The Afro-American from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)

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THEATRICAL SECTION St Carved Out Of An East Kinney Street Snow Pile ILM TI PS it you intend cul it Providence Notes day MARYLAND CATONSVILLE MD HAVRE DE GRACE MD St Paul Musical ington ntsa we shipIeverywHere i USM PROGRAM OR WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY MARCH 8th jj i New Columbia Records 4 i i to NoJ 7 1 1 i I' 1 i I IT WEDNESDAY arid George O'Brien and Madge Belamy in Nl AND Comedy "Learn the Quick 4nd Easy NEW5 RO M' TH HOU BLUES ''i ivviy iw iw'iv iv jvft Ovi it BLUES I 5 DANCE "the mood of her song is always the artistic ln of the many talented race she is such a conspicuous The State delegations will congress howl North Caro by reference to Jthe action Sinclair in the Needleman of Judge Stuck in the re the the OVERMAN IGHTS ANTI LYNCH BILL Imagine Merry John Gilbert opposite her obligated CATALOG REE WRITE OR ONE Wednesday Bozo? WINS AND LOSES VIRGIN I CASE SACRED COMIC TALKING '4vi RECORDS $200000 ON LOAN PAID BY LIBERIA this the fourth largest industry brings to thatzyou may enjoy in I comfort the latest to drive away jnur grouches and the daily the news reels Musicals a feature in all grand and petit jurors were serve in federal courts Only white persons were I I V' first the on a prancing horse conventions mean nothing to moderns1 ST PAUL Joseph I Lee Turner pl anist artist pupil of Isadore PhillipI Paris rance will 'give a recital at I The Auditorium on iMonday evening i The artist) studied five years in Boa I ton and earned a' scholarship which enabled him to study under Phillips i He has also pursued courses at the Horbonne in Parlsfi He was born near: Greenwood South Carolina 0 Champion Play Reader New York Peter Mason one of the oldest and most trusted em ployees of the Empire Theatre has read every play) produced by the firm and is a walking encyclopedia ot information on the stars of show business knowledge is said to be complete in every detail He is still a persistent attendant at i certain productions I 0 1 Harmonious Quintet fines her comedy refines remits even xiei ud She is such an expert NEW REfORDS 1 ROM JAURENS hMUSIC MONROVIA With a 30 per cent increase in customs last year Liberia was enabled to pay $200000 on its 1911 Joan ac cording to announcement by Presi dent King Twelve thou sand dollars has been' spent on a new customs building ahdi a 16 knot revenue cutter will be placed in commission The president also reported that the postal money order deficit with the United States' has been wiped out and the post ofllce department handled 45000 more letters and par cels this year than last i Two hundred and sixty one miles of automobile roads have been conir pleted African International As sociation of London made Liberia last year a gift of 20000 trench VIENNA MD VIENNA Md Services at the church were held Sunday morning In the afternoon the pastor the Rev Stanlev and a few others motored to Cambridge to worship with the Rev Dames Air and Mrs A Parker and the local teacher Miss Gertrude Waters motored to Cambridge last week on Air arid Mrs Harry Elbert spent the week with his father Walter Elbert Theodore Jackson is visiting Mr and Mrs Walter Elbert 1 A social was given at the Nantico*ke School by the teacher Miss Gertrude Waters last Monday night An entertainment was I given at the Church last Tuesday night by the Cambridge Senior Class A program The mock conference held at the A church Wednesday night was a success Mrs Weaver gave a splendid paper on as a Stephen Jolley is improving i The Rev Waters preached at the A Church Sunday morning Isaiah Jones Is on the sick list Walter Elbert is improving Mrs Stanley gave a pink tea party the church last Thursday night SCOTLAND MD SCOTLAND MD The Rev Barnes preached a noble sermon at St Luke Church Sunday A large crowd filled the church Mr Leon Weldon Mr Robert and Miss Grace Bryan have been quite sick with the pneumonia measles and the grippe i Mrs Sophia