The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


An absolute and irresistable cure for DRUNKenness, Narcotics, Intemperance and tho use of Opium, Totaste, bacco, desire and and of Stimulanta, removing Imbit using any of them, rendering odious the and taste or disgusting. desire forany of them perfectly and irresistable control Giving every one perfect selves or their friends. of the sobriety of themIt prevents that absolute physical and moral from prostration using that follows the sudden breaking off stimulants or narcotics. at your Package, druggists, prepaid, to cure 1 to 5 persons, $2, or $1.75 per bottle. Temperance societies should recommend it.

It 1s perfectly harmless and nover-failing. Hop Bitters. Mig. Rochester, N. Y.

Sole Agents the Hop cough, Cough quiets the Cure nerves, destroys all pain, loosone never fails to cure. produces rest, and is The Hop Pad to all for Stomach, Liverand Kidneys, It is superior perfect druggists. others. Cures by absorption. these The Hop remedies, Bitters also the MEg.

Hop of Bitters, Rochester, which N. Y. arein only, prepare leverage crintoxicant, but the no sense a Purest and Best Medicine ever made, making more cures than all other remedies. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. WARNER'S SAFE CURE.

A vegetable preparation and the only mare remedy in the world for Bright's a Disons, Diabetes, und ALL Kidney, Liver and Urtuary Testimonials of the highest order in proof of these statements. For the care of Pinbotos, call for Wars ner's Safe Diabetes Cure. Co For the care of Bright's and the other diseases, coll Warner's Safe and Liver Cure. VER dies Safe are Reme- sold Warner's by Druggists DIABETES CURE and Dealers FBI FERS in Medicine NERVINE everywhere. H.

H. WARNER Proprietors, READ NO Send Rochester, for N. Pamphlet Y. and Testimonials, STRONG. CORR CO.

CHERRY PECTORAL. Ayer's Sarsaparilla For Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Erysipelas, Rose, or St. Anthony's Fire, Eruptions and Eruptive diseases the skin, Ulcerations of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Lungs, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Blotches, Tumors, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Ilead, Ringworm, Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Pain in the Bones, Side and Head, Female Weakness, Sterility, arising from internal ulceration, and Uterine disease, Syphilitic Mercurial diseases, Dropsy. Dyspepsia, a Emaciation, General Debility, and for Purifying the Blood. This Sarsaparilla is a combination of vegetable alteratives Stillingia, Mandrake, Yellow Dock with the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and is the m.ost efficacious medicine yet known for the diseases it is intended to cure.

Its ingredients are so skilfully combined, that the full alterative effect of each is assured, and while it is so mild as to be harmless even to children, it I I I is still so effectual as to purge out from the system those impurities and corruptions which develop into loathsome disease. The reputation it cujoys is derived from its cures. and the confidence which prominent physicians all over the country repose in it, prove their experience of its usefulness. Certificates attesting its virtues have accumulated, and are constantly being received, and a as many of these cases are publicly known, they furnish convincing evidence of the superiority of this SarRaparilla over every other alterative medicine. So generally is its superiority to any other medicine known, that we need do no more than to assure the public that the best qualities it has ever.

possessed are strictly maintained. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER Lowell, P'ractical and Analytical Chemists.

SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS FVERYWHERE. MEDICAI, DR. SLEE, Late of Pittab'gh Medical Instituto has been longer in the practice of private disvases than any physician in Cleveland, as back files of city and State papers will show. Iis office has been at Its present location for the past seven years. DR SLEE cures syphilis, gonorrhea, gleet, atricture, hernia, orchitis, hydrogele, sure throat, pains in the bones, liver, and bladder diseases, atrophy or wasting of the testicl* and varicocele NO CURE.

NO PAY. Also Spermatorthwa; this complaint bus been made a special study by the Doctor, who having to treat thou. saudy of cases yearly, his knowedge of its effocta and colvequences 13 perfect and his mode of treatment successful. Its effects buy are various, maddening and dostructive to both and mind. and unless cured will terminate fatally There is continual conciousness of 8 flow and gradnal deway of all the powers of body and sad.

with loss of many power and vigor. defective utemory, of sight, nolaes in the head and ears, covfusion of Ideas, aversion to surinty, general physical depression, excessive prostratinu, trembling of the hands marasmus, aud and limbs, pimples the fare, consumption, ultimate delungement of the mind, Uttice 325 Superior oppo. Case Hall, Cleveland, 0. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE, THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY I TRADE MARK, for An unfailing cure TRADE MARK, SEMINAL WEAKNESS, SPERMATORRHEA, IMPOTENCY aud all diseases that follow 8d a sequeuce of Self-Abuse, 89 1,088 OF MEMORY, UNIVERSAL LASSIBefore Taking TUDE, BACK. PAIn DIN After Taking NESS other OF diseases VISION, that PREMATURE OLD AGE and many and A lead to insanity or Consump In our pamphlets, which Grave.

we Full particulars by mall desire to send free to every one. The Specific Medicine la sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or alx packages of the for $5, or will be sent free by mail on remoney by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE No. 10 Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich. By verywhere Sold in Cleveland by all druggists and by all wholesale and retail druggiata, ABOOKE MILLION A new aud complete Guide to Wed. WOMAN lock, petent containing Womanhood, Selection on, A cumof wits Evidences of Virgirity.

sterility, Advice to Bridegroom, MARRIAGE band Celibacy and and Wite, P'rostitution, Matrimony itg compared, causca Cudgugal duties, Couception, Love and Courtship, Impediments to Marriage, Science of Reproduction, Single lite considered, Law of Marriage, Law of Divorce, Legal rights of married women, Diseases of Women, their causes and cure, etc. It uses, la also resulting a 'Private Medical ondisfrom impure sexual associations, and on self-abuse. (the secret habit of youth.) and its etects on after making causing Nightly Emissions, Loss of Vigor, and marriage improper or uubappy, giving treatment and many valuable receipte. private conu aiderate ignorance reading on that no one ofadult age, should be without, these subjects is the cause of great dea: of misery. has It contains much that is any other work, and 600 Sent pages, sealed with over 100 Piste Engre 'ngs, and Woodcuts for 81.

Address: Dr. Butts' Dispensary, No. 12 North 8th St. Louis. Mo.

TANEOOD RESTORED. Prescription apeedy Cure of Semhas brought the on by indiscretion or excess. Any Druggist Lose of Manhood, and all disorders Address DAVIDSON 75 Nussau N. Y. MATHEY CAYLUS Diseases of tho sexual organs, recent or chronic, re promptly cured by Mathey Caylus' Capsules; used for over 25 rears by the leading physicians of Europe and Ametica.

Prepared by 'Soli CLIN CIE, CAPSULES here. Elrocland Plain TERMS." DAILY PLAIN DEALER. One year by mail, postage $10.00 Delivered by Carrier ...20 cents per week TRI-WEEKLY PLAIN DEALER One year, postage $4.00 Six months, postage 2.00 Three months, postage prepaid 1.00 WEEKLY PLAIN DEALER. Single Single copy, one year, postage $1.15 copy, six months, postage prepaid 60 Ton Twenty copies, one year, postage prepald, copies or more, postage prepaid, each 1.00 Entered the Postoffice at Cleveland, Ohio, as second-class TRAVELER'S REGISTER. Trains marked arrive and depart daily.

LAKE SHORE AND MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. EAST BOUND TRAINS. Arrive. Depart. Toledo Atlantic and Express, Buffalo No.

a a Express. 10,55 a 11:16 a Day Special pm pm N. Y. Express, No. 4..10:10 10:30 Conneaut 4:50 pm Elyria 8:50 a Toledo via Norwalk.

10:10 p'm Nottingbam 110:05 a In 19:00 a pm WEST BOUND TRAIN. Arrive. Depart. Michigan Express. 6:15 a 7:00 a Special Chicago No.

1... a 7:00 a Toledo 1:25 pm 3:30 St. Louis pm pm Pacific Express, No. 5.... pm.

Conneaut 8:45 a 111 Elyria, Cliuton Accommodation 8:40 a 5:00 mA 6:00 CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI INDIANAPOLIS. DEPARTURES. Cincinnati and Indianapolis, No. 1.. 7:15 a Indianapolis St.

Louis Express, No. 3.. Night Columbus Express, No. Accommodation, No. 7........

