Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

riTTSnt'RGII rOSTGAZITTTF: WEDNESIHY. DECFMRKR 13, Ogotn Nofcci Wot Htlp Wonterf Molt Help Wanted Ltgal Notices DEATHS YESTERDAY PREVIOUS DEATHS CITY UK OrFlCIAL NOTICE OF PDnlVUl'll TAV NOTICE is hfiehy civen of the lntenliun to reenact an ordinance under the authnrily of the Act of June 25. 1947. L. 1145 as amended, levvlnt a mercantile licence tax for the year 1 966 ai the rate of two (2i mills on each one dollar IS1 00 of volume of annual gross business Ihe privilrce of enlacing In business as a retail vendor or dealer In good, warps or merchandise, and upon Ihe privilege of ennaulng In the business of conducting a restaurant or other place where food, drink or refreshments are sold, the ordinance containing those provisions previously enactra for 1965 In Ordinance No.

451. approved December 23. 1964 but changing the same so as to expand the definition of wholesale vendors and wholesale dealers who are nut subicct to the tax i ne prnposea (irainsnee nn been Introduced as Bill No. 2687 nf 1966 and Is on file and available for examination at the Office of the Cily Clerk Fifth Fltmr. Clty-Couniy Builriliift.

Pittsburgh. Pa. The proposed tax is for fenrral ment of the Rovprnint- officials of th City ol Pltlsburch necessary to mrrt part of the rust ot the Srf' pioyees. applies, utilities and other expense. The amount of revenue esllmaM tax lor ib66 la two minion doi Ian 12.000.000).

A EST; PATRICK T. fa*gAN President, City Council GEORCE BOXHKIMER Cits Clerk Estate of John S. Williams, de ceased, of West View, Pa. No. 535.1 on iTrtTX Snder SnM hn" Z'cJ havln, claim, or demand," the estate of decedent to make known h.Ji.

rfL," out delay to Maruarot T. Williams, 5501 Babco*ck Pa. 15237. John G. Eidemueller, 1015 Berser Pjh P.

15219. Estate of William Buckley, de Special Noticti Welsh. Wimam P. of 1057 Havnoce Ave. fin Monday December 1.1, 1 96T.

pgh. Oiutli'il X491 K. of C. will nalher at the Frank K. DeBor Funeral Home 10 Hronkline Blvd evening at a .10 m.

to reciie the Roary for our drarted brother. Florist, Baskets riHAC MA, SPRAYS $5 1-1300 LUBIN A SMALLEY Beauty softens sorrow. Send flowers. GRANT 1-2200 Monuments Cemetery Lots tranquillity and peace Homewood Cemetery oflers facilities for ground burial, mausoleum entombment or cremation in an atmosphere ol quiet charm and dignity. The new mausoleum one ot the finest in the country can be visited Sundays and weekdays.

Call 421-1822 for information. HOMEWOOD CEMETERY Dallas Aylesboro Avenuet Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217 L3al Notices PUBLIC PARKING AUTHORITY OP PiTTSBtmr.H 1. Sealed and aeDaiAle nmnmjili will be received at the office of the Aulhority. Room 1114-200 Rosa Street, Pittsburgh.

Pennsylvania. 15219, until 10 a. E.S.T.. Thiirsrta ntvornhnf IQA will be publicly opened and read one hour thereafter for; THE FURNISHING AND DE- 1 I.TVirnv nc nur I. vonn.

I i ceased. of Pa. No. 5480 of i in order to nrotert tha emS; 0n "clc'Sfsr esiale wcie granted to the undrr- t.r i t. npMiv unrfcritivni and fi.ned who requests all perons that maUefstal Jf.tJ lemands acamst Ihe withheld as fas as possible by The thl Lml Post-Gazette.

Only bona fide answers arsons indebted to advertisem*nts addressed to boi nd wltn' I numbers In care of The Post-Gaiette lndt.no "llv' sdvertisers on DOOR. EIGIIT-PASSENGER STA- I M'ste of decedent to make known TION WAGON. the same and all persons Indebted 2. Specifications and Bid Pro- I to decedent to make payment with-posal fronts may be obtained at the out delay to Norbert jnhn icicr-h lost and Found ANIMAL Rescue Learue nuv hrio Imd vnur lfl doe. MINIATURE Srhnaurer firry male; Smoky Drertlf Id Manor.

Idcnllfl- 1 cat ion Reward. 8.13-0317, 3 MOIt Hlp Wontefl Notice: DrslTistlons as to In our Hflp WantfJ and Employment Agency columns are made only 1 to Indicate bona fide occupational qualification! for employment which an employer re-eards as reasonably nece, try to the normal operation of hli or MiterprUe, or 4 3) as a conTenlence to our readers, to let them know which posit 10m the advertiser brheveg would be of more Interest to one if than another because of the wurk involved. Such donation ah-11 not taken to indicate that the adverilser Intends or practices any unlawful preference, limitation, specification or discrimination In employment practices. All advertisem*nts in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Male ri.i- female Help columns, altering Sale Positions, must indicate article ot service to 00 SOU ana the OOSit Of 1 compensation. The Post-Gazette does not know.

Inily accept Help-Wanted arii from employe covered by the Labor Standards Act, which applies to employment In Interstate commerce, If they offer less than the lesal minimum wane of 11.25 an hour or fall i h. ii ntlmt niJSJit-ra sddress Is eeaerei Bios, ion Llb- Pittsburgh Pennsylvania p. 00(i I When anawerlni advertlaementi diiressed to Post-Garette boxes DO NOT Include Other DSDen nf nerannal lue. Aoverllaers often fall to call for all replies addressed to a Press bos numbers and this mall la destroyed If remalnlnc over 10 days sveru.e- Question snd answers on KniDiov. Dent Agencies la available to you by Uu Seventh Avenue.

PitUbunth. 1921V opS, company JraunL TrVtZ Boi .24 M-M4, rost-Lazeiie. Automobile Trimmer Convertible Top Installer Seat Cover Installer EXPERIENCED ONLY STEADY WORK f. Hi.Tr.M burch distiict Highest wases paid in the Pltti- Ul PP A KA A I I ldIVIMN IVIIMHt. SALES 864 Second Avenue New Kensington, Pa.

PHONE 335-8873 BARBER Bxperlenced. $75 week. Aoplv Jim's Barber Shoo. 884-4633. areniwooa.

BARBER Wanted-Steady work. 70 rnone 3bi-tt23o BARBER, Apprentice-11 Old Clalr-ton Pleasant Hills. 655-9898; Id t. CARPENTER Part-time: daylight. Manufacturing plant.

Oakland. Write Box 655, Post-Gazette. DRAFTSMEN DETAILERS LAYOUT and DESIGNERS Immediate) cpeninqs. High pay per diem. National company offices in cities.

Call 281-7149 between 9 and 6. Ask for Mr, John Kayne or tend resume to Superior Design 643 Walden Buffalo. New York. DRAFTING TECHNICAL AGENCY INCORPORATE fUITE 1201. CLARK BUILDING 717 Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh.

Pa. 15223 261-35KK St) DRAFTING TRAINEES Tech school students to be trained by major engr corp. as design draftsman. Light exp. Need is now.

Interviewing Wed. evening In our office. Call Mr. Baker or Mr. Devauel.

261-3588. Electro-Mechanical Maintenance to perform Preventstive A Correctlvt 011 Office Products. I Electric Typewriters, Voice Equipment Magnetic Tape Selectric i Typewriter. Technical or Armed PhSn. Mls.

Benets. 261-6880; Force training experience rieirtui I. B. M. An Equal Opportunity Employer ENGINEERING ASSISTANTS rnHiHt.

with a or mor training or equivalent in electrical engineering, arcnitec-i luiai aesiKn. "ciiuu. iu permanent work with larR9 corp-j oration in Richmond. Va. Sen(T longhand resume of experience and traininf to u-o4 post-a7eue An Equal Opportunity Employer GUARDS Full and part-time.

