yourself back, glaring at it inching towards you. It stopped, like it recognized something in the look you gave it.

It spoke, its voice sounding eerily familiar.

“I’m not here to hurt you…” it was a child’s whisper, despite the distance it sounded as if it were right in your ear.

You didn’t respond, and it stared at you.
The heavy air was almost suffocating you.

The white pupils of the thing before were cutting into you, it felt as though the walls were trying to shut in on you, your fingers dug into your legs, trying to gain a sense of reality. Surely this was a weird nightmare and you’d wake up in the morning with your phone on your nightstand.

Everything is okay.

“I want to help you…You don’t deserve to be in the middle of this, I can tell you’re a good person...” It held its hand out to you.

You stared at it.

You could hear your heart beating loud inside your skull, despite how loud it was it was an oddly calm pulse. Almost as if something was trying to force you to feel calm but you’re actually panicking in reality. Everything around you felt less and less real, like a fuzzy static was surrounding you, wrapping you up in a big blanket of discomfort. You could barely feel the tips of your fingers, soft static in the air even tickling at your ears, though in a painfully uncomfortable way.

Everything around you seemed like it was supposed to make you feel comfortable and relaxed but it was so contorted with pain and turmoil it could no longer do its job correctly.

You slowly got up, it reached its long slender arm out towards you, closing just a few inches of distance between the two of you. You weren’t getting up to take its offer for “help”. You wanted nothing to do with some weird floating very obviously paranormal looking puppet.

Personally you could care less about some sort of help, you were all the help you needed and you’d know if something bad was going to happen to you, you could tell when someone was bad and was taking advantage of you.

That’s why no one ever needs to know what's wrong with you.

You took a deep breath, struggling to hold your balance as the heavy static air attacked uncomfortably at the nerves in your legs, almost as if your legs were falling asleep. The feeling attacked all of your exposed skin, it felt so cold yet so hot at the same time.

“Let me help you…”

You didn’t need help.

What you needed to do was run away.

You just didn’t know where to, you knew the back fire exit could work, but you didn’t want to run past Mike and get him possibly caught up in this, wouldn’t he be seeing all of this on the cameras? Has he called for help? Does he even care? Or is he asleep in the security office? You didn’t know.

So many questions, no answers, no replies, nothing.

More and more questions were brewing inside your brain.

You needed to act.

You sprinted as fast as you could at the puppet, it seemed caught off guard for just a moment, and before you ran right into it you side stepped, it seemed to anticipate this reaction. Grabbing your arm firmly, again not painfully, gentle and firm, however the sudden stop gave you complete whiplash.

A headache was beginning to form.

“Let me go!” you shouted.

Your outburst didn’t deter the puppet, it was still calm, and gentle, no surprise, no anger.

“You need my help… or else he’ll be able to go through with his plan… I can’t tell you very much, there is only so much you need to know. I need you to come with me.” It gave you a very intense stare. “I need to show you something…”

Chills rippled throughout your body, this had bad written all over it.

You yanked your arm, trying to free yourself, it kept its hand wrapped around your arm. Firmly keeping you in place.

“Please, keep quiet or else he might hear us, I don’t need him knowing that I’ve made contact with you… He’s a very bad man, he will hurt you, trick you, manipulate you… can’t you see he already has?” it was trying to plead with you.

Was it talking about Dave? Springtrap? He’s your friend.

He has lied a few times but that’s because he was scared, besides whatever this is that’s talking to you, if it’s a spirit, or even some other paranormal beast, you didn’t trust it. You don’t know them, nor would you believe a stranger. Especially if this stranger is technically a talking floating inanimate object. It gave you the chills.

Why would you even believe a huge creepy talking muppet?

“Let. Me. Go.” you tried to be intimidating, but all that left your mouth was a fearful demand that had no weight behind it.

You were biting your tongue, the silence went on for a sickening amount of time, those pinprick pupils staring right through you. Before finally, it slowly let go of your arm.

“I understand…” it sounded defeated, but it seemed understanding. “I will always be here to protect you, to save you. Stay safe please…be cautious, don't let down your guard…”

You stood there for a few moments completely frozen, before you quickly rushed down the hallway, the weird staticy air leaving the further down the hallway you got, the air was lighter.

You didn’t bother looking back.

Except for the short brief moment you had grabbed your phone and turned to leave the lost and found room afterwards.

