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International and Intercultural Communication


Now, more than ever, the world needs individuals who recognize the importance of complexities of communication across cultural and geographic borders. The MA in international and intercultural communication (IIC) prepares individuals to understand, describe and facilitate all modes of communication and media in a variety of local and global contexts.

Distinctive elements of this degree • It’s offered through an interdisciplinary partnership between the Department of Media, Film and

Journalism Studies and the Josef Korbel School of International Studies, two active and well respectedunits at the University of Denver

• It provides flexibility for students to choose courses from both units and develop their own areas ofconcentration

• It allows students to take advantage of electives in other departments, as well as internships, todevelop expertise in their fields of interest

About the Department of Media, Film and Journalism Studies The IIC program is administered by the Department of Media, Film and Journalism Studies, a pioneer in 21st century media and digital studies and production. This well-established department is comprised of 17 full-time faculty members with a wide range of scholarly and production expertise, including global media and culture, and communication. Students may also take course work in other units on campus that offer courses in communication.

About the Josef Korbel School of International Studies Recognized worldwide for its excellence in educating future global leaders in the private, public and nonprofit sectors, the Josef Korbel School of International Studies assumes a leadership role in facilitating the exchange of information, ideas and people between the Rocky Mountain region and the world’s economic centers.

Effective global communication requires that people understand both international and intercultural differences. Students pursuing the MA in IIC form a strong theoretical and applied foundation, while learning the nuances of the global environment. They extend this interdisciplinary base through courses in anthropology, foreign languages and literature, business, education and other areas. They are also able to apply theoretical and conceptual learning from the classroom in internships acquired locally, elsewhere in the United States or abroad.

Where can you go with this degree? Our graduates pursue careers in a wide variety of areas, including:

• Global and intercultural public affairs, public relations and marketing in business, government ornonprofit/nongovernmental organizations

• Television, video, print and digital media production and journalism• Government diplomacy

• College teaching and international education & university study abroad

• Conflict resolution and cross-cultural human resources/organizational communication

Degree Requirements 2

Faculty 3

Course Descriptions 4

International and Intercultural Communication 2490 S. Gaylord St. Denver, CO 80208 303-871-2088

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The MA in IIC requires 60 quarter hours of credit, including four courses in communication (10-20 credits from MFJS or Communication Studies COMN) and four in International Studies INTS (20 credits). Required courses include MFJS 4650 and “Foundations in International & Intercultural Communication” (course number to be assigned soon). One course in research methods is also required (4-5 credits), as well as completing a thesis or an internship (5-10 credits). Students must demonstrate a two-year proficiency in at least one language other than English.

No University of Denver language courses may be counted toward requirements of the joint MA program. Students may take language courses to reach or surpass the two-year proficiency level, but these will not count toward the credits required for the degree.

International students whose native language is not English may use that language to meet the requirement, provided they have done academic or professional work in that original language.

The maximum transfer credit allowed is 25 quarter hours.

Summary of Course Work • MFJS 4650 International Communication (4 credits)

• MFJS 4912 Foundations in International andIntercultural Communication (4 credits)

• Two additional courses in MFJS (or COMN)

• Four courses (20 credits) at the Josef Korbel School ofInternational Studies (INTS)

• One course (4-5 credits) in research methods fromMFJS, COMN, or INTS. Research courses from otherdepartments can fill this requirement upon approvalfrom the IIC Director.

• 5–10 credits (maximum) in thesis and/or internshipcourses (MFJS 4995 or MFJS 4980)

• Remaining credits: electives (taken in any department)

• Total: 60 credits

For details on other courses, consult course lists from communication studies, media, film and journalism studies, and/or the Josef Korbel School of International Studies.

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Renee Botta Chair and Associate Professor, media, film and journalism studies PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Lynn Schofield Clark Associate Professor, media, film and journalism studies PhD, University of Colorado at Boulder

Christof Demont-Heinrich Assistant Professor, media, film and journalism studies PhD, University of Colorado at Boulder

Nadia Kaneva Assistant Professor, media, film and journalism studies PhD, University of Colorado at Boulder

Erika Polson Assistant Professor and Director of Internships PhD, Pennsylvania State University

E. Tom Rowe Associate Professor, international studies PhD, University of California, Berkeley

Margie Thompson Associate Professor, media, film and journalism studies Director, international and intercultural communication program PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Adrienne Russell Associate Professor, digital media studies PhD, Indiana University

Timothy D. Sisk Associate Professor, international studies PhD, George Washington University

Peter Van Arsdale Senior lecturer and research fellow, international studies PhD, University of Colorado at Boulder


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Course Descriptions

Department of Media Film and Journalism

MFJS 3150 Activist Media: A Historical Overview 1960-Present (4 qtr. hrs.) Today's alternative cultures use internet and mobile technologies to access and circulate mainstream information, but also to rapidly exchange information that exists outside mainstream media channels. Activist movements today with access to digital tools and networks are no longer dependent on newspapers and broadcast networks to represent them and to disseminate their messages. We are, however, just beginning to see how the proliferation of alternative networks of communication, and the content, practices, and identities they facilitate, interact with traditional political and business organizations, as well as with traditional media products and practices. This course focuses on media activism over the past half-century tied to various social movements with an emphasis on contemporary protest movements and their use of new and old media tools and strategies. Prerequisite: junior standing or permission of instructor. MFJS, SCOM, MDST, COMN, JOUR, MCOM, IIC, or DMST majors only.

MFJS 3160 Networked Journalism (4 qtr. hrs.) This course traces the shift that has taken place over the past 15 years from mass-mediated journalism to networked journalism, with emphasis on experiments in citizen and participatory news and on the changing relationship between journalists and their publics. It explores emergent communication technologies and practices and how they are changing the news media landscape. Prerequisite: junior standing or permission of instructor. MFJS, SCOM, MDST, COMN, JOUR, MCOM, IIC, or DMST majors only.

MFJS 3201 Digital Design and Editing (4 qtr. hrs.) Students explore publication design, learn techniques for creating effective layouts, and use page payout software to incorporate and manipulate text, photographs and illustrations. Prerequisite: MFJS 2140.

MFJS 3229 Video Editing is for Everybody (4 qtr. hrs.) This course is designed to provide students with a basic understanding of television and film editing. When students complete this course, the goal is for them to have a basic working knowledge of editing using various media elements (video, audio, photos, music, graphics), developing proficiencies using different editing software (Final Cut Pro, IMovie, Windows Movie Maker) and applying a mixture of editing theories and techniques (continuity and montage style editing).

MFJS 3310 Advanced Newswriting & Reporting (4 qtr. hrs.) Application of investigative techniques to interpretive reporting in areas of contemporary social concern. Laboratory fee required. Prerequisite: MFJS 2140.

MFJS 3330 Broadcast & Video Journalism (4 qtr. hrs.) Students in this course learn and practice the techniques used by broadcast journalists as they write, shoot and edit news packages for television. Laboratory fee required. Prerequisite: MFJS 2140.

MFJS 3501 Web 2.0 Design and Content Management (4 qtr. hrs.) This course covers the building and management of web pages. The course also covers creating sites using open source content management systems, preferably for applications related to the not-for-profit sector. Applicants must be comfortable integrating Web 2.0 content into sites. Laboratory fee required. MFJS, SCOM, MDST, COMN, MCOM, JOUR, or IIC majors only.

MFJS 4050 Strategic Management-Communication Campaigns (4 qtr. hrs.) Understanding, designing, implementing public communication campaigns; theoretical social science framework underlying communication campaigns, ways theories define/explain communication campaigns.

MFJS 4060 Strategic Messaging (4 qtr. hrs.) In this class, students will learn, apply and evaluate Public Relations techniques. Students will also evaluate real world examples in which various techniques have been used, placing the technique within the larger context of the practice of Public Relations. We will also discuss the ethics involved in choosing and applying various techniques. Prerequisite: MFJS 4050.

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

MFJS 4070 Seminar in Public Relations (4 qtr. hrs.) Through a combination of course readings, case study analyses and guest speakers, students will observe and learn about the practice of public relations in the health and nonprofit sectors. Students will also learn about the goals, challenges and opportunities specific to these sectors. Prerequisite: MFJS 4060. MFJS 4080 International and Intercultural Public Relations (4 qtr. hrs.) This course will explore several issues and aspects of international and intercultural public relations, including culture and intercultural communication issues, international media issues in PR, international corporate PR, cross-cultural and diversity training, international news & PR, international media relations, international corporate PR, and international PR issues of governments & foreign policy. This is not a PR techniques course, but focuses on relevant theories and issues. Prerequisite: minimum of one other PR class. MFJS 4160 Mass Communication Theory (4 qtr. hrs.) Various theoretical approaches to study of mass communications; attention to relationships among technology, media institutions, culture, society, how these relationships have been conceptualized, research. MFJS 4219 Documentary Film/Video Production I (4 qtr. hrs.) The first half of a two-course sequence, this class focuses on the various modes and styles of documentary and on selecting and researching a topic for documentary production. Prerequisite: MFJS 4470. MFJS 4221 Documentary Film/Video Production II (4 qtr. hrs.) The second half of a two course sequence, this class focuses on the production of a 10 minute documentary film. Prerequisites: MFJS 4470 and MFJS 4219. MFJS 4250 Critical Studies of Film, TV, and Popular Culture (4 qtr. hrs.) Major theories of culture, various critical approaches to film, television, popular literature; semiotics, genre theory, ideological analysis. Prerequisite: MFJS 4160

MFJS 4260 Qualitative Research Methods (4 qtr. hrs.) Interpretive critical theories, practices; ethnographic audience studies, reader response criticism, institutional studies in production of culture, historiography, historical research, textual criticism (semiotics, structuralism, feminist studies, psychoanalytic theory, post-structuralism, postmodernism). Prerequisite: MFJS 4250 MFJS 4300 Freedom of Expression Issues (4 qtr. hrs.) Historical development of First Amendment freedoms, various theories/philosophies that underlie constitutional free expression guarantees; Judicial interpretations of scope of First Amendment as related to political, corporate, commercial expressions. MFJS 4310 New Media Law & Regulation (4 qtr. hrs.) Examination of current conflicts in mass communications law. Particular emphasis is given the legal problems of communications technologies. Topics may include libel, privacy, obscenity, news gathering, copyright, media ownership and comparative approaches to media law. The course provides insight into how the legal process works and an understanding of the principles and philosophies that underlie the restraints on new communication technologies. MFJS 4320 Brands and Identities (4 qtr. hrs.) This course reviews theories and cases of the role and meaning of brands in a consumer society, with a particular emphasis on understanding how brands are implicated in the construction and presentation of personal and group identities. The course combines insights from marketing, social psychology, and cultural studies to explore the importance of brands for both consumers and practitioners. Students master core branding concepts and use them to critically analyze salient social and cultural issues.

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

MFJS 4470 Introduction to Field Production and Editing (4 qtr. hrs.) This course is designed to provide a basic understanding of television production with a focus on postproduction editing and field shooting. Numerous facets of postproduction will be introduced including nonlinear editing, tape logging, producing edit decision lists and much more. Likewise, you will learn the fundamentals of video field shooting, lighting and gathering sound. The goal is for you to have a basic understanding of shooting, lighting and editing, as well as the process involved in producing a field-based production from start to finish. Because people are the most important part of any production, emphasis is on your ability to work effectively with class members. MFJS 4550 Media Effects & Consequences (4 qtr. hrs.) Empirically based examination of psychological effects, sociological consequences of mass communications; combines theoretical perspectives from social science inquiry to define how audiences use mass media; effect media have on mass communications policy in contemporary society. MFJS 4560 Quantitative Research Methods (4 qtr. hrs.) Development/application of specific social sciences research techniques to study mass communication, emphasis on survey research strategies. Prerequisite: MFJS 4550. MFJS 4650 International Communication (4 qtr. hrs.) Major theories concerning international communication flows, the impact of globalization and global media, issues of new communication technologies, the rhetoric and media framing of global politics and culture; international marketing and public relations; and national and cultural sovereignty issues related to communication. Prerequisite: instructor's permission. MFJS 4652 Culture, Gender, and Global Communication (4 qtr. hrs.) This course explores the ways in which culture, gender, and communication intersect and shape a variety of issues from an international and intercultural perspective. Using a global feminist perspective, it also focuses on paradigms and paradigm shifts in creating social

change. Also explored are alternative paradigms of thought, action and media communications by women and indigenous peoples, which have often been ignored, discounted or buried in history. MFJS 4653 Language, Power, and Globalization (4 qtr. hrs.) This course focuses on scholarly and political debates surrounding the social nature of language, language and (inter)national and individual identity, language policy, multilingualism and linguistic diversity, language and globalization, language and media and communication technologies, and, finally, the future of the global language landscape. MFJS 4912 Seminar in Mass Communication (1 to 5 qtr. hrs.) Department of Communications COMN 3285 Advanced Relational Communication (4 qtr. hrs.) Advanced Relational Communication is intended to increase understanding of relationships from diverse perspectives. The three main perspectives we will investigate show how relationships affect and are affected by their context, the individuals involved, and the relational system. The goals of this course are for students to increase their skill in (1) explaining how knowledge about context, individuals, and relational systems increases understanding of communication processes in a variety of relationships; (2) evaluating critically the information about relationships that we encounter in our everyday lives; (3) asking and investigating questions about real-life relationships. COMN 4020 Communication Studies: Relational (5 qtr. hrs.) Recent social science literature in interpersonal communication; emphasis on pragmatics, meta-level perspectives, relational concerns affecting intimacies, friendships, families. COMN 4701 Topics in Communication (1 to 5 qtr. hrs.)

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

Department of International Studies INTS 4020 Preparing a Grant Proposal (5 qtr. hrs.) An intermediate course on methodological issues in scientific data analysis. Topics include the logic of hypothesis testing, modes of gathering data, sampling, experimental and non-experimental design, index construction, bivariate and multivariate techniques, and causal inference fallacies. Prerequisite: INTS 4050 INTS 4056 Information Management in Human Crises (5 qtr. hrs.) Accurate, reliable and timely data collection, processing, analysis and dissemination (four steps in information management) are critical for the effective implementation of both development and humanitarian programs. In humanitarian responses, there are numerous challenges to managing information in what may be a rapidly evolving situation. This course introduces students to the theory of information management and its application in the humanitarian context. INTS 4057 Statistics for International Affairs (5 qtr. hrs.) A first course in statistics taught at an accelerated pace. This course combines materials typically offered in an introductory course and an intermediate course. Topics include statistical reasoning, probability, statistical inference, measures of association, survey research methods, analysis of variance and regression. There are no prerequisites but students are expected to have reasonably strong quantitative skills. INTS 4141 Domestic/Int'l Conseq: Drug War (5 qtr. hrs.) Domestic and international policy and the impact of the drug war on both. INTS 4142 After the Fall: Russia & China (5 qtr. hrs.) Provides analysis of the historical rise of Russia and China, and their complex inter-relationship and interaction with the United States and the world.

INTS 4147 American Govt & Pol. Making (5 qtr. hrs.) Examines governmental fragmentation affects and policies and examines how policy issues engage different segments of the government. INTS 4151 History, Culture and Conflict (5 qtr. hrs.) An introductory course examining how and why historians develop diverse interpretations of events and periods. Methods of analyzing evidence, selecting research material, and supporting arguments are discussed and evaluated in assessments of selected historical cases. Methodological ties between the historiographic approach and social sciences including anthropology and psychology, as well as the study of gender are also drawn. INTS 4180 Third World Foreign and Defense Policy (5 qtr. hrs.) This course explores common issues in the defense policy of Third World countries. Topics covered include definitions of national interest and security, military organization and planning, domestic order, repression and human rights, war termination and reconstruction, regional conflict and alliances, military assistance, arms proliferation, and external intervention. INTS 4210 Multinational Corporations (5 qtr. hrs.) The emergence of sweeping new legal rights for MNCs in relation to their foreign direct investment and cross-border trading activities under the avalanche of bilateral investment treaties negotiated in the last few decades and under multilateral conventions such as NAFTA represent what many have termed "revolutionary" changes in the nature of state sovereignty as it relates to state-investor relations. That expansion of investor/MNC rights in relation to state sovereignty has thus seemingly reached a point calling for re-examination of the nature and appropriate scope of MNC rights, as well as the nature of MNE accountability and responsibilities which are the flip side of such rights. INTS 4250 Outbreak of War (5 qtr. hrs.) An introductory course examining the history and theory of the causes of war. Focuses on historical accounts of World War I and critiques weaknesses and strengths of theoretical writings on the causes of war. Topics include psycho-logical approaches to conflict; the role of the state in war. crisis management, and intelligence failures; bureaucracy and linkage politics; and ideology.

