The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

a a a a a a I I I I I THE PLAIN DEALER, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1972 KY. HA 110 Puts bal pers Scholar 114 Titans Dynasty Orvans Sword 116 Nono Folo 100 Insider 116 Nurses Tole 113 Morning Chror 1111 Ibs 105 101 006 Laurel Seluctions Thursday 1-August Formal, April Storm. Moon Year 2-Apriori, Gold Landing, Happy Diana Lenape Indiun, Cavan Coup, Kv. Her.

mit Reach, Misty Que, Nuthatch S- -Northern Hero, Mating Flight, Orsi's idol 4-Roval Choice, Better Bee Quick, Levee Colector 1-Bold Brick, Dot's Imp, Woodchopper's Boll -Mountain Eagle, Crack Ruler, Boone The Great 9 Tumble Home. Hong In There, Kv. Best Bet -Mountain Eagle DenvHospitauty Principe Fui 116 4 Chut 111 Lute Scholar Glorious Pursuit 116 Summer Not Denas Delight 119 Educale Remora 116 Off! All 103 5, Ibs doc. Tropical Selections Thursday 1-West Center, Tudor Trio, Roman Dar Way, MI Snow, Nanny Myrtle 3-Aleutian, Fun Co Bold Coin 5-Miss 4-Earth Mark, Ambe, Pitia, Edith Quarterbock Emmo, Sneak, George Condoit 6-Piver Cub, Speed Personified. Ever Ready John 1-Ray's Rebel, Sorta Like, Water Gun Bit Of Gambit, Malicious MuSIC Nose For Money, Sid For Me.

Spanish Riddle 10-Denas Delight, Ocean Chat, Fovorec Prince Best Bet- Note For Money Tropical Entries Waterford Entries c1, 344 YO, 1 ml. Dorting 111 Fighting Wor 119 Gubriel sResrch 119 Victor Bay 119 Tudor Trio 116 Jim Beou 119 Morn 112 Falcon Knight 122 Twistr 114 Dollar Stride 116 Cultivator 119 114 West Center 119 Predictor 119 Seek Our Fortun 119 It Spotty 119 Rovin 119 Demerits 111 2nd cl, mdn 2Y0, 11-16mi. Eternal Garden 117 ax King Revoque 113 Creek 110 Sin City 120 Kindly Light 117 Pano Gro 113 subels Choice 110 Saadio Ronderoid 120 Snow Pretty 110 Nanny Myrtle 117 Girl 112 Tiger Wag Dr Belcher Pinsky 120 Prince Adom 120 mon 384YO, Aleutian 120 Gustening 120 120 Good Gaskin 120 Hold Coin 120 Ge 170 Fun Co 120 Never Down Hill 120 Humbugaboo Dancing Dude 120 Amposing 120 ct. 3YO up. 7 4.

116 Chorming Terry 119 Plum Branch 109 Folly 105 Earth Mark 117 Bound 109 Troiner 111 Edith Emma 116 Pincapple Fluff 117 xPrideOt Knicky 107 Gollamiss 117 5th Ct, 3YO UP, 1. Delica Tessie 113 Quart back 116 Rovnl Cast 114 Miss Ambe 113 Blue Chiron 119 A Por Goval Native Flight 116 George Candoit 119 Moose 111 Alex Kelly 119 Jaipurville 116 Houres 116 Early Eagle 116 Dedicator 116 A Loser Girl 108 Quick Cal 113 c1, 2YO, I mi. Muddier Minnow 115 Marquesan Chit 116 Spred Personifid 113 Monte's Skate 113 Ever Ready Jhn 116 Bull Fiddle 116 Piper Cub 116 Boy State Bov 118 Tropical Spin 109 Wizard Of Odds 116 Dusty's Interlud 114 Wind 103 Count Malestic 119 ct, 3YO up, 1 mi. Tavocan 119 Fakoury 109 Dotecharger 116 He's Got It 116 Water Gun 116 Tropalon 116 Little Lord 113 Sorta Like 114 110 Ray's Rebel 119 alc. 2YO, 7 Appic Eater 118 Cole De Neige 118 Light Charger 115 Malicious Music 118 Dr MorrieWss Peggy's Fling 115 Bebaldo 118 King Reel 118 Proper Bostonion 118 Stretch Turn 122 Cool Rule 118 Quill Boy 118 Kinzuo 118 Snurb 118 3-Bit O1 Gambit 118 Star Vocalist 122 entry oic.