Barnes and daughter Mrs Amanda Barnes both have been confined to bed during the past week with the grippe Mr Stanley Smith barber is quite slclc A crowd from St Lukes Church motored to St Imlgoes Church to hear a selected sermon preachde by Mrs Eva uross to the Epworth League Mrs Eva Gtoss Is a news local preach er of this neglhborhood Mrs Lettie Jameson of Washington Is in St County visiting her sick mother and brother Mr Edward Purnell has a fine job walking the roads The roads have been so bad that it is impossible for him to run his car On Saturday one of the greatest pictures of the sea son Lost will be shown A stoy of unbelievable monsters and the struggle that two lovers had to escape the clutches of the beasts Wallace Beery Lewis Stone and Bessie Love assure a cast of superiority Thursday featuring Dorothy Devore and William Haines riday Scarlet LAP A nyil'E Thursday Warner Baxter and Lois Wilson In the apcial feature Waters riday James Kerwith ni a beautiful storyi of love andfromance of the a comedy Saturday the with Hoot Gibson in the leading role and chapter 5 of "The Branded our" Ben Wilson in Reward1 Thursday on riday and "Mystery Box" number 3 on Saturday named to this week selected Thursday Half a Pictures You Will Want To Set At iBoal Movls Housss BOYD MD BOYD? MD The Aid Society of St Mark Church was enter tained by Miss Lorraine Duffin at the home of her mother Mrs Cecelia Duf fin I The Rock Hill congregation held their Day services at St Mark Sundays At 3 o'clock Mrs Rachel Ma son was 'mistress of ceremonies Mrs Cora Doye from Mt Zoin Ml Church Washington had a to say' Col lection was $5152 The funeral of Mrs" Martha Doye formerly of this community was brought from Washington Sunday morning The1 Rev Hi Lewis pastor of St Mark MJ Church officiated She is the mother of Mrs Lucy Hebron Mr Addison Duffin accompanied by his daughter Miss Lorraine Duffin motored over to Catonsville last Tues day to carry his daughter Mrs Edna Johnson who had been visiting her pa rents i The midnight ball held at the Odd Hall ebruary 22ndt i was a success I to identifies him with the British Intelligence Service In a zraid she is captured by the British but gives the countersign learned from Bennett and is sent to London to unmask Boelke a German spy She stays at the home of Geo Bennett head of the War Office In this house she meets Valdar a servant: presumably wounded in the war He reveals that he is an agent pf Boelke's The two fall in love i Later she learns that he Is Boelke himself and broken heartedly has to make him her prisoner He is shot in the act of signaling th'e enemy" 1 "We another unusually attractive picture win piay uii Muu and Tuesday with Colleen in the lead One gets antidea of what is meant by ultra modernism in the very reel when i Colleen as Mary the irrepressible daughter idashes into ornately appointed Sundale parlor full of distinguished guests This is simply ner cute way or snowing umi me mini hhp a cdi pound note from ler brother who had the bet? that she dare riday and Sautrday Pauline Stark and Qonrad Nagel in a thrilling story of revenue agents war and other things that make for action will be played Merry CATONSVITE AID (By Airs Walter Williams has been sick for six weeks with muscular rheumatism The style show held at Odd ellows Hall last riday night under the man agement of Alnie Edna Lewis and Miss Ozna Lewis assisted by Aimes Clara Owens and Cora Dorsey was largely attended Alusic by Parrott Radio Or chestra I Airs Wade was the dinner guest Sunday of Air and Airs Coleman Wil liams Air and Mrs William Wilson of Car roll Manner Ellicott City gave a birth day dinner on last Saturday evening ebruary 27th Those present were Mr and Airs Percy Greene and family Air and Mrs rank Tyler and family Mr and Llewellyn Ready Air and Airs William Boardley and family Air and Mrs Walter Carter Afme Cora Dorsey Mr and Mrs letcher Tyler Air and Mrs Herman Thomas After dinner the evening was spent in playing cards Airs Alariah Gray Is seriously ill at her home Airs