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September 9, 1948

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2--ASHENANDOAHJUNCTIONBy Miss Lillian Myers Recent visitors at the home of Rev. G. E. Wundei- and family were: Mr. and Mrs. Herbel~t Allgire and Robert of Hampst~ad, Md.; ~r and Mrs. M. O. Lawyer of Frank- linville, Md.; Mr. and Mrs• Tolbert Lawyer and Calvin Lee of Thuv- Tnont, Md.; Miss Alta Nuce of Bru~s~-ick, Md.: and Mr. L~ L. Lil- le~ of Frederick, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Sidnvy I~ar~.ell and little d~ughthr, of Wemhi~on, D. C., spent the w~ek-end with her iaarents, Mr. and M~s. Osdar Seal. Mrs. Clirfe Brantner and son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brantner, of Washington~ haw been guests of the former's brother-in-law and sister-ifi-law, Mr. and Mrs. Victc/r O~bo~rn. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Cross and baby, of Wasltihgt~n, spent the wcek-en2 with his mother, Mrs. :Robert Cross. Miss Helen Kable is visiting her nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kable, at K~bletown. Miss Carrie Thompson, of Hag- erstown, Md., spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. William Hendrieks, ofWashington, spent the week-endwith her sister-in-law, Mrs. ClaraMorris, Mr. Francis Sloat, of Welch, W.Va., is vmiting his parents, Mr and:Mrs. W. B. Sloat• Spent E~joyabl'e v~eation 12ev. and Mrs. G. Ernest Wunderaa~d daughter, Ruth, of ShenandoahJunction, have returned from a ~woweeks vacation spent in York, Pa., and Atlantic City, N. J, "While in York they visited Mrs. ~,lice E. Reiver, mother of Mrs. Wun~ler.Mrs. Reiver has been iu faiihlghealth for sometime add is nowconfined to her room. While in Atlantic City they at-.tended the "Ice Capades" in theAuditorium, and other usual placesof interest including the "~illionDollar Pier" where the Interamtion-al Industrial Exposition was beingheld which included an Exhibitionof The Holy Land, considered bymany to be the most dramatic min-iature presentation of the life ofChrist. A twentiethccntury marvelof exactness and beauty. The exhibition of The Holy Land "l is the creation of Joseph and: ~a -vatore Gauci of the Island of Maltaand is the product of eleven yearsof untiring labor. It comprises~;0,000,000 pieces, 740 moving per-sponges and it depfcts 120 biblicalscenes. It should be seen by ,~verystudent of the Bible. The HolyLand panoramo was numbered inthe erde, in which they were view-ed. Mr. E!wood Buracker, who hasbeen a p~ient in Newton D. Bak-er Cent~er, Martinsburg, has re-turned home and is much ':reproved. Mrs. Albert Sager, of St!verSpring, Md., is visiting her broth°cr-irr-law and sister-in-law, Mr andMrs. Albert Sager, Sr. Mrs• Roy Shirley and daughter,Miss Eleanor Ann Shirley, spentWednesday in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown anddaughter, Miss Jo Ann BroWn, ofBrunswick, Md., werc guests of hismother, Mrs. Clara Brown, Friday. Miss Carlotte Housden, of Che~-ter, I'a., is visiting her parents, Mrarid Mrs- Mitlard Housden. Mhss Milly Seal has returnedhome after having spent two weekswith her brother-in-law and sister,Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Burwetl, ifiWashington. Little Bunny Campbell, who hasbeen quite sick, is improved. Mrs. John Jackson and little son,Johnny, ]favc returned to theirhome in Sag Harbor, Lonff Island,N. Y., after having spent twoweeks with her parents, Mr. andMrs. John Link. Mrs. Link return-ed home wi~h her daught~ and will~pend two weeks. Mr. Thomas Southard spent Fri-day in Baltimore, where be is tak-ing treatment from Dr. WilliamNeill. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar ~cal anddaughter, Miss Milly Seal, Mr. a/~d~rs. Sidney Burwcll and ,laughter,~nd Mr. and Mrs. Roland Andersonand son attemded the Seal 10eunionwhich was h~Id in Stanley, Va., onSunday. Mr. Dam~y Darr has returnedhome after spending a week withhis cousins, Mr. and Mrs• CharlesHammond, in Wheeling, W. Ya. Master CheWer Grave8 spentlast week with his brother-in-lawm~d sister, Mr. and M~s. BernardSnyder, in Baltimore, Md. Mr• Sytvester Housden, of C']cs-ter, Pa., is visiting his parents, Mrand Mrs. Milla~d Housden, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mercer, of:Middieto~vn, Pa., are visiting herparents, Mr. and Mrs. CliftOn~raves and his parents, Mr. and:Mrs. Jack Mercer. Mr. and Mrs Raymo~ut Matthcwsspent the week-end with relativesin Bentonville, Va. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lyne spent theweek=end with their son-in-law anddelighter, Mr. and Mrs. WeymerLee. at Falls Church. Va., and MissMaD' Catherine Lyne, in Washing-ton. K~dcrtain~d At Pi~e S~i~er Mr. and Mrs. Cabell T~pscott~¢re ho~t and hostes~ at a picnic isupper at their home Saturdaylevenhag. Among tl~ose pre~ent were~Ir. and Mrs, Edward ~aeffer andchildren. Ned and Dick, )f Rich-~rm~nd, Vs., Dr. lind Mrs. WillisBearing, of Huntley; Vs., Dr. andley of Clearb~k, Va., Mr• ClayStaples of Washington, Mr. andMrs. Clinton Polhamus, Miss MaryPolhamus, Mr• and Mrs. ThomasFenLon, Mr• and :Mrs. Richard |Beard~worth, Miss Agnes Tapscott,Mrs. Ral~h Staples, M~/S, b~ertICOX, Miss CharlOtte Curler, Mrs. R. /C. Carter and Mrs. Ben Cramptonand Mrs. Albert Long of Berry-vilie, Va. ~iss Jo Ann Walker has return-ed home after having spent threeweeks with her aunt and unc}e, Mi-.and Mrs. 01aarleS Webb, a~. EllicottCity, Md. Dr, and Mrs. Willis Deitring~ ofN~r Y6rk ai~tl Hunlfley, Vs., ~¢e~-ei~uests of Mr. and M/'S. C. G. Tap-sco~ Saturday. Mi~. and Mt:s. Charles Rice andda@ter, Stdlla, of Hyattswlle,Md., were week-end guests of hismother, Mrs. Charles George. Mrs. StmMey Benner entertainedat dinner Sunday, the occasion be-ing l~r husband's birthday. Guestswere Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benner,and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hocken-smith and daughters. Mr. Shirley ~rtney, M Pitts-burgh, Pa., spent the week-endwith his grandmother, Mrs. L. J.Shirley. ~Joys Fishing Trip While v~cationing in AtlanticCity recently Roy. G. Ernest Wun-der, pastor of the ShenandoahJupction Methodist Charge~ ~n~oy-ed two fieM days on the AtlanticOcean fishing. Oh the first ti'i~ Incompany with three others ab0a~dCapt. i)e|lwyn Sooy's Yacht 'Mar-i~t", they lmaded 171 bluefish, and,58 Bonita, Albacore and Skipjack. Three days later a party of threeincluding Rev. Wander }Rnd~cl 68more of the fighting Bluefish. Theminister's sltare ef this eaten wereon the first trip, 42 Bluefish and 16Boilita, Albacore and Skipjack, andon the see(rod trip he la~ded 37 ofthe 68 Bluefish caught. The Bluesaveraged four and one-half poundseach. The fish were "displayed in theJunction and at Charles Town anddistributed among friends in bothcommunities and Frederick, Md. Itmay be of interest to kno~- ~hat oncof the Bluefish weighing fivepounds x~as entered by the minis-ter, in Capt. starn's Fishing Con-test at Atlantic City, and was theheaviest Blue entered at that time,but since has been replaced lay oneweighing nine pounds cadght andentered by John Chamberland ofPleasantviltc, N. J.KEARNEYSVILLEBy Mrs. Norval Johnston Mrs. Steadman Aldis, return-ed missionary from India, will bethe speaker at the Auxiliary of thePresbyterian Church, which meetstonigl~t at 7:30 o'clock at *.hechurch. The girls from the InterwovenKnitting Dept., at Martinsbarg,had an outing last Friday even/ngat the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W.Basore. Country ham, hot rolls,roast corn, wie~iers, potato s~lad,pickles, petlch pie with whippedcream, cakes and Coffee, were ser-ved. Mmsic and singing was