Not that you felt a weird curiosity to look, it was more like you couldn’t look back even if you wanted to. You were far too scared. If something was following you didn’t want to even see it.

If someone was awake at the time, they would’ve thought you were a lunatic.

Wearing shorts in October, at night, on a bike?

You wouldn’t blame anyone for thinking that.

At least you were safe at home…

Nothing could hurt you there.

October 22, 2023.

That’s what your phone’s calendar said.

It had been a day since your encounter.

Just nine days until opening! And of course Halloween.

You’re really excited to see how Springtrap will do! You just know these next nine days aren’t going to pass by easily. Usually the closer a holiday you loved got, the slower that time would move, maybe your work could help with that.

Speaking of which, you had it today.

They gave you two days off work this time, which was really nice of them.

Usually it was one day off after a night shift, though considering the fact you guys had a nightguard now you don’t think they’d be giving you anymore days off, especially with opening day creeping right around the corner. Everything needs to be perfect (mostly) for that day!

The moment you walked in you greeted Clair. “Good Morning ma’am!”

“Hello there, honey.” Clair adjusted her glasses. “Remind me of your name, will you, sweetie?”

“Wha! I’ve been working here almost all month, you couldn’t have forgotten my name by now!” You couldn’t help but smile, you didn’t know Clair well but she was so sweet.

“Oh, you got me there. I just like to mess around with you.” Her smile was soft, she typed something into the computer and waved you through. “Go on now, get to work.”

You let out a small laugh. “Okay! Okay! Have a nice morning!” waving to her as you walked by, you had this big smile on your face. She was so kind.

She’d be one of your favorite coworkers if Batty or Tim weren’t already up there on the list, though of course she wasn’t your least favorite, that position went to someone else completely.

Eugh… Jason.

Maybe if he weren’t so creepy about you, you’d be okay with him but-


You swung around and immediately kicked whomever was speaking directly in the knee.

You just kicked Springtrap in the knee.

He was on the floor, groaning.

You just kicked your best friend in the knee.

You snorted.

Springtrap glared at you and you covered your mouth.

“Are you um…?” you paused.

“Am I okay?...Am I okay? Is that what you were about to ask me? Not sorry for kicking you in the knee?” Springtrap hissed through his teeth. “ This is the second time you’ve done this to me.”

“In my defense, the first time was self defense and this time, you just scared me and I was once again defending myself.” You held your hands up.

Springtrap gave you an odd stare. “More like you would’ve made things interesting.”


Springtrap shook his head. “Nothing.”

His joints were softly clicking as he picked himself off the floor, one of his hands grabbing hold of the doorway. Now you would’ve loved to help, but with how tight his grip was on that doorway, he’d have broken your hand, besides, you couldn’t lift anything more than twenty pounds. You’re sure if he grabbed your hand you’d also be on the floor with him.

“What are we doing today, my d-” he coughed into his hand. “Dearest friend.” Clearing his throat, he looked to you.

You looked up at him for a few moments.

“Oh-! Sorry sorry, took me a moment to process what you just said. Uh, just basic stuff, looking at the animatronics, I’m not allowed to activate them since the incident. Then I wanna see that new equipment that they set up in the office.” You were already walking at this point.

“I did see that new equipment. Quite the upgrade.”

You nodded. “I only got a glimpse of it the other night.”

“You were here the other night?”

You stopped walking. “Um… I mean um-”

“Why were you here?”

You turned to look at Springtrap. “Well…The night I had um.. The night I had my graveshift, I may have forgotten my phone.”

He groaned, shaking his head. “You are an idiot, I do hope you were not bothered that night.

“Bothered by what?” your brows furrowed.

His pupils flicked over your face like he was trying to gauge a specific reaction, it wasn’t long before he simply just shrugged.

“Nothing nothing, I didn’t know who was guarding that night so maybe I was worried that someone had bothered you.”

You grinned. “You worry about me? Really Springy? I didn’t know you had the heart to!”

He frowned, at least as much as an animatronic rabbit suite could do to frown.

“I think we are finished here, move on.” He nodded his head towards the rest of the hall.

“You said you were worried about me! You care about me!” you poked him in the arm.

He scoffed, rubbing off the spot you had poked as if you had somehow made him even filthier.

“I could care less about your existence.” He hissed.

You smirked though, turning around. “Alright, alright, you don’t care about me. Whatever you say.”