3:45 pm ARRIVALS. Indianapolis, Cin. Col. Express, No. 2.

a Ganon Columbus Accommodation, No. 8.... ..10:15 am and Indianapolis No. 4.. pm Cincinnati Express, No.


Through a Pittsburgh Express, No. 2:40 Through Accommodation, No. 8.. 4:25 Express, No. 10:45 Pittsburgh 7:10 a ARRIVALS.

Train No. 5... Accommodation, 2:00 pm Through Mahoning Valley Express, No. 3.... No.

7.10:55 5 a Through Express, No. 6:50 a Pittsburgh Express, No. 5 2:00 CLEVELAND PITTSBURGH. Depart. Arrive.

Mail .8:20 a 2:45 pm Express .1:45 7:25 Alliance Accommodation. .3:45 pm 10:15 a Ravenna .6:30 pm 8:35 a VALLEY RAILWAY. DEPARTURES. 7:15 a 2:20 in ARRIVALS. .......11:15 a 6:20 Palace and Sleeping Car Tickets over the Lake Shore Michigan Southern, N.

Y. Central Hud390 River and Toledo, Wabash Western Railways may be procured at the Lake Shore Michgau Southern Baggage Room, Union Depot. Citizens wishing conveyances to the depots will be called for by leaving their address on the order book before 9 p. In. at the Union Ticket and Omnibus Ofice, coruer of Superior and Bank streets, under the Weddell House.

TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Foreign. accounts of starvation in Armenia are heartrending. Archduke Rodolph of Austria has been aftianced to the Princess Stephorie Clothilde of Belgium. M.

Adolphe Le Moine Montigny, a French dramatic author, dead. Prince Bismarck was well enough Saturday to go as far as the Palace to see the Emperor. He bas no intention of resigning. There is an unconfirmed report at Calcutta that the Burmese have made a raid Muniport and killed forty natives. A Paris dispatch says Hartman is now in London.

The duch*ess of Marlborough, writing to the Lord Mayor of London, says the distress in Ireland continues to be general and in some parts increasing. It is understood that Russia intends proposing to the European powers the of the international agreement securing to each signatory power the right of demanding the extradition of regicides. of the Russian Ambassador at Paris was threatened by Nihilist agents on Saturday. They wanted him to oppose, the extradition of Hartman. A military correspondent "It is abundantly evident that a resumption of hostilities in Afghanistan cannot much longer be delayed.

The lessons learned around Shirpur will not be disregarded, and we reasonably expect that resistance will quickly collapse." A court martial has been opened at Kieff for the trial of a son of a priest, one of the principal revolutionists; two soldiers charged with distributing revolutionary proclamations, and a son of a subaltern officer and a student of Kietf University, who have 'been implicated in more than one attempt on the life of the Czar. A Paris dispatch says it is announced that Prince Orloff intends to quit Paris on a prolonged leave of absence. It is believed in consequence of the Hartman affair, as Prince Orloff confidently expected to obtain his extradition. Domestic. A $25,000 fire occurred at Petrolia.

The Reading Iron Works have advanced wages 10 per cent. The Boston Young Republicans declare against Blaine or Grant. 'The Paterson Locomotive Works burned. Loss, insurance, $90,000.. A Buffalo fire caused a loss of insured, $40,000.

It was. on Beak street. Late Saturday night, as August Feiger and his betrothed were passing Lake Shore Park, Milwaukee, they were assaulted by four unknown men, who felled Feiger and dragged his companion under the railway trestle work. Feiger heard her screams as he ran for assistance, but her cries were soon bushed. Search by the police failed to discover the girl.

It is thought the girl was outraged and thrown into the lake over the breakwater. The following is organization of the now Richmond Allegheny Railroad Company, which has purchased the property and franchises of the James River Kanawha Canal Company: Gorge W. Bartholomew. of Hartford, President; H. C.

Parsons, of lichmond, Vice President; Sheppard Homan, of New York, Secretary and Treasury, and the following other Directors: Francis O. French, Conrad N. Jordan. Samuel Shetar, Hugh McCalloch, of New York; Cyrus 11. McCormick, of Chicago; lenry Miller, of Columbus, 0 James (.

Blaine, of Maine, and Charles E. Wortham, of Richmond, Virginia. W. II. Hayes, appointed Judge of.

the Federal Court of Kentucky early in September, 1879, to succeed Judge Bland Ballard, died suddenly of heart disease in Louisville Sunday afternoon. Judge Haves was fifty -nine years of age and was from Springfield, Kentucky. During the war 'he was a brave soldier in Bristow's regiment. It will be remembered that Judge Ballard's death last August was sudden, and of heart disease. A fow days ago Georgo Kahl, A farm hand in tho employ of Fred Whitcamp, ut Cairo, reported that Whitcamp was drowned by falling into the: Mississippi river.

This statement was at first believed, but later suspicions led to an investigation, which resulted in the arrest of who confessed that ho, assisted by Whitcamp's wife, had murdered him. The body was found buried in the rear of the stable on tho premises. Mrs. Whitcamp was also arrested. At Wheeling Saturday night sixteen prisoners confined in the city workhouse mutinied, and seizing their two guards thrust them into a cell and broke out.

One of then, called "China Jack," afterward struck at guard named Litten, who fired at him with a revolver, the ball taking effect in the chest of l'atrick Daly, an eccentric character well known here and called in sport "Forth Gov. Daly." Ilo instantly expired. Litten was Dit Sunday held in $1,000 bonds, it being alleged that he was inexcusable in firing. My (tood Woman why are you out of sorts, never able to tell folks caused that in you aro well? Ten to one it's all tho first place by habitual constivation, which has no doubt finally caused doranged Kidneys and Liver. The sure cure for Wort.

It Constipation, is also is the celebrated KidneyKidney and Liver diseases. rowedy Thousands for are all: EL specific cured by it every month. Try it at once. Who Die of Consumption. There died of consumption in New York in 1879 4,343 persons, ,1,861 Americans, 1,368 Irish, 730 Germans, 385 of other for.

eign nationalities and 90 negroes. Of domestic servants 204 died, 192 clerks, 281 laborers, 05 merchants, 45 shocmakers, 89 dressmakers, 54 bartenders, 24 bakers, 2 actors, 17 brewers, 84 carpenters and 81 cartmen. Since 1825 949,761 persons have died in this city, 11.28 per cont. of them of consumption. -N.

Y. 1 1 A Sensation at Kentucky. March 7. -Covington, Kentucky, has had a sensation to-day, in the form of the universal observance of the Sunday law. There has been considerable agitation for some time past in the form of public meetings enforce the Sunday law, especially against saloon keepers, and committees were appointed to rigidly prosecute all offenders.

This week the saloon keepers resolved to close the saloons to-day and devote the day to gathering information against everybody who performed common labor, and to-morrow they will -issue warrants for arrests. Every place in Covington was closed except the drug stores, and they sold nothing whatever, except on prescriptions. The names of carriage drivers who brought people to churches, and in some instances the names of ministers and organists, were written down for arrest to-morrow. Street cars were; running under the provision of the law passed only yesterday excmpting them from the penalties of the Sunday law. Af From the Banks of the Hudson.

NEWBURG, N. Oct. 20, 1879. H. H.

Warner Rochester, New York: Gentlemen: A lady of over seventy years of age, in failing health for over a year, has been using Warner's Safe Bitters on my recommendation. She feels very grateful for the benefit she has derived therefrom and say's that until she used it her stomach could bear no vegetable food for over three years. I be lieve it to be a certain specific for dyspepsia. J. T.

JOSLYN, M. D. DEMOCRATIO NATIONAL CONVENTION The National Democratic Committee having met in Washington on the 231 of February, 1880, has appointed Tuesday, the 22d day of June, at noon, as the time, and. chosen Cincinnati as the place of holding the national Democratic convention. Each state is entitled to a representation.

therein equal to double the number of its Senators and Representatives in Congress. All Democratic, Conservative and other citizens the United States, irrespective of past political associations or differences, who can unite with us nan tutional effort for government, a pure and economical constiare cordially invited to join in sending delegates to the convention. At the last national Democratic convention, held at St. Louis in 1870, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That states be requested to instruct their delegates to the national Democratic convention to be held in 1880, whether it be desirable to continue the two thirds rule longer in force in the national convention, and that the national committee insert such request in the call for the next convention. WILLIAM IT.