enjoy-ed by the group. Those presentwere: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans,Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wlfitacre,Mtfla Lacount, Jane Myers, TinyGregory, Gcrtie Spaulding, MableSmith and mother, Mrs. GoldaSkinner, Milton Skinner, Mr. andMrs. Paul Kerns. Mr. and Mrs. James Lyons, Sr.,and Mrs. Cove Smallwood, of Ak-ron, Ohio, angel Mr. and Mrs. JamesLyons) Jr., of'Baltimore, Md., havebeen spending the Labor Day .;oh-day at the former's home, return-ing~to Akron Thursday, where Mr.Lyons is employed. Mr. and M~:S. Mayo Snyder, ac-companled by the letters:brotherand sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.Zack Fleming, and son, Zaekie, anddaughter. Miss Geraldine Fleming,spent Sunday in Washingtca~ visit-ing the Z~o. Monte Stuckey returned homeSaturday a~er spending the pastwcck with relatives ~ Battim6rc. Mrs. David Hardy and son, i~ob-by, have been confined to ~heirhome with virus pneumonia. The J~n~or arid senior ChristianEndeavor t{oeietics of the Refor~m-ed Churdt held a wether roast onthe church ta~vn last Friday night. Mrs. Walter Wilt was a dinnerguest Sunday at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Tyler Brown, Shepherds-to~;rr. S. F. Lloyd and daughter, Glendaand son, Sam~w, of Hagerstown,spent the past :week-end with theformer's brother-in-law and sister,Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fleming. Bmat0n Millet-, year old son ofMr. and /~Irs. Ligc l~liller, celebra-ted his birth~}ay last Saturday,with a few of the younger set pres-ent for the occasion. Elizabeth Hill was a Sun'Jaynight gtrest of Mary Lou Ambrose. Mrs. G. W. H0ffman, of Shep-herdstown, visited last week ",~ithM~. Emma Trout. • W, gverhart is spending thisweek at the Kanawha Valley Fairat'Dunbar, W. Va.Mr. and Mrs. Willie Constantand family spent Labor Day withrelatives in Ma~,i~trarl~. ,Mr. and Mi, s. Spire l~cCarty at-tended the B. & O. R. i~. Brother-hood pic.nic last ~ullday at Cmnp]Frame, uear ttedgcsvilte. ] Donald Heinz and Thomas Lin-Jton, of Chicago, Ill., arrived at the]home of their parents Friday forIthe Laboi. Day holiday, returningto anrouge o~ Tuesday• The W~rreta.s Guild of the L'e- Y ~PIRIT OF JEFFERSON Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burnett anddaughter, Nancy Gayle, spent Sun-day at the home of her parents, Mrand Mrs. Harry Chapman, nearCharl~ Town.MIDDLEWAY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wyndham ofHuedgesville, Mr. and Mrs. John therford of Berryville, Va., Mr.and Mrs. Charles Winfrey of Shep-l£erdStoWn, Mrs. Henry Sweeney,Mrs. T. G. S~nith, and Mrs. BoydMcWitliams of Martindaurg, werecallers of Mrs. C. J. Shaull, Sun-dgy, at Middleway.Soil ConservationDistrict News What gives promise of being oneof the largest and best farm pondsin the district is being complete3 onthe Stuart farm near Pikeside. Itwill be used for providing water forlivestock and for recreational pur-poses. A smaller pond was comple-ted on John Smith's orchard, nearArden, to provide a source of spraywater. 2,035 feet of span drainage ditchwas completed on Lyle Townsend'sorchard in the same vicinity. Obstruction removal to benefitthree acres of cropland was ae:.'om-plished on Dick Rice's place at Bed-ington. Installations of trickle tubes inpreparatmn for building pondswere made at James H. Conklyn'snear Bedington, Charles Grove's,Greensburg, and John W. Bratt's,Bunker Hill. 400 feet of ditch and road workfor Herbert Barnes, four acres ofclearing for Frank Kline and 22acres of strip cropping were laidout for Maggie Largen,b, all of Oak-land•FARMEW$ ADVOCATE, CHARLES TOWN, W. VA."