You were back to walking down the hallway, part of you knew Springtrap really cared. At least you hoped, he did save you from Chica, from Jason, and has shown his concerns to you in the past. When you nearly fell over from low sugars he went to grab you but stopped, and he cares for and understands your boundaries on touching it seemed.

He says it's respect, because you respect him, but it really is just a friend caring about their other friend’s health and wellbeing.

You went to grab the door handle but Springtrap was a step ahead of you, he held the door open to you.

You paused, glancing up at him.

He gave you a weird look. “Are you going to go through the door, or are you going to stand there like an idiot?”

Yeah, he cared.

You smiled softly, shaking your head and walking through the door.

Springtrap mumbled a soft “Finally.”

Retrieving a tool box off a shelf walked over and stood in front of Foxy.

You were quite fond of how he looked, but Freddy took the cake, he would play songs on his music box and actually sort of talk to you, at least with the voicelines he had. Honestly you were going to miss not being able to be around them when they were activated.

Springtrap said your name.

“Hmm?” you were too busy checking up on Foxy.

“Are you sure nothing odd happened that night?” he asked.

Your heart stuttered for a moment, shrugging. “Not really, um, we have a night guard though.”

He walked up beside you, staring at you work, like he was making sure you weren’t going to f*ck up anything.

“Really now? Who is it?” He asked, voice dripping with curiosity. “You’ve met him I presume.”

“Um… some guy named Mike I think, I gave him a spook I think. I’m not too sure, but he helped tell me where my phone was.” You shifted a wire that was out of place. “I didn’t know we had a ‘lost and found’.”

Springtrap hummed. “He didn’t say anything odd to you did he?”

You shook your head. “Um, no? Unless you count him asking me if I’d seen anything weird going on, at least I think he was going to ask that. Me personally… I think he likes paranormal stuff, maybe he was hoping I had seen a ghost or some sh*t.”

“What makes you say that?” He reached over and adjusted a group of wires. “You missed these.”

You rolled your eyes. “I was about to get those…But uh, He seemed very familiar with the place? I dunno, he didn’t realize I worked there until he remembered I was wearing my work uniform when I bumped into him at the grocery store. Said the little bear on the uniform was hard to miss and was really recognizable. I think he might be a little obsessed with the place and its rumors.”

If you’d even call those rumors at this point.

“Right. You know him?”

“Nah, not really. I just bumped into him when I was out getting groceries. Knocked over the poor guy's basket. Helped pick up everything and that was it, he seemed pretty chill other than him nearly giving me a concussion with a… I think it was either an endo-arm or even a crow bar.”

“He what.

“And you said you didn’t care about-” Springtrap smacked you upside the head. “-meE! OW!” You swung your head over to glare up at him. “asshole…”

Springtrap chuckled, and you tried smacking his leg but he side stepped it. “You are quite amusing when you get angry. You sound like a squeaky baby mouse.”

“I do not!” You turned back to Foxy. “Stop distracting me from my work.”

“I think someone’s in denial.” He teased.

Oh shut up.” You weren’t paying attention to where you were putting your hand on Foxy’s head. “I am not-”

S N A P-

You and Springtrap were silent.

Your left thumb and pointer finger were inside Foxy’s mouth.

“Oh” you just sorta stared. “That was a lot less painful than I thought it’d be.”

Springtrap was staring at you.

You sort of just pulled your hand out of the mouth, Foxy’s teeth barely punctured your hand, not that you’d consider the red marks on your hand as puncture wounds.

“Are you stupid?”

You looked at Springtrap. “What?”

“Are you f*cking stupid?” Something was off. “You need to pay more attention!”

“I-... What? Dude, I’m fine.” you showed him your hand.

“I don’t give a rat's ass that you are fine. You keep your hands and face away from the mouth. Especially your face.” his eyes darkened.

You looked at him confused. “But-”

“No. I don’t care. Keep your hands and face away from the mouth. Understood?”

He was talking to you like you were a child.

“Okay, fine.” you sighed, annoyed by his outburst.

Scary how fast he goes from joking to yelling.

You appreciate him worrying over you, but perhaps he was a little too worried this time, Foxy’s teeth weren’t even sharp. What harm could round teeth have on a hand or face?

You had finally finished up routine maintenance on the animatronics.

Other than Springtrap’s one outburst it was fine, maybe he got scared what happened to him would happen to you? You’re not sure, maybe he’s just big on safety? That doesn’t make sense either.