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

INTS 4303 Econometrics for Decision Making I (5 qtr. hrs.) The first course in a two course sequence in Applied Econometrics. Introduces basic probabilistic techniques for the quantitative analysis of economic and social data and their application to international public policy decision making. Prepares students to: compile and analyze data sets; build and test regression models; interpret and critically evaluate applied econometric studies; and conduct their own applied econometric research using computerized statistical packages. Prerequisite: INTS 4051 or INTS 4057 INTS 4310 International Trade (5 qtr. hrs.) An intermediate course analyzing causes and consequences of international trade. Classical, neo-classical, and product- cycle models included. Topics include international specification, terms of trade of developed and less- developed countries, distribution of gains from trade, instruments and uses of commercial policy, nominal and effective protection, and theory of customs unions and economic integration. Prerequisites: macro and micro economics. INTS 4318 Applied Research in International Economics (5 qtr. hrs.) The purpose of this course is to critically review the literature in political economy and introduce students to some recent empirical work to analyze data and test relevant theories and hypotheses in political economy, IPE and related social science disciplines. The course provides students with the tools necessary to conduct and critically evaluate empirical analysis in these fields. Two data sets are handed out during the course and students analyze them. The final paper deals with a substantive empirical issue. INTS 4319 Governing the Global Economy: The Effectiveness of Multilateral Economic Institutions (5 qtr. hrs.) Multilateral Economic Institutions are the primary mechanisms by which the global economy is governed when it is governed at all. This course examines the institutions and theoretical foundations that are at the center of this system of global governance by studying their history, sources of authority, and ideological underpinnings. Simultaneously, each multilateral economic institution/regime is examined from an

empirical perspective in order to determine the impact of these institutions and whether or not they are accomplishing their respective tasks in the governance of the global economy. The course is both theoretical and empirical and there is a bias to the course - it is that the MEIs are among the most written about and least understood institutions in the global economy. In addition, the course also examines the practical reality of multilateral economic negotiations through an examination of recent attempts to govern segments of the global economy; including international trade, finance, and climate. INTS 4320 Int'l Monetary Relations (5 qtr. hrs.) An intermediate course examining history of the monetary system, foreign exchange rates, balance of payments analysis, and adjustment processes under different exchange systems, current status problems, and prospects for reform. Prerequisites: macro and micro economics. INTS 4324 Int'l Political Economy (0 or 5 qtr. hrs.) The course examines 3 contrasting visions of international political economy: economic security, trade and finance. Required for all INTS majors. INTS 4327 Advanced Issues in International Political Economy (5 qtr. hrs.) Continuing exploration of the politics of international economic relations. Topics include: sources of conflict, origin of international trade and how development in IE shape domestic policy. Prerequisite: INTS 4324. INTS 4328 European Post-Communist States (5 qtr. hrs.) Course studies countries previously under communist regimes, and the economic struggles they face, as well as future challenges. INTS 4330 International Business Transactions (5 qtr. hrs.) INTS 4333 International Project Analysis (5 qtr. hrs.) An advanced course in techniques of proposal assessment, implementation, and evaluation. Emphasis on computerized benefit-cost analysis, including methods adopted by the World Bank and other donor agencies. Projects drawn from industry, agriculture, and public health sectors used as cases for study. Prerequisites: INTS 4010 and 4055.

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

INTS 4339 Microfinance and Sustainable Development (3 or 5 qtr. hrs.) This class provides an overview of the principles of microfinance and its role in sustainable approaches to international development. The course introduces students to the main business models of microfinance, leading microfinance institutions (MFIs) around the globe, typical products and services, and how microfinance has evolved over 25 years. In addition, we examine both NGO and for-profit organizational structures, and how they balance development and financial sustainability. Topics include: How "microcredit" evolved in poverty alleviation, and how it became "microfinance;" Lending methodologies that allow MFIs to deliver credit at large scale to poor clients; Challenges to measuring social impact and development outcomes; Commercialization of microfinance, and how the push to access private sector capital has financed global expansion and competition; How social entrepreneurship continues to innovate new strategies around the globe; Whether NGO microfinance organizations can serve the poor as efficiently and at the same scale as profit-driven MFIs, and conversely, whether for-profit MFIs can achieve the same development impact as NGOs; How different target clients and organizational structures influence the business choices microfinance organizations make to balance financial sustainability and development; Challenges and opportunities, including those facing NGOs that blend microfinance with other development approaches. While many see microfinance as a powerful tool for eradicating global poverty, questions remain about its impact, efficacy, and whether it will continue targeting the poorest of the world's population as an increasingly market-driven strategy. We review the fundamentals of microfinance, how commercialization has created more efficient and sometimes regulated financial institutions, and the distinction between "financial services for the poor" and "microfinance as poverty alleviation." In addition, we review microfinance's appeal to donors, its growth and expansion around the globe, and the challenges of such growth for individual MFIs. Each week, we examine a different microfinance organization (MFI) to understand its development strategy (target clients, products and services, organizational structure), and its business strategy for reaching financial sustainability. In addition to the readings and case

studies, we have occasional guest speakers from the industry. Students work in small groups to research an individual MFI and present it to the class. INTS 4341 Illicit Markets in the Americas (5 qtr. hrs.) This course examines the rise of transnational illicit trade in the western hemisphere particularly in illegal drugs, arms, and human beings. We begin by considering theories of causation including the structural and institutional legacies of colonial rule, hegemonic influences, and the contemporary consequences of globalization and neoliberal policy. We then turn to the structural, institutional and normative aspects of illicit networks and the various impacts of trafficking in countries of origin, transit and consumption. Finally, we look at strategies for addressing illicit trade and related developments including nation-state level security measures, the role of international organizations such as the U.N. and the OAS, the role of economic interests, and the impact of political, social, and cultural movements. INTS 4342 Project Management (5 qtr. hrs.) Course introduces the skills and techniques to be a successful project manager. INTS 4345 The Art of Forecasting (5 qtr. hrs.) Course defines forecasting techniques and expert systems. Will cover Delphi techniques, expert systems, modeling and economic forecasting. INTS 4348 European Integration (5 qtr. hrs.) Provides students with in-depth knowledge of politics, institutions and development of the EU from its origins to present day. INTS 4349 Comparative Public Policy and Finance (5 qtr. hrs.) Course aims to provide in-depth treatment of the question "why do size, form, financing, and distributive outcomes of government differ so greatly across nations?" INTS 4350 Economic Development (5 qtr. hrs.) Deals with financial and economic problems faced by developing societies. INTS 4353 Environment and Sustainable Development (5 qtr. hrs.)

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

INTS 4355 Finance and Development (5 qtr. hrs.) An advanced course which examines the relationship between financial system organization and economic performance. The political economy of financial innovation, liberalization and globalization, state-finance-industry relations, micro-lending, stock markets and regional financing are discussed with reference to Latin America, Asia and African countries. INTS 4356 Economic Analysis - Emerging Financial Markets (5 qtr. hrs.) Examines economic financial markets and their impact on international financial structures. INTS 4357 Advanced Issues in the Political Economy of International Monetary Relations (3 or 5 qtr. hrs.) This seminar focuses on new areas of research and policy debate in the international and domestic political economy of the monetary system. The topics discussed include the following: the role of power, ideology and conflict in the global financial system; the political economy of sovereign risk and credit rating agencies; the political economy of sovereign wealth funds; the future of territorial currencies; the implications for state power and policy effectiveness of offshore finance, virtual monies and money laundering; and the efficacy of strategies involving the accumulation of high levels of official reserves. The material in this seminar assumes that students already understand the workings of the international financial system. Prerequisite: INTS 4320. INTS 4362 Gender and Health (5 qtr. hrs.) INTS 4363 Discrimination and Minorities (5 qtr. hrs.) INTS 4364 Global Poverty and Human Rights (5 qtr. hrs.) This course explores the many dimensions of global poverty and human rights and well-being of people around the world. Three particular areas are emphasized and explored in detail. The first is the exact dimensions and extent of globalization. The second is the exact nature of another complex thought called poverty. The third area explores the connections between globalization, poverty, and human rights. After rigorous discussion of the conceptual foundations, we focus on the U.N. millennium development goals for poverty reduction in particular. At the end we will be

able to explore the analytical foundation of alternative policies, strategies and evaluate these for formulating alternative strategies addressing human rights issues and global poverty reduction. INTS 4366 Reproductive Health (5 qtr. hrs.) This course introduces students to the wide tangle of social issues surrounding reproductive and sexual health today. We begin with an in-depth look at the historical and cultural variations in definitions of reproductive and sexual health in order to provide important background for the various medical, legal, ethical, political, issues that inform reproductive health programs and policies. We end with a topical focus on HIV/AIDS and a look at international health programs designed to address reproductive health in "vulnerable" populations. The course necessarily vacillates between examining the local and the global at both micro and macro levels in order to cover both the current knowledge about sexuality and reproduction and the broader social impact of advances in reproductive health technology. INTS 4367 Global Health Affairs (5 qtr. hrs.) Introductory survey class for all students interested in intersection of international affairs and global health and security, development and economics. INTS 4368 HIV & AIDS in International Affairs (5 qtr. hrs.) Upon completion of the course, students will understand (a) the concept of global health security; (b) HIV/AIDS as an epidemiological phenomenon; (c) the political, economic and social contexts of HIV/AIDS in specific regions of the world; (d) HIV/AIDS as a threat to security and gender; (e) security considerations of HIV/AIDS impacts in development and as a human right.

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

INTS 4369 Pol Econ of Global Inequality (5 qtr. hrs.) The main purpose of this course is to understand the underlying causes of inequality and poverty in the world. In order to do this, we look at the relationship between economic growth, poverty, and inequalities in several different dimensions. First, the process of sustainable grown itself is analyzed. Second, the implications of different types of growth for income distribution and poverty are studied. Finally, the implications of such inequalities for human welfare in developing economies in particular are studied. After an initial exploration of the income-based measures of poverty and inequalities we focus on the more recently developed social capabilities approach developed by Amartya Sen and others. INTS 4370 Political Economy of Globalization (5 qtr. hrs.) An introductory course on the nature of global economic integration in the postwar period, including contending theoretic perspectives, and several applied issues and policy dilemmas such as the evolving nature of firms (e.g. globalization of production), the "new international of labor," and the status of national sovereignty/policy autonomy in an integrated world economy, politics and markets, and currents themes in political economy. INTS 4372 Great Books in Political Economy (5 qtr. hrs.) This course investigates several contemporary approaches to Political Economy, ranging from institutionalist to Marxist, anti-essentialist, and (postmodernist) feminist thought. Rather than attempt to survey quickly a lot of literature, we carefully read a limited number of influential (and provocative) texts that present a range of perspectives with which most students are largely unfamiliar. These are very challenging texts, and students must be prepared to spend a good bit of time on the assigned readings weekly. INTS 4374 The Ethical Foundations of Global Economic Policy (5 qtr. hrs.) This seminar course explores the contending ethical theories that underlay contemporary debates over global economic policymaking. We explore the ethical foundations of neoclassical, Austrian, institutionalist and Marxian and economic theory (including utilitarianism,

welfarism, libertarianism and egalitarianism) in order to better understand why and how these diverse economic theories generate distinct policy prescriptions. For example, we examine the controversy over “free trade” versus “fair” trade that is now at the center of policy debate in the U.S. and across the globe, and explore the contending ethical theories that inform this debate. This is a reading intensive seminar. We examine central works of Amartya Sen, Milton Friedman, Robert Nozick, Michael Walzer, and other leading economists and political theorists. INTS 4376 Cultures of Health and Healing (3 qtr. hrs.) Focuses on role of culture in health and international affairs. Using classic and contemporary ethnographies, the course provides students with an understanding of indigenous notions of disease and wellness, as well as opportunities to problem-solve the dilemmas of cross-cultural (mis)communication in foreign and domestic policies and programs. INTS 4379 Gender, Development and the Environment (5 qtr. hrs.) INTS 4382 Environmental Economics (5 qtr. hrs.) Course covers current environmental issues and topics, and their effects on the environment. INTS 4384 Middle East and U.S. Security (5 qtr. hrs.) The course will examine current US strategies toward the Middle East, terrorism, and how Homeland Security in US will respond. INTS 4386 Transnational Migration in the Americas (5 qtr. hrs.) The course examines movement of various nationalities from other nations into North, South and Central America. INTS 4389 Global Water Resources (5 qtr. hrs.) Course investigates major water resource issues impacting developed and developing countries.

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

INTS 4391 Financial Management and Fundraising of Non-Profits (5 qtr. hrs.) This course will introduce students to the legal, governance and financial structures that enable non-profit organizations to function effectively. It will also provide a practical orientation to financial management issues, such as budgeting, financial reporting, and independent audits. Finally, a comprehensive presentation will be given of the fundraising methods needed to sustain the viability of non-profit organizations. These methods include: annual campaigns, direct mail, special events, major gifts, corporate fundraising, foundation grants, and planned giving. The course combines exploration of the general conceptual issues with an emphasis on practical "how-to's" and skill building. INTS 4394 Non-Profit Issues & Techniques (5 qtr. hrs.) Nonprofit management issues and techniques looks at current NGOs and issues in working with corporations. INTS 4396 Education and Development (5 qtr. hrs.) Education is a major component of the human capital. It is both an indicator and a driver of an improved quality of life. Developed economies have already achieved high in terms of the average education of their populations. Most of the middle income and some low-income countries have also succeeded in enrolling a high percentage of their children in elementary schools, thanks to the internationally coordinated emphasis in this sector in the sixties and seventies of the last century. On the flip side, some of the developing regions are still struggling to provide basic education to a large share of their school age population. Research on economic growth and development has established a close connection between the economic performance of a country and the level of education of its population. These results have prompted a resurgence of focus on education in the global development agenda. From the Jomtien conference on Education for All (EFA) in 1990 to the Millennium Declaration, the world community has set targets on universal primary and gender balances at the higher levels of education. Despite the thrust on national commitment on education, supported by international efforts like the EFA/Fast Track Initiative, there still remains some inertia and uncertainties on issues like equity of access along different dimensions of

deprivation - gender being an important one, balancing the demand and supply of education, the relative importance of basic education for capability creation and social cohesion versus mid-level education for knowledge diffusion or higher education for knowledge generation. Discussion of these issues in a regional comparative context is important in understanding and suggesting education policies for developing countries. This course is primarily intended for students who have a broader interest on human capital development, and specific interest on educational policies and their outcomes. Students with a general interest on development policies and developing economies would also find the course beneficial. It is expected that, after actively participating in the course, the students gather or enhance their understanding of the major education policy issues and debates in the context of developing countries. Students will also identify the best practices by analyzing the national education policies of some of the high performing countries and regions in the developing world. Students use this knowledge to examine the national and international education policy initiatives and develop their own recommendations as necessary. INTS 4397 The Environment, The Economy, and Human Well-Being (5 qtr. hrs.) In this course we explore the role of the environment plays in society and the determination of human well-being. A core premise of the course is that the human economy is embedded within the broader context of human society, which in turn is embedded within a natural environment. The natural environment provides a variety of goods and services, which through interactions between the environment, individuals, and society, contribute to human well-being. Some of these services are directly used by people. Others contribute indirectly by allowing for the continued provision of other services. As such, any discussion of human well-being and development that ignores the natural environment is inherently problematic. We will specifically adopt an economic perspective, but one that goes well beyond that of conventional neoclassical economics. This course is intended to provide a basic foundation upon which students are able to build. Through the research paper and presentation, each student has the opportunity to explore in more depth an issue of specific interest to them.

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

INTS 4399 Issues in Global Economics and Financial Security (5 qtr. hrs.) The course discusses global economic and financial security issues through the prism of the current crisis and its aftermath. We begin by developing the analytical framework and they applying it to key countries/regions. We consider the causes, the policy responses and prospects. We look at ways of ensuring global monetary and financial stability, including appropriate policies to ward off financial crises and asset prices bubbles. Other key topics, including food and energy security and the role of finance in promoting development, are also discussed as time permits. The focus is on applied economics and finance, and their importance as analytical tools in policy discussions on economic security and development. This course is less narrowly technical, more policy and political economy oriented, but nonetheless appropriate for students concentrating in global markets, development, finance and trade. These are a few guest speakers on special topics, in addition to answering questions about career choices and professional development. INTS 4403 Post-Communism Transition (5 qtr. hrs.) This course examines post-communist transition, the process of EU enlargement, and the prospects for integrating East and West. Europe's recent transformation raises a number of critical questions concerning variation in democratic and economic outcomes across post-communist Europe, the relationship between democratic governance and free market enterprise, and the geo-strategic underpinnings for creating a sustainable peaceful European order. In keeping with these themes, the course will examine the literature on the politics leading up to the revolutions of 1989, study competing approaches to understanding transition, explain a wide variety of political and economic outcomes, and consider the prospects for enduring European integration in the aftermath of EU enlargement. Because the course poses several puzzles, we take an eclectic approach that draws on both the comparative politics and international relations literatures. In this connection, we address multiple dimensions of transition and integration - political, economic, and geo-strategic. Together, these readings and meetings will provide participants with a clear sense both of how individual states have fared in the transition and why, and the implications of continuing

integration for the changing balance of power within Europe and globally. INTS 4410 Economic Geography (5 qtr. hrs.) Course studies location and spatial organization of economic activities at local, national and global scales. INTS 4420 Contemporary African Politics (5 qtr. hrs.) Examines socio-economic and political dynamics in states of sub-Saharan Africa. INTS 4422 International Health Organizations and Actors (5 qtr. hrs.) This course introduces students to the international health "players." Weekly seminars provide an orientation to organizations such as the World Health Organization, bilateral organizations (e.g. USAID), health Non-Governmental Organizations (e.g. Catholic Relief Services), international health foundations (e.g. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), and transnational corporations, (e.g. pharmaceutical companies). As an organizational pedagogy, the course analyzes these organizations in the multiple contexts of the global, national, and local systems within which they operate. INTS 4423 Introduction to Epidemiology (5 qtr. hrs.) Diverse disciplines such as medicine, demography, epidemiology and anthropology form the basis of empirical data upon which, among other factors, programmatic decision and policy relating to global health are formed. Our goal for this class is, therefore, to understand these data and their utility for programmatic and policy decisions. This is a skills-based course which provides the tools for students to assess data and research studies, interpret and understand the outcomes of research assessment, and understand the limitations of data and research. We focus on strengthening our abilities to convey what we learned through the assessments and convert this knowledge into argument(s) for a particular course of action, thus moving from research to practice.