° i i M HANiCSTOWN By Mrs. Julia Whipp Viands Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Anders re-ceived a letter from their son,Charles, who has been in roottraining at Great Lakes, Ill., say-ing he was graduating from ~herethe 11th. and would be homearound the 15th for a few days fur-lough before being assigned to -m-other place. Ch~irles joined theNavy in June, Mr. and Mrs. William Fritts andson, Bud, of Baltimore, Md., whoarc on their annual vacation, spentSaturday night with the former'snephew, Mr. William Fritts, andfamily, and on Sunday evening :heywent to Front Royal, Va., to visithis aged parents, Mr. and Mrs.Charles Fritts, and,&-ere accompan-ied by Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Frittsof near the Power Plant. Joyce, small daughter of Mr andMrs. Obie Johnston, has had a sorethroat and an infected ear. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Dillow andchildren, Perry, jr., and Judy, spentthe week-end with relativss inMartinsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Tharpe, Mrand Mrs. Odis James and littledaughter, of Ranson, Mr. and Mrs.Pershin Oft and daughter of town,and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ott ofPetuxan¢, Md., were Labor Dayvisitors of Mr. and Mrs. GarlandIIenry and Mr. Adam Ott. Miss Barbara Ann Milton spentseveral days last week with heruncle, Mr. Nicewarner, and family,and on Saturday she accompaniedher cousins to Washington, D. C.,taking in the sights• Mrs. Mabel Grams of Hagers.town, Md., spent the week-end withher cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vi-ands, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vi-ands and family. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Riley andthree chi|dren of Glengary, Mrs.games Gaynor of Summit Point,and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Viands andchildren, Ronnie, Geanie, and Jim-mie, had a picnic on the river onSunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shirley anddaughter, Judy, attended a birth-day party Monday evening, givenbY Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Shirleyfor their little ~on. Marion Lee,son of Mi'. and Mrs. Lee Barrow,had the misfortune to fall whileplaying at the party and break hiscollarbone. Mrs. Maude Smallwood ~pentSaturday night in Martindnurg,and on Sunday accompanied byMr. and Mrs. Leonard Vanmeterand daughter,, Marian, and Mr. andMrs. John Lisenwing, of Hagers-town. motored to Baltimore, Md., tovisit Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kclchen-stem. Mrs. Kclclxenstem is thedaughter o~ the late Mr. JohnSmallwood. Mr. a~:d Mrs. Melvin Fritts anddaughter, Doris, Miss KatherineCitric, Mr. and Mt.~. Albert Viandsand children, Mrs Bert Viands, MrsMabel Grams, Mr. and Mrs. IfarryShirley were all in Winchester, Va.,on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Viands andchildren, and Mrs. Julia W. Viandsaccompanied Mrs. Mabel Gramsto her home in Hagerstown, Mon-day night. Mr. and Mrs. John Gray trodchildren, of Kearneysville, spentSunday with Mr. and Mrs. ObieJ ohnston. Mrs. tlarry E. Ott sprnt 'Mon-day-with.her parents, Mr. and AirsJolm Hill, at Vienna, Va., and wasaccompanied home by her ~on,Johnnie, who had beel~, .~pdndin~some time with his grandparents.School days brought him ho,u.~. i~Irs. George Ilough, wiao lu~been staying with her daughter,Mrs. Carrie Titus, is now visitingher son, George Hough, Jr., :rodfamily, and we are sorry to sayson, Glenn, of near Kearneys~ille,spent the week-end with her in-laws, MI. and Mrs. Bert Viands. Mr. Harry Shirley has purchaseda new tractor and a corn picker. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Viands andchildren spent Monday ever.lugwith her parents, Mr. and Mrs.James Gaynor, at Summit Point. Miss ttelen Fritts, who has beenspending several weeks with heruncIe, Mr. James, in New Market,Va., has returned home. Sgt. Irvin Watts and wife andlittle son. Donnie, of Fort Lee, Va.,are spending several weeks withMrs. Watts's parer~ts, Mr. and Mrs.James Gaynor, at Summit Point.The Watts family just recently re-turned from two years in Germany. The Rev. Mr. Wheeler has pur-chased a bus for the use of thechildren at The Haven•Many BondsPurchased West Virginian s haye bought at-most $5,000,000 worih of U.S..savings bonds since the ending Ofthe Security Loan campaign inJuly, State Savings Bond Direc-tor Bernard S. Payne announcedyesterday. Purchases of the Series E bondby individuals-approximately 80%of total sates--were the highestfor any similar period since De-cember. 1945. he pointed ont. Sales for the year to Septem-ber 1 of the three securities nowavailable to the public, Series E,F and G bonds, totaled $40,104,279for a monthly average of betterthan $5,000,ff00. Payne said. Attend Wedding In Chevy Chase, Md. A number of relatives andfriends from this community at-tended the marriage of Miss Vir-ginia Cooper Dawson, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Philiv Dawson, ofAlexandria, Va., to Mr. John Beebe.son of Mr. Laurence Beebe andthe late Mrs. Beebe. of ChevyChase. Md.. which" too~ place inthe garden of the Da~vson home onSaturday afternoon a~ 4 o'clock. For her marriage, Miss Dawsonwore a white sheer dress with fit-ted bodice and full skirt and afingerti', veil of illusion caughtwith ()range blossoms. She carrieda boquet of white orchids. Miss Louise Dawson was her sis-tot's maid of honor, while brides-maids were Misses Nancy Wash-in~ton, of Alexandria : AgnesWashington, of Arlington. Va., a~.(iBetty Lewis. of Germantown, Pa. Among those attending fromhere were Mrs. S. W. Washington,Misses Pattie and Lila Willis, Mr.and Mrs. Thomas H. Willis, Mrs.J. Randolnh Tucker, Miss LeacyTucker, Gus Tucker. Mr. and Mrs.Robert T. Browse, Mrs. ClarenceHol~art, Mrs. Nan B. Harold, Mrs.William Wattles, Mrs. Nan L.Hatchell. Miss Nan L. Fox. MissMargaret P. Chew, Mrs. RobertWright.Okey Patter n Here on Sept. 15th • Okey l'atteson, Democratic can-didate for Governor, will arrive inCharles Town the afternoon ofSeptember 15th. That evening at 8:00 p. m., at theCourt House there will be a votersmeeting to which all people are in-Charles Town Residents Will Race TheirThoroughbreds at Bei Air, Md. Meeting A number of runners who werecmnpaigned at the recent CharlesTown race meeting wil] be seen inaction at The Bel Air, Md., ten-daysession, beginning on Wednes,~ay,September 15. At least six stab!es,either owned or trained by CharlesTown residents, will make a try atthe nearly $90,000.00 in purses off-ered by the Harford County course. Johnny Bringhurst, former 'racksuperintendent at the local racingplant, will have nine thoroughbredsin his string, comprising one of thelargest outfits at Be1 Air. W.M.Miller will send Pari Dominate, H.F. Atwell is readying Busy Moosefor J. Trapnell; and F. E. Smithexpects to have his General Knightin shape to capture a race. J. R. Tucker witl start TimePlay, Naughty Lass, as well as sev-ton; Florence Stuck Leight, Kear-neysville; Joseph Cooer Lillard,Hedgesville, W. Vs. ALBERT TRUSSELL HOME ON VISIT Albert Marion Trussell, son ofMr. and Mrs. Albert Trussell ofHalltown, who is taking his pastetraining at Fort Jackson, SouthCarolina, was home on Sund~v. Other guests at the Trussellhome were Mrs. Virginia Hoffmas-ter of Washington Heights; Mrs.