Maybe you shouldn’t think too hard about it, if you did you’d be stuck thinking for hours. Besides you’re sure he wouldn’t want you bugging him about it with how upset he got, you’ll admit he’s actually quite scary when he gets so angry. At least he wasn’t as bad as that one time he kept pushing you on certain topics and you refused to tell him anything, you’re happy he didn’t have a voice box then. Imagine that.

Actually you’d rather now.

You shake away the thoughts, you currently wanted to just look at this new office equipment.

Luckily the office is connected to the room where the animatronics are stored, the place isn’t that huge anyways. Though you definitely felt as though the building looked big for how it looked inside, like they cut off the rooms and hid them away with walls. However, with how old the walls looked, it must’ve been done years ago. Not that you had any proof for that claim.

Turning on the computer took you a moment, even with it being new equipment it was definitely almost as old as the original equipment. At least it felt that way.

The keys looked so dusty, the keyboard was mapped out like the inside of the building, different rooms, and hallways being buttons you could press to access different cameras. The map looked old and out of date considering the layout of the place now. Certain rooms that you didn’t know were marked right on this little map.

The words on each key were practically unreadable, smudged or rubbed off with time.

Which makes you think more about that theory of yours you had earlier.

“Why are you so quiet today?” Springtrap spoke up.

You squinted at the keyboard. “Um… did there used to be… like… more rooms here?”

Springtrap paused for a while, dragging on the silence before replying. “Yes. Why do you ask?”

“Just curious, it looks so big on the outside, y’know? Ah- well… you wouldn’t-” You looked over at him awkwardly, his arms were crossed and he had an eyebrow raised. “You wouldn’t um… know that anyways, sorry. I- you haven’t been out in like thirty years and - um you… holy sh*t you haven’t left here in thirty years.”

“Took you this long to process that information?”

“Yes… it did.” you stared at him silently for a moment. “Do you ever try to leave? Just go outside for a moment? Why not leave?”

“You’re doing that thing you do again.” Springtrap groaned.


“Everytime you get curious about something. You ask and ask.” his ear twitched.

“Oh…Sorry, Dave.”

He shook his head. “You’re fine, it just reminds me of someone.”

You perked up. “Someone you used to know? What's their name? Were you related? Oh-...I see what you mean.”

Springtrap sighed, letting out a soft chuckle at the end. “How’s the new equipment look?”

“Oh!” you immediately looked back at the camera system. “It looks good, not perfect. I don’t know where the vents are on this…”

Springtrap walked over, leaning over to glance, after a moment he moved back.

“In the corner next to you.”

You turned slightly to the right, and glanced up. There was a small television sitting on the desk next to the computer with different buttons.

“Oh… Sorry I’m kinda blind in my right eye(and forgetful).”

“Wait, you’re what?”

“Kinda blind out my left- no not left- sorry… Kinda blind out my right eye. My glasses help but I hate wearing them.” You shrug.

“That’s why you didn’t see me this morning.”

You smile and nod. “Yeah pretty much, You probably blended in with the wall and my eye just blurred that all together. Happens quite often.”

“Well, maybe if you wore your glasses more, your vision would be better.”

“You sound like my parents…” You laughed.

It sounded forced.

“Are you alright?”

You nodded, “Uh, yeah no I’m fine, sorry I just got really lightheaded.” You leaned down and picked up your bag. “Just give me a few seconds.”

“Hurry up, then.”

“Ugh…Impatient asshole.”

Springtrap scoffed. “I’m not impatient, you are just incredibly slow.”

You smiled, getting up. “I am not that slow.”

“Catch this.” he tossed a paper ball at you.

You panicked, you nearly caught it, but it sort of just bounced out of your hand.

“That’s…That’s not fair.” you said deadpan, staring at the paper ball on the floor.

“Don’t be slow… Now hurry up, there’s something I need you to come look at with me.”

You rose a brow at him. “That sounds hella sus.”

He gave you a confused look. “What.”

“Sus… like suspicious. It’s a funny word.”

“No… No it’s not.” Springtrap just walked out of the office. “I’m extremely disappointed in you.”

You sorta just watched him walk past the window, you thought that maybe he’d come back but no, he quite literally just left you standing there. Looks like you’d have to go grab your very disappointed friend.

You sighed, walking out the office.

Always unpredictable.

Maybe that’s why you liked his company

Frighteningly Intriguing - Chapter 13 - GlitchySquidd (2024)
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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.