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

INTS 4424 Global Health Challenges (5 qtr. hrs.) This course covers the current public health challenges that shape international policy and debate within the international health community and with which international affairs experts should be familiar. Weekly class sessions will address the public health benchmark issues of nutrition, access to safe water, maternal and child health, infectious disease control, and access to essential medicines, as well as other health issues that organizations like the World Health Organization have deemed imperative to securing the foundations of long-term economic development in some of the world's most disadvantaged regions. INTS 4425 Emerging Diseases in International Affairs (3 qtr. hrs.) In the history of humankind, death from disease has far surpassed death from warfare. In this class, students learn how disease has played critical and often history-altering roles in the course of nations. Specifically, this course surveys the epidemiology of infectious diseases in conjunction with outbreaks that have altered the affairs of nation-states. INTS 4427 The Political Economy of African Development (5 qtr. hrs.) This course introduces the political economy of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). It uses a multidisciplinary approach that draws on literature from development economics, international relations, comparative politics, sociology, and anthropology, as well as a broad range of country case studies. Prior basic knowledge of economics is an advantage, but no quantitative economics are necessary. We engage with the main theoretical and empirical debates on macro- and microeconomic aspects of the subject and examine key concepts of economic development in relation to SSA. The topics covered include the determinants of growth, industrialization, education and employment, structural adjustment, poverty reduction, and the role of foreign aid in African development. We further explore the consequences of natural resources in SSA and the region's integration into the global political economy, and examine the socioeconomic effects of war and the success of post-conflict policies for economic development. The political and social dimensions of historically specific economic development processes form a central focus of this course. The role of the state,

post-independence and in Africa today, provides a common thread across the topics, and we critically assess the dominant theories and concepts of its development, using country case studies from across the region. Gender aspects of development are discussed as a crosscutting issue, with a particular emphasis on the relations between gender and macroeconomic policy, as well as poverty. The course helps students to understand the major development challenges facing African societies today by illuminating patterns as well as diversity across the region. INTS 4428 Political Economy of Human Rights (5 qtr. hrs.) What does one mean by human rights? What can be the political economy of such rights? These are the two central questions that we will explore in this course. The goal is to understand the underlying social, political and economic processes that led in an evolutionary sense to the present human rights discourse. The nature and implications of economic rights will be given special attention. In particular, the implications of such rights for human wellbeing in both advanced capitalist and developing economies will be studied. The social capabilities approach to rights developed by Amartya Sen and others will be extended to the understanding of human rights. INTS 4435 Health and Development (5 qtr. hrs.) Looks at how health status of populations affects culture and environment, and also how successful development affects health. INTS 4436 Professional Ethics and International Development (5 qtr. hrs.) Course fills the gap in professional training at GSIS: surveys rise of professions, professional ethics, ethical principles, and examines applications of principles to international affairs.

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

INTS 4439 East Asian Security (5 qtr. hrs.) One most significant geo-political development in the 21st century is the rise of non-Western powers centers. East Asia as one of the emerging power centers has been in many respects the most critical with respect to determining the basic international trends of our times. Tensions and conflicts in this region have been frequently transmitted to that of the international system. The Russo-Japanese War, the Sino-Japanese War, the Pacific War, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War provide classical examples. The great powers have drawn East Asia into their rivalries, because this region is where the geographic reaches of the United States, Russia (the former Soviet Union), Japan, and China come into contact, and it is where the great powers have vital political, economic, and military interests. The importance of East Asia in the international arena was also enhanced by the fact that the East Asia mainland is the home of more than one-quarter of the world’s population. The geographical proximity and economic vitality have brought about frequent conflicts of political, economic, and military interests of these great powers since the late 19th century. During the recent decades, East Asia has experience a dramatic political transformation and led the world in rapid industrialization and commercial expansion so that this dynamic area has become one of the centers of the global distribution of political, economic, and military power. In particular, the rise of China is one of the most significant developments in the world politics of the 21st century. China’s growing power and influence in East Asia raises many important questions. This course examines the evolution of international politics in East Asia with a focus on the changing security landscape of this critical important region. We trace and explain how the great powers have risen and fallen and the changing security concerns in this region. Some current regional issues, such as the building of regional security architecture, ongoing Korean nuclear crisis and cross Taiwan Strait relations, are also addressed. INTS 4447 Making of Chinese Foreign Policy (5 qtr. hrs.) This seminar course examines and analyzes the making of foreign policy in China, a rising power in the 21st-Century. We look at and identify major driving forces behind China's foreign policy-making, including ideational sources (historical legacy, strategic culture,

communism, and nationalism), domestic and institutional sources (foreign policy making institutions, elite politics and key players), and international sources (international system and regimes). We also examine China's strategic relations with major powers and its Asian-Pacific neighbors. This course is aimed to equip students with sophisticated understanding of the ongoing debate about the role that a rising China has played and will play in world affairs. INTS 4450 Democracy and Militarism in Latin America (5 qtr. hrs.) This course explores the history of militarism, human rights activity and contemporary transitions to democracy in Latin America. Part I, "State, Society and the Role of the Military", provides different perspectives on the military and guerilla warfare in the historic development of Latin America. This is followed by a consideration of the institutionalization of military rule in small and large states, and contemporary military strategies in dealing with drug trafficking and youth gangs. Part II, "Democracy, Human Rights and the Evolution of the State", is an examination of the literature on democratic development in Latin America, and the impact of social movements, civil society, and the truth and reconciliation process of democratization.

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Course Descriptions (Continued) INTS 4453 Political Economic Development in Latin America (5 qtr. hrs.) In the first five weeks of the class we consider various theories of political economy. These include dependency, hegemonic stability, class conflict, neoclassical economic theory, and the study of institutions and international regimes. Each approach is illustrated through and examination of a historic issue in development - patterns of land ownership, the role of the military, the rise or revolutionary politics, neoliberal development and the promotion of democracy. During this time, students are asked to choose a theoretical framework as a foundation for the required research paper. A term paper prospectus including a description of the framework is due week five. In the second five weeks of the class we consider specific topics in political economic development in the last three decades or what is often called the "global era." These topics include the emergence of "uneven" development, the rise of social movements and role of civil society, transnational migration, the rise of illicit networks of trade, and U.S. foreign policy considerations. Students are encouraged to draw from this or closely related material for the subject matter of the research. INTS 4455 Human Rights and Health (5 qtr. hrs.) This course will address current socioeconomic and international issues in addressing growing health concerns and issues, particularly in impoverished areas throughout the world. Explores relationships between health, development and human rights for both legal and social science perspectives. INTS 4460 Nationalism, Communism, and Liberalism in China's Rise (5 qtr. hrs.) After more than a century of decline and stagnation, China is reemerging as a great power in the twenty-first century. China's rise to the glorious has never been easy and still faces many changes in the year ahead. This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of China's rise in the context of its political development. We examine how revolution, nationalism, communism and liberalism have all affected the development of modern China with a focus on the political dynamics of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the politics of post-Mao economic and political reform. We start by analyzing the rise of the Chinese Communist Party and its state and nation

building efforts in the early years of the PRC and move on to examine the Mao's failed socialist transformation and political campaigns (the Hundred Flow Campaign, Great Leap Forward, and the Cultural Revolution). The remainder of the course explores political dynamics of post-Mao economic and political reforms and the prospect for a democratic China. This course aims at equipping students with an analytical perspective for understanding contemporary Chinese politics. INTS 4462 Ethnic Conflict (5 qtr. hrs.) Deals with conflict within different ethnic groups in various countries. INTS 4465 Population, Society, and Development (5 qtr. hrs.) Population can play a key role in defining the fates of societies, yet Auguste Comte's notion that "demography is destiny" has been subject to two centuries of oversimplification, misinterpretation, and manipulation. This course seeks to reverse key misconceptions and open up new avenues of inquiry through an in-depth look at the key elements of population - population size and growth, demographic events, and population structure - and their relationship to development, security, health, the environment, and human rights. The course begins with a look at theories on the relationship between population and the fates of societies from Malthus to Marx to the present day. In doing so, we move from thinking of population change in aggregate to considering the impact of three demographic events - birth, death, and migration - that occur according to highly measurable and predictable age and sex patterns. Armed with a powerful conception of demographic change as a product of population structures and events, we explore the implications of demographic shift and long-term demographic structures for national and global outcomes under a range of political, economic, and social conditions. We will use case studies to address salient issues such as the limits to the human life span; prospects for reversing or mitigating the effects of very low fertility; the consequences of coercive solutions to population control; prospects for global migration; and the impact of HIV/AIDS on society.

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

INTS 4468 Politics of Development (5 qtr. hrs.) Course explores political factors and parties which affect developing nations and hinder new development. INTS 4476 Issues in Trade Policy (3 qtr. hrs.) This course will use the analytical foundations of International Trade Theory to look into current issues surrounding trade policy initiatives. Many nations assail their trade policies as pursuing new ground in the promotion of bilateral and multilateral agreements which provide new rights and leverage for their government to assure its workers, farmers, and businesses an equal chance to compete. To other nations these actions may be seen as taking away opportunities for growth of trading partners. While it is agreed that trade results in a redistribution of output and income within and between trading nations, there is a debate over whether this redistribution is desirable. This course looks into this debate, and will specifically look into trade policy issues from both a public policy and economic theory perspective to present. INTS 4479 Development Assistance: Policy, Theory, and Practice (5 qtr. hrs.) Understand basic theories of economic development. Ask why certain countries/areas have achieved economic success and others have failed. Understand how overall U.S. Foreign Policy has shaped the practice of development assistance, and how this has changed since the 1950s; understand the principle drivers of development assistance. How have these changed and how these have changed from the Marshall Plan to the present? Assess why foreign assistance is important. Haw it worked? How and when? Where has it failed? Is there a link between development assistance and economic growth? Looking ahead: How will foreign assistance change in the next decade? What reforms are likely and desirable? While we examine foreign assistance in general, the focus of these lines of inquiry is U.S. foreign assistance. INTS 4483 Practical Applications in Global Health (5 qtr. hrs.) This course is designed for students interested in a career in Global Health with a focus on low resource settings including humanitarian settings. This course focuses on analyzing and developing solutions to global health problems in a systematic and creative way.

Students are introduced to a problem-solving paradigm and, working in small groups, apply this model to a global health issue of interest to them. In addition, we cover other critical issues that need to be considered in addressing global health issues including equity, social determinants, and health systems as well as leadership, innovation and working in multidisciplinary teams. At the completion of the course, students should be able to: apply a methodical approach to problem solving in global health; analyze the range of factors that contribute to global health problems and understand the importance for finding solutions; examine critically the implications of policy or programmatic solutions to global health problems; develop and present a program proposal. INTS 4489 Development in South Asia (5 qtr. hrs.) This course will focus on the issues, challenges, barriers, and opportunities for achieving development in South Asia. South Asia is home for a rich diversity of natural resources, social and cultural heritage, micro-climatic zones, bio-diversity, multi-ethnicity, multi-linguistic people groups, and political and economic systems. This course will help students to appreciate and understand how this diversity has been both a boon and a barrier for achieving human development including increasing economic growth, reducing poverty and income inequality and other forms of inequalities, promoting human rights, and empowering women. Although South Asia has had its own long history of civilization, it is no more isolated from the expanding wave of globalization. In this course, students will explore and research ways in which this region has been adapting and changing in response to this wave of globalization. Students will have an opportunity to research and analyze how this rapidly changing South Asia will emerge as an active player in the global political and economic development and contribute in achieving global peace, prosperity, and security.

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

INTS 4492 Health and Humanitarian Aid (5 qtr. hrs.) This course aims to examine current organizational standards such as the Sphere Project, best-practice scenarios from ICRC, IRC, MSF and many other humanitarian organizations, and lessons learned from recent and historical humanitarian crises. Utilizing a case-based and problem-based format, students will gain and apply knowledge through critical examination of issues and development of practical solutions. INTS 4493 Humanitarian Aid in Complex Emergencies (5 qtr. hrs.) This course will focus on the evolution of humanitarian actions, in the context of the international system, since World War II. Complex humanitarian emergencies will be the focus. Themes will include: disasters, conflicts and humanitarian action; the political economy of conflicts and humanitarian aid; civil-military cooperation; and the impacts of humanitarian intervention on the delivery of aid. Vulnerability analysis, capacity analysis, and risk analysis will be key tools. The structure and function of EWS (early warning systems), especially in the context of famine, also will be key. INTS 4494 Field Protocol and Survival (3 qtr. hrs.) This course will serve as a field training requirement and will take place over a six-week period. This course will prepare certificate candidates for "field protocol and survival." Goals will include camp operations, team training/team building, report preparation, and relief operations (through simulations). INTS 4495 Civil Wars and International Responses I: Causes and Consequences: Prevention and Peacemaking (5 qtr. hrs.) Throughout the post-cold war period and into the 21st century, the scourge of war today is seen in mostly internal conflicts fought along ethnic, religious, ideological, or economic lines that divide societies and lead to devastating armed conflict. This course investigates the problem of contemporary civil wars. This course explores theories, concepts, and empirical research in the analysis of contemporary civil wars and in-depth, student-led evaluation of specific cases. The course covers these themes: evaluation and patterns of armed conflict and war termination in the 1990s and early 2000s with a focus on methods for systematic,

multi-causal conflict assessment methodologies; exploration of the processes of escalation in armed conflict and of concomitant peacemaking by international mediators; and evaluation of the concepts of "peace processes" and scrutiny of the terms of negotiated settlements in armed conflicts today. The principle learning outcomes for the course is to gain a complex and detailed understanding of the modal form of contemporary armed conflict-civil wars and concomitant international intervention by the international community (particularly the United Nations) to this form of armed conflict. Students who successfully complete the course gain an understanding of contemporary civil wars, issues in conflict duration and processes of war termination, and introduction to the scholarly and policy-relevant literature that has developed in the last two decades related to challenges of conflict prevention and of "peacemaking" or negotiation and mediation of civil war conflicts. INTS 4496 Field Operations for Humanitarian Assistance (5 qtr. hrs.) Within a disaster response, various interrelating factors determine the ability of the humanitarian community to adequately respond. From coordination among governments, donors, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to internal working components within an agency that drive programmatic support, the realm of humanitarian operations is a complex system that should be understood by anyone with an interest in supporting relief efforts. The main focus of this course is concentrating on the practical, specific systems that drive field operations - namely security, logistics, finance, monitoring and evaluation, human resources, administration, and advocacy that support program planning and implementation. Through understanding these components, the challenges that are encountered, and how each interrelates within an organization and the wider response community students gain a balanced understanding of humanitarian operations. While each emergency response comes with varying contextual challenges, the humanitarian imperative mandates the relief community to respond in a neutral manner based on need. Doing so, places strains on the operational systems that need to be overcome to provide quality interventions. Through this course we take an in depth look at both theoretical and practical ideals for humanitarian assistance.

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

INTS 4497 International Campaign Management (5 qtr. hrs.) This course will examine the principles of political campaign management and their application in a number of international political, public affairs and human rights campaigns. It will be an introduction to the tools of political campaign management: message development, survey research, audience targeting, paid and earned communications, fundraising and organizational structure. Case studies of campaigns in countries such as Sweden, the UK, and Australia will be used as examples of these techniques. Class will be comprised of lectures, discussion and some simulation exercises. Efforts will be made to bring outside specialists and experts to the class or by teleconference. Readings may include contemporary journals, periodicals, newspaper reports and excerpts from major studies of campaign and organizational management. INTS 4498 Community, Networks, and Place in Health and Development (5 qtr. hrs.) The aim of this course is to explore global health challenges and solutions from the perspective of community and networks. Faculty presentation, global field exemplars, active participant dialogue, and students' presentations comprise the teaching-learning strategies. INTS 4499 National Security and Defense Transformation (5 qtr. hrs.) Change brings with it challenges – at the individual, organizational, and systemic levels. It involved behaviors and cultures with often deep-seated traditions. This course explores the scope and magnitude of the transformational forces at work in our national security and defense establishments. By its nature the course is about warfare – how the nation goes about the business of preparing, equipping, and training itself to deter and if necessary to fight traditional wars and the new kinds of challenges that might lead to armed conflict. It is also about sociology, bureaucratic politics, the role of the media, economics, healthcare, power… INTS 4500 Social Science Methods (5 qtr. hrs.) This course focuses on issues and techniques in qualitative research methodology. This is not just an abstract course about competing conceptions in the social sciences. It is an advanced course in the

practical matters and issues that underpin all research activity. It provides students with the essential basic training they will need for critically analyzing political and social science research conducted by others and, most importantly, for engaging in their own research design and prospectus and dissertation writing. For those Ph.D. students already advanced in their own research, it will allow for a critical evaluation of their own research designs and strategies. The course covers the following topics: what is a question or 'puzzle' in political and social science; what makes a research project feasible; causation and explanation in social science; causality and casual inference; the quantitative-qualitative debate; theory, concepts, operationalization and measurement; concepts and concept formation; the comparative method; case-oriented versus variable-oriented comparisons; identifying dependent, independent and mediating variables; selecting cases and establishing an explanation; conducting case studies; problems of selection bias; the importance of skepticism and rival hypotheses; research design and the classics: Barrington Moore, Tocqueville, Skocpol. INTS 4501 Comparative Politics: States and Societies in the 21st Century (0 or 5 qtr. hrs.) This is a core course in the Graduate School of International Studies curriculum; it is designed to provide a basic foundation of knowledge essential to expertise in contemporary international affairs. The course critically explores theories, approaches and research methods for analyzing political processes within countries and societies around the globe. The point of departure is new approaches to governance - a term that refers to how governments and societies interrelate to manage social problems in the globalized 21st century. Why is the "inside-out" perspective of comparative politics so important to today's interdependent world? How do domestic social forces interact with political institutions and how do these interactions affect prospects for democracy, development, and conflict management? Which emerging theoretical approaches offer the most explanatory power in today's rapidly changing world? Through readings, instructor presentations, guided discussion, and multimedia curriculum resources (including an Internet-based module) the curriculum facilitates a broad overview and critical assessment of the current state of comparative politics. We explore how cutting-edge comparative politics research offers us bedrock theoretical and methodological skills for