~ranklifl Jones and daughters, ~ar-bara and Charlotte Ray, of Baker-ton: Mrs. Frank Trussell anddaughters, Norton and Joyce, Mr.Jimmy and Mr. Johnny Weirs, allof Cumberland, Md. Miss AnnaTrussell returned home with them,after spending four weeks with heraunt, Mrs. Frank Trussel, in Cum-berland. Cars Collide At Kearneysviiie At about 2 p. m. Tuesday, MissRebecca Jane Alger driving herChevrolet and Mr. Ed Turner 'h-ty-ing his model "T" Ford, collided atthe intersection of the W. Va.Route 9 and Leetown road at Kear-neysville. Mr. Turner turned and crossedRoute 9 to,yard Leetown Road andMiss Alger was driving towardMartinsburg when the two carscame together. No one was inju~d. The damages were settled bymutual agreement.Community Stew Sept.17 at CommunityCenter Bardane Mrs. R. A. Hockensmith advisesus of a" "CoYnmunity Stew" be-ginning at 6:00 p. m. Friday,Sept. 17th, at the Bardane Com-munity Center. A generous serving of ~BrunswickStew with rolls, cole slaw, endcoffee goes with the adult admis-sion of 75c and 50c for childremDessert is extra. There will bcplenty of hofi~e-made cake, lemon-ado. recreation and entertainment. MRS. WALKER MATRON AT MILLER HALLvited. Mr. Patteson is making the Mrs. Maude Walker has beenvisit in order to talk with those named matron of Miller Hall atwho are .interested in tim ..ran-I S;hepherd College. She succeedspa~gn, rl~s plans call for departure/Miss Bess DeBerry who resignednear mid-day Thursday, Sept. !6th• [ several ~.eeks ago.He will be at the Thomas Jelfer- ] Mrs. Walker a numbei" of yearsson Hotel during his stay ago wa~ e~ploved at Miller Halt • for several years.FALL MEETING OF THEU. D. C. CHAPTER The Lawson-Botts Chapter, (3. D.C., will hold its opehin~ Fall rfieet-ing, Tuesday, Sept~nber 14th, at3:00 p. m., at the homc of Mrs. J.W. Kearns, Mldd)ewa~.,, Important meeting. Plmxs mustbe made foi- State Conven*Aonwhich will be held in Clarksb,trg,Scptember 23-25th. Dr. W. H. S. White will be theguest syeaker for the meeting. All Chatrter members are invitedto attend the 50th AnniversaryPASS DRIVERS TESTS The following persons nassedthe drivers' test given by Col.O. G. Webley and Tpr. J. R. Right-mire in Charles Town, September8. 1948. Sarah Patricia Irvin, CharlesTown; Dorothy Arthelia Rickel,Charles Town; Frank WesleyWashburn. Charles Town; AlexWilliam Web~er, Charles Town;William Sylvester Barr, CharlesTown; Milford Lee Piper. HarpersFerry: Charles Calvin Cooper, Har-pers Ferry: D0naid David Jenkins,Harpers Ferry-; l~ary CatherineGano, ~Shepherdstowfi; Allen Thee-eral others and H. R. Smith :naymake the Bel Air meeting viththree runners of his own. Riders Sammy Palumbo and Pat-sy Grant, who now call CharlesTown home, will probably be seenunder silks. Eddie Morgan, who al-so maintains a residence in thisWest Virginia racing center, willhave charge of the jockeys' room. In the official family are the fa-miliar names of Gil Haus, FrankBassnet, 'Happy' Gordon and Hen-ry Erickson. All four have held of-ficial positions within the past fewseasons at Charles Town. Of thequartette only Erickson, a wellknown former race rider, has evermade his home here. Eriekson, atone time local superintefi-dent andtrainer for Mrs. A. J. Boyle, willbe Clerk of Scales at Bel Air.I[ In Charles Town andI/ Jefferson County...l[ (Telephone 222 and give usI| the dates of your meetingsL ...... and other special evtnts.) WELL BABY CLINICCharles Town, W. Va.Thursday, Sept. 9, 1948Basem*nt, County Office Bldg.Jeff. Co. Health Dept. Thursday, Sept. 9~The Rev. B.I. Barnes will be guest speaker forKiwanis Club at Thomas JeffersonHotel at 6:15 p. m. Friday, Sept. 10--House of DavidVs. Legion in night baseball gameat Legion Park, 8:~0 p. m. Fri. and Saturday, Sept. I0.11~Rummage sale in Elliott's storeroom, by Ladies' Auxitiars; of St.Thomas' Lutheran Church. Monday, Sept. 13--Circle No. 2,of the Methodist Church, Mrs. C.E. Hann, Chairman, will meet atthe borne of Mrs. L. J. Overcash,on East Washington St., at 7:30p. m., THURSDAY, bEPfEMBERCrop by the Side of the Road =At SoUth Mimms, England, ~ust 13 miles from central London,eight acres of crops are being harvested with tractors. The harVe,@is part of an experiment with roadside green land, where ma~ton~ of food might be grown. An English tractor firm spon~i~ venture.! -Where the