Uniform" fur- 6P2 t'laima Man havine 1 "P'rlence workmen's corn pen sat, cm. Salary commensurate with experi ence and ability. Send Inquires to P03t Office Box tireensburg, Pa. INSURANCE Claims Man havlns ema hrIUh offlra home office i workmen's compensation. Send inquiries to Post I Oflire Box N.

Greenaburg. Ps. MiVN RECENT S. GRAD miu lntr. National publlshlnr fn.

will Inter- vipt for permanent career oppty, Musi he recent H. 8. Grad ood appearance. Startinn salary 75 per week raises tn aTTPr wppks. $1 IS after a weeks.

Business Product Service Division. FOR APPT. CALL TODAY AM-S PM. 861-0133 mij mm, Grant Bid? Peh Pa tte of Norbert S. 'a Norbert Kelsch ik.

Kelsch Mrt SUfried Kelsch. deceased wi Krserve Twn Pm N. t.A'?- 1865. Letter, testamentary on his "late were granted to the under- Hied who requests all peraons hav- me rlaim. nr HmanH.

2110 Ml. Troy Road Psh! A. Esler, Eslrr Peh Pa' AUy" 1324 y'''clt Notice Is hereby given pursuant to Act o' May 24, 1945, P. L. 967.

as amended, uf intention to file in the oldce of the 'retai7 of the Commonwealth ot Pennsv vania at tl.iTi.n.,,. 'Ile office of the Prothonoiafof the i of Common Pleas of Allegheny t-uumy, on Monday, the 20th day of December, 1985. a Certificate for the conduct of a business in Allegheny Couniy, Pennsylvania, under the assumed or fictitious name, style or designation of J. K. Munhall with Its principal place of business at 650 Butler Etna, Psh.

13223, Pa. The names and address. of all persons owning or Interested In said business are: J. Kenneth Mun- rau, 60S California Oakmont Pa. 15139.

Marv Munhall cn( Pa. 15139. Mary K. Munhall, 606 California Oakmont, Pa. 15139, CITY OF PITTSBURGH OFFICIAL NOTICE OF tav I NOTICE Is herehv eivon ni in 5" Uer the author ltv of the Ac i 25, 1947.

L' 1145 levying a tax In the amount of ten 1 dollars (J10 00I upon the privilege engaging in an occunatinn wirhTn the Cltv of Pittshureh in I OKA ln K. paid by each Individual exercising such pnvlleee, whether the individual is a resident or non-resident of the City of Pittsburgh, the new ordinance containing those provisions oreviously enacted for 1965 in Ordinance No. 447. approved December 22. 1964, but.

chaining the same so as to provide that the tax shall nut be Imposed upon any natural person whose tola! Income during the taxable year Is not in excess of one thousands dollars 1 si .000 1 The proposed ordinance has been Introduced as Bill No. 26R8 ot 1D65. and la on file and available for examination at the Office of the City Clerk. Filth Floor. City-County Building.

Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania. The proposed tax Is for general revenue purpose and In the Judgment of the governing officials of the City of Pittsburgh Is necessary to meet part of the costs of the operation of City government. Including wages and salaries of emulnyees. supplies, utilities and other expenses.

The amount of revenues estimated to be derived from rite proposed tax for 1966 la $3,100 000. The proposed ordinance will be considered finally by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh at a meeting to be held In the Council Chambers, Fifth Floor. City-Conntv Building, Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania, on Monday. Dfcember J7, 1965.

at 2:00 P. M. ATTEST: GEORGE BOXHEIMF.R. City Clerk PATRICK T. fa*gAN.

President. Clly Council CITY OF PITTSBURGH OFFICIAL NOTICE OF PROPOSED TAX NOTICE Is hereby eiven of the In. tention to re-enect an ordinance un- dcr "orltyrf tl. Act ampndmpnls, levyinr tax lor the year 1966 on certain classes of Intangible personal property, the ordinance containing those provision previously enacted for 1965 In Ordinance No. 449, approved December 22.

1964, but changlm the same so a to Increase the rate of tax from two (2) mills to four 4t mills on each dollar of value on all taxable personal property owned, held or possessed The proposed ordinance has been Introduced as Bill No. 2690 of 1965. and Is on file and available for ex amination at the office of the City Clerk, Fifth Floor. Cltv-Cnunty Build- tnsr. Pittsburgh.

Pennsylvania. of the Koveminir officials of the City revenue purposes and tn the ludement The proposed tax is lor nenri ai rev- enue purposes end In the Judgment of the Rovernlne officials of the City of Pittsburgh Is necessarv to meet part of the rostg of the operation of City lovernment. tncludinir wacea and salaries nf enmlfivers sunnlips utili ties and other expenses. Dcolk Notices Shellito On Monday. Dec.

1:1. 19h5, Martha II ol bOS Tidball tirova Clly. mother of Mirian Parker, of Peekskill. N. and Joanna Kempic.

of Ellicott C'llv. sister of Mrs. Creig Hot, of Ben Avon. Mrs. Harry MiCormlrk.

of Hnllrwood. and Mrs. Howard Leslie, of RD b. New t'aslle. six grandchildren.

Friends will received Wednesday afternoon and evening al the SHELLEY-DORR II NERAL HOME, Orove City, Pa. Services Thursday, at 2 p. m. Interment Crestvlew Cemetery, Grove City. In lieu of flowers, contributions may bt made to Ihe East Main United Presbyterian Church Memorial Fund.

Shoemaker Of 355 Joseph Baldwin Borough, on Tuesday, Dec. 14, 1965, rrea Bnoemaker. nusband of the late Nellie Frolim; lather of Robert R. and Fred Shoemaker also one grandchild and iwo great-grandchildren. Friends and members of Monongahela Lodge No.

2b9 FA-AM and Masonic Veterans received at the READSHA Fl'NERAL HOME, 1503 Brownsville Rd. Service Friday at 1 P. m. Snyder On Monday. Dec.

13. 1965. Burton S. Snvder. of 1724 Svlview Drive, Pgh 16, husband of Roberta Snyder; lather of Jodl Beth, Pamela, and Michael Snyder; brother of Mrs.

Lenore oro's-slnger of Philadelphia, Pa. Friends will be received at BLANK BROTHERS FUNERAL HOME, Forbes Ave at Craft, 7-9 Tuesday evening. Services at 12 noon on Wednesday. Interment Bhaare Torah Cemetery. Solomon On Sunday, Dec.

S. 1965, at South Viet Nam, Private Milton of 100 Ellen Glenshaw; beloved son of Milton 8. and Eleanor Fischer Solomon; brother of Eleanor B. Solomon. Friends received at the JOHN F.

MURRAY FUNERAL HOME. Butler at 52nd with funeral services on Thursday, Dec. 16, at 10 a. m. Stokely Suddenly, on Monday evening, Dec.

13. 1965, Theodore B. hus-j band of Doris Moore Stokely, of 612 California Avalon; fa-' ther of Jane M. Stokely. al home, and Mrs.

Barbara Fay Patterson, of New Providence. N. brnth-I er of Mrs. Mary Rosser. of Monroeville.

Ohio: also four grandchildren. Friends rereived at the LESTER MrDONALD FUNERAL HOME. 529 California Avalon, where services will be held on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Stumme On Monday evening, Dec. 13, 1965, Ferdinand beloved hus-; band of Anna Stumme of 806 Morwlrh Brookline; father of Mrs.

Myrtle Schulz and the late Mrs. Margaret Neale: one sister, Mrs. Nora O'Brien; also three grandchildren. Friends received at Ihe L. BEINHAUER I AND SON CO.

MORTUARY. 2hin I West Liberty Ave. Services on Thursday morning at 11 o'clock. Members of the Retired Letter Carriers Assn. and friends Invited.