BARNUM. Connecticut, Chairman. FREDERICK O. PRINCE, Massacbusetts, Secretary. William H.

Forney, Ala, John J. Sumter, F. McCoppin. B. M.

Hughes, Hasbert 'n Hickman, Wilkin- on Cull, George F. Barnes, Ga, WV. C. Goudy. Austin I.

Brown, M. M. Isaac E. Eaton, IL. D.

Mclenry, B. Jones, Edmund Wilson, Outerbridge Horsey. Md Edward Kanter, William Lochren, Ethal Barksdale, John G. Priest, George L. Miller, R.

P. Kealing. A. W. Sulloway, N.

H. Miles Ross, N. Abraham 8. Hewitt, N.Y M. W.

Ransom, N. John G. Thompson, 0., John Whitaker, Ore William L. Scott, Nicholas VanSlyck, R. James H.

Rion S. William B. Bate, F. S. Stockdale, B.

B. Smalley, R. A. Cogill, Alex. Campbell, W.

William F. Viles, Wis. I 4 Take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral to stop your Colds, Coughs and Bronchial Affections before they run into Consumption that you can not stop. KIDNEY WORT WORT The Only Remedy THAT ACTS AT THE SAME TIME, ON THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, and the KIDNEYS. This combined action gives it wonderful porcer to cure all diseases.

Why Are We Sick Because 20C allow these great organs to become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humorsare therefore forced into the blood that should be expelled naturally. KIDNE BILIOUSNESS, PILES, CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, URINARY DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, AND NERVOUS DISORDERS, by causing free action of these organs and restoring their power to throw off discase. Why Safer Bilions pains and aches 1 Why tormented with Piles. Constipation? Why frightened over disordered Kidneys Why en Bare nervous or sick headaches? Why havo sleepless nights KIDNEY WORT and rejoice in 1: is a dry, vegetable compound and package will make six ate of Medicine. Get it of your Druggist, he will order it for you.

Price, $1.00.7 WELLS, Proprietors, 1 (Wid and just paid.) Vt. Pleas of said county, on the 26th day of February, A. D. 1880, in an action therein pending wherein The Sun Insurance Company is plaintiff and Amalia Beck and Reinhold Beck are defendants, and directed and delivered to me. I shall offer for sale at public auction at the south door of the County Court House, Cleveland, Ohio, on Tuesday, the 6th day of -April, A.D.

1SS0, between the hours of two and three o'clock in the afternoon of said day, the following described real estate: Situated in the city of Cleveland. county and state aforesaid, and known as part of original lots Nos. 424 and 425 and described as follows: Being part of sublot No. 119 in N. H.

Ambler et subdivision of a part original lots Nos. 421 and 485, according to the inap of said subdivision recorded in the proper c1llee in said county, in volumo 3 of maps, page 25. and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a stono in the southeast corner of said lot, thence westerly four hundred and fifty-two feet and two inches to a stake at the southwest corner of said lot; thence northerly one hundred and six feet and inches to the middle of the west line of said lot; thence easterly four hundred and fifty-five feet and seven inches to a stake in the middle of the east line ot lot; thence southerly to the place of beginning one hundred and eight feet and two inches. Appraised at $1,281.00. Terms of sale, cash down.

JADES QUAYLE. 1, Master Commissioner, 222 Superior street. J. J. BROOKS, P'laintiff's Attorney.


fore these pills antagonistic the hereto- qualities of a STRENGTHING, TUTT'S PILLS RIFTING PURGATIVE, TONIC. and a PuCURE DYSPEPSIA. Their first apparent' effect is to increase the TUTT'S PILLS food appetite to by properly causing the asCURE CONSTIPATION. similate. Thus the sysnourished, and TUTT'S PILLS by the their digestive tonic action organs, on CURE regular vacations and are healthy.

produced. TUTT'S PILLS which PERSONS rapidity' TAKE' with CURE FEVER AND AGUE. ON FLESH while under the influence of theso TUTT'S pills, daptability indicates to their nourish 8-. CURE BILIOUS COLIC, the body, hence their in curing debility, melanTUTT'S PILLS dyspepsia, wastCure KIDNEY Complaint. ing giahness of the of muscles, the liver, slugchronic.

constipation, TUTT'S PILLS and streugth imparting to the health system. CURE TORPID LIVER. Sold everywhere. Price 25 cents, TUTT'S PILLS 53 Murray Office Streets IMPART APPETITE. NEW YORK.

MASTER'S SALE. THE STATE OF OHIO, Cuyahoga County, s9. SALE. -Pursuant to the command of a pluries order of sale issued from the Court of Common ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. A hereby SIGNEE'S given that the NOTICE.

undersigned -Notice was on is the 29th day of January, 1880, duly appointed Assignee of the estate of Cornelius Newkirk. All persons indebted to said estate will pay the same at once to, and all parties having claims against said estate, will file them immediately with, said Assignee. J. H. SCHNEIDER, Assignee, feb0 3wF 158 Superior street, Room 11.

Benson's 3 The ever made on the common: Porous Plaster. Porous Plaster. Over 2,000 Druggists have signed a paper stating that Li. BENSON'S POROUS' PLASTERS ARE SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHER PLASTERS. PRICE 25 CENTS.

SEABURY JOHNSON, Pharmaceutical Chemists. NOTICE. OSEPH B. last known ion place of residence was in Elk City, Clarplace county, of Pennsylvania, and whose' present residence is swill take notice that C. E.

Shattuck filed 'his petition on the 20th day of November, A. D. 1879, in the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, alleging that said Joseph B. Erb on the 22d day of October, 1878, executed and delivered to said C. E.

Shattuck his in one promissory year note from for the sum of $825.00, payable said date, with interest at the rate of eight per cent. per annum, and that there is Erb due said C. E. Shattuck from said Joseph B. upon said promissory note said sum of $825.00, 0.

E. with the interest as aforesaid, and that said Shattuck is entitled to a judgment for said sum against said Joseph B. Erb; that to SOcure the payment of said promissory note said Joseph B. Erb executed and delivered to said C. E.

Shattuck on the 2d day of December, 1878, his mortgage deed conveying to him, his heirs and assigns; the following described real estate: Sitand uate in state the of city of Cleveland, county of Cuyahoga Ohio, and known as sublot number 390 inal in lot S. No. S. 50 Stone's subdivision of a part. of origand state in said city of Cleveland, county aforesaid.

Said sublot No. 396 has a frontage of fifty feet on Herman street and extwo tends feet. back of equal width one hundred and thirtyThat said mortgage deed provided that if or said administrators Joseph B. Erb, his heirs; assigns, executors note should well and truly pay said according to the tenor thereof then it should be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virto tue in law; that said mortgage deed was delivered the Recorder of said county for record Decem ber 3d. 1878, at 12:27 p.

and recorded in vol on ume the 291, 4th page 629, of the records of said county of day of: December, that no part said promissory note has been paid and that the condition of said mortgage deed has been broken and said mortgage deed has become absolute: that on the 22d day of January, eighteen (18) feet of said premises were sold by the tax Treasurer sale to of one said J. Unyahoga Mandelbaum county at delinquent for $79.19, and that for the protection of his said mortgage said Shattuck was compelled to redeem said 18 feet and to pay for that purpose the sum of $95, by reason whereof said C. E. Shattuck claims a lien for said sum of $95 upon said 18 -feet of said premises. I The prayer of said petition is for a judgment in B.

favor Erb of for said C. E. Shattuck against said Joseph said sum of $825, with interest at the rate of eight per cent. per annum from the 22d day of October, 1878, and in the event of its not being Court, for paid by a time to be determined by the an order of sale of the premises de of scribed said in said mortgage deed, for a foreclosure mortgage, for marshalling of priorities of liens and protection of said U. E.

Shattuck's tax lien, and for application of proceeds of said sale to the payment of all sums due said plaintiff and for other proper relief. Said defendant Joseph B. Erd is required 10 answer said petition on or before the 20th day of March, 1880. THOMAS ROBINSON, Attorney for Plaintiff, Room No. 2, Perkin's Block, Public Square.

jan23 Ow NOTICE. EIL Indiana: Matilda McCULLOUGII, Remington of and Louisa Anderson, cl*tford, of Jefferson, Ohio; Frank Wildes, of West Andover, Ohio; E. B. Remington, of Richland Missouri; Loretta lood and Marger, Tay.or, of Rally Missouri; Rosetta Sweet, of the county of Camden, Missouri, and Polly Hardy. in the state of lowa, are hereby notified that on the 2d day of February, 1880, J.