3YO, 4 1. Banners High 122 Dundas Prince 114 Bid For Me 116 Nose For Money 122 'Clandustin 116 Over Arranged 116 Poly Miss 113 Replate 116 8 Ruler 116 Ghoul 116 Idol Hand 116 Spanish Riddle 116 Sharomar 113 Commander Fyt! 116 Hoda Sov 119 Heisanotive 116 cl, 3YO up, 11-16 mi. Western Maset 116 Sir Hot Favored Prince 116 Analyst 116 Mr Doty 116 xx5on Of Brick 109 1st c1, 3YO vp, 1, Sunny Eclipse 119 Maid RumsPy Joy 121 Redeemed Love Intensified Ne'er La Bella Swill Shipper Onno Lee Dollar Bouquet Alcigome Priom's Counts 118 Burnt Siennu Tutt R. 121 Synapse ct, JYO VD, 1 ml. Roy's Probiem 121 Strenking Som Money Key 121 Apprehend Raid 116 Dainty Song Trouble Comet 121 Big Clipper Desert Legion 121 My Ruler Lucy Tyler 112 Esopo Dream Bont 115 Mold cI, 3YO up.

1. Smukomo 121 Trinky Ann Master Khal 115 Pop Oron Een's Dream 110 Lovely Me Mister May Weather co*ck Compensation 121 Dot Dancer Southmorde 115 Lathput Oil Red 115 Copper's Chargr man 2YO, 9'A 1. Numptic 117 Callawil Right Gal 117 Stacy's Dream 4x Matao 113 KensingtonMiss Epon Lady 117 Sheri's Ballet -xGrumpito 113 Giftless My Saver 117 Preacher Bill Iron Colonel Double Learned ct. 384YO, t. Maxene Penny 113 Risky Kitty Mimicry 115 Tony Chamblin Ever Game 116 Fiving Phoenix kron Hockey 121 Rare Pets Joy 119 Azurita Red Tiner 121 Lovely Clouded Community Alfr 115 A Rov cl, JYO up.

1. Point 116 First Sonny 115 Admiral's Cross Perfect Sleeper 121 Tres Dias Wanda M. 113 Famous Line Summer Boordr 118 Balmy Sun Arrogont 113 Mokandy Hope 116 Hey Turner ct, 3YO vD, t. 3-01 Adams. 121 Pete Pete b- Fashion King Wheel McNeol xMark Luck 113 b-Stealthelead Vera May 112 g- Midwestern c-Hard Spark 118 Perkins King Miss Laura J.

115 d-Beau Hunk entry Wilson entry Casto-Galatia entry d- Argent entry cl, 3YO Sing AnvOldTim 116 Mrs Coperton Hot Shot 118 Mighty Light Magic Wine 121 Dickbequick Buck Hall's Mss 118 cl, 3YO Imi.a Supreme Pitt 112 Belhusko Fuel Carrier 115 Captain A. Dozen Dom 115 Montesano Wehby 115 Spring Commnd TempestuousLnk 121 Icy Nip logit Wiggit 118 Missouri Bob cl, JYO UD, 1mi. King0' The 115 Done Flipped Gilded Mango 115 Revly Oraluk 115 Phantom Meldy xx Pinetree Boy 114 Malvo Man Foxie's Prospect 115 Peter Comet Vin 115 xx Papo Bully Schnaps 116 Hasty Pat Ibs oac. Aqueduct Results 4.000, C1, VP, Poly Joy I Pineda) 15 00 70 A Gallant Kenya Moment (Arellano) (Del Valle) 23.40 29 011 12:34. Time 1:12 Gingerbread Man, Right Boy, t.

Jet Or. ange, Grand Dononto, Simply Staunch, Hypertrophy, Capt. Bennington, Nymph, La Taquin, Fields Of Elon, War Pup also ran. 1-field Swift Sky 4,000, (A cl, Santiago) 7YO, 4 Miss Conan (E Mopte) 00 Crafty Ways (Hole) Off 1.01 Time 1:19 Mel's Ace. Sara pennruss.

da Pho lera, Oriental Dancer, Tight Fight also ran do Disqualitied from second to fourth Daily Deuble paid $76.40) cl, 2YO, Lamp (ASantiogo) $0 Family Princess (Maliano) 18 128 Baby (Arellono) 1:30 Time 1:12. Young Lady. Proposal, Advenrore nisc ron. mdn 2YO, 6 Quad khale Feared (Santiago) 23.20 12 00 20 what A Joy (E Mopie) 2.40 Oft 1:57. Time 1-11.

Jacques who, Native Hot, Look At Me. Gallant Commander, Flush, Harrison Kid also ron. (Exacta 3-5 paid $104,40) cl, 3YO Poso Three (Wallis) Onions (Velasquez) 6 20 3.00 3.40 60 Joels Grey (ASantiago) 3.00 2 21. Time 1:18 35. Courageous Mac, Cold, Songstes Choice also ron CI.