Visitation 2-4 and 7-9 p. m. Taylor Suddenly, on Dec. 11, 1965, Alovla Sollnger, of Tacoma Park, (formerly of RD 1, Coraopolis) wife of Ronald Taylor; and daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Anthony Sollnger sister of Ber-nedlne, Anthony and Joseph. Friends will be received at the HAROLD K. WHARTON FUNERAL HOME, Cliff Mine Imperial, Pa. Requiem high mass in St. Columbkill R.

C. Church on Thursday, Dec. 16, at 9 a. m. Tulisiak On Sunday, Dec.

12. 1963. Rose Gorskl Tulisiak, beloved wife of the late John Tulisiak beloved mother of Aloysitis. John and George Tulisiak, Helen Mc-Cabe, Anna Egler, Gertrude Will. Martha Byrne, and Marcelline Johnston: also 26 grandchildren i and 21 great-grandchildren; sis- ter of John Gorskl of Warsaw, i Poland.

Friends received at McCABE BROS. INC. FUNERAL HOME. 6214 Walnut Shadv-side. Funeral Thursday, Dec.

16, 1965 at 8:30 a.m. Requiem high mass at St. Josaphat Church, at 10:00 a.m. Burial In St. Josaphat Cemetery.

Visitation with family, 2-4 and 7-9 p. m. Tyler 8uridenlv. on Sunday, Dec. 12, 1965, Thomas M.

(Irish), beloved husband of Catherine (Kay) Schweitzer: father of Mary A. (Babe) Kuhn; also eight grandchildren, two great-grandchildren; brother of Albert F. Stetnmeis and Marcella Hummel. Funeral from the J. MeCABE FUNERAL HOME, 9311 Frankstown Road, on Thursday, at 10 a.

m. Requiem mass In St. Pius Church, at 10:30 a. m. Walker Suddenly, on Sunday, Dee.

12, 1965, Thomas, of 128 Station 81., Penn Hills, husband of Bonnie Lambing Walker; father of Oail, Susan, Larry, David, and Roger Walker; son of the late Cecil Walker; also survived by his mother Ruth Davis and stepfather, James Davis: brother of Margaret Harnett, Shirley Clements, Barbara Sandstrom, William and Richard Walker. Friends received at the PAUL R. ELKIN FUNERAL HOME, 2300 Leech-burg Penn Hills, where services will be held on Wednesday, at 2 p. m. Interment Sunset View Memorial Park.

Ward On Monday. Dee. II. 1963. Zella Long Ward, widow of Alfred Ward or tne negiev noune; mumrr i Alfred Long Ward, William Russell Ward of Los Angeles.

and Mrs. Jean Babb of also survived by eight grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren. Friends received at H. SAMSON 537 Neville St. (Oakland Civic Center), Tuesday t.a mnA 7.o Services Wednesday afternoon at o'clock.

Interment private. Welsh William on Tuesday, Dee. 14, 1965, of 1057 Bayridge Brookline, beloved husband of Saliy Pietras Welsh; father of Mrs. Dolores Noonan; brother of Margaret. Peter and Patrick Welsh; grandfather of Billy and Jimmy Noonan.

Friends and Knights of Columbus No. 491 and Holy Name of Resurrection Church mav call at the FRANK F. DeBOR FUNERAL HOME, 1065 Brookline Blvd. Funeral on Saturday al 9 a. m.

High mass of requiem In the Church ol the Resurrection at 10 a. m. Wilt On Tuesday, Dec. 14. 1965, Francis of 112-A Watson Drive Turtle Creek, beloved husband ol Ida Noble; father of Mrs.

Mar-lone Moore and Edward Irwin; also three grandchildren; brother of Robert, Daniel, John, and Al bert. Friends win oe receiveu the JOHN L. QITNLAN FUNERAL tioME, 11th and Airbrake Turtle Creek, where funeral serv- ices will be held Friday at 1:30 m. Interment Churchill Ceme- i tery. Family hours 2-4 na 7- p.

m. I Wilt 1 rw 14 Marcaret. Clugslon of 1007 Mill Wilkinsburg, wife of the late Leroy Wilt; mother of Mrs. David (Thelma) Wllhoit, Mrs. Paul La-verne) Focareia, Mrs.

Beham (Edith) Henline, Mrs. Frank (Ruth) Kolln, Mrs, Joseph (Patricia) Ivan, Robert Harry F. and Ronald A. Wilt; sister of Mrs. Walter (Grace) Phillips, Mrs Harrv (Ruth) Adams, Harold R.

and Arthur W. Clugston. Friends received at the FAI E. VON GEIS FUNERAL HOME, Ctnier al Wallace Wilkinsburg, where services will be held on Friday at 1:30 p. m.

Notices Estate of Marcel Alexandre schre-yer, deceased, of Pa. No. 3i27 of 165. Letters teitameniary on his esiate vvere granted to the undersigned who requeata all persona having: la una or demands auainat the estate of decedent to make known the same and all permna Indebted to df cedent to make payment without delay to Helens Schrcyer, 304 Strafford Pa. 15232.

John D. istedeford, 1414 Knck Pa. 1S219. Esiate of John Krancta Dochrrty, deceased, of lngomar, Pa. No.

5225 of 1965. Letters testamentary on hla eatate were uranted to the under-alKnrd who requests alt persons having claims or demands against tht esiate of decedent to make known the same and all persons Indebted tn decedent to make payment without delay to Pit(5but gh National Bank. 414 Wood Pa 15222, Jacob Frank- Frank Klaber. 3219 Grant Psh. Pa 15219.

Estate of Martha Shaw Caruthers, defeased, of Franklin County, Ohio No. 2041 of 1965. Letters ol admin-I Istratlnn a on her estate were jiraniea to me una-rsimed wno re- Suests all persona having claims or emanda against the estate of decedent to make known the same and all persons Indebted to decedent to make payment without delay to Paul R. Taruthers, Adm, eta. 72 East Granville Rd.

Washington. O. Robert C. Rlethmulter, Attv 108 Law St man ci Pgh. Fa.

1621. Adams Mary Calhrrine. of Pinrlia Park, Kpi.rta. passed flwflv Nov, 4. i Iprntetiv a rrhwient nl Oaknale, Pa she is survived hv lirr husband.

Wm. Paul: and ihrce sons, lRnv of Pineila Park, Paul f. of Rrnnerdale. Har-t ol Guanaiajarra. two daughters, M.S.

Jean Raup. of l. Pfc ailu MasQiielier. of Rennerdale, fine mm er. Mrs.

Madge Hilflebrand. of Ingram. also 10 granri-rhildren. Interment was In Roval Palms Cemetery. St.

Petersburg, Fla. Arnold Mrs. Arthur age 91. at the home of her daughter. Mrs.

Dean Couch ol bOl Ctearview Cralton, on Tuesday, Dee. 14, 19b5; also survived by son.Uilbrrt N. Arnold of Columbus, Ohio; five tuandi luidien aim 11 gteai-Kianu-rluiriren. Friends received at the Couih residence on Wednesday from 2-4 p. m.

Services at the home- on Wednesday at 7 30 p. m. Final services and interment at Columbus. Ohio. Frldav at 3 p.

m. (In lieu of flowers, send contributions to the Methodist Children's Home, Wonhmgion, Ohio.) Asluri On Saturday Dee. 11. lSt.5. Fnmo.

beloved husband of Josephine: father of August. Mrs. rv Llberto. Mrs Christina PtDiano and the late Joseph Asluri: brother of Mrs. Elizabeth Mosrhella.

Mrs. Maria Costa. Amhonv Asluri. all of Italv and Mrs. Teresa Asturi: also survived bv 12 grandchildren.

Friends re-reived al the VINCENT M. FF.B-BRARO flNKRAL HOME, 123 Moadow St. Solemn reouiem high mass In Our Ladv Help of Christians Church on Thursday at 9:30 a. m. Atack Of 1890 Bryndale Ave Coraop-erus.

on Dec. 13. 19b5, William father of W. James Alack and Mr. Irene Rhine; brother of Mrs.