11. Lamson filed his petition in the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga county, Ohio, against them aud P. Snelling, Eliza Snelling, Henry Wick Sarah Bartlette and Stephen Kemington as defendants, setting forth that the said P. Snelling and Eliza Snelling made and delivered to said J. H.

Lamson their mortgage deed of the following described premises, in the village of Bedford, Cuyahoga county, Ohio. and being part of original lot No. 35 and being lots Nos. 3. 13 and 13, according to R.

Thomas' subdivision of Bedford village to secure the payment of two promisso notes of one hundred dollars each, with interest, and that said P. Snelling aud Eliza Snelling executed and delivered Ito Lymes Clark their mortgage deed of the following described premises, situated in the village of Bedford, county of Cuyahoga and state of Onio, and known as being lots Nos. 1, 2, 13, 14 and 15 in R. Thomas' subdi: vision of original lot 35, to secure the payment of a promissory note of four hundred dollars, with interest, and which mortgage is now owned and held by 'said Lamson, and that sail defendants clain to have some lien in or interest in said premises described in both mortgages. Also setting forth that Stephen Remington, E.

B. Matilda Remington, Loretta Hood, Dargery Taylor, Frank Wildes, Rosetta Sweet, Louisa Clifford and Polly Hardy are the only heirs of Justus Remington, deceased, and that by the records of said county of Cuyahoga there appears uncanvelled thereon a mortgage on the premises herein described executed by Kobert Thomas to said Justus Remington, bearing date April 2, 1838, and recorded iu volume.96, pago Gi, of the records of mortgages lu.the Recorder's office of saik county of Cuyahoga, and securing the payment of a note for $914 50-100, due February 28, 1839; that said note has been paid and said mortgage cancelled on the back thereon by Justus Remington in his life time but not entered of record and has been lost or destroyed, leaving the salve as a cloud upon the title to said premises, and praying that said mortgages so made by said P. Snelling and Eliza Snelling be foreclosed and the liens on said premises marshalled and the proceeds of sale applied to the payment of the same in the order of their priorities, and that said mortgage made by said Robert Thomas to Justus Remington be decreed satisfied and ordered to be cancelled of record. The said defendants are required to answer to 'said petition on or before the 28tn day of March, 1880. J.

H. LAMSON, Plaintiff. PENNEWELL LAMSON, Plaintiff's Attorneys. feb3 6wTu LEGAL NOTICE. THE STATE OF OHIO, In the Court of ComCuyahoga County, ss.

mon Pleas. Frederick W. Huesman, Plaintiff, Civ.I actionfor against sale. of mortHenry Tunte, Administrator, and gaged preinothers. ise3 and relief.

TUNTE SHEFFIELD AND William Sheffeld, whose last known place of residence was in San Francisco, California, are hereby notitied that the said Frederick W. Huesman, on the 27th day of September, 1879, fled in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga. county, Ohio, his petition against them and others, the object and prayer of which petition was to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by Bernard Tunte in his life time on the following described premises: Situate in city of Cleveland, in the county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, and known as sublot No. 21 on the south side of Oregon street, in Henry Wick's allotment of part of original ten acre lot No. 102, in said city, aud is the same premises by Henry Wick and wife to Bernard Tunte by deed dated May 20, 1863, which mortgage was delivered to the Recorder February 24, 1872, at 4:10 p.

m. and recorded March 16, 1872, in Cuyahoga county records, volume 197, page 338. 'The petition states that the interest on said note has been paid up to February 24, 1877; that there is now due to the plaintit on the said mortgage the suin of $1,10, with interest on $1,080 from February 44, 1879, and on $80 from February 24, 1878; that said Bernard Tunte died leaving a will and Henry Tunte is Administrator, with the will; that Christiana Tunte, his is also dead, and that: the following are his children and heirs at-law, to whom said Bernard Tunte gave his property, to-wit: Henry Tante, John B. Tunte, Christian Tunte, Kate Tunte, Caroline Tunte Lewis, wife of Thomas G. Lewis Mary Tunte- Sheffleld, wife of the' said defendant William Sheffield, the legal heirs in whom the title of said premises is in, subject to the plaintiff's mortgage; that defendaut A.

H. Wich has purchased said premises at tax sale. Said- petition prays that the Court will find due the plaintiff said ambunts, with interest; that' it is a lien. and for the sale of said premises to pay the same and for such other as may be entitled. Said defendants are required to answer said petition by the 6th day of March, A.

D. 1880. JAMES WADE, Plaintiff's Attorney. January 5, 1880. jan6 MASTER'S SALE THE STATE OF OHIO, Cuyahoga County, ss.

MI command of an SALE. order of sale -Pursuant issued to from the the Court of Common Fleas within and for the county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, on the 7th day of February, A. D. 1880, in a certain action therein pending wherein C. M.

Stone, Administrator of the estate of William Biddulph, deceased, is plaintiff and James Mallett, Helen Mallett, W. S. Chamberlain and G. A. Galloway are defendants, and directed and delivered to me, I shall offer for sal at public auction at the south side of the County Court House, Cleveland, Ohio, on Friduy, the 12th day of March, 1.

D. 1880, between the hours of two and three o'clock in the afternoon of said day, the following described lands and tenements, to-wit: Situated in the village of East Cleveland, now in the city of Cleveland, county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, land known as being sublot number one hundred aud eighty-one (181) of the subdivision by W. S. and M. W.

Chamberlain of a part of original one hundred acre lots 334 and 333 in the said village of East Cleveland, reference for particulars as to the size and boundaries of said sublot 181 being made to the plat of said subdivision, recorded in the office of the Recorder of said county, volume 3 of maps and subdivisions, page 28. Appraised at $800.00. Terms of sale, cash. TIIOMAS GRAVES, Master Commissioner, 83 Public Square. STONE HESSENMUELLER, Plaintiff's Attorneys.

febll 5wW MASTERS SALE, COMMISSIONER'S SALE. -Pursuant the cominand of a pluries order of sale issued from the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga county, Ohio, on the 3d day of March, A. D. 1880, in the action wherein The Hibernia Insurance Company of Ohio is plaintiff and John McKenney and Mary McKenney are defendants, and directed and delivered to me, I shall offer for sale at public auction at the south door of the County Court House, at Cleveland, Ohio, on Tuesday, the Gth day of April, A. D.

1880, between the hours of two and three o'clock in the afternoon of said day, the following described lands and tenements, to wit: Situated in said county and state, and in the city of Cleveland, and known as the whole of sublots Nos. twenty-three. (23) and twenty-four (24) in M. B. Sterling's subdivision of part of original ten (10) acre lot No.

one hundred and sixteen (116) in said city of Cleveland. Appraised at $1,500.00. Terms of sale, cash down, JAMES QUAYLE, Master Commissioner, W. 8. KERRUISH, Plaintiff's Attorney.

mb5 5wF 1 PROSPECTUS. JAKAV GMA THE STATE OF OHIO, ti Cuyahoga County, MASTER'S of an SALE order of -Pursuant sale to the the Court of Common Pleas within and issued for from 25th county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, on the the tion day therein of February, A. D. 1880, in a certain acH. Wick and Dudley B.

Wick, Henry partners Wick. Alfred pending wherein Wick Co, are plaintiffs and John B. as Brugge- Henry rett man and Kick Wilhelmina Bruggeman, his wife, GarMehling, and Charles Adreianje Kick, his wife, Andrew Henry Kaldenbaugh A. are Smith, defendants, Nicholas D. Jenney, and auction delivered at the to south me, I shall offer for sale at public and directed House, of the County Court Cleveland, Ohio, on Monday the 29th day of March, A.