Buffalo RoamTwo of a herd ~f six bison being used to crop grass around na1~ company's tanks and pipelines in Port Arthur, Tex., go quietff Mr. and Mrs. Harry BfeedenlSummit Point, are the parents ofa son, bern in Winchester Memor-ial hospital, Sentember 6th. Mrs.Breeden is the former Miss Rose-bud Br~dv.RepubliOa Women To Meet The Jefferson County Women'sRepuMican Club will hold theirfirst Fall meeting on Friday Sep-tember i0, at 8 p. m.. at the homeof Mrs. C. E. Harm in Char]~esTown. This is an important meet-ing and all men,bets are u i'ged toPUBLIC SALE I Will sell at Public Sale the Following Personal Propertyat my hom~ located about 5 mil~ N~rthwes[ of CharlesTown, on tile Leetown Road. in Jefferson Co., W. Va., on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1948 BEGINNING AT 10:30 O'CLOCK A. M. (D. S. T.) HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE One Cherry Bed Room Suite, 4 Double Beds, 2 Single Beds,I Day Bed, 4 Dressers, several Wash Stands, several StandS,2 Marble Top Stands (Antique); 1 Mahogany Davenport, 1Extension Table, 4 Desks. several Rocking Chairs, 5 StraightBack Chairs, 2 Old Chairs, 1 Wardrobe, 1 Small Table,Kitchen Tables, 1 Hall Rack• lot of Bedding, Pictures andFrames, some Oil Paintings, 1 Large Ice Refrigerator, 10~,Kitchen Safe, Hall Light, Several Coal Oil Lamps, 1 OldOrgan, Several Linoleum Rugs, 1 Coal Oil Heater, 1 SoapTureen, I Very Old Pleas Dish, Lot of Dishes, Silverwar~Cooking Utensils, Glass Jars, Jugs, 3 Lantexns,Thbs, ~arden Tools, Lawn Mower, 1 Milk Bottlling Machine,1sttrti~er. 2 Strainers, ~[ Power Churn, Milk Bottles of.differentsizes; Chicken Coops, 1 Primrose Cream Separator, 4}GOOPCOUNTRY HAMS, 2 Cans of Lard, and many Other articlesthat are too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH:--Nothing to be removed until settled for. MISS EMILY TABB C. PRESTON ENGLE, Auctioneer. G. E, VICKERS, Clerk. Sept. 9 and 16-2t.Now Taking Orders For dore Carpenter, Shcpherdstown; Celebration of She~herds~0wn attend.Robert Eugene Presgrave, Summit TIMOTHY SEEDPoint; Colleen Mae Beahm, Ran- Chapter, No. 128, at Science Hall,Son; Margaret Hundley Stutzman, Shepherdstown, September 10th, Retailers say Atlgust sales pre-Bolivar; ~ohn Lex~.s I(ave. Baker- from 8 to 10 p.m. sage increase for rest of year. Harvest S gn: Better Days AheadANDFERTILIZER See us today for your N]and be sure of your SUPPLY, @.... Phones 73 and 223----The French Wi~eat ha{vest promises to yieId ehoi~gh breadth .supply {he ~ntIre. nafi~ia durlng theIoming fall southwest'of Orleans, , it CHARLES TOWN GRAIN- :AND "Where You Will Find FEED for.... Your Every NEED----FEEDParents ~f Son YOUNG LADIES' CLASS MEETS TUES, .SEPT. II The Young Ladies' Bible Class ofthe Methodist Church will meetTuesday evening, September lith,at 7:30 p. m., at the home o£ Mrs.Sarah Lehman, (m Second Avenue. Tuesday, Sept. 21---Annual meet-ing of RedCro'ss at Episcopal Par-ish House, at 8:00 p. m. Election ofofftcers and committees. Tuesday, ~p~L l~--Donkey BallGame at Legion baseball park at6:00 p. m. Tuesday, Sept. 14 -- M o n t q I vmeeting of the Gleaners Class atthe home of Mrs. Howard Albiu, inShepherdstown. Members will meetat the church at 7:15 for transpor-tation. about their assigned duties. The herd is turning in a good p~;'Tuesday, Sept. 14--Regular meet- formance, the company reports, saving a huge grass-cuttingbill,.ing of Women of The Moo~e at 8 ......p. m. All members urged to attend. Tuesday, Sept. 14--Lawson-BottsChapter, U. D. C., opens Fall meet-ing at 3 p. m., with Mrs. J. W.Keai'ns, Middleway, when plans a~eto made for State Convention ~o beheld in Clarksburg, Sept. 23-25.

Spirit of Jefferson September 9 Page 2 (2024)
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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.