Anna Baker; also eight grandchildren and eight greatgrandchildren. Frienas received from 2-4 and 7-9 p. at R. 1). COPELAND'S.

8t7 Fifth Ave. Cotaopolis. Services on Thursday at p. m. Baker Oh Saurday, Dec II.

1965. Clifford husband of Margaret Klingensmuh. father of Ronnie and Barry Baiter: brother of Mrs. Bettv Coleman. Friends received at Ihe ROWLANL S.

COOKE IU-NERAL HOME, 210 East End Ave. from 2-4 and 7-9 p. ni. Services on Wednesday, at 2 p. m.

Barrett On Tuesday, Dee 14. 19K5, Dr. William Barrett, DDS, beloved husband of Anna Marie Hanlon Barrett; father of Mary Lou Lev; grandfather of Chris- line and Barbara Lev. Friends received at McCABE BROS. INC.

Fl'NERAL HOME. 6214 Walnut Sliadyside. Funeral Friday, Dee. 17. at 9 a.

Requiem high mass in Sacred Heart Church at i 10 a. m. Visitations with family 2-4 and 7-9 p. m. Bifjgs Suddenly, on Monday.

Dec. 11, 1965, Sylvester, of 523 Lowell beloved husband of Mrs. Owvnne U. Biggs; son of Mrs. Ella Biggs of Talbotton.

hr.vher Imoqene Jenkins. Mrs. Daisy Woodward, and Charles M. B'tus of janies. fcugar and Pedro, and Ferris Biggs of Talbotton.

Alfonso Biggs and Miss Rilla Biggs of Columbus. George Biggs of Mnrvland. and Mrs. Ossie Mae Thomas of Jumper, Ga. i ricius lectiv.u at the Jl'LIA H.

GAINES Fl'NERAL HOME, 220 Auburn East End. where services will held on Wednesday at 1 p. m. Interment Geneva, Oft. Rowland Oa Tuesday.

Dec. 14. 1965. George (formerly of 611 Lvdia Carnegie, nusband of the late Agnes W. Bowland; father ol i Busseli.

Mrs. Adia Oliver. Mrs. Gladys Hunter and Mrs. Wilhel-it i or i i 11 vi at the BRADWELL AND MRF1 LA FUNERAL HOME.

415 Chartiers Carnegie, where services will be hrlu oif Friday at p. m. Brown On Dec. 13. 1965.

William J. Brown, of 315 Bausman beloved husband of Alia Straltff Brown; brother of Mrs. Edna and Charles, of Praia also three nephews and two nieces. Friends received at the i OLLIGA.N-BARRV I A HOME, 608 Warrington Ave, (formerly Joseph Colligan Funeral Home i. Services on Thursday.

Dee 16. at 2 m. (Family requests visitations 2-4 and 7-8 Cassone Suddenly, on Tuesday, Dec. 14. 1965, Dr.

Vincent James Cassone. age 57, clinical director at Dumont Hospital, Glenfield, Pa surviving is his mother, Mrs. Oiympia Cassone; a brother, William Cassone. and three sisters. Mrs.

Amelia Dreas, Miss Oiympia K. Cassone. and Mrs. Vera Dotter, all of Allentown, Pa. Friends were received at the MCDONALD FtNERAL HOME, Ava-lon, on Tuesday from 7-10 Sm.

Body will be moved to the I'RKHOLDLR Fl'NERAL HOME, IHth and Hamilton Allentown, lor services on Friday afternoon. Cirillo On Monday, Dec. 13. 1965, Frank Cirillo, husband of the late Rose Cirillo: brother of Cosimo Cirillo, anj Carmella Pugllese; stepfather of Angeline Circosta and Nellie Fatta Friends received at the Vt II, 1,1 AM F. GROSS Fl'NERAL HOME, 11735 Frankstown (a Rodi Rd.i.

Penn Hills. Funeral on Thursday morning, at 9 o'elork-. Reouiem high mass In 8t. Eutanna R. C.

Church, at 9:30. Col)lett Oa Tuesday, Dec. 14. 1965. Bertha Wrlser.

wife of the late Albert mother of Mrs. Marlon Ames, of Albert J. and George sister of Mrs. Emma Orav. Mrs.

Flora McMaster; grandmother of Cathy Cobbett. Funeral services at the H. L. SPEER Fl'NERAL HOME. 2927 Chartiers Sheraden.

Pgh on Thursday, at 1 p. m. Visitation 2-4 and 7-9 p. m. Conway Suddenly, on Tuesday, Dec.

14, 1965. Theresa Btratiff. Conway of 31S Bausman St widow of the laie Dr. John M. Conway; ailter' of Mrs.

Alta Brown. Friends received at the COLLIGAN-BARRV Fl'NERAL HOME, 608 Warrington Aye. (formerly Joseph Colligan Funeral Hornet. Services on Thursday. Dec.

16, at, 2 p. m. Family requests visitation 2-4 and 7-9 p. m. Clilley Oa Monday.

Dec. 13. 1965. Margaret Culley, 210 8tation McDonald. sister of Laura and John Cullev.

of McDonald. Pa. Friends received at WM. D. ROGERS Fl'NERAL HOME, McDonald.

1 i. uu ay ai p. m. Dalton On Monday Dee 1965. at Mercy Hospital.

Thomas L. Dalton, beloved husband of Mary Gallagher Dalton; brother of Leora Barclav, of Deerfield Beach. Fla. Friends received at McCABE INC. Fl'NERAL HOME, 5100 Penn Ave.

Funeral Frldav, Dec. 17. at 9 a. m. Requiem high mats In St.

Lawrence Church, at 10 a. m. Doll man Harris W. Sr. (formerly of Mur-rvsville), of Tidiouie.

Pa, on Tuesday, Dec. 14. beloved husband of Eleanor Loy; father of 'Blanche Long. Adonna Pltazzi, Floanor Michaels of Monroeville, Barbara Maxwell of Plum. Harris W.

of Pgh James H. of Walter of Murrysville, Samuel F. of Plum. Clarence L. of Monroeville; brother of Marie Beehtold, Anna Miller.

Christ and Wilson: aim 21 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. VWitatlon with the famllv 2-4, 7-9 at VAN HORN'S MONROE-Vt'E Ft'VERAL HOME, Beatty Haymaker Rd. Services Friday p. ni. Dukewich On, Monday, Dee.

13, 1965. Mich- aeik of 115 Merrill nusband of the late Sophia Paschak; father of John Dukewich of Chl-(ajo, Mrs. Anne Pauluk. and Mrs. Kathryn Falcan.

both of Detroit, Walter Dukewich and Mrs. Olga Washburn of Cleveland; also 15 grandchildren. Friends and members of Ukranian Nat'l. Aid received at the MARA C1ESLAK Fl'NERAL HOME, 2935 Brownsville Divine liturgy in St. Vladimir Ukranian Orthodox Church, on Thursday at 9 a.

m. Paras! as on Tuesday and Wednesday at 8 p. m. Interment In church cemetery. Francies (Carver) On Saturday.

Dee. 11. 1965. at B. Lottlee M.

McCord. beloved wife of Edward S. Francies cf 284b Perrvsville mother of Samuel J. Carver. DDS.

Friends received at tht FRANK I I I i I flttHAMtS for line truck fleet. Diesel experience neressarv. Steady "rk: all bfnelits. Call Mr. Waletko, 471-3n2.

An h'jusl Opportunity Emnver MECHANIC Must be thirrMirhlv eYrvrtneH In i all phases nf diewl work. Opnortu-! nlty to to shoo foreman in near fuiure. Hourly rate plus UDer-l for appointment. I Phnne 571-7077 or a4-1040. MECHANICAL Aptitude Metal-1 fabricating plant.