Mary oreman Airs Ornia Wade Mr Luther Wade Air Laurence Wat kins alii motored to rederick Aid on Sunday morning to visit relatives Airs 'Bessie Rhumbotton of Sykes ville and her son Harry who have been visiting 1 relatives In Catonsville re turned home Sunday 1 Mrs Rosa Dorsey tendered her aunt Airs' Louise Johnson of Baltimore a surprise! on 'last Saturday the purse netted $755 I Airs rances Coe was the guest at the birthday dinner given last Sunday night by Airs Haxall Johnson 2537 Oak St Baltimore will be rendered at Grace A Al Church Good riday night under the direction of Airs ran cis Coe' assisted by select talent from Catonsville and Baltimore AIlss Elizabeth Butler and her cousin Miss Butler of New York paid a flying visit to her mother Mrs Priscilla Wat ers Sunday i Air Addison Duffin of Boyd Aid motoredlto Catonsville last week for his daughter Mrs Joseph Johnson of 142 Winters avenue where she spent the week at home with her parentsMr Duffin and her sister AIlss Lorane Duf fin accompanied her back last Tues day I The Pride of Catonsville a club of girls directed by Airs rances Coe will give a dance a tthe school house on riday night Airs Bertie Harris Smith of Phila delphia visited her mother Airs Alamie Harris 117 Melrose avenue last Sun day 1 Mrs Alice Tyler and Airs Patience Kennedy are still very sick Mrs Joseph Johnson 142 Winters avenue the dinner guest of Mr and Airs! Wm Adams 42 Bloomingdale avenue last week AIlss Alice Alason Is visiting friends In New York AIlss lorence Gross was the guest Sunday of Mr and Airs Alex Simms AIlss Harriet Savoy of Alorgan Col lege returned Alonday after spending the week end with her mother Airs Hattie Savoy of Douglass Park March' 14th will be rally day at Mt Oli vet AT Church The rally is for the stewards Great preparation' is being made for the bench rally April 11th at Grace A Church Airs Lottie Adams is chairman 1 Love east will be held Sunday morn nig at Grace A Church and Holy Communion at night i The sacred concert last Sunday night at Grace A Al Church was well at tended and Mrs Alice King who di rected it was highly commended for its success 1 1 The choir of Grace A Al Church will sing at St A Church Norfolk Va the Rev A Young pas tor Sunday May 16th Dances every Thursday night lat Odd Hall with the Wilson Brothers Orchestra of seven pieces in attend ance with Doc Powell as songster Grace A Sunday School is be ing largely attended Easter music will be rehearsed every Sunday HAVRE DE GRACE The mem bers and friends of St A Church were honored with hte presence of Airs Mary Thompson superintend ent of the Junior Department of the Alite Missionary Society of the Baltimore Conference Branch Airs Thompson gave a short talk in the morning on and In the afternoon spoke to the Sunday school and organized a junior society She again spoke to the young people at night at the League hour on: "Worthwhile At night Lawyer Ashbie Hawkins Supreme Chancellor of and was the principal speaker The Rev Barnum preached to the Court of Calanthe of the Eastern and Western Hemisphere Air Hawkins commended the people of Havre de Grace for theirf excellent church services and remarked that he knew the rural districts need ed good preachers but he did not see why they would keep a man like the Rev Barnum in the rural districts Airs Ella James who has been visit ing relatives and friends In Baltimore and Washington has returned i Mrs Laur aAIitchell is back from Pome Pa where she has been visiting friends precisions of a a basked the which Gay! Glittering Spectacle At Royal All Next Week with Mae Aiurray in the tite role and no Never before has such a perfect combination pf director and cast been assembled for the screen And behind them have been the resources of the largest studio and producing organization in the world There has been only one aim in the making of Merry Widow the Metro Goldwyn Mayer picture coming or i Monday to the Royal the atre for the entire week and that was to glvi the public the most fasci nating screen entertainment dn