D. 1880, in between the the afternoon hours of of two (2) and three (3) o'clock scribed said day, the following delands and tenements, to-wit: of Partly Cuyahoga situated and in the state city of Cleveland, county situated in the township of of Ohio, and partly county of Cuyahoga and East Cleveland, portion state of Ohio, all that bei: said mortgage deed as described in said city part of lot 412 being within the limits of the merly known of as Cleveland East in that part of said city forto part the of said lot city, 411 and that part described as being Cleveland, recently annexed Cleveland bring in the township of East aforesaid. Said premises are more ly in particularly the ci of described as follows: partship of East Cleveland and partly in the townand known as part of original Cuyahoga lots, Nos. county, 411 Ohio, Cleveland, 413, in the township of East Cleveland. The and of lot 412 is bounded as foliows: part' stone in the southwest corner of said Beginning lot, thence ac a links north to the east on the old lot line 21 chains 40 thence north southeast corner of said lot to a stone; west 3 chains to a stone; thence north bauk of west 5 chains and, 30 links o11 the the creek: thence south west 4 north chains: thence north west 4 chains: thence 3 chains; thence west 2 chains: thence south west south 5:20 north west chains; thence line of said west 2 chains to a stone on tne west lot; thence W.

west 6 chains to beginning- containing acres. The part in lot 411 411 beginning at a stone on the west line of lot 1328 103 chains northerly from a stone set at the center intersection of said west line of loc 411 with north of the Shaker road, so-called; thence east 8 11-100 chains to a stone in the east center of said Shaker road; thence south on the along west the center of said road 1 cha to a stone along said line of said lot No. 411; thence north west line 963-100 and 1-10 chains to be of lot t11, ginning-contaiuing bounded 1 acre. 'Also one other part stone on the as Beginning at a about north side of the Shaker road and tree 4 rods inches from in the foot of the big hill a hickory 1 28-100 diameter bears south east thence south chains; thence south east 173 links; east east 167 links; thence south 1 8-100 chains; thence south east 57-100 chains; thence south east 2 22-10 chains; thence south east 1. 35-100 chains; thence south west 19-100 chains; east 1 57-100 chains; thence south east 1 77-100 chains to the north side of the road owned al by survey Francis T.

Sturtevant. This is the descriptionof the north and east of the tract of land intended to be surveyed and which is bounded by a line on the south and west side and 40 feet distant from the line above described and of parallel said described thereto and line conraining the whole length also for the purpose of a road; the right of way. for 'all the purposes of a road ou the following tract of. land. -being also a part ning of on lot the 411 and bounded as follows: Beginnorth side of said road where the above description and survey ends, thence south east 1 6-100 chains; thence east 1 87-100 chains chains; thence north east 3 27-100 to the east line of land owned by Francis Sturtevant, and the said road being 18 feet wide along the whole length, subject to the same reservations and restrictions as embraced in the deed front E.T.

and F. T. Sturtevant, vol. 113- 171. Said 1st parcel of land, 'containing acres of land, appraised at $4,000.00.

Said 2d parcel of land, containing 1 acre of land, appraised at $400.00. Said 3d parcel, the right. of way, appraised at $600.00. Terms of sale, cash. THOMAS GRAVES, Master Commissioner, 83 Public Square JNO.

feb28 J. 5w8 CARRAN, Plaintiff's Attorney, NOTICE. OTICE. -Notice is hereby given that on the 27th day of February, A. D.

1880, was duly tiled in the Probate Court of Cuyahoga county, Ohio, a petition signed by John G. Klick, Frederick Beeler and others, praying said Court for the appointment of three Commissioners to consider the creation and establishment of a joint sub school district embracing the territory bounded as follows: Beginning at a point on Fair street near the Fair Grounds in Middleburgh township Cuyahoga county, thence northerly to and across West street, to include the families living on the north sine of said street; thence west into Olmsted township to the northwest corner of land owned by Fred Beeler; thence south to the southwest corner of land owned by John G. Klick; thence east to the place of beginning. And the Court having made appointment of Commissioners as prayed for in said petition, said Commissioners will meet at the school house in School District No. 6, in the township of Middleburgh, in said county.

on the first day of April, A. D. 1880, at 10 o'clock A. then and there to determine whether said joint sub-district ought to be established. Attest: DAN'L R.

TILDEN, MASTER'S SALE. Attest: DAN'L R. TILDEN, 4wS Probate Judge. MASTER'S SALE. Cuyahoga STATE OF County, OHIO, ss.

Case No. 16,196. command of order of sale issued from the -Pursuant to the Court of Common Pleas within and for the county of and state of Ohio, on the 18th day of February A. 1880, in a certain action therein pending wherein Cosgrove is plaintiff and James Rafter and Mary Rafter, his wife, are defendants, and directed and delivered to me, I shall offer for sale at public auction, at the south door of the County Court House, Cleveland, Ohio, on Wednesday, March 24th, A. D.

between the hours of two (2) and three (3) o'clock in the afternoon of said day, the following described lands together with the tenements thereunto belonging, to-wit: Situate 'in said county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, and known as parts of lands bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point ninety-two (92 ft.) feet east of the northwest corner of sublot No. twenty-two (22) in Lucy M. Gaylord's allotment of part' of original lot No. four hundred and sixty five (405) of what was formerly a part of Newburgh township, but now being a east part fifty of said feet (50 city of thence Cleveland, south and one running hundred due 3 and seventy-seven (177 ft.) feet; thence west fifty (50 ft.) feet; thence north oue hundred and serenty-seven (177 ft.) feet to the place of beginning. Appraised at $300.00.

of sale, cash down. E. B. BAUDER, Master Commissioner, 7, 93 Public Square (new T. K.

DISSETTE, Plaintiff's Attorney, 140 Superior street. Dated Cleveland, February 21st, 1880. feb21 hwS of order of sale issued from the Court of Common Pleas within and for the county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, on the 16th day of February, D. 1880, in a certain action therein pending wherein H. M.

Rogers is plaintiff and Janies Lyons, Elizabeth Lyons, Ann D. Parmely, Moses G. Watterson, A. W. Bailey, Frank Rooney, Celia Rooney, L.

Newshuler. W. F. Hinman and A. B.

Darby are defendants, and directed and delivered to me, I shall offer for sale at public auction at the south side of the County Court House, Cleveland, Ohio, on Monday, the 22d day of Murch, 'A! D. 1880, between the hours of two (2) and three (3) o'clock in the afternoon said day, the following described lands and tenements, to-wit: Situated in the city of Cleveland, county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, and known as being parts of sublots Nos. 153 and 154 of S. S. Stone's subdivision of ten (10) acre lots Nos.

1 and 2 and a part of 100 acre lot No. 487, as recorded in Cuyahoga county records, book 1, page 35, of maps in Recorder's office of said county of Cuyahoga Said land hereby conveyed has a front of 50 feet on Cross street and 60 feet on Bergh street in depth. Terms Appraised of sale, cash. at $1,500 00. "THOMAS GRAVES, Commissioner, 83 Public Square.

M. W. C. ROGERS, Plaintiff's Attorneys. feb21 bw8 MASTER'S SALE.

STATE OF OIIIO, Cuyahoga County, S8. ASTER'S SALE. -Pursuant to the command of an order of sale issued from the Court of Common Pleas within and for the county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, on the 16th day of February, A. D. 1880, in a certain action therein pending wherein Rufus K.

Winslow is, plaintiff and Maik Michal and John Steugel are defendants, and directed and delivered to ne, I shall offer tor sale at public auction at the south side of the County Court House, Cleveland, Ohio, on Monday, the 29th day of March, A. D. 1880, between the hours of two and three o'clock in the afternoon of said day, the following described lands and tenements, to-wit: Situated in the city of Cleveland, county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, and known as sublot number nine (9) in Abel Mead's subdivision of original 100 acre lot No. 324, as recorded in the county record's of said county, in book No. 4 of maps.

page 41, and subject to all legal highways. Appraised at $350.00. Terms of sale, cash. -6 TIIOMAS GRAVES, Master Commissioner. 83 Public Square, TERRELL, BEACH, CUSHING, Plaintiff's Attor neys.

feb28 5wS MASTER'S SALE. THE STATE OF OHIO, Cuyahoga County, MASTER'S SALE. -Pursuant to the 2,: gl 1,3 A NOTICE. No application has -Notice been is hereby, given Council that of the village of West Cleveland for the passage of an ordinance allowing the construction of a street railroad on Detroit street from point where the Rocky River Railroad said street to the easterly line of village. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received until the 25th day of March, at 12 o'clock stating the lowest rates of fare at which passengers will carried on said rail road.

Proposals should be sealed and addressed to the undersigned. JOHN C. HAWLEY, Clerk. Marob 2, 1880, TI 3 mh? Ty 1 I 1. a in: 1842.