Oakland, Box 676, Post-Gazette, OPPORTUNITIES SEE OUR LARGE Ar IN TODAY'S SPORT SECTION MONSANTC RESEARCH CORP. Mound Laboratory Miamisburg, Ohio POLISHER Metal, hand; erperl. enced. Oakland. Write Bo R-650.

Post-Gazelle. POLISH ER-hand, metal, part time l'Il' 4 30 Pm- Write Bos A 680 Post-Gazette. SALES People and Manager-Part time and (ull time. A. J.

Levette Ladies, Children's Clothing, 9 30 61, Daily 10- Salesman NOW IS THE TIME C. M. Paula Co. National firm manufacturing; stationery and novelty items undergoing tremendous expansion program needs salesman. Salary and or commission discussed at inter, lyicv.

Excellent opportunity for ad-vancernent. Experience preferred, rfUH train R001 ootential can. nnve car, oe wining to travel. Established territory Phone Mr. Wm.

Hunt at 391-4619 between 8 a and 8 p.m. fALfcS.MAN-ttsed ci lot. Commls-mii. Write B-6 1 SPY'f Station Attendant Over line, aume experience. Apply 1, oV v.

noon. 4200 Brighton TOOL DIEMAKER Good grinding experience: background In carbide preferred but not essential, stable company with good working conditions and good frince benefits. THE CARBORUNDUM COMPANY P.O. Box 311 Latrnne. Pa.

186 50 412537-3331 An Equal Opportunity Employer TOOL DIEMAKER Experience with carbide preferred but not essential. Background In compact-die bench work, stable company with good working conditions snd good fringe benefits. THE CARBORUNDUM COMPANY P.O. Box 311 Latrobe. Pa.

156S0 412 An Equal Opportunity Employer ATTENTION EX-SERVICEMEN sat ion has openings in thf field of Rales promotion and merchant! stmt. outstanding opportunity leadintr to management lor qualified men. P. F. Collier.

Inc. (literary firm). $425 PER MO. GUAR. To Those Who Qualified Call Mr.


433 FT. PITT ELVD. IS your car on Its last lees? Consult Press or Post-Gaiette Want Ad columns for reliable auto repair ihops 4 Main Com mist ton and or FrancHif Sofcsworfc MEN Full or part-time durtni Chrtfitmas rush season. $3.50 hourly. Car necessary.

Call 281-2833. PART-TIME WORK 3 ever Sat. Start work Immed, White collar work In clerical or a-aiw. Call anvtime. flRl-2022.

5 Moe-femoft Htp WonUrf Notlcr. Desimatloru a to lex tn ear Help Wanted and Employment Aiency column a are made only (1) to Indicate bona Iide occupational qualifications for employment which an employer re-Sards reasonably necessary to the normal operation of his business or enterprise, or (2) as a convenience io our readers, to let them know which positions the advertiser believes would be of more interest to one sex than another because of the work Involved. Such designation aha II not be taken to Indicate that the advertiser intends or practices any unlawful preference, limitation, specification or discrimination tn employment practices. I Twelfth St. (at Liberty i.

Monday tnrouzu frmy, 9-3: Saturday, fl- 12. 471-9674. FRE and Casualty insurance underwriter and or person havin? experience writing policies. Fire and caj: a 1 1 11 censee pre erred Sa 1 a ry commensurate with experience. Wrile insurance, Post Office Box Grepns-burs.

Pa, FIRE and Casualty Insurance underwriter andor person having experience writing policies. Fire and casualty license preferred. Salary cm-mrnsurate with experience. Write Insurance. Post Office Box D.

Greens-burg. Pa. HELP ME! I am In bad trouble. I have four telephones and no one to fill them betwen 5:30 P. M.

and 9 30 P. The cost for them ts going on and the boss says fill them or get fired. It's Xmas and I need my job. so if vou tike to sell, have a pleasing telephone voice and are over Ifi years old. we can use you.

Newspaper circulation sales and ft good commission basis. FOR DETAILS CALL BOB REED 471-3868 6 ftmolt Htfp WanUd Notice: Designations as to sex In our Help Wanted and Employment Agency columns are made only ll) to Indicate bona fide occupational qualifications for employment which an employer regards as reasonably necessary to the normal operation of his business or enterprise, or (2) as a convenience to our readers, to let them know which positions the advertiser believes would be of more Interest to one sex than another because of the work involved. Such deslcnation shall not be taken to indicate that the advertiser Intends or practices any unlawful preference, limitation, speclficatinn or discrimination In employment practices. BOOKKEEPER Full-charge, Person wanted with experience who will give the job a little extra in return for many fringe benefits. $5,000 year plus.

Phone Ross Gammon, Jr. LP. 1-2533; TE. 5-1401. HELP ME! I am In bad trouble.

I hart lour telephones and no one to Mil them betwen 5:30 p. M. and 9 30 P. M. The cost for them Is going on and Ihe bosa aaya till them or get fired.

It Xmas and I need my Job. to if vou like to sell, have a pleaalng telephone voice and are over 1 8 yeara old. we can us you. Newi-naper circulation sales and 4 good commission basis. FOR DETAILS CAIA BOB REED 471-3868 HOUSEKEEPER-Govemess: White to" 6 ityS' Registered, full time, rotal-.

f. ot Permanent. Afternoon or night shirts. Contact nursing supervisor office Scwlckley Valley Hospital. rn-ttnuo.

aAi.ES People-Part time and full 1 me also attractive girls to model Clothes. A. J. Levette Men'i Ijriiea Children's Clothing. 2850 Rt.

51. Brentwood. Dally rYPIST-Intelllg-nt. 5-day wee Center and Craig district. Write Bog 683, Post-Gaiette.

AVON MOTHERS Wondering what to do. about those Christmas bills? Wh not sell AVON while the children are In school Comm 7 Situations Wanted Mai BUILDING I'entraclor- .10 years experience In general construction, desires permanent position Supervisor, maintenance, manaeemertt or In allied field. Willing to relncrte. 73 1 -1r'5. or write Bos 41a), ENGINEERING BM Electronics Systems Center offers exceptiona career opportunities for experienced Professional Engineers and Scientists Today it IBM there ire more career openings than ever before for professionals more opportunities to achieve distinction, recornl-tion.

and personal advancement. Investipate the advantage of this growth environment with the IBM Electronics Systems Center at Owego. New York, south of the Finger Lakes vacation region In New York State's Southern Tier. There are Immediate openings tor the following: Avionics Systems Engineering OWEGO, NEW YORK Aircraft mission analysts Aircraft computer development engineers Aircraft avtonici system engineers Com-p nti development Control and power systems emrineen Design automation engineers Display and optica engineers Doppler radar applications engineers Electronic components engineers Electronic sensor and display engineers Electronic systems development engineers Electromagnetic engineers Engineering mechanisation engineers Human factors systems engineers tl a 1 guidance development engineers Maintainability engineers "Mathematical analysts. 'Mechanical design engineers Mechanical packaging development engineers 1 Military on-eratlom research analysts Prototype memory and IO development engineers Prototype packaging development engineers Radar systems ippll cations engineers 'Rid iation effects analysts Reliability electrical engineers stimulation analysts Solid stale physicists Space guidance systems o-grammers Systems design engineers.

Avionics Simulation Engineering OWEGO, NEW YORK Display Instrumentation servo engineers Physical simulation engineers simulation engineers Simulstton snalystn 1 1 evislon engineers. Advanced Aerospace Computer Development OWEGO, NEW YORK Aerospace applications engineer Computer applications engineers Computer system engineers Computer applications analyst? Computer systems evaluation engines Exterior computer system design ensineerj Logic systems engineers Programmers Programmer analysts Software systems planning. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Systems development programmers. Manned Space Programs LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA AND OWEGO, NEW YORK nsta handling, systems specialists Intelligence systems specialists Physical sim-u I a I specialists Spacecraft communications engineers. Manufacturing Engineering and Process Technology Systems Engineering OWEGO, NEW YORK Chemical engineers Electrics! engineers Industrial engineers Inorganic tht mists Mechanics! engineers Metallurgists Programmers snd process control system! analysts.