motion pictuj and to say that the aim has been achieved does not begin to discribe' according to all reports Von Stroheim with his subtle touches piis cleverness his supreme finesse his intimate knowledge of the EuroCiean setting Mae Murray beautiful captivating the ver TJrit of ronfonce and gayety John Gil bert handsome dashing personable every inlch a prince Roy a new von Stroheim a fascinating villainous figure as the who proves a perfect foil for Tully Alarshall George awcett Josephine Crowell and Dale uller all sterling actors contri bute to the picture that threatens to smash all records for entertainment value All the color and sparkle of a Continental court! i The romance of little chorus girl who pnters a Balkem nation as a poor stranded actress and becomes the woman in Europe and then the Queen of the country! The love affair of a democratic prince! i Never before has such a perfect combiitatfon of story director ond players been assembled for the screen And' behind it were the resour ces of the largest studio and producing in the world Metro Goldwyn Mayer had but a single alm in the jjnaklng of Merry Wid and that was to give the public the most fascinating film entertain ment in motion picture history i At Dunbar On Monday' will head the lill at this theatre ilmed from the story of George Barr AicCutcheon the picture has received su 'ine screen greatest mveia or a i MILLER Dincttr' ive Years Pianist Composer Columbia Records 1315 Penna Ave Tel Mad 10006 BANOS AND ORCHESTRAS ANY $IZE OR DESCRIPTION URNISHED OR PARTIES DANCE BANQUETS ETC CrrvirnoriCiU rhe Atro Amencan 3outn Biggest and Best wcefly sang AT rasre even I I 1 I i RIDAY Esther Ralston and Edward JHorton in ON HORSEBACK 1 paramount Special 1 1I GOING WASHINGTON If Repub Ucans pass the AIcKinley Dyer arttl lynch bill they will have a rocky road according to Senator Lee Overman (Dem C) Overman took lead in killing the bill in the last session of Congress by a (filibuster impose said Senator Overman have not the votes to' do will be no adjournment 1 of Congress 'by June 1 or July or August vehemently asserted one Southern Democrat an attempt is made to jam this Jaw down our throats There wil be i no such thing as cloture" on the Dyer Mc Kinley committee was very much surprised when I told them that we had a number of men in the peni tentiary in North Carolina for at tempted lynching'1 Senator Over man stated i' It la understood that fthe North Carolina record with regard to lynch ing will bfe presented in the House and Senate When the matter is con sidered show the lina acts of Judge pasa jind cent attempted lynching! at Aahe ville 1 I I 1 Doijigs Behind The Asbestos The Harmonious emale Quintette appeared Sunday at the Allen Chris tian Endeavor League of Payne A Church Low Sweet i and "Do You Call That among the num bers beautifully sung The quartet was assisted by Mrs Maude Hunter 'reader who read i "When Alalnidy Dunbar and reading by ATiss Bertie Sellmon "The Model Airs Cora Thomas Afrs Etta Downs Mrs Maud Hunt ATiss Bertie Sellmon and Mrs AHIdred Ross are bers of the organization ity audience heard the i Program president OUND A NEW BABY if TxJLI JbM APUU1 'i Ethel Watere i 1 I BED MOUNTAIN BLUES BEEN MISTREATED Ji 'U I DON'T LIKE IT 1 i 'f Bessie Smith I I ONEBY BLUES I I'M TIRED BEINQ GOOD Clara Smith LAAYETTE THEATRE 1 MBL A A ll 14J3 IrfAtfiycttc Avej ai r1 i1 1 1 Haye You The Movie Habit? Employees ire the movies remarked that on Birthday they saw hundreds faces that they had never seen before They will see them again lor a large number who saw the excellent programs of fered will come again and again The MOVI1SS made a lot of triends and cemented those made before Whether you are a regular or a recent convert to the joys of picturedom you may be assured that day and nigh tthe 1 producers and exhibitors are planning new wonders for you witn unlimited capital your very front door travel novels and dramas comedies hftnnpninra nf tha nurlH In of the theatres and it is a social meeting place for your friends