1880. The Cleveland 309V. 1 Plain Dealer, 1. 1. FOR 1880.

Once more the Proprietors of the PLAIN DEALER ask their legion of friends for a renewal of the patronage and support which they have steadily favored them with through 80 inany years. They approach their patrons with the more confidence at this time, because their facilities for making 1 A FIRST CLASS PAPER Are greater than ever, and because the next' volume of the WEEKLY will in many respects cover the Most Important National Campaign That has ever been fought in this country. Questions which involve the foundation of our system of government are to be dragged into the arena of discussion by the DESPERATE RADICAL FACTION. There can be no mistake about the position of the PLAIN DEALER in that canvass. No member of the Democratic press of this country has more steadily and consistently defended and expounded the ideas of JEFFERSON, MADISON, WRIGHT; JACKSON, And their compeers; and the PLAIN DEALER feels that the present occasion calls more imperatively than ever, for their exposition.

The PLAIN DEALER is opposed to the Radical proposition that this nation has, outgrown the republic of the fathers, and should hereafter be conducted on the principle of a CENTRALIZED DESPOTISM. For a number of years Republican ment has been drifting in this direction, and it has been the province of the PLAIN DEALER to point out the danger. The Grant boom insults the true spirit of democracy. His nomination will mean a purpose to put in practice the extraordinary views which the Republicans have been promulgating for years, The PLAIN DEALER will combat these dangerous pretensions and We Expect Every Democrat in Northern Ohio to Rally to its Support In the good work. But politics is not the sole aim and purpose.

The Proprietors propose to make the PLAIN DEALER A LIVE DEMOCRATIC PAPER IN EVERY RESPECT As A LOCAL PAPER it shall be kept abreast of any of its contemporaries. Its corps of reporters has been enlarged to the end that every event' of interest may be fully chronicled. 'As -4 L. A FAMILY PAPER Likewise, it will be up with the times. The old subscribers of the PLAIN DEALER know what it is in this respect; and promise them that the PLAIN DEALER shall be even better in the future.

We shall make a specialty of our Financial and Commercial Reports, Which have already excited the admiration of those most competent to judge. THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IS THE 1 Exponent of the Bone and Sinew of the Country; It 1 And every other party that pretends to fil that role is an impostor. If the people, especially the workingmen of the country, stand, by the Democratic party, they can soon witness the realization of all their hopes for the Improvement of Industry and Labor; And the most efficient way of standing by it is to support 8. A Staunch and True Democratic Journal Like THE PLAIN DEALER. See your neighbors and get up a Club at once.

Specimen copies sent free on applica tion. TERMS: THE DAILY PLAIN DEALER. One year, mail, postage port $10.00 Delivered by Carrier. ...20 cents week 3 TRI-WEEKLY PLAIN DEALER. One year, postage $4.00 Six months, postage 2.00 Three months, postage prepaid.

1.00 WEEKLY PLAIN DEALER. Single copy, one year, postage prepaid. $1.15 Single copy, six months, postage prepaid CO Five or more re copies, one year, postage prepaid, 1.00 Ten copies or more, postage prepaid, and extra copy free to the getter up of the club, 1.00 We will send one copy of the Tri-Weekly free to person sending us a club of Twenty. Remittances should be made by Draft, Express or Postoffice Money Postage stamps will be received for fractional parts of a dollar only. Stamps cf larger denomination than three cents not desired.

4 Address all orders to the Plain Dealer Publishing Company, 107 Seneca Street, Cleveland, o. -NOTICE. THE STATE OF OHIO, In the Court of Com Cuyahoga County, ss. mnon Pleas. A James Forest, Plaintiff, Civil action for sale of VS.

mortgaged premises and James Osier et relief. T. Te DEFENDANTS. JAMES OSIER and Elizabeth Osier, residents of Swift's Mill, Burke, Newport, state of Kentucky, and Miss Helen are hereby of Valley notified Falls, Jefferson county, Kansas, the 27th day of that the said James Forest, on ofilce of the December, A. D.

1879, filed in the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of them. Cuyahoga the object county, and Ohio, his petition against to foreclose a certain mortgage which given by petition the was deprayer of secure fendants James Osier and his wife, Elizabeth, to given to the the payment defendant, of a certain promissory note of $156.00, with James Forest, for sum day interest thereon from the 24th described of June, as 1876, which mortgage premises are of Cleveland, follows, of to-wit: Situated in the city county Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, and known as lot No. 1 in Sarah Rothwell's subdivision of lot 91 of Gains Burke's subdivision in and allotment of part of original lots 315 and 155, Said lot No. 1 contains township forinerly in Newburgh. 15-100 parts of an acre of land: and that on the 30th day of June, 1876, at was left o'clock p.

m. of said day the said mortgage with the Recorder of said county for record and was on the 10th day of July, same year, duly recorded in volume 267, at page 360, of said records; that there is now due the plaintiff on said note the sum of $156.00, with interest there. on from the 24th day of June, 1876 Said petition further prars that the Court will flud due the plaintiff the above amount, with interest at 8 per cent. from the time last aforesaid; that it is a lien on said premise, and that they be so'd to pay the said claim. and for such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and equitable.

Said defeodants are required to answer, plead or demur to A. said petition on or before the 10th day of April, for. D. or judgment will be taken as prayed R. A.

DAVIDSON, feb5 6wTh Attorney for Plaintiff. MASTER'S SALE. MASTER'S of SALE. order of -Pursuant sale issued to from the the and Court state of of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga county 1880, Ohio, on the 23d day of Fabruary, is in a certain action wherein Henry C. Miller first plaintiff and George P.

Burwell, Dirs. Burwell, name unknown, James Wade as Assignee in Bankruptcy of John Worley. Louisa C. Burwell and D. W.

Gage, Trustee of Louisa (. Burwell shall defendants, and to me directed and delivered, I offer for sale at public auction at the south door of the County' Court House in the city of Cleveland, in said county, ou the 31st day of March, 1830, between the hours of ten and eleven o'clock in the forenoon of said day, the following described premises, viz: Situated in the city of Cleveland, county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, to-wit: Being sublot one hundred and five (105) in Leonard Case's allotaud ment of the south end of ten acre lots, Nos. (16 47) forty-six and forty-seven, in said city, of Cleveland. Said lot one hundred and five (105) is 40 feet front on Kennard street by. 130 0-12 feet deep, between parallel lines.

Appraised at $3,000. Terms, cash. G. W. LYNDE, Master Commissioner.

C. W. COATES, Attorney's for Plaintiff. feb28 5wS MASTER'S SALE. THE STATE OF OHIO, Cuyahoga County, MASTER'S of a SALE.

2d pluries -Pursuant order of 10 sale the issued from the Court of Common Pleas within and for the county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, on the 10th day of February, A. D. 1850, in a certain action therein pending wherein The Society for Savings in the city of Cleveland is plaintiff and l'atrick Kannan, Ellen Kanuan, William Clark, John Buriball, D. Pereira, Bassell Lewis, Hubbell, O'Connor Brown, Robert Mitchell, Sylvester Freeman, E. W.

Edgerton. Daniel Fovargue, D. W. Loud, Peitor Ilitz, Nicholas Brown, 11. L.

Hollister, Guardian, art defendants, and directed and delivered to me, I shall offer for sale at public auction at the south door of the County Court House, Cleveland, Ohio, on Saturday, March 13th, between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock in the morning of said day, the following descrived land and premises, to-wit: Situate in the city of Cleveland, in said county, and known as sublot two of Ariel Harris' subdivision of part of original lot No. 457, formerly Newburgh township, now in said city, being eight rods front on Gaylord street, now called Woodland IIill street, and ten rods deep on Harris with street, according to the plat of said allotment, the usual covenants of seizure and warranty. Appraised at $1,300.00. l'erms of sale, cash. SAMUEL M.

EDDY, Master Commissioner, S. E. WILLIAMSON, P'laintiff's Attorney. feb12 6w'Th MASTER'S SALE. MASTER'S.

a plu. SALE. order of sale issued to from the the Court of Common Pleas, within and for said county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, on the 13th day of February, A. D. 1880, in a certain action therein pending wherein Newshuler Melor are plaintiffs and Daniel Reynolds, Elizabeth Reynolds, Economical Mutual Life Insurance.