Financial Services OWEGO, NEW YORK Pricing analysts. Please write, outlining your ouallficstlons and interests, Raftts. Dept. 3S9M2. I Electronics Systems Center, Owego.

New York IBM Is an equal opportunity employer. BM Asturi, Bruno Alack, William If. Baker, Clifford M. Brown, William J. Ciiillo, Frank Dutkewich, Michael Francies, Lottie.

M. Hartigan, Lottie Hirshfield, Stella J. Jones, Frank II. Kuhns, William II. I.loyd, James J.

Martin, Alfred V. Mulvihill, Dennis J. Sr. QuiRley (Pittnian) Bertha Snyder, Burton S. Solomon, Milton Taylor, Loyia Tulisiak, Rose Tyler, Thomas M.

Walker, Thomas Ward, Zella Cot Noticti hall Lodge 794 and other Masonic bodies are Invited. Family requests donations be marie to the Shriner Hospital for Crip- Martin On Sunday. Dec. 12. 1965.

Alfred of 7J0 Woodland Oak-j mont, Pa husband of Dorothy; father of Barbara Dabkowski ol Houston, Texas: son of the late I Alfred and Johanna Martin; also survived bv two grandrhildren. Friends received at the CHARLES L. EATON FUNERAL HOME, 378 Maryland Oakmont, and 7-9 p. in. services at bt.

Thomas Episcopal Church, Oakmont, Thursdav at 2 p. m. Interment Verona Cemetery, Oakmont. Pa. McDonald On Monday.

Dec. 13. 1965. Josephine Sasse. age 92.

of Mars, wife of the late John N. McDonald: mother of Mis. Jean Biltz, of Akron, Ohio. Nelson L. (Ees) McDonald, of Mars; sister of Mrs.

Nellie Brenner, and Mrs. Osceola Hogg, both of Los Angeles, Mrs. As Sober, of Youngslown, Ohio, and Mrs. Pasadena Daugher-ty. of Akron, Ohio; also three grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren.

Friends received at the wm. h. Mcdonald funeral HOME, Mars. where services will be held on Thursday afternoon, at 2 clock. Mulvihill On Sunday.

Dec. 12. 1965. Dennis of 210 Dunseith husband of the late Mary Ann Craig; father of Dennis James, Leo, Edward, of Joseph. Farncis, Mary Erdman and Katherine Lud-wig.

of Phoenix, 16 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren. Friends received at the R. A. BYRNE MEMORIAL HOME, 701 North Negley Ave. Requiem mass In St.

Agnes Church, Thursday, al 11 a. m. Visitations with family Tuesday and Wednesday 2-4 and 7-9 p. m. Numer On Dee.

14, 1965, Harrv of 1302 Maple Turtle Creek, brother of Grace Sekera and Frank Numer. Friends received at the JOBE FUNERAL HOME, 125 Church Turtle Creek, where services will be held Thursday, at 1 p. O'Brien Thomas on Monday, Dec. 13, 1965, of 1934 South Clearvlew Rd. (Mt.

Roval), beloved husband of Dorothy Snyder; faiher of Ensign Thomas Suzanne, and Edward O'Brien; brother of Edward J. O'Brien of Baltimore, Md. Friends received a' the R. A. BRYN'E MEMORIAL HOME, 701 North Neglev Ave.

Requiem mass in St. Bonaventure Church, Friday at 10 a. m. Visitations with tha family 2-4 and (-9 p. m.

Peterson Roy O. age 65 years, of Upper St. Clair, on Monday, Dec. 13, 1965. while deer hunting; he was a retired lumber estimator; husband of Alleria Larson Peterson; brother of Mrs.

Astrld Anderson of Sweden. Friends are being received at the JAYCOX FUNERAL HOME, O'Neil Blvd. at Fawcett McKeesport. Funeral service Friday at 2 p. m.

Porcha Richard, of 618 Highland Jeannette. husband of Cora Lee; father of Mrs. Beairlca Howard of New York, Mrs. Mary Cook of Jeannette, and Richard (Lennlel; brother of Andrew of Youngstown, Ohio. He was an employee of the Elliott Co.

of Jeannette. Friends will be received in the Hopewell Baptist Church, Chestnut Jeannette, where services will be held on Friday at 11 a. m. Fraternal services will be held Thursday evening at the church Arrangements bv LaRUE W. FREDERICK FUNERAL HOME.

Profozlch On Monday, Dec. 13, 1965, John, of 1225 Shore husband of Anna; father of George, John Mrs. Katherine Bottortf, Mrs. Pauline Foremny, Mrs. Rose Caton; also 14 grandchildren; brother of Mrs.

Catherine Rogus. Friends received al PAUL C. STEPHENS FUNERAL HOME, 860 Lockhart Nouhside. Funeral on Friday with requiem high mass in St. Nicholas R.

C. Church, Northside, at 9:30 a. m. Prothero Of Jeannette. on Tuesday, Dec.

14, 1965. May Clement's, widow of Dr. Ney Prothero; beloved mother of Louise Glen-navee. Dr. John C.

Prothero. Beginning 7 p. m. Wednesday, ftieiuls received at the new VINCENT V. RODGERS FUNERAL HOME, 805 Pennsylvania Irwin.

Services Friday at 2 p. m. The family requests that in lieu of flowers, donations be given to your favorite charity. Quigley (Pittman) On Sunday. Dec.

12. 1965, Bertha Irvin Pittman, wife of the late William Quiglev of 512 Foreland North Side. Pittsburgh. In her 90th year; mother of Claude. Paul and Harrv Pittman: sister of Mrs.

Pearl Hanev and Mrs. May Irvln Aid: also survived by 13 grandchildren, 42 great-grandchildren and three great-greatgrandchildren. Friends and members of the Women's Missionary Societv of the First U. P. Church of the North Side received at the BRANDT FUNERAL HOME, 1032 Perry Highway.

Perrvsville. where services will be held on Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Rafferly On Tuesday. Dec. 14, 1965.

Mary, of Baldwin daughter of the i i den Raffertv: sister of Mrs. Julia Raffertv Costello: also survived bv her six nieces and four nephews. Friends rereived at the JOHN II. SLATER SONS WHITEHALL FUNERAL HOME. 4201 Brownsville Brentwood, 2-4 and 7-9 p.

m. Funeral Frldav morning, at 9:30 o'clock. Requiem mass In St. Albert the Great Church, at 10. Rheam On Monday, Dec.

13, 1965. Flora B. Thompson, wife of the late Samuel B. Rheam of 4 Alrott Circle, Mt. Nebo; mother of Mrs.

Margaret E. Esser; sister of Stella Soyerns and Harry H. Thompson; grandmother of William Esser of California. Frederick T. Rheam of California and James 8.

Rheam of Florida. Friends received 2-4 and 7-10 p. at ihe lAWRENtE T. MILLER FUNERAL HOME, 460 Lincoln Bellevue. where services will be held Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock.

Saeeo On Tuesday. Dee. 14. 196J. of 655 Crysler St Salvatore (Sam), beloved husband of Angela Caoa-danno Sacco; father of Vincent, Ralph ana RichHid: also survived by six grandchildren.

Friends will be received at JOHN A. FREYVOGEL SONS 4900 Centre Ave. at, Devonshire St. Funeral on Saturday. Solemn high mass of requiem In Our Lady of Loreto Cnurch.

Brook- line, at io a. m. Visitation with famllv after 2 m. Wednesday, 2-4 and 7-10 p. m.