and neighbors If you have the MOVIE HABIT keep it It you intend cul tivating it do so visit any of those listed below YOU GO WRONG AT THE MOVIES I aces 'Regent 1 An exceptionally strong pro'gram at the legent is headed by "Three aces one of the seasons drrnatic and pcreen smasnes nlm ing at this house' on next Wednesday and Thursday closely follows the production dates in the larger houses of the qbuntry i Miss Hawtree Jett Goudal raulein Marks Jetta Goudal I T'ank Bennett Robert Ames George Bennett A Henry Walthal Valdar Clive Brook On the fighting line in: rance Lt 'rafc Bennett tails a prisoner the Germans In a German hospital he is attended by a nurse who in a ziraia sue norlatlvn nnfirM Iwherever shown Taimadge and Eugene are feature? A touching story princess who loved an American CAST AND SYNOPI SIS Princess Yetlve bi Norma Taimadge (ironfall Lorry Hugeue Prince Gabriel Marc McDonnott Dangloes Roy Count Hal font Albert Gran King crtlinand 1 rank Currier Ambassador Hail Countess Dagmar Wanda Hawley Grenfall Lorry an American meets agirl who introduces herself Goggenslocker She' is really Yetlve" of Graustark She summoned home by the King and Lorryfollows her He learns' her EVERTON MDi WEVERTON John Johnson a Civil War veteran died ebruary 17th He is survived by his wife Mrs Eliza Johnson and four children im Pitts burgh: 'William in Baltimore and Mamie of Atlantic City Mr John son was born in Texas Baltimore Coun ty Md May 2nd 1838 Services were held at Ebenezer A Church the Rev John Bond officiating Pall bearers were Peter Harris Mumphord Smothers and Bashom Hatton Beb Custer in tlP 4 BLOODHOUMMi miss this red hot Western Comedy i I ST WASHINGTON Rothchlld rancis Virgin Island editor won and lost his appel In the United States circuit court from a decision of' Judge George Washington Wil liams in a Virgin Island court last year rancis was fined $200 and sen tenced to 30 days by Judge Wils Harns who is a former Baltimore lawyer lor contempt of court The Judge held that rancis had criticised his legal decisions 'The court of appeals remitted $100 of the fine and rebuked Judge Williams for his effort to regulate the press in the island 3 1 Jurors Named TU ESDAY LionsL Barrymore In i MAN 1 a picture' that is packed' full of fights thrills and love nnkV no I ROSE PENSACOLA I Utohsr Henderion or cheitrn i HE'LL DO YOU WRONG THAT CHICAGO WIOGLE 1 Julift Moody 1 4 SHAKE THAf THING NO MAMA "If Ethel Waters i EVERY TIME I EEL THE" SPIRIT i i STEAL AWAY TO JESUS By iek Unlrerelty uh Use 8infere i Picture br iNews Staff Photbgr igure was fashioned by Henry Wils oh tariding avAnehead dx the beast )t who says he never had a lesson in his life but was once a porter for an'artist In it he harks back to the days when he raised a Holstein a nd in a tussle with it one day broke off one of its horns Newark Evening News Photo the mem A capac excellent Nehiniiah Haughton is nf tha: Lcazue and James Briscoe pastor of church 1 Glee Club Sings The Post Office Glee Club at Sharn Street Memorial i Church on last Sunday 'Beale Ma wn Philip Scott and Bernard Young hq club sang solos An espe dally well rendered humber was "lust As I byiallof the sing ers was read by Clar ence Thomas The junior and se nior choirs of John Wesley appeared at the evening services at the church services 1 qJ CHARLESTON BLUES Oh learn the Charleston My girl has left me or a prancing fool rom a dancing school Now whatdya thlnka that? oot them Charleston blues Them strutting bending Musclo rendring i Charleston blues J' or I may be a fisn but no eel And I get that Charleston reel So I got them Charleston blues Them whirling twirling Lost rrty girling" Charleston blues I I They say that reducing They may be right at that Jor my money goes 7 ro the studios stsixsl And my glrh has left me flat 1 not them Charleston blues Them strutting bending Muscle rending charleston blues 4 or i won a prize In a turnverein But that Charleston glide fit my spine oo i oot them Charleston blues Thein whirling swirling' Cost my girling i hsrieston