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

interpreting contemporary international affairs and for making policy prescriptions. Pedagogically, learning is encouraged through assignments and exercises designed to improve students' practical skills to interpret research findings and apply them to current events and policy concerns. Another feature is the extensive use of case studies to illustrate concepts and theory in today's most intriguing societies. The knowledge base gained in this class enables students to undertake more advanced graduate-level study in a wide range of topics such as development and international political economy, human rights, democratization, ethnic conflict, environmental politics, public policy, and contemporary problems of war and peace in deeply divided societies. INTS 4502 Comparative Revolutions (5 qtr. hrs.) An intermediate course focused around the major revolutions, that occurred in England, France, 19th century Europe, and in Russia and China during the 20th century. Emphasis is placed on historical facts, key theoretical debates generated during the various social upheavals, and diverse interpretations seeking to understand the nature and causes of revolutions and their impact on societies. Prerequisites: INTS 4702 INTS 4511 Population and Health (5 qtr. hrs.) This course will take a theoretical and empirical look at all aspects of the intersection between population and health. The course will address the power of demographic analysis - in terms of demographic patterns of disease and demographic composition of populations - can be used to understand levels of health and disease and to draw inference about program and policy effectiveness. It will look at the general role of demographic outcomes (birth, death, migration) and population growth as cause and consequence of societal patterns of health and development. Finally, it will address the specific health consequences of the reproductive process as well as the continually evolving relationship between policy and discourse that are driven by concerns over population, life-course health, reproductive health, and women's rights. INTS 4512 Ethics in Development, Health, and Humanitarian Assistance (5 qtr. hrs.) William Butler Yeats wrote, "In dreams begins responsibility." Dreams and an imagination as to what life could be underpin ideals of development, health,

and humanitarian assistance. When one confronts the world such as it is, one needs to determine what s/he feels reality could become and work to make it so. But in attempting to realize such dreams come a responsibility to act based on a set of values or ethics. These ethics guide the perception of right and wrong, black and white, which in turn dictate action. They may be legally confided as rules or remain principles which operate in conjunction with, or in opposition to, the law. This course is designed to prepare students to proactively identify personal and professional values across different actors and institutes, to assess the ethical basis of actions and programs, and to build project management strategies based on shared values. INTS 4514 Population, Environment, and Development in Latin America (5 qtr. hrs.) This course engages the complex and interlinked dynamics of changes in population, systems of production, and the physical environment. Navigating among scales from global to local, we examine the interactions of trade regimes, markets, natural resource tenure systems, migration, livelihoods, technologies, health, and natural resource stocks. Taking a political ecology perspective, we will interrogate the distributions of wealth and power that affect control of natural resources, human well-being, and environmental sustainability. We also investigate the multiple social and cultural meanings of "natural resources" to actors who are variously positioned in terms of class, ethnicity, and gender. These dimensions of the population/environment/development nexus are examined for the following sectors: water conflicts and watershed management in the Andes; colonization, cattle, and energy development in the Amazon; non-traditional agricultural exports and aquaculture development in Central America; and forests throughout Latin America.

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

INTS 4516 Major Diseases in Global Health: From Pathophysiology to Action (5 qtr. hrs.) As future global health practitioners and policy makers, it is imperative that we each have a complete and solid understanding of the mechanisms, physiology, epidemiology, transmission patterns, and clinical impact of the major diseases affecting global health. How and when does a person transition from simple HIV infection to full-blown AIDS? Why is dracunculiasis so readily amenable to eradication whereas filariasis is not? For what populations is co-infection with HIV and TB or HIV and malaria so critical and why? On the individual patient level, how and why do certain diseases manifest so differently in resource-poor versus resource-rich or urban versus rural settings? Who are the vulnerable populations and how does disease impact them physiologically? When and where would specific program interventions work over other programs and for whom? In this course, the students develop an understanding of the etiology, agents, vectors, burden, methods of detection, basic treatment complexities, and life cycles of major diseases impacting the world. Specifically, this course details HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, maternal/reproductive health, some protozoa, helminthes, and major parasites, chronic disease such as cancers and diabetes, and violence/trauma. As there is no shortage of amazing and interesting diseases globally, students learn a sound method of inquiry with which to address and disease process. Students also apply this method directly toward program analysis, and in the development of teaching sessions for community health workers. INTS 4517 Politics of Deeply Divided Societies (5 qtr. hrs.) This course focuses on the politics, conflicts, and conflict transformation approaches to deeply-divided societies. While ethnic, religious, and other types of communal conflict have been around for millennia, since the decline of colonization, and especially since the end of the Cold War, such struggles seemed to have exploded onto the world scene. This course focuses on these "contemporary" ethnic, religious, racial, and other communal conflicts to better understand why and how such conflicts develop. We then examine both theory and practice on what can be done to ameliorate or remedy them. Units focus on the nature of identity and identity politics; the use of political violence to pursue

identity or nationalistic goals, and nonviolent approaches to identity conflicts. We then look at alternative political and conflict-transformational approaches to such conflicts including frameworks for living together (such as consociationalism, federalism, and power-sharing, and scenarios for separation (partition or succession). We also look at the negotiation, mediation, and other peace processes that have been utilized to try to accomplish such ends, and examine which have worked better than others and (to the extent possible) why. Readings will include both case study and theoretical material. Students are required to make several short class presentations, participate actively in discussions and exercises, and prepare and present a term paper analyzing one currently destructive deeply-divided society, analyzing the cause of the current unrest, and possible remedies to that situation. INTS 4521 International Development in Cross-Cultural Perspectives (3 or 5 qtr. hrs.) Explores cultural dimensions of economic and social change from perspectives of actors who create, promote, negotiate, and resist different agendas from global to local. INTS 4523 Islam & Democracy in the Middle East (5 qtr. hrs.) Following September 11, 2001, Islam's relationship to liberal-democratic politics has emerged as one of the most pressing and contentious issues in international affairs. In light of the Bush Administration's desire, at least rhetorically, to promote democratic regime change in the Middle East, the question of Islam's relationship to democracy is likely to remain a pressing topic for debate. This seminar course is dedicated to a critical examination of this topic. The focus is on examining the theoretical relationships between Islam, Muslim societies and liberal-democracy. The first half of the course examines the scholarly literature on the points of compatibility and friction between religion and democracy. In the second part of the course, we examine the academic literature and the major debates on Islam's relationship with liberal-democracy. The debate on secularism and its discontents in the Middle East will be thoroughly explored. With time permitting, through the use of case studies, we study "real world" deterrents to democratization and liberalization in Muslim societies.

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

INTS 4524 Introduction to Middle East and Islamic Politics (5 qtr. hrs.) This course is designed for students without a background in the politics or history of the modern Middle East. Beginning with the study of colonialism and imperialism in the region, we then shift to a study of the emergence of the modern Middle East state system. Then the third theme of this course explores political ideologies, both secular and religious. The final section of this course will briefly explore the theme of democratization and its discontents in the Middle East. The focus is on recent debates about democratization that have been promoted from outside the region as a means of combating tyranny within the region, particularly the perceived anti-democratic nature of political Islam. This section includes a review of current analysis of democratization and the argument forwarded by some theorists relating to the culture of receptivity to ideas about democracy which are largely Western in inspiration and practice. INTS 4525 Religion and State in Comparative Perspectives (5 qtr. hrs.) This seminar course provides an introduction to the key readings, concepts and debates on religion-state relations. While the focus is on the Western political tradition we explore the case of India and the Islamic world at the end of the course. Themes such as freedom of belief, the role of religion in the public sphere and debates over the political construction, location and meaning of secularism are examined. INTS 4526 Modern Islamic Political Thought (5 qtr. hrs.) This seminar course explores the key writings of Muslim thinkers who have shaped Islamic political thought during the 20th Century. We begin with the writings of Jamal Eddin Al Afghani and his Egyptian disciple Muhammad Abduh. We then proceed to read from the selected writings and speeches of Hassan al-Banna (founder of the Muslim Brotherhood), Sayyid Qutb (radical Egyptian Islamist theoretician), Adul Ala Maududi (Pakistani Islamic thinker and founder of Jamaat-i Islami) and Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (leader of Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution). We also investigate some of the writings of Islamic reformist thinkers such as Abdolkarim Soroush, Nasser Hamed Abu Zayd and Khaled Abou El Fadl. The emphasis in this course is on

understanding the historical and political context which has shaped Islamic political thought during the 20th Century. INTS 4527 Women in Islam (5 qtr. hrs.) This course focuses on the role that a religion plays in shaping its followers' socio-cultural identities on the basis of their natural/physical differences, i.e. men and women. The central argument of the course is that to understand a set of beliefs and practices regarding gender relations and women's status in any religious group, one needs to examine the historical context and socio-economic bases of that particular religion. By using gender and feminist discourse as a tool of analysis this course intends to understand and explain existing perceptions, misperceptions, myths, and realities regarding Muslim women's lives in the past and present. This course begins with a historical materialist explanation of the religion of Islam and examines women's roles, rights and responsibilities as described in the religious texts, interpretations, traditions and historical sources such as the Quran, Hadith, Sunnah and Shariah. This course revolves around three major questions: what does Islam say about the roles, rights and responsibilities of Muslim women and men in its texts and teachings? How have Muslim states and communities applied original texts and early teachings while determining gender roles, rights and responsibilities over time? Why do many contradictions and variations exist in the application of the texts and teachings of Islam regarding women/gender issues across the Muslim world today? It is expected that this course will enable students (a) to acquire knowledge of the historical contexts, textual teachings and actual practices related to women's lives in the present world of Islam; (b) to analyze existing situations and current practices regarding gender issues among Muslim communities; and (c) to compare various scholarly inquiries, feminist discourses and dissident voices of Muslim women emerging in local, national and global contexts.

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

INTS 4534 Reading the Arab Spring (5 qtr. hrs.) The 2011 Arab Spring is widely viewed as a turning point in the modern politics of the Middle East and North Africa. Longstanding authoritarian regimes and dictators have fallen while others cling to power in the face of popular protests. The region is headed for uncertain waters with Islamist parties on the ascendance, liberal and secular forces struggling to assert themselves while a Western world watches these developments with a combination of hope, concern and consternation. This course is devoted to examining the Arab Spring revolutions and more broadly the changing politics of the Arab-Islamic world. We do so be collectively reading one book per week on the Arab Spring. Given the novelty of the Arab Spring and that in many countries the process of political change is still unfolding, solid scholarship on the topic is just beginning to be published. Nonetheless, we examine books that have recently been published by academics and participants in these revolutions. Specific themes that are analyzed include the legacy of authoritarianism, the process of democratization, religion-state relations, the role of external powers and the transformation of Islamist politics. Part of the course looks at how these books have been reviewed both in intellectual and scholarly journals. This class is designed for students who seek a deeper grasp of the Middle East and a more refined understanding of the politics and history of this region. This is not an introductory course on the Middle East, Islam of the Arab world and previous course work is assumed. Strict course prerequisites apply. Those uncertain about their status should consult with the instructor before enrolling. INTS 4536 Economic Fundamentals: Global Applications (5 qtr. hrs.) This course provides an introduction to the methods used to analyze contemporary global economic events by examining the environment in which individual economic agents interact. We analyze what the economic problem is, how consumers and business firms make economic decisions, how markets work and how they fail, and how government public policy decisions affect individual and aggregate behavior in both domestic and international markets. A special feature of the course is the application of economic principles to real world problems.

INTS 4539 Food Security in the United States and the World (5 qtr. hrs.) This course discusses: food security in the United States (community food security, food insecurity); stunting and chronic nutritional deficiencies; global water crisis; land degradation; land deals; climate change; dictatorship and kleptocracy; economic approaches (westernized view, food justice, food sovereignty); World Food Summit; achieving food security (the agriculture-hunger-poverty nexus, biotechnology for smallholders in the (sub)tropics); risks to food security (fossil fuel dependence, genetic erosion in agricultural and livestock biodiversity, hybridization, genetic engineering and loss of biodiversity, price setting, treating food the same as other internationally traded commodities); access to basic food supplies; infant feeding; determining nutritional status; supplementary feeding; therapeutic feeding; malnutrition, nutrient requirements and sources. INTS 4542 International Criminal Tribunal Law & Practice (5 qtr. hrs.) The International Criminal Court and the various ad hoc tribunals such as the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and for the former Yugoslavia prosecute a unique and evolving set of international criminal laws designed to end the impunity of military and political leaders engaged in mass violence. The tribunals' mandate is to prosecute violations of a discreet set of laws including war crimes, genocide, grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions and crimes against humanity. Along with related domestic prosecutions, ICL is evolving rapidly. Its history is fascinating, beginning with the proposition that even in the context of the most violent of clashes, some humanitarian standards exist and violators should be held accountable. The post-World War II precedent of the Nuremberg trials was the basis of the creation of ad hoc war crimes tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, which themselves led to hybrid courts such as the Bosnia War Crimes Chamber, the Extraordinary Chambers for Cambodia and the International Criminal Court. In addition, many national jurisdictions have enacted enabling legislation that provides in domestic courts the jurisdiction to prosecute these crimes. This course explores the origins and development of ICL, their elements, the dilemmas ICL presents for enforcement, sovereignty, justice and political efficacy. Students pursue questions about ICL in the context of concrete cases.

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

INTS 4543 Religion and International Studies: The Apocalyptic Tradition (5 qtr. hrs.) The relationship between religion and international politics is an important and understudied topic. For year, religion was, at best, a handmaiden to international relations as scholars focused on state actors only. Since 9/11 this has changed in dramatic fashion because of the rise of radical Islam, the importance of the religious right in the United States and its role in Middle East politics, and a growing awareness of how religion can divide populations within states and in many regions of the world. This course begins with an evaluation of the thousand year history of religious conflict before 1648 when faith and international politics were inseparable. We study the struggles between Islam and Christianity as well as "heresy" in both of these religions which lead to events like the Protestant Reformation. We explore the role of religion in politics from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries and conclude with readings on such topics as suicide bombing, shifting religious values, demographics, and projections on how religion will shape international politics in the 21st century. INTS 4545 Disaster Logistics for Humanitarian Assistance & Security (5 qtr. hrs.) Domestic logistics integration including local, state, and federal levels, including basic understanding of military capacity. Case studies of international disaster to highlight specific logistical issues, e.g., Hurricane Katrina for coordination/communication amongst agencies, Southeast Asia Tsunami for special populations and cultural issues, Pakistan earthquake for civil-military cooperation regarding logistic supply and delivery, or Darfur for special issues of logistics during ongoing conflict. International organizations and organo-grams regarding logistics and operations, including UNJLC, OCHA, HIC, and various other agencies. Hands-on practical exercises utilizing computer simulations and/or "sand table" demonstrations of mock events. Specific issues such as: storage and warehousing, supply and transportation, distribution, procurement, fleet management, and security.

INTS 4546 Economics of Climate Change (5 qtr. hrs.) Climate change and climate change policy will affect every facet of life on Earth. From fossil fuels, to livestock production, to crop and forestry practices - human activity generates greenhouse gases. This course examines issues related to global warming and policies to abate, or adapt to, climate change. These include: modeling economic impacts of climate change, evaluating alternative analyses of climate impacts (e.g. the Stern Review, Nordhaus, Lomborg), evaluating the experience of the ETS (European Trading System), issues in the architecture of a U.S. cap-and-trade system, climate policy and leakage (trade impacts), the Green Development Mechanism (linkages with developing countries), impacts on developing countries, the potential for environmental migration, climate change and equity, food production and emission of greenhouse gases. INTS 4547 Obama Foreign Policy (5 qtr. hrs.) This course studies the Obama Administration's approach to foreign affairs and details the extent to which the United States has become a nation in newfound waters internationally. Our scope does not limit itself to only those trouble spots around the world, but also includes the numerous allies that we become so reliant upon, as well as those we have forged newer relationships with. Students are exposed to various guest speakers and outside material in addition to texts and classroom discussion; and experience what encompasses the makeup of this Administration's foreign policy, from a front row seat. INTS 4549 Managing Microfinance: Balancing Business with Development (5 qtr. hrs.) This course builds on the topics in "Introduction to Microfinance" and delves more deeply into the challenges of managing microfinance institutions (MFIs)and effective social entrepreneurship. How do MFIs make sure they stay in business (with good risk management and financial management) and make sure they have real social impact? How can they innovate financial services and other market-based solutions that create lasting economic opportunity or social change? Whether a market-oriented NGO or a socially-motivated business, an MFI needs a clear development strategy, a clear business strategy, and the operational tools to implement both strategies well. Regardless of legal structure, both NGO and for-profit MFIs need good management and financial information to meet both

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

sustainability and social goals. Whether used for poverty alleviation and or banking services for the poor, there are shared characteristics among successful microfinance organizations, as well as common pitfalls and challenges. As organizations figure out the "business" side of providing loans and savings, they also need to figure out which development services have greatest benefit for clients, choose strategies for social change (e.g. basic education, health care, business skills), and assess how well those strategies are working. For example, large-scale MFIs in India and Latin America have been very successful financially, but have only recently focused on their social impact. Smaller NGOs may serve the poorest and provide many development services, yet struggle to find a viable business strategy and sustainability. MFIs share challenges faced by many development organizations: (1) How do we balance our financial and impact goals; (2) How do we choose where to invest resources for greatest impact (e.g. financial services for many or in-depth assistance for fewer?); (3) What information do we need to ensure financial transparency and accountability; (4) How do we assess social and financial performance to keep improving our business strategies? This class will use weekly readings and case studies of specific microfinance organizations to: Illustrate business challenges and specific business risks in microfinance; Review basic financial statements and key financial measures to assess financial performance and risk, for both for-profit and non-profits; Review different approaches to answering the question "are we making a difference?"; Analyze management situations of "too much profit" and "too much development"; Compare pros and cons of for-profit and HGO legal structures, and implications; Discuss governance and boards of directors, compare and evaluate approaches; Highlight examples of social entrepreneurship powering market-driven change in microfinance and other areas (mobile banking, small-scale solar electricity, etc). Cases include Adelante Foundation, BRAC, Fonkoze, Kenya Women's Finance Trust, ACCION's Center for Financial Inclusion, and others. The first half of each INTS 4555 Professional Communications (5 qtr. hrs.)