Co. and Republic Insurance Co. are defendants, and directed and delivered to me, I shall offer for sale at public auction at the south door of the County Court House, Cleveland. Ohio, on Thursday, the 25th day of March, d. D.

1880, between the hours of two (2) and three (3) o'clock in the afternoon of said day, the following described lands and tenements, to-wit: Situate in the city of Cleveland, county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, and known as sublot No. seventy-eight (73), in original lot No. forty-eight (48), in said city, having a frout of forty (40) feet on scovill street and oue hundred and forty-one (141) feet on Kennard street, be the same more or le- 8. Appraised at $4,000. Terms of sale, cash down.

HENRY C. WHITE, Master Commissioner, No. 4 Lyman's Block. JAMES WADE, Attorney for A. Everrett, Assignee of Decree.

Dated February 17, 1880. feb17 bwTu MASTER'S SALE. MASTER'S of an order of -Pursuant sale issued to from the the Court of Common Pleas within and for the county of Cuyaloga and state of Ohio, on the 17th day of February, A. D. 1880, in a certain action therein pending wherein Frederick Spengel is plaintiff and Joseph Comsky and Mary C'omsky, his wife, Anton Freind, Petroline Freind, C.

W. Schmidt, Moses Walkden and Charlotte Wass are defendants, and directed and delivered to me, I shall offer for sale at public auction at the south door of the County Court House, Cleveland, Ohio, on Monday, the 22l day of Murch, A. D. 1880, between the hours of two and three o'clock in the afternoon of said day, the following described premises, to-wit: Situate in the city of Cleveland, county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio and known as sublot No. (70) seventy in I.

Rice's subdivision of ten acre lots Nos. (17 and 18) seventeen and eighteen, and is situated on the south side of Croton street. in said city, having a frontage on said Croton street of (30) thirty feet and extending back of equal width to the depth of (L25) one hundred and twenty-five feet, as ny survey and plat of record, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways, Appraised at $1,000.00. Terms of sale, day of sale. JOHN W.

TYLER, Master Commissioner, Public Square, Cleveland, O. A. ZEUIRING, Attorney, Room 1, 382 Superior street. feb19 5w'Th MASTER'S SALE. THE STATE OF OHIO, Cuyahoga County, ss.

MASTER'S of an SALE. order of -Pursuant sale issued to from the the Court of Common Pleas within and: for the county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, on the 27th day of February, A. D. 1880, in a certain action therein pending wherein Magdalena Baehr is plaintiff, and Philip Mattern, Sophia Mattern, Jacob Mandelbaum, Charles Wiegant alias Charles Wiechert, S. I.

Kirby, Johanna Wiegant alias Johanna Wiechert, John Voss, Frederick W. Dobbert, Administrator of John Voss, Charles Wiegant are defendants, and directed and delivered to me, I shall offer for sale at public auction, at the south side of the County Court louse, Cleveland, Ohio, on Monday, the 20th day of Murch, A. D. 1880. between the hours of two (2) and three (3) o'clock in the afternoon of said day, the following described lands and tenements, to-wit: Situated in the township of Orange, county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, and known as part of lot 24 in tract one (1), in said township of Orange, and bounded as follows: On the west by the west line of said lot 24; on the south by a lot heretofore conveyed to Charles Arnold; on the east by Sheldon and Luce; on the north by the north line of lot 24, and containing 25 and 89-100 acres of land, with the exception of one-half of an acre now fenced in and used as a public burying ground, with an alley from the road to the saine from the north side.

Appraised at $1,523.40. Terms of saie cash. TIIOMAS GRAVES, Master Commissioner, 83 Public Square. STONE HESSENMUELLER, Plaintiff's Attorneys, feb28 5wS SALE. -I THE STATE OF OHIO, 1 Cuyahoga County, ss.

MASTER'S of an order of sale -Pursuant issued to from the the Court of Common Pleas within and for the county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, on the 10th day of February, A. 1880, in a certain action therein pending wherein The Society for Savings in the city of Cleveland is plaintiff and James If. Smith, Mary Smith, Simonds Manufacturing Company, New York City, Nathaniel Schneider, Joseph W. Fuller, John II. Warren, George A.

Wells, W. P. Warren, firm of Fuller, Warren are defendants, and directed and delivered to ine, I shall offer for sale at public auction at the south door of the County Court House, Cleveland, Ohio, on Saturduy, March 13th, 1880, between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock in the morning of said day, the following described lands and premises, to-wit: Situated in the city of Cleveland, county of Cuyahoga and state of Obio, and known as sublot. No. William Williams' allotment of part of originalten acre lots 67 to 70 in said city, being fifty feet front on Grant street and 157 feet deep, as per recorded plat of said subdivision.

Appraised at $1,500.00. Terms of sale, cash. SAMUEL M. EDDY, Master Commissioner, S. E.

WILLIAMSON, Plaintiff's Attorney. feb12 5wTh ASSIGNMENT NOTICE. OF OFFICE OF CUYAHOGA THE COUNTY, PROBATE OHIO. COURT No account is has this hereby day been given filed that in a this partial Court by Sam Briggs, Assignee of the estate of A. W.

Fairbanks, of the city of Cleveland, in said counday of March, A. D. 1880, at 10 o'clock a. at ty, and the same will be for hearing on the 27th which dividend time, will if be exceptions declared to are all not the filled creditors of thereto, said Attest: estate whose claims have DANIEL R. TILDEN, been allowed.

Probate Judge. March 4th, 1880. mb4 3wTh Cleveland, MASTER'S SALE. Cuyahoga THESTATE OF County, OHIO, s8. MASTER of a plu.

order of sale issued to the the Court of Common Pleas within and from county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, on the for 28th the day therein of pending February. A. wherein D. 1880, in a certain action and Marcus E. Cozad, Maggie John G.

Hall is plaintiff Duty, Daniel Duty, L. Cozad Sarah L. McLauchlin, B. F. C.

Philips, C. Cozad. S. F. Beers, R.

O. Putnam Waite, and E. L. Hart, Robert Harlow and D. P.

R. M. Hank, Hannah and delivered to others me, are I shall defendants, offer for and directed lie auction at the sale at pubHouse, south side of the County Court Cleveland, Ohio, on Monday, the 5th day of April, A. D. 1880, (tween the hours of two (2) and three (3) o'clock -the afternoon of said day, the following described lands and tenements, to-wit: Situated in the township of East Cleveland, as county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, and known sublots numbers three (3), five (5), six (G), sev.

en twelve (7), (12), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11), sixteen thirteen (13), fourteen (11), fifteen (15), (16), seventeen (17), eighteen (18) and nineteen (19), in Marcus E. Cozad and Sarah L. Cozad's of all of sublots numbers (15), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14). 'fifteen nineteen sixteen (19), (16), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), Andrew Cozad's twenty allotment (20) and twenty-one (21) or lots numbers three of a part of original three hundred and ninety hundred and ninety-fire (395). and and six (396), four hundred in the township of four East hundred and four (404) county, Ohio.

Cleveland, Cuyaloga one Also hundred sublots and one thirty hundred (130), and twenty-nine thirty one hundred (129), one (1). two (131), (9), one one hundred hundred and thirty-two (132), (143), one hundred and and forty-three hundred and fifty-six (156), sixty one three hundred (163), one and (158), fifty-seven two bundred (157). orre and hundred and Afty-eight, dred and twenty-seven (227), twenty six forty-seven (220), two (47), hun- one hundred and thirty-five (133), one hundred and fifty hundred (150), one hundred and fifty-one (151), two hundred (200), two hundred and one (201), two and two (202), two hundred and three and (203), two hundred and four (204), one hundred (142), one forty-one (141), one hundred and forty -two dred hundred and twenty-five (125), one hunand twenty six (120), one hundred and twenone ty-seven hundred (127), one hundred and twenty -eight (L28), (95), ninety-six and (96), ninety-seven (197), ninety-five dred and twenty (220), two hundred and two twenty- hunninety seven (97), one one (21), hundred one and hundred and eighty-sever (187), eighty-eight (188), one hundred and eight eighty (198), y-nine one (189), hundred one hundred and ninetytwo hundred and and ninetyrnine (199), eight (208). two. hundred and nine (209), two hundred and ten (210), thirty- -nine (39), seveuty-two (72) seventy three (73) one hundred eight and sixty one -seven (107), one hundred and sixtyone hundred 08), hundred and sixty-nine (169), and seventy (17 one hundred and (184), seventy-one one hundred (171), one and hundred and eighty-four dred and eighty eighty-flve (185), oue hunone (191) and two -six hundred (180), one hundred and drew and five (205), in Anthree Cozad's allotment of a part of original lots hundred and ninety (393), three hundred and ninety -six (396) four hundred and three (403) and four hundred and four (104), in East Cleveland township.