Blues 5 ROYAL OAK MD ij ROYAL OAK At St! Paul Church Sunday class in the morning was led by Krank Eauriai by the evangelist Mrs Rachel Camphor Sunday school in the afternoon con ducted by Arthur ields Mrs Cam phor' preached in Easton at Asbliry Church Sunday afternoon Aid met at last riday at the parsonage to elect tho officers Jos Mooresand Mr and Mrs James Lomax were entertained at dinner on Sunday bv Mr and Sirs John Sullivan Albert Gibson who has been sick for awhile is able to be out again 1 Mrh Agnes Thomas teacher at JJeue vue Md was called to Baltimore to the bedside of her sick husband of Mrs Agnes j'homas has contracted the measles Sheps con vsilcscinga 4 I Mrs Mattie Wallaqe Is improving Mrs Susanna Wallace is improving also 4 Several persons motored to Bellevue to attend the Young day Mamie itchett and little daugh ter Olivia spent the week en home Mrs Georgia Moore Mrs (Hilda and Mrs Mamie itchett attended the Meeting mim Mrs Agnes Thomas was unable to attend' on account of the illness of her ChMrs (Henrietta Wallace has returned home from Baltimore NEW ORLEANS DA Occupants of one portion of a double house on Howard street were victims of the local segregation law this week The owner who lives in one side is ini the' colored district He rented out the opposite side to I Charles Mitchell white of Chicago who was arrested for living in the colored district i I ((' i 6 Black Cat Brought Bad Luck 1 (NEW ORLEANS! Lewis Bol ten aged 3 5 raced at break neck speed through' the business section this week to prevent a black cat from crossing his path hr'' IPedestrians and policemen joined in the cHasefi Bolten was arrested for disorderly Icondust JI' 'J Body Hidden! In Swamp 1 1 (JACKSONVILLE LA Detec tives arrested two white men i here last week who confessed murdering John Simmons wood dealer in or der to take Ills money and burying his body in a 1' PERRY HOWARD SUIT 1' ii WASHINGTON 4 (ARO Bureau) The United States Court of Claims last Monday morning dis missed the suit of Bliss Com pany of New Y'ork against the Unit ed States for the sum of $715000 i The Government was represented by Perry 'W Howard special assist ant to the Attorney General and Louis Mehlinger associate attor ii eV 'The suit grew out of the contruc tlon or tot peaoes xoi me avy partment st a fixed price for each tornedo i When labor conditions made it" apparent that a strike was io ensue the Bliss Company increaeed its wages in order to de these torpedoes during the war emergency 1 7'he claimed th it it entitled to reimbursem*nt by reison of certain informal authori by the Navy Depaitment Attorneys Howard and Mehlinger contend' I for the Government that the Bliss Company to! niiniifactui and torpedoes tinder the thd several contracts court to dismiss tlie did I I 4 SEND NO MONEY Hearing the Blues records is the best time you can have envy others because you yours A written request tQ us will bring you a prompt delivery of the latest hot stuff in i Blues Just pay the post man on delivery Listed below are the newest EXTRA LOUD REC ORDS to be released this month ORDER YOURS 'TODAY! I I ORDER YOURS TODAY! Uli 1 i iAURENS MUSIC CO T'AMOUS OR BLUES" 4S ST BALTIMORE MD I Providance Ri I Paul Robeson and Lawtasnce Brown appeared at the Strand Theatre ton Sunday in a recital of folk songs Mr Brown ac icompanied the numbers and also added hi splendid tenor voice to i the singing of many of them i a revue entitled Night at the Black anil White opened on 'Monday evening at The Emery The I atre for dn entire week Miss Clotteld Harris was featur ed Miss! Melva Bolden well known i jn artistic circles iwas also prom i Inent ly cast The our Charlesto nians: Irving Green Claude and i oster MlcCoy and) Wilbur Bolden 1 Jackson Josephine Osborne Susanne Lewis Mae Dozier and Eva I Webster land the Naborhood Quar tet of Pawtucket also participated Cleveland Players Cleveland The Gilpin Players igave three one act plays on last evening at Longwood Hi School upder the auspices of Settlement The King Quartet of the settlement