INTS 4557 Cross-Cultural Communications (5 qtr. hrs.) This course is designed to prepare graduate students for careers as international professionals by focusing on the cultural factors that influence communication in international relations as well as the rules that proscribe and prescribe behavior. The course emphasizes culture and will explore how different cultures: perceive and interpret their surroundings, and create and communicate a shared, cultural construct of reality and identity; develop unique communication rules; and evolve culture-specific verbal and non-verbal communication behaviors. Students will immerse themselves in a particular culture (its history, values, world views and associated thought processes, religion, gender and social perception, language, and nonverbal communication) and research its communication conventions, practices, standards, core metaphors, terms, cultural premises, and meaning systems. Students are expected to demonstrate a critical and informed awareness of cultural content and identity, as well as the communication imperatives and procedural issues in their country through class presentations, discussions, and a long paper. The course rationale is that cross-cultural communication is inevitable, and without an understanding of the cultural communication imperatives, it is very difficult, virtually impossible to understand, work with, manage, or influence individuals from another culture. The course will involve theory and proven models, but will primarily focus on cultural immersion, skills development, practical applications, and case studies--exploring how culture both influences and reflects communication dynamics, how to communicate effectively in a multicultural environment, and how to manage and resolve cross-cultural conflicts. INTS 4563 Crisis Management & Communications (5 qtr. hrs.) This course is designed to prepare graduate students for careers as international professionals by teaching the management and communication skills and processes required before, during, and after a crisis. Students will learn how to respond to and manage crises such as: outbreaks of armed hostilities, terrorist attacks, operational accidents, critical technology events, workplace violence, environmental controversies and events, fraud and extortion, workplace harassment, competitive market assaults, punitive regulation/legislation, organized protests, religious/ethnic/political riots and incidents, serious

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

service/product safety challenges, media exposes, adverse litigation, and catastrophic events (force majeure). According to nearly 90% of international CEO's and NGO Executive Directors, Crisis Management (CM) and the Crisis Management & Communications Plan (CM&CP) are essential and integral components of any organization's comprehensive management system, regardless of its size, nature, or location. In the current international environment, these components are imperative and involve establishing and administering processes and teams that anticipate, prevent, and resolve threats to the organization's personnel, mission, property, image, or survival. Though including theory (basic risk, contingency, and management theory), the course is primarily an applied, practical approach, one that addresses the extremely difficult challenges faced by organizations operating internationally. Students will work singly and in collaborative teams. All assignments will include written components; some will include oral presentation; most will involve cross-cultural issues. Students will demonstrate their understanding of Crisis Management & Communications by creating a comprehensive Crisis Management and Communications Plan for an organization. INTS 4566 Global and Sustainable Development (5 qtr. hrs.) In recent years, the issue of sustainable development has received considerable attention from academia, governments, and international organizations. Of particular concern are countries that are heavily dependent on the export of commodities. Can sustainable development be achieved by such countries? Chocolate (cocoa) and coffee are not only among the world's most popular little pleasures, they are also among the most traded commodities. Originating in Latin America and Africa respectively, their global diffusion has influenced the culture, society and politics of developed and developing countries for decades and continues to do so today. Coffee exports (the primary source of foreign exchange for many poor countries such as Ethiopia) are valued at about 9 billion annually. 25 million people in Asia, Latin America, and Africa struggle to earn a living through coffee production, it too is a major source of income for many countries in Latin America and West Africa. Yet, many problems have been identified such as farmers unable to

earn a survival wage, the exploitation of child labor, and the damage that production processes inflict upon the environment. In short, these important commodities are apparently contributing little to sustainable development. Various organizations and individuals are involved in efforts to change this situation by promoting the establishment of specialty, organic and fair trade coffee and chocolate products. The degree to which these efforts can help turn the existing situation around remains unclear but the lives of millions of people and the future of many countries hangs in the balance. This seminar is designed to address such issues. We explore the meaning of sustainable development and consider the nature of globalization and the ways in which it has shaped the cultivation and consumption of coffee and chocolate over time. In order to understand this linkage, we utilize the concept of the "commodity chain", an approach that allows us to conceptualize the nature of the international linkages, their key nodes, the distribution of power, and the ways in which external factors influence a country's development efforts. The course is divided into three parts. In the first, we cover the basic concepts and seek to answer such questions as: 1) How have the coffee and cocoa commodity chains been shaped by globalization? 2) What has been the role of key actors - producers, local traders, governments, and multinational corporations - in shaping production and consumption patterns over time? In the second part we consider three basic forces that have shaped the commodity chains - the state and its policies, culture and consumption patterns, and entrepreneurs and technology. Here the questions are: 1) How have the policies of producing and consuming states affected the commodity chains? 2) How have changes in consumption patterns reflected in the growth of Starbucks influenced the situation in developing countries? 3) How have external technologies such as transportation and communication technologies as well as internal technologies such as instant coffee changed the chains? In the third part, we focus explicitly on two dimension of sustainable development - the environmental and the socio-economic. We seek to answer such questions as 1) To what extent are contemporary patterns damaging the environment? 2) What is condition of producers and how have these changed over time? 3) How effective are fair trade and other campaigns designed to promote sustainable development?

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Course Descriptions (Continued) INTS 4567 Democracy and Governance in Fragile States (5 qtr. hrs.) Since the end of the Cold War, most African countries today have undergone difficult and challenging transitions from post-liberation, one-party states to processes of multiparty democracy and electoral competition. The implications of democracy and human security and human development are far from clear, and there is no presumption of a linear pathway of the consolidation of democracy; indeed, the challenges of election-related violence (as in Kenya) or new autocracy (as in Zimbabwe) raise deep challenges of democracy's consolidation. So, too, the challenges of human development in resource-rich states seems problematic for democracy when elites have access to rent and revenue that makes them arguably less accountable to the broader population. This course critically explores democratization in Africa and the contemporary challenges in many diverse contexts, from longstanding democratic polities such as Botswana to tested democratic processes in war-torn countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo. This course explores democratization - the means and methods by which countries in recent years have moved from a non-democratic to democratic regime type. What theories, concepts, and methods should be used to understand democracy and democratization in today's complex, multiethnic societies and rapidly urbanizing countries of Africa? Topics include: theories and methods for assessing transitions from authoritarian rule; case studies in democracy and democratization in Africa that have made often turbulent and sometimes violent transitions; institutional and procedural options for improving the viability, quality, and sustainability of democracy in countries where the conditions favorable for a pluralistic society are distinctly absent; special problems of democracy in multiethnic and post-war societies, where democratization is pursued as a method of conflict management; and methods of international promotion of democracy in African contexts through norms, conditionality, and development aid for improving political governance. INTS 4569 Migration (5 qtr. hrs.) Migration is a fundamental feature of our lives. Indeed, every aspect of our civilization and our self-conception is shaped by the exodus of all humans from our origin as a species in Southern Africa 200,000 years ago. In our

own era, the aging of western populations, the rise of new economic powers, and dramatic improvements in human capital have given rise to an era of labor migration unparalleled in magnitude and diversity, though not entirely unique. New technologies have risen to facilitate further migration, enable the transmission of resources and knowledge across borders, and create new transnational patterns of residence and livelihood that challenge our notions of nation, identity, and even the very meaning of the term migrant. To put it simply, migration is the human face of our modern era of globalization, entailing incredible costs, risks, and returns for migrants along with important impacts for host societies, and the global system. Migration comes in many varieties in terms of destruction, permanence, and level of coercion, yet common theoretical, empirical, and policy unite these different forms of mobility. This course offers a holistic view of the migration process from multiple perspectives, at multiple levels of analysis, and on multiple aspects of our world today. As a uniquely individual behavior, migration has proven over time to be notoriously unfriendly to policy, which is often ineffectual or even counterproductive. We explore this cross-cutting concern through case studies illustrating the promise and pitfalls of migration policy. INTS 4572 The Political Economy of the Middle East (5 qtr. hrs.) This course emphasizes the economic development of the countries in North Africa and the Middle East. Students must be comfortable with Macroeconomics as presented in the introductory or principles of economics classes. Given the nature of the region under study, we cover and touch on culture, Islam, oil, Islamic Banking and Finance and other pertinent issues relevant to the region. Every student is required to write a report on one of the countries in the region and present it to the class. The course helps students to understand and discuss the relevant issues that are important to this region as well as it strategic importance to the West and the United States. The region is often associated with oil, Islam, the Palestinian-Israeli peace process-or conflict-and overall instability that takes places in different parts of the area. This instability has an impact on the world economy and our understanding of this region will enhance our understanding of the global economy. Through class discussion, reading and presentations, we focus on these issues and also use current events to highlight and extend these topics. This

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Course Descriptions (Continued) course also helps students identify the religious, historical, social, political, economic, and security issues that affect the region as a whole. This course also compares the economic and political developments in the region with other regions of the world. INTS 4573 Oil and the World Economy (5 qtr. hrs.) Dating back to the 1970s, with the first and second oil shocks affecting the world economy, the world oil markets have regained center stage again and forced a number of countries, developed and developing, to search for alternatives as well as policies to reduce their dependence on oil. The world oil markets have changed from a physical market where the only players were those who received delivery of the oil to a global financial market where hedge funds and investors of all stripes are able to capture gains that they cannot capture in other markets. As a commodity market, oil has become popular for many firms to diversify their investment particularly in light of the depreciation of the U.S. dollar. This course explores the world oil markets, the role of OPEC and non-OPEC oil producers in their impact on the global economy as well as what the oil consumers and the International Energy Agency can do to help mitigate the effects of high oil prices on the world economy. INTS 4574 China and India in Comparative Analysis (5 qtr. hrs.) This course looks at Asia's 21st century powers in comparative perspective through a multi-disciplinary analysis of China and India. It covers the different historical trajectories of these two countries over the last century, their different forms of government, and discrepancies in their achievements in administrative and social development. It also looks at the structure of their economies, growth patterns, and the role of militarization and security concerns in shaping their outlooks towards the future. A major theme of the course is to understand not only the similarities between these two nations but also how and why they differ and to what extent their futures will converge or diverge. INTS 4575 Systems Thinking for Social Scientists (5 qtr. hrs.) The purpose of this course is to introduce students to systems thinking as an approach for understanding and analyzing real-world issues. In addition to introducing

the basic principles of systems thinking, questions that well be addressed include: Why do systems behave the way they do? Why do systems resist change and often end up getting worse when we try to change them? How do you find points of leverage within a system? This course uses examples drawn from a range of issues across the field of international studies. In doing so, it illustrates haw a systems perspective can allow you to see parallels between seemingly disparate issues. This course introduces both qualitative and quantitative approaches for analyzing systems and discusses the benefits and limitations of each. Quantitative, computer-based modeling is used in this course, but no background is required. INTS 4579 International Futures: Global Change and Development (0 or 5 qtr. hrs.) Futures forecasting involved decisions about priorities. Decisions require forecasting the trajectory of a society with and without interventions of various kinds. This course involved students in the forecasting and analysis process. In the lab, students learn to use the International Futures (IFs) forecasting system. That system represents multiple issue areas (demographics, economics, energy, agriculture, education, health, socio-political, and environment subsystems) and is supported by a very large database. Students study the structure of each of these modules, learn how they represent the underlying subsystems, how they are linked to other subsystems, and what they tell us about the processes of change globally and in countries and regions around the world. Students use the system for forecasts and analyses of their own. INTS 4581 Humanitarian Systems and Policies (5 qtr. hrs.) The Humanitarian field has changed significantly since the founding, in 1863, of what is now the International Committee of the Red Cross. Since the early 1990s there have been efforts to improve coordination between humanitarian actors and to improve the quality of international humanitarian response. High profile humanitarian crises such as the Rwandan genocide, the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, and the Haitian earthquake have highlighted weaknesses in the system and spurred reform efforts. Through readings, class discussions, guest speakers, group work and individual assignments, students gain a better understanding of the development of humanitarian systems and policies and

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Course Descriptions (Continued) how these affect current humanitarian practice. Key debates in the humanitarian system are also discussed and students have the opportunity to grapple with some of the key ethical dilemmas facing humanitarians today. At the completion of the course, students should be able to: Discuss the history of humanitarianism; Recall key components of the humanitarian infrastructure; Describe the humanitarian principles, their interpretation and application; Identify ethical issues which may arise for humanitarians; Discuss the implications for humanitarian practice of key emerging challenges. INTS 4583 International Protection in the Humanitarian Context (5 qtr. hrs.) At the conclusion of World War II after witnessing the horrific and historic loss of life, and in an effort to save future generations from the direct impact of war and conflict, the Western powers created several important legal instruments to protect civilians. These instruments are largely derived from human rights, refugee, and international humanitarian law. These initial legal instruments were later combined with additional instruments, both regional and international in scope, and are collectively and cumulatively considered the legal framework for "International Protections." After sixty years of the progressive legal and theoretical development of international protection and its practical implementation, a slow but evident shift has developed over time. Theoretically speaking, a shift from the end of the Cold War's position of absolute sovereignty to the ideals of the 1990s and the "responsibility to protect" which developed in direct response to the failed efforts of the international community to protect in Bosnia, Rwanda and other conflicts. As a result of the changing nature of conflicts, confusing mandates, ambiguous definitions, and political will, we have witnessed the failure of international protection in numerous humanitarian settings. INTS 4590 Civil Society and Democratization (5 qtr. hrs.) This course introduces students to the idea of civil society as a process of state-making. We explore examples that illuminate the relationship between civil society and the state in both democratic and non-democratic contexts, paying special attention to democratization and the strength of civil society. In so doing, we look at the role of state institutions, NGOs, and social movements to

identify these mechanisms. Students consider the question, "Is state engagement with civil society an integral and necessary condition of democratization, and if so, how?" We consider contexts in which the state disengages from civil society and the deteriorating conditions afterwards that can result in an increase in social radicalization, as in South Africa, Colombia, and other cases. In more developed democratic countries, we investigate how this process can lead to low civic participation and ridicule of the electoral process. In the final weeks of the course, we move on to solutions for incorporating civil society into state processes in the contemporary context. INTS 4591 Advcd Fundraising Workshop (5 qtr. hrs.) This course compliments INTS 4391, in which an overview of non-profit fundraising - along with financial management - is given. In this course, we take an in-depth look at the major methods of non-profit fundraising, namely, annual giving, special events, corporate fundraising, grant writing, major gifts, and planned giving. The teaching methodology to be employed is that each 3 hour class session is, in effect, an intense workshop on a specific fundraising topic. During each class session, a fundraising professional from the community, who is actively engaged in the particular fundraising activity being discussed, joins the professor in leading the workshop. Due to the advanced nature of this course, enrollment is limited to those who have already been introduced to the major methods of fundraising through the previous completion of INTS 4391, the concurrent enrollment of INTS 4391, or previous fundraising experience or educational pursuit in the fundraising field that is judged by the professor to be sufficient to be an active participant in this course. INTS 4593 Knowledge for Development (5 qtr. hrs.) Knowledge plays a critical role in improving human welfare. Rapid progress in science and technology in the recent times and an increasingly inter-connected world facilitated by such progress have raised the potential for using knowledge in bringing development everywhere in the world within foreseeable future. This course examines the role of science, technology and innovation in achieving economic and social development through creation, diffusion, transfer and adaptation of knowledge within and across national boundaries. Course participants examine the role of knowledge and innovation in fostering economic growth