I Seaman Suddenlv. on Monday. Dee. 1J, 1965. Frank, of 1727 Parkfleld Carrlrk.

beloved husband of Marie Schwarzbarh: father of Mrs. Kathv Morris; son of Prls-ellla. and the lale Michael Seaman; brother of Mrs. Helen Pavuk, t'l i -i. M'chl.

Peter, and Josenh Seaman. Friends received at the EDWARD P. KANAI FUNERAL HOME. 500 Greenfield Ave. Funeral Friday, at 9 a.

1 with requiem mass In 8t. John I Chrysostom O. C. Church, at 9.30 a. m.

i i I i i I Arnold, Mrs. Arthur T. Barrett, Dr. William H. Bigfffs Sylvester Rowland, Georgfe K.

Calley, Margaret Cassone, Vincent I. Oobbett, Bertha Conway, Theresa Dalton, Thomas L. Diillnian, Harris V. Sr. Garber, Tanl O.

(ioltlhron, Robert llejretlus, Susan E. Hicks, Donna A. I-essig, Catherine G. Matldock, John B. Marshall, C.

Fred Mamaux, Katherine I Irene E. McDonald, Josephine N'umer, Harry H. O'Brien, Thomas B. Torrha, Richard Trofozich, John Trot hero, May Kafferty, Mary Rheam, Flora B. Sacco, Salvatore Seaman, Frank Shellito, Martha Shoemaker, Joseph Stokely, Theodore B.

Stiimme, Ferdinand T. Welsh, William P. Wilt, Francis R. Wilt, Margaret E. Deoth Noticci W.

SIMONS Fl'NERAL HOME. 2025 Perrvsville 2-4 and 7-9 o. m. Services on Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock. Garber On Monday, Dec.

13, 1965, Paul husband of Hazel Garber of 2015 McNarv Wilkinsburg; brother of Mrs. Martin Benhoid of Akron, Clark D. Wesley Garber: also survived by nephew, Paul W. Berthold Friends received at T. D.

TURNER'S, 729 Wallace Wilkinsburg, Wednesday 2-4 and 7-9 p. m. In-lumeiil in Akron, Ohio. Goltlbron On Tuesday. Dec.

14. 1965, Robert of 2905 Shadeland husband of Jane Poniatowski; lather of Janice Dziegielewski and Naucv Sayna; also three grandchildren; brother of Edward, George, Arthur, Ella Barkley, C. -nevieve ornualdt and Gertrude Kerns. Friends received at the ALBERT A. HOME, 3313 Brighton Rd.

Reouiem high miss In St. Leo a Church Friday at 9:30 a. m. Hartigan Suddenly, on Monday, Dee. 13.

1965. Lottie E. Hartigan, of 4705 Fifth beloved wile of Wallace P. Hartigan; mother of Jack: grandmother of Kathv. Friends received al H.

SAMSON, 537 Neville St. (Oakland Civic Center Tuesday and Wednesday 2-4 and 7-9 P. where services will be held Thursday afternoon, al 2:30 o'clock. Hegedus Of 979 Laurel Castle Shannon, suddenly, on Tuesday, Dec. 14, 1965.

Susan beloved wife of the late Louis Hegedus; beloved mother of Louis P. of Fair-hope. Mrs. Henrietta Jackson of Irwin. Mrs.

Margaret E. Calderbank: sister of Paul and Andy Gerragauch, Mrs. Mary Stanko and Mrs. Alice Bradford; also survived by nine grandchildren. Friends received at the E.

B. LAl'GHLIN I I'NERAL HOME, Castle Shannon, where services will be held on Friday, Dec. 17, at p. m. Visitations 2-4 and 7-9 p.

m. Hicks Suddenly, on Tuesday, Dee. 14. 1965. Donna Ann Simon, age 23, beloved wife of Rae M.

Hicks of 340 Arch Mars, mother ol Johanna and Tara Hicks; daughter of Allan P. and Hilda Simon; sister of Allan G. Simon. Friends received beginning Wednesday at 1 o'clock at ihe LAWRENCE T. MILLER FUNERAL HOME, 460 Lincoln Beile-vue.

High mass of requiem in the Church of the Assumption Saturday morning at o'clock. Hirshfield On Dec. 13. 1965. 8lella beloved wife of the site Benjamin L.

Hirshfield. Services at FRANK E. CAMPBELL, New York City, on Wednesday, at 10:30 a.m. Jones On Monday. Dec.

13, 1965, Frank hu.sband of the late Myrtle Anderson Jones, of 1612 Graham Blackridge; father of Mrs. Jerome (Ruth) Mayhall; brother of B. E. Jones and Mrs. Herman Marbry.

of DeSota, also survived by two grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Friends received at T. D. TURNER'S. 729 Wallace Tuesday and Wednesday.

2-4 and 7-9 p. m. Services Thursday morning, at 10:30 o'clock. (In lieu of flowers. please make contributions to your favorite charity).

Kuhns On Sunday. Dec. 12. 1965. Wll-I ham Kuhns.

of 436 Rebecca husband of the late Mary Gedis Kuhns; father of Carol and William H. Kuhns Mary McLachlan, of Penn Hills and Sue Nellis Johnson, of Churchill also six grand-! children. Friends received at the ROBERT E. WOLFE MEMORIAL, 925 Franklin (al Coal Wilk Services on Thursday, at 1 p. Lessig Catherine Galloway on Monday, Dec.

13, 1965 (formerly of South Ave. Wilkinsburg), beloved mother of Mrs. Jean Brinker. Mrs. Maude SUeglltf.

and Robert C. Lesslg: also survived by eight grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren. Friends may call at the MAI RICE L. KNEE MEMORIAL HOME. Center at Souih, Wilkinsburg.

Services on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, i Famllv hours 2-4 and 7-9 p. Lloyd On Sunday. Dec. 12. 1965.

James of 1658 Broadway Beech-view, husband of Catherine Os-sler: father of James J. Thomas R. and the late John T. Llovd: brother of Mrs. Mildred Karrenbauer; also 11 grandchildren.

Friends received at the RRLSCO FUNERAL HOME, Broadway at Shims Beech-view Requiem high In St. Catherine's Church, on Thursday at 10 a. m. Madilock John on Tuesday, Dec. 14, 1965.

of 4632 Logarisberry Rd Murrysville. husband of Elsie Rose: father of John Richard 8. and Charlotte Ann; brother of Isabelle Park, Marian Guthrie, Jessie Park and James Maddock. Friends received at the FUNERAL HOME, 125 Church Turtle Creek, where services will be held Friday at 1 p. m.

Mamaux On Monday. Dec. 13. 1965. Katherine L.

Mamaux of 363 Semple wife of the late A'bert E. Mamaux: mother of David A. of Painted Post. Mrs Celia M. Clarke of 8ewkkley, Albert E.

Jr. of Pgh. and John J. of Carlsbad. Calif; sister of Joseph Lynch of survived also by nine grandchildren FTlends received at H.

SAMSON 537 Neville 8t. (Oakland Civic Center), until 10 m. Wednesday. Requiem high mass In St. Paul's Cathedral Thursday morning at 10 o'clock.

Manning1 On Monday. Dee. 13. 1965, Irene Elizabeth Manning, great-aunt of Mrs. Virginia McGee Fisher; daughter of the late John and Margaret Manning.

Friends received at the A. PERRY FUNERAL HOME, 134 Robinson Oakland. Vlsl atlons 2-4 and 7-10 p. m. Funeral Thursday wnh high mass of requiem In St.

Agnes Church at 9.30 a. m. Marshall On Monday, Dec. 13. 1965, C.

Fred, of 1756 Chessland Crafton Heights, beloved husband of Laura Wanturk: stepson of Monie Marshall: brother of 1 helms Nicholas of Evansville, Ind. Friends received at the L. BEINHAUER AND SON CO. MORTUARY, 2630 West Libert Ave where services will be held i-'nday afternoon at 1 o'clock Friends and members of the Fraternal order of Police, White- Authrolty's office uuon making a deposit ol Ten ($10 Dollars by check or money order payable to Public Parking Authority of Pittsburgh. If documents are returned In good order io the office of the Authority within three 131 days following the closlnc of bids, the deposit will be refunded, otherwise, the deposit will be forfeited, but such thereof to either possession or owner- ship of documents.