also Bang Contestants from Columbus Cincin inatti Toledo Akron Youngstown and Spriqgfield entered the Charles (ton contest In Public Hall last Wed nesday (Maceo Thomas champion (of Ohio lalso entered I A contest to choose talent for screen work is beng conducted here' (Karl Pasadena presdent of the or ganzatlonj has equipped a motor truck with motion picture appara tus director electrician two camera i men and a beauty: specialist The i campaign here is said to be part Jut a national one being conducted A six contract it is un derstood will be given the winners CRISIELD MD CRISIELD At 11 1 a in the Rev Quillen preached atlv Shiloh Church 'At 230 Supdayj school was largely attended i The death of Mr Charles phowell was a shock to the community after a brief illness ill: Mrs "Minnie Miles is home again af ter spending: some days1 it Baltimore taking treatment She warf accompany led by her little cousin Miss Qarlcsta Miles 1 5" Charles: T1 Wicks welthens Wicks and Elmer Wicks motored Philadel phia Sunday to see heir snothitr who is an inmate at the Woman's Hospital The Rev Bush of Richmond Va has been conducting evangelistic work Lat Enon Baptist Church for ten days On Monday evening ebrutry luth Mrs Letitia1 Sanders entertained the Willing Workers Club i i The Community League held jan en tertainment at the schoolhouse on Wed nesday evening: $1473 was realized i Mrs Beatrice Wicks islimuch im proved i Thes1 Rev James Dickerson of Poco moke City preached at Zion Baptist Sunday afternoon He was accpmpan eid by George Itoley and Hermon Dix Mrs Maggio Wicks and Mrs Em ma Wicks will give a taffy puljlng on Monday evening 'll i At St Paul A Church a the Rev Janies Hayward preached After the sermon Mrs urnell came forward and joined the church At 230 Sunday school whiph was well attended I The officers and teach ers are Mr Peter Broughten super intendent Cradle Roll Department Mrs Brown chief superintendent the Rev Brown secretary Mosiline Bryant I assistant secretary Carpatha Ward treasurer Sarah Pinkney" libra rian Wesley Ballard teacher of Class No 1 aiinnie'i Giddens Class (No 2 Brown Class No 3 Ex a Brough ton Class No 4 Sarah mRneyf teach er Classi No "5 Joseph Brittingham si March 14th will be Men day at St Paul A IM Hi Church The ReV ord presiding elder will pyeach morn ing and (evening I Sundav March 7th was dollar day Mrs Mary Drummond entertained the Willing Workers Club on last Monday evening! The Stars and $tripek were on display in honor of General pv ash incrrnn i i RACE BILLS WAIT i SENATOR DENEEN ILL Ii I 1 i WASHINGTON: (ARO Bureau) On account of the illness of i Senator Charles Deneen Re publican of Illinois" the Senate Ju diciary Committee took no action at itsj meeting last Monday on either the McKinley antl Iynching bill or the? nomination of James Cobb td i be judge of the Municipal Court of tho District of Columbia The McKinley anti lynching bill has been favorably reported to the Judiciary Committee by the sub committee to which it was referred A unction by Senator Deneen to re port it favorably to Senate is pending i 1 1 fNoi action has been taken on the Cobb nomination The subcommit tee to which it was referred had not met on account of the illness of Senator Deneen last week i Both i these matters are expected to Jbe taken up at the next (meeting of i the Judiciary (Committee next Monday I Il I I I Segregation Law Still jin orce RAGTIME JAZZ BLUES i Saxophone Banjo Clarinet Guitar Mandolin Ukulele Etc i Taught in 12 to 25iLepons 1 I Success Guarantee! 