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Course Descriptions (Continued) and social development. They scan the modern science and technology challenges and opportunities especially those useful for development. They also study the various activities, institutions and policies that can help developing countries devise (or strengthen) and maintain a state of the art knowledge system. They have hands-on experience of designing a knowledge policy plan for a developing country or region. The course brings in material from various disciplines though the major focus remains on international development. It can be cross listed as a development, a technology policy or a GFTEI course. No prerequisites. INTS 4594 Religion, Environment, and Development (5 qtr. hrs.) This course explores how religious perspectives shape relationships between humans and the placed in which they live, work, play, and worship. Students are encouraged to integrate theory and praxis by learning to deconstruct the main concepts (what is religion? environment? development?), recognize distinct world views and methods, and envision constructive possibilities for just and appropriate partnerships. In order to emphasize the diverse ways that peoples seek meaning, pursue desire, and orient themselves in the world, case studies representing a variety of cultural and geographic contexts are presented. Religion is considered as a force in promoting, resisting, and interpreting changes to the environment, both locally and globally. INTS 4595 Civil Wars and International Responses II: Post-War Peacebuilding (5 qtr. hrs.) Today, civil wars constitute the principle, realized threat to international security (measured in lives lost). This seminar critically explores the problems to international peace and security posed by contemporary civil wars and the efforts of international - primarily, United Nations - "peace building" missions to implement negotiated settlements aimed at substantially ending such wars and preventing their recurrence. The concept of peace building seeks to capture the complex, multidimensional task of implementing the terms of settlements to end war preventing the recurrence of war, and addressing the deep-seated causes of social conflict and deep divisions that gave rise to protracted armed conflict in the first place. Furthermore, the notion of peace building have been augmented by the concept of

state building, which implies that the principle strategic objective of external efforts is to help develop and create legitimate, capable states that are able to realize the provision of security and human development and to manage future social conflict through nonviolent bargaining processes and institutions. The scope of the course includes the analysis of theories, concepts and empirical research in the analysis of post-war international interventions in civil wars and in-depth, student led evaluation of specific cases. Prerequisite: INTS 4495. INTS 4596 Mobile Technology for International Development (5 qtr. hrs.) The purpose of this course is to create awareness of the opportunities and limitations of mobile technology in the context of development challenges. We explore how mobile technology innovation around the world intersects and diverges with broader trends in Information Communication Technology (ICT) for development. For practitioners and policy makers, it is increasingly important to be familiar with mobile technologies available to support development and humanitarian assistance programs, research and policy objectives. Furthermore, with the rapid increase in mobile technology pilots around the world, it is critical to have the knowledge and tools to be able to critically assess these initiatives. This ensures that the appropriate technology investments are made by governments, the private sector, humanitarian assistance organizations and other development stakeholders to effectively, equitably and efficiently meet their goals. INTS 4599 Ethics and International Affairs (3 to 5 qtr. hrs.) This course examines the following: social "science" and ethics, power-rivalry and capitalism versus human rights and democracy, what are the dimensions of poverty, what role does the World Bank play, "laws of people," two classes of human rights (according to Rawls), national interest, and tolerance. INTS 4619 The Politics of Terrorism (5 qtr. hrs.) Terrorism dominates the headlines, but few people attempt to think critically about the origins and evolution of terrorist groups over the course of history. The history of terrorism, however, is rife with puzzles. What is terrorism? Why do groups take up arms against fellow civilians to effect political change? What explains the tactical choices of terrorist groups? Why do terrorist

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

groups end? What are the most effective ways to combat terrorism? Is the "new" terrorism really new, or does it reflect continuity with terrorism in previous eras? The course takes a theoretical and historical approach, attempting to nest contemporary challenges within the broader context of terrorism as a phenomenon. To this end, the course acquaints students with the historical evolution of domestic and international terrorism while introducing students to the major theoretical approaches to the study of terrorism. The five primary goals of the course are to: (1) present leading theories and concepts for understanding terrorist behavior; (2) explore international history to evaluate theories of terrorism; (3) apply these theories to analyze current terrorist trends and make predictions about future developments; (4) provide students an opportunity to conduct research and write an original paper; and (5) allow student to deepen their knowledge about several major terrorist groups around the globe. INTS 4622 Strategy and Governance (5 qtr. hrs.) This course focuses on the variety of authorities that govern global issues (global governors) and endeavors to analyze 1) the strategy of these actors and 2) how the variety of actors engaged in a particular issue contributes to the amount and type of governance surrounding that issue. As a group students define strategy (the calculated relation of means to large ends) and what constitutes governance (creating issues, setting agendas, establishing and implementing rules or programs, and evaluating, enforcing and adjudicating outcomes), and read a variety of examples of strategy and governance on security issues (both historical and contemporary). Each student considers these concepts in the context of the strategy of a particular authority or the range of authorities relevant to a particular issue area. The intention is for each student to extract lessons relevant to future leadership roles which might call on them to connect desired ends with available means or generate collective action. INTS 4623 Rights Based Approach to Development (5 qtr. hrs.) Human rights and development emerge as parallel approaches to confronting indignity and deprivation in their many forms. As the effects of violent conflict, global capitalism, natural disaster, and fragile states impact the lives and livelihoods of ordinary people, these two

frameworks provide purpose and rationale for those wishing to alleviate suffering. Yet human rights and development have not always worked in tandem, at time quite at odds with one another. More recently, however, scholars and practitioners have attempted to identify points of overlap and complementarity in order to improve outcomes. While this remains, in many ways, not a natural partnership, strides have been made to make sense of human rights and development together: one of which proposes a rights-based approach to development. The course focuses on this hybrid by examining many of the world's most pressing problems - in the areas of democracy, gender, food, health, education, and environment - as those have been recognized as particularly fundamental to improving the welfare of a majority of the world's population. Our analysis considers these issues through the lens of each traditional route, as well as the fused third way, to draw conclusions about efficacy and appropriateness. The pragmatic implications bear on those actors engaged in human rights and development work and shape their strategies and methods. We evaluate these difficult questions while emphasizing the consequences for best practices for international and non-governmental organizations. INTS 4624 Private Actors and Conflict (5 qtr. hrs.) General approaches to conflict focus on violence between the military forces or states. The conflicts of the last two decades, however, involved a variety of other actors: private military companies training or fighting with armies, relief workers trying to mitigate the impact of conflict on non-combatants, environmental NGOs working to lessen the impact of conflict on endangered species, multinational corporations trying to continue their business dealings, paramilitary and/or other citizen groups trying to defend their private property or other rights, criminal networks working to exploit conflict for personal gain, and terrorist networks. How do these different actors behave in conflict situations? Does their presence alter the way conflict unfolds, strategies of conflict (and conflict resolution), and/or the prospects for long-term security (peace, stability and development)? How? How do we decide whether these actors are public or private? How do today’s “private” actors in conflict compare with the past? Is this a new phenomenon or simply a return to what has been typical at numerous points in history? This course explores the questions presented by the variety of actors involved in conflict today, compare today’s situation with the past,

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

and examine the way states and non-state actors are coming to terms with each other in conflict situations. INTS 4625 East African Development and Human Rights (5 qtr. hrs.) For our purposes, East Africa encompasses the countries of Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burudi, and Tanzania. This course begins with an introduction to the cultural richness and diversity of East African societies, with an overview as to how tribes, chiefdoms, and states function. Religious influences are noted. This history of development, as externally conceptualized, begins with the Berlin Conference of 1884/85 and the so-called “scramble for Africa.” If features socio-economic and socio-political processes. 20th- and 21st-Century external development programs are covered, most recently exemplified by the former Soviet Union, the United States, and China. Principles of induced development and participatory development are contrasted. Regarding the latter, indigenous innovations are stressed. The history of human rights, as externally conceptualized, begin much later, with the 1969 refugee-related innovations of the Organization of African Unity (now, the African Union). The “classic” issues of tribalism, corruption, and resource exploitation are covered, as well as the “late-breaking” issues of food security, refugee repatriation, and child soldier rehabilitation. Conceptually and theoretically, the course is grounded in disciplinary understandings derived from cultural anthropology, political science, ecology, and history. Resource use, in the context of socio-cultural systems development, are foundational. Special projects are featured, exemplified by those involving University of Denver personnel in Kibera, Kenya (water and sanitation); Mai Misham, Ethiopia (literacy); and Juba, South Sudan (indigenous leadership). At the broadest level, examples are most often drawn from the water/sanitation, agricultural, and health/mental health sectors. INTS 4626 Civil Resistance (5 qtr. hrs.) Civil resistance is the application of unarmed civilian power using nonviolent tactics such as protests, strikes, boycotts, demonstrations, without using or threatening physical harm against the opponent. This method of struggle occurs worldwide in places as diverse as Russia, Moldova, Serbia, Spain, Egypt, Iran, Maldives, the Niger Delta, the West Bank, Thailand, and Burma,

among many others. As a consequence of the growing use of civil resistance, the foreign policy community has become interested in understanding the causes, dynamics, outcomes, and consequences of civil resistance campaigns. This course serves as a primer on the topic of civil resistance, introducing students to the primary texts in the field, as well as the policy implications of empirical research on the topic. This five primary goals of this course are to: (1) present leading theories and concepts for understanding civil resistance; (2) explore international history to evaluate theories of civil resistance; (3) apply these theories to analyze current trends and make predictions about future development; (4) provide students with opportunities to synthesize their knowledge in a major written assignment; and (5) allow students to deepen their knowledge about several historical cases around the globe. INTS 4627 African Security (5 qtr. hrs.) This is intended to be an advanced political science graduate course examining African politics and (in)security. The aim of this course is to introduce students to theoretical frameworks that, in turn, facilitate their understanding of African politics, conflict and security issues – especially as they pertain to human security. Importantly, this class takes a critical look at the concept of sovereignty as it relates to security. Through the reading, students become familiar with major analytic frameworks and debates in the analysis of contemporary African politics; students become conversant in relevant political, civil-military and human security issues as they relate to sub-Saharan Africa. The focus of this course is for the student to develop an analytical framework by which to make sense of context. Context is important, but without a cohesive theoretical framework to inform the practitioner it is insufficient. With the understanding that modern elites benefit from the existing structures and associated incentives, this course seeks to understand the modern African state in order to best engage said structures/elites to further development and, most importantly, individual security. Of note, it is clear that security is a fundamental condition for effective governance and development. Further, whereas it is true that weak empirical states, interstate wars, and conflicts over natural resources have proliferated throughout the continent and that ethnic, religious and regional violence is a common syndrome, we often forget basic (human) security needs. Specifically, we overlook that importance of access to potable water or an individual’s

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

ability to pursue economic gain without fear of violence. At the heart of security lies the individual. Weak states or elites might affect inter-state relations and security (e.g. militant groups in under-governed spaces), but it is the individual who suffers. Thus, security in this context seeks to understand issues that affect individual lives. INTS 4628 Soc Movements: Latin America (5 qtr. hrs.) The past year has been witness to Tahrir Square and Occupy, reminding us of the power and innovation of popular sectors making their voices heard. Latin America is a particularly useful place to explore popular movements, as it has long been the site of popular protest and national revolution, and it is currently a region governed by a significant number of Leftist governments with important ties to social movements. This course addresses major theories of social movements, including classical, structural, and new social movement theories. These theories have attempted to answer fundamental questions of what triggers mobilization among excluded groups, how they facilitate their action, and what changes they potentially trigger to basic rights and identities. The course also places social movements in their broader context, locating them I the political, social and economic structures that have shaped exclusion in Latin America over time. In the process, the course explores the role of popular movements in broader processes of democratization, economic development, and citizenship. We examine traditional and well-studied examples of social movements, including movements among workers, indigenous, women, environmentalists, and advocates for democracy and human rights. We also explore newly emerging and transnational movements, including those that articulate alternative models of globalization. The course takes an interdisciplinary approach, drawing on economics, sociology, anthropology, and political science. It places special emphasis on the political economy of popular organization, acknowledging the contested nature of development and the ongoing struggle for deeper democracies and more equitable societies. INTS 4629 Cultures of Globalization: Networks, Commodities, Affections (5 qtr. hrs.) This course explores the effects of neoliberal globalization on the lives of individuals and their communities. In an increasingly interconnected world,

how do everyday people and communities negotiate the opportunities, dislocations, and/or disjunctures engendered by neoliberal globalization? Does globalization contribute to increasing global hom*ogeneity or does it restructure difference and inequality in new ways? We explore how a ground-up view of globalization can highlight some of its contradictory effects. We discuss how globalization influences increasing inequality, restructures individual and group identities, as well as the relation between globalization and migration. From a ground-up perspective, we attune to growing global connections to understand how transnational commodity circuits intersect with individual lives and communities. We ask: How are commodity chains also cultural objects that shape, and are shaped by, how we see the world? Moreover, we pay attention to the development of grassroots networks and social movements that forge connections across borders to channel and/or challenge the current trajectory of globalization. We also find it imperative to understand the affective dimension-how do human beings think about their emotional relationships, families, and identities in relation to changing global dynamics? We end by examining alternatives to thinking in terms of neoliberalism, while examining its ramifications in the current economic context. A central question we ask is: As everyday life becomes increasingly commoditized, how do people cope, find support and value, and reveal alternate ways of conceptualizing how we can all connect to one another. INTS 4630 Civilian Protection in Armed Conflicts (5 qtr. hrs.) Studies of armed conflict tend to focus on the production of violence to the neglect of how civilians might instead be protected. In this course, we will study how to limit violence against civilians. We will begin with an overview of theories of violence and legal and ethical frameworks governing the use of force. We will then consider how various actors throughout society, from state actors, to international actors, to illegal arms actors, to NGO's, to civilians and their communities--the would-be victims of violence--can either promote or restrain the use of violence. We will also consider the conditions under which the protection of civilians is most feasible as well as research methods for analyzing populations and their protection strategies. In their final projects, students will analyze the threats of violence faced by a particular population and design

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

appropriate protection strategies and polices to deal them. INTS 4631 The Politics of Civil Society (5 qtr. hrs.) Every intractable problem of politics, many significant changes in regimes and much of the pressure on government for good or ill, depending on the point of view, emerges from the civil association of citizens. There are limits, however, to what people can and cannot do. In this way, the overall objective of this class is to explore how people exert political power outside of the formal political structures. Towards this end, student gain a greater understanding of the make-up and roles of civil society, beginning with its origins and definitions and working up to current thinking, including the post-Berlin Wall opening up of civil society. The class considers the linkages between social and political objectives, studying how both formal and informal forms of associations limit and open up the possibilities of people's power. INTS 4633 Int'l Project Evaluation (5 qtr. hrs.) It is important that those planning careers in multilateral and bilateral development agencies, non-profit organizations, private-sector companies, and professional services organizations have an understanding of the many considerations involved in development interventions and the competencies of a project manager to lead teams in carrying out these interventions. The school currently offers three courses that are organized around the traditional international project cycle. This cycle includes six sequential but not necessarily linear phases - identification/selection, preparation, appraisal, implementation, completion/transition, and evaluation. Future project managers mangers working at various stages of the project cycle need to develop technical, leadership/interpersonal, personal/self-management, and international development specific competencies. The purpose of the International Project Evaluation course is to provide students with a better understanding of and practical tools for designing, implementation, and reporting project evaluations. Project managers rely on evaluation at various stages of the international project cycle. They use evaluation during the implementation of development projects to determine causes of any observed variance between project

milestone targets and actual progress, and to support the formulation of corrective actions. They also use evaluation to determine the extent to which a development project has met its desired outcomes at completion, and also the causes of any shortcoming. Finally, project managers use evaluation to determine the impacts of a development project several years after its completion, and the extent to which the project outcomes can be attributable to desired changes in the conditions of the target population or area. In all cases, a good evaluation design and implementation allows the project manager to identify supportable findings, conclusions, and recommendations. These recommendations can be directed to decision makers to support changes necessary to correct project deficiencies or to provide lessons learned for designing subsequent development interventions. Moreover, a project manager should use evaluation as a way to build evaluation capacity and appreciation among intervention stakeholders, which is known to further the obtainment of desired outcomes and produce more sustainable impacts. More specifically, this course covers the approaches that four organizations use to evaluate project, programs, and policies - the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), the World Bank, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Each of these organizations has developed templates for the design of an evaluation, similar methods and techniques for data collection and analysis, and common elements in reporting evaluation findings. The latter two organizations also have protocols to contract out evaluations to other groups th INTS 4635 Civil-Military Relations (5 qtr. hrs.) "Who guards the guardians?" has been a long-standing dilemma in international politics. How can we make sure that military leaders enjoying the control of coercive power submit to civilian political authorities? How can military organizations be powerful enough to counter external threats without becoming themselves a threat to the political community they should protect? How can hierarchical institutions created to exert physical violence be compelled to respect human rights and democratic values? These questions lie at the heart of civil-military relations theory. Analyzing the different ways in which military organizations, political authorities and the broader society interact is crucial to understand political outcomes such as state-building, democratization and

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

the outbreak of war. This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the problems surrounding civil-military relations. Besides looking at the theoretical foundations of the field, it offers a comprehensive overview of civil-military relations over time and across countries. Specifically, it focuses on some topical and yet poorly understood cases and phenomena, such as the impact of the rise of private military and security companies on control over the use of force and the role played by military in Middle Eastern countries such as Turkey, Egypt, Syria, Libya, and Pakistan. INTS 4637 Comparative State building (5 qtr. hrs.) The modern state is of central interest to students of political science, Latin America, development, sociology, and public policy. For some, the state is an instrument of repression and domination; for others it is the shepherd of development. For all, it has been the fundamental unit of national political authority for at least the last two hundred years. This course explores the nature of stat authority and the processes by which different types of states emerged at different moments in world history and in different regions of the world, as well as how the nature of states has evolved over time. We explore the modern states that emerged first in Western Europe, and then the transplantation, imposition, and emergence of state authority in other regions, including Africa, East Asia, and Eastern Europe. The second half of the course focuses entirely on Latin America, highlighting the way in which states emerged and shifted over time in that region through close study of particular cases. We end the course with a consideration of the nature of state authority in the current world characterized by more intense flows of people, goods, capital, and ideas. INTS 4638 Modern Iranian History and Politics (5 qtr. hrs.) The Islamic Republic of Iran remains a mystery for many in the West. The policies of the Iranian regime represent one of the greatest challenges to U.S. foreign policy today, as reflected in the global debate about Iran's controversial nuclear program. War seems inevitable and Iran and the West are in confrontation on a number of fronts around the world. How did we get to this point in global affairs? What is the relevant historical background needed to understand Iranian culture,

society, politics and foreign policy at a deeper level? What are the key moments in modern Iranian history that have shaped the contours of the current conflict between Iran and the United States? These are the overarching questions that this course seeks to examine. The course is the first of a two course sequence that seeks to demystify Iranian politics and society. Themes explored include the origins of Iran's troubled relationship with the West, the emergence of the modern Iranian state, the construction of Iranian national identity, the tension between religion and politics, the struggle for democracy and the persistence of authoritarianism and the roots of the 1979 Islamic Revolution. INTS 4639 Modern Iranian Politics II (5 qtr. hrs.) The Islamic Republic of Iran is frequently described by the U.S. State Department as the biggest state-sponsor of terrorism around the world. Its controversial nuclear program and its antagonism toward Israel and other U.S. allies in the Middle East poses a direct threat to vital U.S. security interests in the region. There is a huge gap, however, between the amount of media coverage Iran received versus a genuine understanding of its internal politics, society and foreign policy. This course is devoted to bridging this chasm. The focus of this course is on Iran's post-revolutionary period. The goal is to provide students with an objective examination of Iranian society and politics. Several themes are explored: the rise of religious politics and the consolidation of clerical rule, the nature and interaction between Iranian state institutions, civil-military relations, the Iranian economy, the domestic opposition and the prospects for democracy, the crisis in U.S.-Iran relations, and the role of women in Iranian society. This is the second of a two-part course sequence on modern Iranian history and politics. No prerequisites are required and students can enroll in either or both courses. INTS 4640 Global Financial Crisis and International Policy Responses (5 qtr. hrs.) This course provides an in-depth and critical analysis of the global economic crisis of 2007-2009. The goals of the class are to provide: a) an understanding of the causes of the crisis, b) an overview of the onset of the crisis, including its similarities and differences with past crises, and c) a critical appraisal of the policy response to the crisis, including financial bailouts, monetary policy, fiscal policy and regulatory reforms since 2009. The class will take both a US and a global perspective,