Cuyahoga county, Ohio. Also the one-half undivided interest in sublots forty (10) and forty- two (42) in Ford Holden's allotment of original lot three hundred and ninety. tiro county, (392), Ohio, in East Cleveland township, Cuyahoga ion Also sublot ten (10) in M. Pennington's subdivisof original lot number three hundred and Cuyahoga ninety-three (393). in East Cleveland township, county, Ohio.

E. Sublots Cozad's numbers three (3) and fire (5) of Marcus sublots and Sarah L. Cozad's reallotment of and 21 of numbers 12, 13, 14, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20 original lots Andrew Cozad's allotment of a part of East numbers 395, 390. 403 and 404, in are ea. Cleveland appraised township, at Cuyahoga county, Ohio, $2,550.00.

Said sublot number SIX (G) in the said reallotment, appraised at in Said the said sublots re-allotment numbers seven and eight (7 and 8) are each appraised at $200.00. Said sublots numbers nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirte-n, fourteen, fifteen and sixteen (9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 13 and 10) in tho same re-allotment, are each appraised at Said sublots numbers seventeen and eighteen (17 and 18) in the same re allotment, are each appraised at $163 00. Sad sublot number nineteen (19) in the same reallotment, appraised at $106.50. Said sublot number one (L) in Andrew Cozad's allotment of a part of original lots numbers 395, 396, Cuy'ahoga 403 and in East Cleveland township, county, Ohio, appraised at $5,000.00. of Said Andrew sublot number two 2) in the sald allotment Cozad's allotment of a part of original lots, appraised at $4,000.00.

Said sublot number ten (10) in M. Fennington's subdivision of original lot number three hundred and ninety-three (393) in East Cleveland nship, Cuyahoga county, Ohio, appraised at $160.00. Also the one-half undivided interest in said sublots numbers forty and forty-two (40 and 42) iu Ford and Holden's of original lot number three hundred and ninety-two in East Cleveland township, Curahoga county, Ohio, are each appraised at $25.00. Said sublots numbers 107, 108, 169. 170, 184, 185, 186, 205, 129, 130, J31, 13:2, 143, 163, 167, 130, 158, 2.7, 47, 130, 130, 13), 00, 201, 202, :203, 204, 141.

126, 127, 128. 197, L5, 96, 97, 221. 187, 188, 189, 198, 199, 2.8, 209 and 210 in Andrew Cozad's allotment of a part of original lots Nos. 395, 396, 403 and 40t in East Cleveland township, Cuyahoga county, Ohio, are each appraised at $20.00. Said sublot 191, in Andrew zad's allotment of part of original lots 393, 396.

403 and 404, in the township of East Cleveland, Cuyahoga county, appraised at $75.00. Said sublot number 171 in said Andrew Cozad's 'allotment, appraised at $200.00. Said sublet number 39 in said Andrew l'ozad's allotment, appraised at $400.00. Said sublots numbers 72 and 73 in said Andrew Cozad's allotment, art each appraised at. $330.00.

Terms of sale cash. THOMAS GRAVES, Master Commissioner, 83 Public Square. HORD, DAWLEY IIORD, Plaintiff's Attorneys. 5wTh LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION.

-The copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned under the firm name of "The Morehouse Oil Company" has been dissolved by mutual consent. W. A. MURRAY. C.

F. Cleveland, Ohio, January 29th, 1880. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. This is to certify that the undersigned hare agreed to enter into a limited partnership. The name and firm under which said partnership is to be conducted is The Murray Oil Company.

The names and place of residence of the general and special partner of said firm are as follows: W. A. Murray, who is the general partner, and M. J. Lawrence, who is the special partner, all reside in the city of Cleveland, Cuyahoga county, Ohio The amount of capital stock which said special partner contributes to the common stock is the suin of five thousand dollars.

The gericral nature of the business to be trausacted by said firm is the mannfacture, wholesale and retail, of lubricating, illuminating, fish and animal oils, axle grease, at Cleveland, Cuyahoga county, Ohio. The said partnership is to commence to date on the '1st day of Junuary, A. D. 1880, and is to ter minate on the 1st day of January, A. D.

1881. W. A. MURRAY. M.

J. LAWRENCE. TIE STATE OF 01IO, Cuyahoga County, sS. Be it remembered that on the 20th day of January, A. D.

1880, before me, the undersigned, a. Notary l'ublic in and for said county, appeared the above named W. A. Murray and N. J.

Lawrence, who severally acknowledged the execution of the foregoing certiticate of special partnership to be their voluntary act and deed and the voluntary act and deed of each of them. in witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal at Cleveland, Ohio, this 29th day of January, A. D. 1880. ED.

B. BAUDER, January 8th. 1880. jan8 6wTh jan31 GwS Notary Public. NOTICE.

STATE OF OHIO, In the Court of ComCuyahoga County, ss. mon Pleas. 0. 0. Gordon Petition for money and VS.

to subject land. Ezekiel Edgerton, ct al. H. residence and business is whose unknown to place plain- of tiff, will hereby take notice that on the 18th day of October, A. D.

1879, said plaintiff, o. C. Gordon, filed his petition in said case, alleging that the defendants, Ezekir1 Edgerton and Willian Edgerton. on May 10th, 1876, executed and delivered to him a certain promissory note for the sum of. $1,000.00, due in one year and drawing interest at 8 per cent.

per annum, and that said note is now due and unpaid to plaintiff, and that in order to secure the payment of said note a mortgage deed was duly executed and delivered to plaintiff on same date upon the following described real estate: Situated in the city of Cleveland, county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio. and known us being sublot No. 3 in Wm. Hanna's allotment of a part of original lot 441. For furthor description reference is had to said Hanna's plat and subdivision as recorded in Cuyahoga county records of maps.

Plaintiff claims a lien on said premises from said date for said sum and interest and asks for a sale of said premises to satisfy the saine. Said cause will stand for hearing from and after six weeks from the date of this notice. O. C. GORDON.

My N. MARKS FLICK, his Attorney. NOTICE. AURELIUS AND ANN Aurelius, residents of Chattanooga, in the state of Tennessee, are hereby notifled that the undersigned, on the 27th day of September, 1879, filed in the Court of Common Pieas of Cuyahoga county, Ohio, his petition against them, which tition recites the execution of their and delivery by them to the undersigned promissory note, dated Setepmber21st, 1876, for the sum of $1,050, payable one year after date, with interest at 8 per cent. per annum, and their certain mortgage of that date couveying to the undersigned, his heirs or assigns, the following described premises, to wit: Situate in the city of Cleveland, connty of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, and known as sublot No.

95 in Justus Hamilton's allotment of part of original lot 456 in the township of Newburgh, subject to a clause of defeasance therein providing that said conveyance should be annulled on the payment of said note according to its terms; the delivery of said mortgage to the Recorder of said county for record; the non-payment of said and praying for judgment thereon for the sum of $1.122 21-100, with iuterest from August 23d, 1879, the taking of an account of the amount 50- ises cured for by to said satisfaction mortgage thereof, and that an order and the sale of said premof Said attachment defendants has are been required to answer said petiissued in said action. tition on or before the 24th day HENRY of April, CLAUS, 1880. HENDERSON KLINE, his Attorners. By February 47th. 1880.

DIVORCE NOTICE. ward county G. of Gergen, New of York New and state of New York, is notified that Carrie Gergen NOTICE. in did, on the 18th day of office of February, the Clerk A. of D.

the 1880, Court Ale her petition in fleas the within and for the county of of Cuyalioga and state of Ohio, charging the said Common Edward G. Gergen with gross neglect of duty, said and asking that she may be divorced from stand the for hearing the next term of Court. CARRIE GERGEN. Edward Gergen, which petition will die By Dated this HENDERSON, 18th day KLINE of February, A. 1880.

HOLDEN, her Attorneys, feb18 Ow I 1 r. 441.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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