1 MILLER SCHOOL MUSIC rsaiumoie ivia More Ethel Waters (Continued rom Page Sx) White Writers Thinks Carl 'Van Vechten white said inVanity March: "Of the artists who have com rnunicated the Blues to the moreophisticalted Negro 'and white pub lic I think Ethel Waters Is the best in fact io my mind as an artist jliM Waters Is superior to any other woman stage singer of her race She rei her paths a vs i i I A mistress of her effects that she 1g obliged t0 expend very little effort 'to Set a line a song or even dance i She ia a natural come dienne and not one of the kind that ha? to itvork hard She is not known a a dancer but she is able hy a single movement of her body to outline for her public the sugges tion of bn entire dance In her ginging "die exercises the same sub tle skill Some 'of her songs sh6 croons she never shouts Her me thods are precisely opposed to those of the crude coon shouter Jo those of the authentic Blues singer and vet not for once does she lose the veridical I Negro atmosphere Her voice and her gesture are essentially Negro biit they have been thought out anrl restrained not prettified but stylized Ethel Waters can be jangua rotis or emotional or gay ac cording ibut site terpreter lof which 'member' MONDAY Percy Mermont and Mary ini 1 ORGOTTEN MEN A delightful drama that will GAME ADDED ATTRACTION MO HOME SLUES 1 OOL ME SLUES UUiM MSB I' i 1 We Pay the 10c Added for ee a iu identity and finds her betrothed to Prince '(Gabriel of the neighboring kingdom of Axphalla The Prince frames Lorry a murder charge and has him sentenced to death He and Yetlve escape but are recaptured Again escaping he accidentally finds the man whom is presumed t'o have slain He forces a confession of the qonsfJracy returns to Graus tark in time to stop weddlngto Cabriel and win her as his own bride I Son of His is attraction Wednesday is double feature day and heads the on that day with another clever picture The picture ought to register especially strong with feminine patrons and" we are willing to wager that nine out ef ten men folk who see it will also be carried away by its fine cleaj wholesome sentiment and deft play upon the tender emotoins Littlepld Drusilla is the kind of person any warm hearted citizen would dlika to meet and pay homage to and it would be a tough cynic who failed grieve over the woes bf Sally May and her baby Ther tan unnecessary situation in the entire seven reels but the high spots may be listed as those scenes which show Drusilla as a drudge in the Old Home young Arnold deliberately wrecking his car in order to keep from running over lly May Drusilla receiving the news of her unexpected fortune Sally bout to abandon her child the bunch of rescued babies and thhe big cou jt room episode where right prevails Drusilla triumphs and husband and I'flfe are reunited Carey Plays ine Melodrama Monday I There is unlimited appeal in "Drusilla Vith a coming t6 on Monday A rich vein of hunrkn interest everyday char acters whose sorrows and Joys go Into '(heart and there a false overstrained note in the whole production Mary Carr famed mother of the gives a delicately appealing performance The picture ought to register especially strong with feminine patrons and we are willing to wager that nine out of ten men folks who see it will also bsj carried away by its fine clean wholesome' sentiment and deft play upon the tender emitions Little old Drusilla is the kind of person any warm fhearted citizen would like to meet and pay homage to and it would be a tbugh cynic who failed to grieve oveY the woes of Sally May and her baby There an unnecessary situation in the entire seven reels but spost may be listed as those sceneg which show Drusilla as a drudge in the Old Home young Arnold deliberately wrecking his car in order to keep from running over SallU May Drusilla rceeiving the news her unexpected fortune Sally" abort to abandon her child the bunch of rescued babies and the big court 1 room episode where right prevails Drusilla triumphs and husband an'ewife are reunited Week End eatures ThisgWeek Lafayette Roosevelt Star fc a 4 SSs Where the Professionals Play Routings ilnli iniiiiiiiiiiiiiii I 7 4' r'h' 1 4 Ul1 1 HBB (O': M' A' i i 1 1 (QrMr gSaMMdM 4' a 44 WKmT" jMBmRwhmI I j' pj i i I tlw i ir if 11 1 I A I 4 I I zs SB f' "BS 'll i i S5 t' I MBI IHOLAURl 'i tiwiwiw iwiv iv iv'ih iw rw.

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The Afro-American from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Views: 5858

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.