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

and will conclude with an outline of the aftermath and general lessons to be drawn. This course goes well beyond a historical treatment of the global economic crisis and provides general analytical frameworks that can be used to understand economic crises more generally. Each class will be organized around one or two topics related to a theoretical understanding of economic crisis and will apply them to an understanding of the 2008 crisis. The frameworks draw from the fields of microeconomics, macroeconomics, finance, international relations, global political economy, real estate and international economics, integrating and extending the knowledge obtained from other economic and policy courses. Basic Macroeconomics and Microeconomics, while not strictly a prerequisite, is highly recommended. Basic economic concepts will be used repeatedly during the class and basic knowledge of economics will be assumed. The format of the course is a classroom discussion of the reading and class debate. As such, it is imperative that you come well-prepared, having done all of the readings as this course entails a substantial amount of readings to prepare for class. The instructor has a point of view, but challenging that point of view will be encouraged, and even required. Lively class participation will be essential to the success of the course. Visitors from the worlds of finance and policy will contribute on occasion and will be announced. INTS 4641 East Asia in the Global Political Economy (5 qtr. hrs.) The main purpose of this course is to understand critically the conceptual and empirical issues underlying the linkages between the East Asian Regional Economy and the Global Economy. What is the role of the East Asian Regional Economy within the current global political economy (GPE). What is sustainable development in the East Asian Regional Economy? What are the global dimensions of sustainable development in the East Asian Regional Economy? What are the linkages between technology and sustainable development in the East Asian Regional Economy. After an initial exploration of these issues we focus critically on the more recently developed social capabilities approach developed by Amartya Sen and others. In particular, we explore the limits of policies under the existing institutional arrangements and examine the need for fundamental changes in the global

political economy and the East Asian Regional Economy. For this purpose we try to find the approximate but deep casual structure of GPE and the place of the East Asian Regional Economy within this GPE. INTS 4642 Environmental Security (5 qtr. hrs.) This course surveys the expanding literature on the complex interrelationships between the environment, natural resources, conflict, and human security. Since the dawn of agriculture (~7000 BCE), but rapidly accelerating in the industrial age (1750 CE to present), humanity has conducted an uncontrolled experiment in bending the natural environment to fit human needs and desires. Despite the perceived distance that technology has placed between our physical environments and our daily lives, human interactions with our natural environment are still fundamental. Since the end of the Cold War, much attention has been paid to the role of natural resources and environmental scarcity as a source of conflict, ranging from "water wars" between states sharing a common river basin to communal conflict between pastoralists and farmers in the Sahel. This course will survey the expanding literature on environmental impacts on conflict, as well as conflict impacts on the environment, and the potential for making co-management of valuable natural resources and wildlife a source of cooperation, rather than conflict, between communities and states. INTS 4700 United States Foreign Policy (5 qtr. hrs.) An intermediate course on issues and perspectives for evaluating American foreign policy. Topics discussed include theories of foreign policy; historical epochs in Superpower relations: the Cold War, Dente, and confrontation; America's role in the post-Cold War; war, peace, and trade in relation to U.S foreign policy planning and assessment. INTS 4715 Problems & Challenges of Democratization in Contemporary Democracies (5 qtr. hrs.) This is a six week course in the field of comparative democratization studies. We will cover from the political science perspective topics such as the transition to democracy, consolidation of democracies, how and why democracy has spread around the world, the debates on the virtues and perils of democracy and on the nature and quality of the resulting representative democracies. We will focus on the major explanatory

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Course Descriptions (Continued) factors for democratization: the case study/actor-centric approach, the statistical/structure-centric approach, and the region-centric approach. Additionally, we will study many of the features and quality of the many new democracies in topics such as: the functioning of political representation and accountability, institutional design and institutional functioning, political disaffection, democratic support and institutionalization of the party systems, political and social participation and the level of social capital. The geographical focus is global, due to the comparative nature of the theoretical discussion, but it will be mostly focus upon the Southern and Eastern European, and Latin American cases and the time frame is concentrated to the so-called "Third Wave of Democratization" that started with the Greek and Portuguese transition during the mid-1970s. INTS 4719 Humanitarian Intervention in Africa and Human Rights (5 qtr. hrs.) In the post-Cold War period, Africa has increasingly become a major continent for human rights crises. Consequently, African States, the United States and the International Community have raised the level of humanitarian intervention to provide peace keeping for endangered peoples and improved livelihood. The question of effectiveness of various measures of intervention is an important consideration. Interpretation of international law, human rights and the best means of enforcement are all under discussion. The world community is increasingly opposed to genocide and ethnocide as it was in the days of anti-apartheid. How this affects current crises in Zimbabwe, West Africa, and the Sudan will be discussed. The student interested in the work of NGOs, international agencies, and state governments will benefit from this course. INTS 4720 Capital Markets in Africa (3 qtr. hrs.) In this course, we explore the state of various capital markets in Africa, from microfinance to housing finance to public and private equity markets. The emphasis is on a comparative analysis to similar United States markets. The course does not attempt a comprehensive analysis of specific African countries, although examples are drawn from specific markets. Instead, we focus on many of the structural challenges to the development of mature capital markets in sub-Saharan African countries

(excluding South Africa). We explore questions such as, Can microfinance be profitable? Why isn't housing finance widely used? Why aren't there more IPOs in Africa? Students will make group presentations in class, where student participation will be strongly encouraged. Grades are based on a combination of group presentations (both the oral and written content) and individual class participation. INTS 4728 Nuclear Non-Proliferation (5 qtr. hrs.) This course will be taught by former Ambassador James E. Goodby. Ambassador Goody is currently Senior Research Fellow at M.I.T. and Senior Fellow at Brookings Institution. He has taught at Carnegie Mellon, Stanford and Georgetown. He is the author of Europe Undivided, a book on U.S.-Russian relations. Entering the U.S. Foreign Service in 1952, he rose to the rank of Career Minister. His most recent assignments include: Deputy to the Special Advisor to the President and Secretary of State for the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, special representative of President Clinton for the security and dismantlement of nuclear weapons, chief negotiator for nuclear threat reduction agreements, and ambassador to Finland. Nuclear weapons are the most powerful instruments of destruction the world has ever known and, arguably, the gravest danger civilization faces. The Cold War struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union generated tens of thousands of nuclear weapons which placed both nations and much of the world in jeopardy of devastation. The nuclear legacy of the Cold War remains a serious threat to global peace and security. Added to that is the problem of nuclear black markets and an increase in the number of states possessing nuclear weapons. The specter of al Qaeda with an atomic bomb has added a further dimension of insecurity and uncertainty. In this course, the class will be challenged to analyze and consider policy choices that are outside the historical experience of the human race in terms of the consequences that are involved. In the first few sessions, we will build a common data base by discussing the technology and the political decisions that helped to end World War II and sustained a nuclear standoff during the Cold War. We will then look at the transition period that began as the Cold War was winding down and proceed to such current issues as Iran, North Korea,

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

nuclear terrorism, and the use of force to prevent nuclear proliferation. A primary objective of the course will be to encourage students to engage directly in analysis, problem-solving, and policy formulation. Accordingly, most sessions will be structured so as to encourage active interaction with the instructor and among students. Generally, an hour will be set aside for a policy exercise. INTS 4729 Ethics and National Security (5 qtr. hrs.) Examines role of ethics in the formulation and execution of national security policy, with focus on U.S. government. INTS 4734 Homeland Sec & Civil Soc (5 qtr. hrs.) Examines host of potential societal consequences of homeland security efforts. INTS 4742 International Weapons Proliferation (5 qtr. hrs.) This course explores the worldwide proliferation of weapons and military hardware. Special attention is given to weapons of mass destruction including fundamental principles of weapons development and deployment; unique characteristics and effects of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons; and delivery systems. Capabilities and strategies to counter this international problem are developed. INTS 4750 The Policy Making Process (5 qtr. hrs.) Governments make public policies through a complex process, which varies in its details from country to country and even from issue to issue within the same country. In this course we study various parts of those processes and some of the inputs into them. In addition, we play close attention to problem framing or problem definition in those policy processes. Within all these disparate policy processes political actors must have some notion of what problem they are trying to solve and what constitutes the set of feasible solutions to those problems. These ideas about problems and feasible solutions are not given exogenously, are not some fact of nature, but instead arise from complicated interactions among actors and institutions in the policy process. The quest we ask throughout the course is how policy problems and solutions could be framed differently, how we can learn to look outside the conceptual box that

partisans to policy debates try to draw for us. Students write a series of papers during the course following a policy issue of their choice through the policy process. INTS 4751 Comparative European Foreign and Defense Policy (5 qtr. hrs.) The focus of this course is on foreign and defense policies of key states and international organizations in modern Europe, from the Atlantic to the Urals. After introducing Europe as a cultural, political, and geographical construct, we focus on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the European Union before turning to a comparative analysis of six leading European states. Security in an increasingly globalized world deals not only with defense issues, but also with economics, human rights, and questions of identity. We focus on Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Russia, and Turkey, underscoring their bilateral and multilateral associations with other European states, the United States, and the European Union, NATO, OSCE, and Council of Europe. We conclude with considerations of what "Europe" really means, and what the future holds for this vital content. INTS 4760 Russian Foreign and Defense Policy (5 qtr. hrs.) Course explores Russian foreign and defense policy from Vladimir Lenin to Vladimir Putin - heavy focus on security policy. INTS 4802 Marxism and Social Change (3 to 5 qtr. hrs.) This seminar focuses on the first volume of Marx's Capital in the context of his activity in the International Workingmen's Association. It shows how the arguments in Capital connect to support for unions, international strike support, support for an eight-hour day, and the creation of socialist/communist parties. The course contrasts Marx's views on the origins of capitalism with Max Weber’s. It explores Marx's argument on commodity fetishism in the context of Georg Lukacs' ideas of reification (Lukacs was a student of Weber's and his views are also heavily influenced by Weber's notion of formal rationality). In addition, it considers some of Marx's major historical explanations of social change (Class Struggles in France, Eighteenth Brumaire or Louis Napoleon) in the context of an interplay between Marx's revolutionary strategies in the event and his subsequent reconsiderations or historical explanations. Students may take 3, 4, or 5 credits.

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

INTS 4804 Realism and Democracy (5 qtr. hrs.) Course answers questions such as: Can democracy check international cruelty? Why, according to Kant, Doyle, and Rawls, are democracies unlikely to go to war with other democracies? We discuss democratic individuality and Vietnam, democracy, and Realism as well. INTS 4820 Ancient Political Theory (5 qtr. hrs.) Greek political thought traces the origins of philosophy in the decline and death of Athenian democracy, the role of war between Athens and Sparta in nurturing political corruption - a lack of respect for a common good - and bloody conflict between democrats and aristocrats in the Greek world, and the trial and death of Socrates. We explore analogies between the continuing murderousness of today's international politics and the repression of civil and political liberties that accompanies it (anti-democratic feedback). We see how the Greek way of studying politics - with attention to a common good, not the illusion of seeking "value-freedom" - casts light on how we might better study international and comparative politics. We read gripping dialogues, but we have an eye to what we may learn from them about today. We read Plato's Apology, Crito, Meno, Republic and a portion of the Laws, Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, and Aristotle's Politics. INTS 4821 Early Modern Political Theory (5 qtr. hrs.) This course seeks to provide an historical introduction to Western political thought in the early modern and Enlightenment eras. More particularly, we focus on the development of "modernity" in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and the development of social contract theory in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In addition, there is somewhat more emphasis on international relations than is typical in political science courses of a similar nature. No previous background in political theory (or international relations) is assumed. INTS 4822 Contemporary Political Thought (5 qtr. hrs.) An examination of current 21st century political theory and how the events of the 20th century helped mold these ideas/ concepts.

INTS 4851 Theories of Non-Violence (5 qtr. hrs.) Can a state be non-violent? Course explores topics such as the distinction between power and violence; whether nonviolent politics is possible; the distinction between an ethic of responsibility and an ethic of intention; is capitalism consistent with democracy? This seminar is interactive and class participation is required. INTS 4852 Theories of Non-Violence II (5 qtr. hrs.) The aim of the course is to consider the unexpected power of nonviolence - we discuss several segments of Eyes on the Prize which draws a vivid picture of the fearsomeness of engaging in protest in the murderous segregated South and the accomplishments of the movements. We study the role of religion in protest against slavery - the violent Christianity of John Brown and the nonviolence but comparative ineffectiveness of William Lloyd Garrison - and the role of Gandhi's Hinduism in the emergence of King's strategy of nonviolence, which also arises from Christianity. We consider whether religion must be a primary motivation of nonviolent movements as well as the specific role of churches in the South. In this context, we read Barbara Demin's Revolution and Equilibrium which gives a secular argument for civil disobedience in the context of Franz Fanon's Wretched of the Earth. We then take up a comparison of effective violent revolutions elsewhere, particularly the slave revolt that create Haiti, and ask whether in modern circ*mstances, nonviolence might be as effective. We also discuss the idea and practice of nonviolence or nonviolent communication in all relationships, not just political ones. This course can be taken for 3, 4, or 5 credits. INTS 4855 Geopolitics of South Asia (5 qtr. hrs.) This class explores the overlapping sub-national and regional conflicts threatening to destabilize Afghanistan and Pakistan and severely intensify Indo-Pakistan tensions. The seminar analyzes and assesses U.S. efforts to assist the Kabul regime to strengthen national support, reduce corruption, improve services and accelerate economic development. The nature of the Taliban, the dangers of increased poppy production, ongoing cross-border insurgency are studied. Similarly with regard to Pakistan, the seminar examines growing instability, the regional demographics of support and opposition to the current government, the role of the military, including the ISI, and socio-cultural challenges to modernization. The impact of the evolving conflicts in

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

Pakistan and Afghanistan on India's interests and India's response are also treated. INTS 4856 Sustainability, Development, and Environmental Challenges (5 qtr. hrs.) With world population reaching 7 billion this year – and two thirds of these people in developing countries – economic development is an urgent priority. Science, however, tells us we are approaching real limits on natural resources: arable land, freshwater, marine resources and clean air. How we manage the future of the “global commons” demands international cooperation on an unprecedented scale, as not state can address these sustainability challenges – and sustain prosperity – alone. This course offers an examine of the state of major ecosystems – forests and species habitats; wetlands, oceans and rivers and the atmosphere – and relevant legal frameworks and governance systems. We examine key global issues in light of policy actions – existing and proposed – focused on conservation and mitigation strategies, biodiversity and species management, agriculture and food security, energy security and climate change. We look at the UN’s role as the key institution(s) in supporting these processes. INTS 4875 Human Rights and Foreign Policy (5 qtr. hrs.) Global human rights issues and how those issues help mold foreign policy decisions. INTS 4877 Gender and Islam (5 qtr. hrs.) Course focuses on role religion plays in shaping its followers social identities (gender) on the bases of their physical identities. INTS 4888 Gender, Development and Human Rights (5 qtr. hrs.) Examines theories of gender and development by situating them in international human rights framework. INTS 4900 International Politics (0 or 5 qtr. hrs.) Topics on discussion include: levels of analysis; realism; neo-realist structuralism; international society and the English school; international anarchy; process variables and international institutions; international security institutions; rationalism, constructivism, and the purposes of theory; norms and ideas; gender and identity; and postmodernism and post-structuralism.