A. A Di'uDosa! guarantee of not less than five 5 per cent of bid must accompany each proposal for the station wagon In form of bid bond or certified, cashier'! or treasurers check payable to the Authority. 4. The Authority reserves the right to waive any Informality In or to reject any or all Wilbur McCoy Otto. Dickie, Mc-Comey Chllcote, Attorney, 120 Grant Building.

Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219. Notice Is hereby given that Articles of Incorporation will be filed with the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, at Harrlsburg, on or about the 17th day of December, about the 17th day of December, 1965. for the Duroose of obtaining a Cerlticate Incorporation of a business corporation which has been organized under tne Business t-or- poratlon Law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved May 5. 1933.

P. L. 364. as amended. The name of the proposed corporation Is Top Grade Mining Company.

The purpose or purposes for which It is to be organized: To engage principally In the business of the mining, both strip and deep, of coal, and Its processing; snd to engage In a lesser degree In the selling of cial and effecting Its delivery to sales agents or consumers, snd for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and prlvllccea of said Act of Assembly. WILBUR McCOY OTTO, Solicitor Richard Hart Schwartz. Attorney, 1200 Jones Law Building. 15259 Pittsburgh, Pa. Notice Is hereby given that Articles of Incorporation were filed with and approved by the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at Harrlsburg, on the 12th day of November.

1965, for the purpose of obtaining a Certificate ol Incorporation of a business corporation which was organized under the Business Corporation Law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved May 5, 1933, P.L. 364, as amended, the name of the corporation Is Oueenston Construction The purpose or purposes for which It was organized: To construct remodel and repair dwellings and buildings of all types; to do construction wrok of all kinds: to buy. acquire, hold. own. rent, sell, mortgage, lease, develop.

Improve, maintain and otherwise deal In real estate: to manufacture, fabricate, assemble, repair. Import, export, and dispose of. at wholesale and retail, goods, wares merchandise, and equipment of every nature and description: and to do all other sets Incidental or In furtherance of such purposes, and for these purposes to nave, possess and enloy all the rights, benefits and privileges nf said Act of Assembly. RICHAR HART SCHWARTZ, Solicitor Ruchanan. Ingersoll, Rodewald, Kyle Buerger.

Attorney at Law, No 180n Oliver Building. Pittsburgh. Pa. Notice Is hereby given of Intention to apply on Monday, the 27th of December. 1965.

at 9 30 a. EST. to the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Pa. at No. 2939 January term.

1966. for an amendment to the Charter of Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania a nonprofit corporation, having Its registered office at Carnegie Museum. Pittsburgh of Allegheny County. Pennsylvania, under the provisions of Nonprofit Corporation of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved May 5, 1933. The nature and character of the proposed amendment are as follows: To provide that the Corporation shall not devote more than an Insubstantial part of its activities to attempting to Influence legislation, or directly or Indirectly participate or Intervene tn any political campaign on beh-ilf of or In opposition to any candidate for public office and to provide that If the Corporation shall ever be dissolved.

Its assets shall be distributed to such similar scientific or educational organisations as se- lrcted by the Executive Board of Trustees and apporven oy tne mem- bershlp and approved by the appropriate court snd that no portion of such assets shall Inure directly or Indirectly to the benefit of any member of the Corporation. Said Articles of Amendment are now on file In the office of the Prothonn-tory of Allegheny County, at Pitts- hitreh. Pa. BUCHANAN. TNGERSOI.L.

RODEWALD, KYLE A BUERGER, Solicitor Estate of Catherine Connolly aIca Kate Connolly, deceased, of iers 'of administration on her 'estate were rranted tn the undersigned who requests all persons having claims or demands against the estate of decedent to make known the same and all persons Indebted to decedent to make payment without delay to Mary Lawton. South Lang Pa. 1520S. James J. Dillon.

1500 Bercer Pa. 15219. The amount of revenues estimated nisnea. L-ftr necessity. Many be derived fmm the proposed tax i pany benefit.

Will train. Writt Box ior Hoo is The proposed ordinance lll be nsidered finally bv the Council of consi to held In the Council Chamh-rs Fifth Floor City-County Buildinc. Plttsburch. Pennsylvania, on Monday. Decrmher 27, 1 5, at 2 00 P.

M. 'Auaai; GEORGE BOXHFTMER. tCAN('ler PATRICK T. fa*gAN Fldentjruy Council Estate of E. Pauline Smith, de- ceased of Wllkmsburi.

Ts No. 5197 i yyj. BoyTo work In used car lot. of 1B65. Letters of administration I galar, Writt Box C-614.

Post-Ga-on her estate were granted to tiie I zptt. uiiuivis'ieu win, irijurjtiB an i-iami having claims or demands against the pstate ol decedent to matte Known the same and all persons Indnbled to decedent to make payment without delay to Dale Stockdale Garri son. Greene County. Pa. Alexander C.

RhnrmrH- PamniW ThnniM ju Rnrke s.n"?rdsfiP'L Zk' Attvs 1100 Peoples Bank Pittsburgh 22. Pa. MR. TRAVELING SALESMAN: YOU CAN FIND AN ATTRACTIVE ROOM IN THE PRESS AND POST-GAZETTE RENTAL COLUMNS. Astrological Forecast By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (March 21 Anrll 19): There mav be feellnc of restriction early.

Later, vnu could aln additional facts." The mors knowledge vou have the more nroeresa. Take cart of details. Dace vourself. Be surel TAl'Rl'S (Anrll 20 Mav 20): What an-nears obstacle later boomerants In votir favor. Kev Is to be aware, confident.

Basic chance mav be advisable. Catch uo on cor-resDondence. ASK QUESTIONS. GEMINI (Mav 21 June 20): Comuli-ment from member of onnoslte sex Indicated. You Bain throueh dlnlomacv.

aoDre-clatlon of beautv. Evenln favors Fine for dlnlna out. attending theater. CANCER (June 21 Julv 22): Attention to home, real estate reaulred earlv. Greater feelini of security comes to fore.

Imnortant to FINISH WHAT YOU START. Means leave no loose ends. LEO (Julv 23 Au. 22): Base actions on facts. Avoid one who advocates extrava-tanre.

Take care of Tour own Interests. Others resoect vou If vou dlsolav sense of disclollne VIRGO (Au. 23 8eot. 221: Career nn-nortiinltles In snntlieht. Show others vou are a shrewd ludce nf values.

Obtain hint from LEO messaae. Hleher-un Is Interested In vour reactions. Manv observe. LIBRA (Sent, 23 Oct. 22): Cvrle mov-Inn ud.

Now vou tain bv taking Initiative. Meet oeonle. Corns out of emotional shell. You have earned some fun. relaxation.

Pleasant communication due. SCORTIO (Oct. 23 Nov. 21): You ran ret new slant on neonle and nrolects. Don't be afraid to revise olans.

Utilise Intuitive Intellect. Be darini! Journev could orove beneficial. Get out and around. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 Dec.

21): Stens recently taken dbv off. You are In oosltlon to exnand. Highlight versatility. Be flexible In auuroach. Welcome suggestions but adhere to vour own stvle.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 Jsn. 19): Encourage creative endeavors. Realise dreams can be transformed Into realities. Pressure exists for answers, changes.

Don't be stam-Deded into decision. Check fine orint. AOL'ARIl'S (Jan. 20 Feb. 18): Investigate claims.

Don't take oeonle. situations for granted. Be there "In oerson." If you have Invested monev keen trsck of It. Be In touch with current affairs. PISCES (Feb.

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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.