INTS 4902 Comparative Revolutions (5 qtr. hrs.) INTS 4903 Social Construction of International Society (5 qtr. hrs.) Examines recent theoretical work in the field of international relations that treats international society and its practices as social constructs. INTS 4905 War and Peace (5 qtr. hrs.) An intermediate course which examines the historical relationship of war to politics, such as the military profession, military organizations, economics of defense planning, limited use of force, demobilization, war reconstruction, military rule, and civilian control. Current world trends toward democratization focus attention on the issue of creating a democratic army for a democratic state. Readings cover western industrialized, communist, post-communist, and 3rd world countries. INTS 4907 International Terrorism (5 qtr. hrs.) This course will examine the literature on international terrorism both before and after 9/11. It will include an overview of the origins, history, goals, strategies, and capabilities of significant terrorist groups (emphasizing Al Qaeda). It will also examine the history of United States and international efforts to combat terror, focusing on post 9/11 debates over grand strategy and tactics (e.g., the relationship between offense and defense, active vs. passive defenses, intelligence reform, multilateralism vs. unilateralism, the relationship between "rogue states" and terror, etc.) INTS 4912 African Conflicts: Causes and Conflicts (5 qtr. hrs.) Twenty years after the “Third Wave” of democratization first swept across the African continent, African states have experienced a wide range of successes and problems in seeking political development through democratic models. Common to nearly all African states, however, is the fact that they were created by colonial powers, forcing many formerly independent people to live under one political roof. Thus before they could go about the business of governing, African states at independent first had to address their artificial natures by building coherent nations out of the many peoples living within their borders. Democratic political systems were seen as the best solution to this governance problem by allowing the many peoples of African states flexible

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

institutions through which they could negotiate their differences, and so govern effectively. Within several years of independent, however, most of the early African democracies had collapsed under the weight of their deep ethnic and religious differences. Decades of authoritarian rule did little to address the problems of governance, and exacerbated ethnic chauvinism and clientelism. Bankrupt and often near collapse by the late 1980s, and under pressure from Western governments, many African states turned back to democracy in the 1990s. Yet their deep ethnic and other divisions remain, as do clientelistic patterns of political behavior. These fundamental conflicts over the state and its governance have characterized African politics since independence. This class reviews the problems of state development in Africa, and the extent to which democratic solutions can resolve those problems. We do so by examining these issues from both the perspective of political science and of conflict resolution. Classes draw primarily on the perspectives of practitioners from the relief and rehabilitation community. Guest lectures include representative of government agencies, international organizations, and NGOs. INTS 4914 Statecraft and Smartpower in the Digital Era (5 qtr. hrs.) This course examines new approaches to the practice of statecraft in an era of rapid global change. Globalization is upsetting traditional international order and institutions, and changing the pace and intensity of decision making. Nation-state governments, while still the primary actors, must adjust to new sub-national, regional and transnational forces and players in a far more complex global arena. Digital Communication is revolutionizing relationships and interaction in the global arena. More groups and the general public are involved or mobilized in public participation than ever before. Vastly more information flows ever more quickly. Partisanship rises with segmentation, threatening fragmentation in public life. The new era reflects the imbalances and strains of major demographic change, especially the impact of an expanding tech-savvy younger generation. A significant youth bulge in volatile developing nations fuels reform efforts, but also creates the potential for conflict arising from continuing injustice and unmet expectations Foreign policy institutions and decision makers here and abroad are increasingly subject to cross-pressures from competing domestic and

transnational interests. In the U.S. the Inter-Agency must balance influential single-issue stakeholders and constituencies here and abroad. The course explores how the U.S. and other governments are responding to the new global challenges. Participants see to frame new “rules” of statecraft in the digital era. INTS 4920 Conflict Resolution (5 qtr. hrs.) An introductory course which identifies the collective factors leading to successful reconciliation or agreeable compromises in conflicts; analyzes the role and influence of cultural norms, gender conditioning and different bargaining strategies on the resolution process; applies the practical fundamental of negotiation on particular problem-solving techniques. INTS 4924 Democratization in the Middle East (5 qtr. hrs.) The promotion of democracy process and its implementation of democracy have emerged as a major goal for U.S. and world policy makers and have attracted the attention of many scholars. Democracy is now widely regarded as a political system that minimizes conflict, promotes sustainable development, and is a vital tool in the struggle against terrorism. However, the results of efforts to create democracies in various countries, including Iraq and Afghanistan are a clear illustration of the difficulties involved in making transitions to democracy. In this seminar, we shall focus on what is known about democratization, consider the nature and role of Islam, examine the state of democracy in key countries of the region, and consider the ways in which the U.S. and other external actors might strengthen democratic forces in the region. INTS 4928 Topics in International Law (5 qtr. hrs.) This is a reading/seminar course. Students are asked to be well-prepared and contribute to the discussion. We explore mostly modern forms of torture. The use of torture has not abated in the last 100 years despite conventions, treaties and watchdog organizations. What has occurred is that torture has become "stealth", to use Professor Rejali's term. These "stealth" techniques leave no mark and have been developed equally by democratic states and totalitarian regimes. It is also clear that the U.S. has engaged in state sponsored torture (see The Constitution Project bi-partisan report of April, 2013). An important question before us is if there is any place for torture in the 21st century and if torture is an effective means to gather intelligence. If the answer

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

to both questions is "no," and torture violates the most basic ethical, moral, and legal norms of humanity, they why does it persist? INTS 4931 International Organizations (5 qtr. hrs.) An intermediate course on approaches to the study of international organizations, including institutionalism, neo-functionalism, complex interdependence, international regimes, and epistemic communities. Case studies examining collective security and peacekeeping, human rights, Antarctica, and the environment are discussed. Prerequisite: INTS 4900 INTS 4934 Intervention: Policies & Pract (5 qtr. hrs.) Procedures, policies and practices of international organizations and the roles they play in helping resolve internal issues and conflicts. INTS 4935 Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflict (5 qtr. hrs.) This course is a theoretical and practical introduction to international humanitarianism law (IHL). IHL is known by many other names such as "humanitarian law," "law of conflict," and "laws of war." All these terms refer to the rules regarding the treatment of civilians and non-combatants in areas of armed conflict and the rules of engagement for soldiers and combatants. These "rules" are especially important to know if you eventually work for an IO or NGO that finds itself in areas of armed conflict. INTS 4936 International Law and Human Rights (3 or 5 qtr. hrs.) An introductory course examining the concept of human rights, including political, economic, social, and cultural rights. International, regional and national institutions, norms and procedures to protect individual and group rights are discussed. Recommended prerequisite: INTS 4940 INTS 4937 Human Rights and Refugee Systems (5 qtr. hrs.) An introductory course which focuses on an examination of the international refugee system from the perspective of human rights achievements and abuse. Focuses on polices and mechanisms of refugee dislocation, resettlement, and repatriation with emphasis on persons from Asia, Africa, and Eastern Europe. Mental health

outcomes are examined in depth. Prerequisites recommended: INTS 4940 INTS 4939 Human Rights: Genocide (5 qtr. hrs.) An introductory course examining the concept of human rights, violations. From violence and brutality in classical antiquity, slavery in America, terror in the Soviet Union under Stalin, World War II and the Holocaust, and the Cambodian massacre in the 1970s. The course is designed to understand the extremely diverse conditions of regimes that used mass violence for political ends. Prerequisites recommended: INTS 4940 INTS 4940 Introduction to Human Rights (0 or 5 qtr. hrs.) An introductory course focused around historical and theoretically relevant texts in humans rights. First and second generation rights are emphasized. Early liberal, conservative, and socialist understandings of human rights are highlighted against their respective historical background. INTS 4941 Human Rights and International Organizations (5 qtr. hrs.) An introductory course exploring the changing roles of international organizations in their efforts to protect and promote human rights. Examination of both the global and regional levels of human rights activities of international intergovernmental organizations are discussed. Recommended prerequisite: INTS 4940 INTS 4945 International Human Rights Law and Advocacy (5 qtr. hrs.) This course includes a review of major international human rights instruments, the methods for bringing complaints to the UN and to each of the three regional human rights systems (Inter-American, European, and African), and various substantive topics - refugee and asylum law, humanitarian law (genocide, torture, war crimes, and crimes against humanity), special rights of indigenous peoples, minorities, women and children, and transitional justice. Following this course, students may enroll in INTS 4995, the clinical component of the human rights advocacy program.

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

INTS 4947 Human Rights and National Security (5 qtr. hrs.) In a sense, the debate over human rights and security is rooted in ancient arguments over power and morality. Yet it is particularly since the end of World War II and the defeat of the Nazis, the emergence of the United States as the leading world power, and the onset of the nuclear age, that the debate over the relationship between human rights and national security has been part of operational discourse in real world politics as well as in university classrooms. The course title suggests an amplitude of subject matter far greater than can be encompassed in the ten weeks of the quarter. So, instructors are likely to differ about which issues to explore in the available time, and inevitably, they will differ in their pedagogical methods. Differences in methodology will reflect differences in taste, personality, training and experience. INTS 4951 Comparing International Societies (5 qtr. hrs.) Course explores variations in societies of states across time and place. INTS 4953 Mental Health, Human Rights and Development (5 qtr. hrs.) To provide graduate students with an integrated theoretical and pragmatic orientation to the intersection of health and human rights, as these "play out" in the context of international development work. INTS 4955 Human Rights Law and Advocacy Clinic: Practicum (3 or 5 qtr. hrs.) This Clinical Practicum program is available to Joseph Korbel School of International Studies, Sturm College of Law, and Graduate School of Social Work students each academic term. Students can enroll in this practicum for 3 or 5 credit hours. Students work on actual human rights issues or projects. The primary focus of the practicum is on converting human rights violations into cases that can be advocated using the rule of law. Students in the usual instance are expected to research and write a 3-part Advocacy Reports on particular human rights violations - (1) a factual narrative about the violation, (2) an identification of the domestic and international human rights law that can be used to challenge the violation or stop the violation. Ideally, students will go overseas to do fact-finding research,

and/or begin to implement, in concert with local human rights organizations or activists on the ground, the recommendation in their report for tackling the violation. Students who have taken INTS 4945 (the substantive course in International Human Rights Law & Advocacy) may enroll in INTS 4955. Students who have not taken that course may nonetheless take the practicum if (a) they have relevant academic or vocational experience in international human rights issues, and (b) have interviewed with and received permission from the professor to enroll. Students who sign up for 3 hours are obliged to provide at least 100 hours of effort to the Clinic; those who sign up for 5 hours are required to log at least 150 hours. Students may choose practicum subject areas: Advocacy, Tribunal Law, or Human Trafficking. INTS 4957 Global Poverty and Human Rights (5 qtr. hrs.) The main purpose of this course is to understand the relation between global poverty and human rights in a broad sense. We will try to understand the extent and causes of global poverty both empirically and theoretically. We will also try to understand the nature of human rights discourse in their particular context by focusing on its social, economic and political dimensions. We will also try to understand the underlying causes of oppression, inequality and poverty in the world. In order to do this, we will look at the relationship between economic systems, political constraints and the nature of global poverty and human rights discourse historically, theoretically and empirically. In this way, both the reach and the current limits of the global poverty and human rights discourse can be identified. The last part of the course will focus on creating a new, more objective discourse on the nature of global poverty and human rights in light of our structural understanding of the political economy of global poverty and human rights. INTS 4965 Technology and Sustainable Development (5 qtr. hrs.) Technology has always been a major influence on cultures and societies, national and international. Today, all countries recognize the key role that technology plays in achieving sustainable development and are striving to harness its potential while minimizing its negative impacts. New technologies such as robotics, genetics, information and communication all promise transformations that can greatly improve the

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Course Descriptions (Continued)

quality of life of peoples everywhere. At the same, time they can also develop in ways that do not lead to as sustainable a future. Thus, they generate controversy and difficult policy choices for governments and peoples everywhere. Accordingly, it is essential to understand the nature of technology and its role in social and political change as well as the ways in which it can be controlled and harnessed for positive ends. In this seminar we will focus upon the relationship of technology to sustainable development and pay special attention to emerging technologies and to such issues as technology transfer, the relationship between technology and democracy, technology assessment and control, the role of appropriate technology, and how developing countries can develop modern scientific and technological capabilities that promote sustainable futures. INTS 4966 Applied Field Methods (5 qtr. hrs.) An introductory course for students planning to conduct research in developing countries. Practical information is presented on transforming hypothesis into a fieldwork setting, questionnaire construction and administration, and interviewing techniques. INTS 4972 Global Environmental Governance (5 qtr. hrs.) Global environmental problems pose seemingly intractable problems for international relations and policy. In this seminar, we probe some of the practical and theoretical difficulties associated with solving such problems. These problems include: How can sovereign nation-states agree to cooperate on environmental problems and how can such cooperation include businesses and civil society? No international institution can legitimately coerce nations into such cooperation. Therefore, international institutions much get them to agree to cooperate, must find ways to bring business and civil society into those agreements, and then find ways to monitor and enforce the agreements. This task is harder than it might seem, and we explore both theories and cases that illuminate it. INTS 4983 Healthcare, Homeland Security, and Global Terrorism (3 or 5 qtr. hrs.) Healthcare institutions have flourished for years in their own independent "environment of care" linking centuries of traditional values and training with cutting-edge

technologies and mandates for cost controls, quality performance and legal constraints. On many levels, these institutions now are being challenged to "catch up" in a new world of national security and global health issues. What are the health care threats - agents of bioterrorism, chemical or radiological substance exposure, or other massive events? How do current planning efforts for emergencies prepare us for terrorism or catastrophic-scale events? How do preparedness and security efforts in the U.S. compare to those of other nations, and what can we learn from attacks here and abroad? What are opportunities and constraints facing medical professionals, and how do institutions integrate with Homeland Security directives for "awareness, prevention, response and recovery" in their efforts? This course utilizes many case studies in disasters and terrorism to examine the infrastructure and operations of health care systems, security breaches, and lessons learned from response efforts in the U.S. and abroad. INTS 4987 Forced Labor and Human Trafficking (5 qtr. hrs.) This course looks at a brief history of slavery, especially as it pertains to the British, West African, West Indies, and American triangle. We then look at contemporary issues of forced labor, human trafficking and contemporary slavery. Human trafficking is a very complex problem that requires a sophisticated, inter-disciplinary critique.

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For More Information A complete description of the program’s official offerings and requirements is available from the department at

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What is the meaning of intercultural communication in PDF? ›

Intercultural communication occurs when people from different cultural backgrounds interact and negotiate meaning. It can refer to communication between people from different nationalities, ethnicities, religions, or sexual orientations.

What is the difference between intercultural communication and international communication? ›

international communication- -any symbolic interaction between people of different nation states. intercultural communication--communication between people of different cultures in which the culture is a determining factor in the form and/or content of the communication.

What are the 3 approaches to intercultural communication? ›

Judith Martin and Thomas Nakayama (1997) identified three approaches to studying intercultural communication, namely, social science, interpretive, and critical approaches. The social science approach employs methods such as survey and observation to identify cultural variables and to describe and predict behav- ior.

What is the definition of international communication PDF? ›

International Communication is a tool to practice communication around the world. It was established to meet the increasing demand for globalization. International communication is mostly based on communication between governments, businesses, and people around the world.

What is the main goal of intercultural communication? ›

The primary purpose of intercultural communication is to increase understanding of culturally mediated communication phenomena. Within this goal, there are three distinct research avenues: culture specific, culture general and intercultural interaction.

What is intercultural communication and why is it important? ›

The capacity to communicate with people from diverse cultures is referred to as intercultural communication. Interacting effectively across cultural lines requires perseverance and sensitivity to one another's differences. This encompasses language skills, customs, ways of thinking, social norms, and habits.

What best defines intercultural communication? ›

Intercultural communication refers to the communication between people from two different cultures. (Chen & Starosta, 1998:28) Intercultural communication is a symbolic, interpretive, transactional, contextual process, in which people from different cultures create shared meanings.

Why is international communication important? ›

In an increasingly interconnected globalized world, international communication plays a growing and crucial role as a prerequisite for international factor movements, international trade, foreign direct investments, financial flows, and human migration.

What are the 4 elements of intercultural communication? ›

The basic principles of intercultural communication are as follows.
  • 4.1. Language, culture, linguaculture. ...
  • 4.2. Intercultural Mediation. ...
  • 4.3. Channels of communication.
  • 4.4. Subconscious elements in communicative behaviour.

What are the 5 components of intercultural communication? ›

It may be tempting to consider only the source and receiver within a transaction as a representation of intercultural communication, but if we do that, we miss the other six components—the message, channel, feedback, context, environment, and interference—in every communicative act.

What are the 6 stages of intercultural communication? ›

The DMIS consists of 6 different stages. These stages include denial, defense, minimization, acceptance, adaptation, and integration (Cushner, McClelland, & Safford, 2012). Each stage describes a cognitive structure that is communicated through attitudes and behaviors (Bennett, 2011).

What is an example of international communication? ›

Communication between two or more governments related to different countries. Maybe a discussion about current affairs and conflicts. Involves interaction between two or more international business parties. Maybe any deal contract.

What are the 7 dimensions of international communication? ›

When we talk about “international communication”, or communication in international relations, we are really talking about seven dimensions of the topic: technology, telecommunication, cultural products, news, mail, cultural relations and language.

What are the methods of international communication? ›

Here are some of our tips:
  • Be aware of the cultural differences between yourself and your international colleagues. ...
  • Use clear and concise language. ...
  • Avoid slang and idioms. ...
  • Take the time to understand your international colleagues'/clients' needs. ...
  • Use appropriate communication channels. ...
  • Be aware of your body language.
Mar 22, 2022

What is the meaning of intercultural communication? ›

Intercultural communication refers to the communication between people from two different cultures.

What do you mean by intra-cultural communication pdf? ›


The type of communication that takes place between members of the same dominant culture, but with slightly different values Communication within the boundaries of the same culture Sharing the same ground rules(Matsumoto & Juang, 2004)

What is interculturality pdf? ›

The term “interculturality,” understood as the relations that exist between culturally diverse human groups in a given society, is a complex one currently used to refer to the relations that exist within society between diverse majority and minority constellations defined in terms not only of culture but also of ...

What is the meaning of interethnic communication? ›

Interethnic communication is the definition of interconnection and relationships, in the process. of which people belonging to different national communities and holding different religious. views exchange experience, spiritual values, thoughts, feelings.

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.