4 Tudor Crest (Castoneda) 34.20 40 Great Spirit (E Mopiel 2 Proud Fiver (Aretiono) ON 2.54. Time 1:12 1-5. Verdict, Bench Ruler, Spunish Flert, Chiet Filiviaw also ran. (Exacta 6:1 paid added, JYO uD. (The Sport Poge Handicap) Petrograd 7.40 3 80 3 00 North Sea (RCSmith) 5.40 3.60 Tap The Tree (J Velasquez) 00 Off 3:21.

Time 1:101.5, Barnabas, Archwood, Mo Boy, In. tensitivo, Switt Gold olso ran. ct, JYO 1. mi. Shining Sword (ASantiago) 3.00 Bridgehead Maliano) 5.40 Mopie) 16.60 7.60 1 Off 3 48 Time 1:38 1.5.

Dan Patch, Romnn Decision, Baroom also ron. Exocia 4-1 pond $76.401 3YO vo, 14 mi. Little Mahoney (R Woodhouse1 12 20 4.00 a- Poppy Hill 3.00 Colonel Jerry (Wollts) 2 Off 4:19. Time 1:53 Natural Charmer, Comandante, Battle Surgeon, a Sacred Woouland. Aloha King also ran o- Sea Spray Fm Petigrow entry.

(Attendance 16,049. Hondle $2.540.493) Fair Grounds Results 112 121 115 man 2YO, Join The Romons (Bourquel 6 6.60 4.00 3.20 Queen By Chance 5 00 5.40 118 Little Jean Swaps (Alleman) 6.40 115 Oft Time 1:14. 121 Candied Yam, No Spoofing, Miss Mary 115 Rythm Nonesuch Miss, Wailing 112 Wind, Darlene's Darling, Rovot Empress, 115 Lottie Day also ron. cl, 3YO, 121 113 Act Mountain Of Valor High (JFYoung) (Valdizan) 21.60 10.80 4.60 6.4C 118 Bemay (Espinoza) 4.60 121 Off 1:41, Time 1:14. 115 Strawberry Boy, Misty Claim, Saucy 114 Ann, Mello Yellow, Tim Kandy, Miss 121 tev.

Bull Green, Bold Barb, Revus also ron. Sears 5 got GIFT ideas stretch jeans with a denim look 599 Regular $8 SAVE $2.01 Racing Form Consensus WATERFORD Sw 11 St pa 19 Prims nt it Bouquet 3 Dirt 20 2 Dream Apprehend Boat 4 Compensation 15 3 wither Lovely Me co*ck Grumpito 10 4 Right Numatic Gal 9 9 Hockey 14 5 Fly Red 9 Ph Tiner nix 10 Adm. Cross 13 6 So Hev Arr Turner ni 1 Hard Spork 11 7 Pete Wheel Pete Mcneal Dickbeauick 24 8 Hot Mogic Snot Wine Dor 3 1agtt Wiggit 15 9 Wehhy Montesano 5 Count Schnaps 14 10 Done Oratur Flip 2 12 (Daily Double 4.7 paid TROPICAL F. GROUNDS AQUEDUCT 11 Spotty 12 Burro An Go 16 Jamie 11 Merit 9 Ridon Star 14 Question 10 Cultivator 6 Winn trish Dr. Evego 6 Pinsky V'Im a 19 C'na ting Miss 29 Moody Girt 8 H.

maida 11 Dimensional 1 M1. Snow 7 Jovial Mood 1 Ain't 1 Simp'n Aleutian 12 M'In D'v 14 Ent Outa 17 Norin S'1s Gee 10 111 Guy 12 Aold Bess 17 Glistening Dads Dondy 1 Delaccord Plum Branch 16 Scr Ich 19 Whole Truin 73 word 8 nd 6 Clems Lark 9 Big Rascal I Copt Sane 11 Magmatico 15 Por Roval 19 Git 21 Corral 13 Laser Girt 10 R' mp' Lanzas 9 Road 11 Geo. Candoit Blue Gav G'Il'n! 10 Piper Cut 17 El n's Ca'ice 18 Cat rest 11 Musty Dime 12 Quiet 12 W't rd of Odds 1 51 a WIkI 6 More or Less Roy Rebel 17 Javalo 31 Tuqui 20 He Got 1 11 mp't P'v't 0 m'l'de 7 water Gun 9 Burgle Alrm Whitey 241 1 Bit of Gimb'1 10 Jim 19 Goy Vintage 17 Cool Rute Rood Mon 16 Comm. Break 12 Kinzuo 7 Roy Sens' 'I Sp'n'sh R'adi' 20 H'm'st'd 13 Chioini So 21 Over Arr ng'd 15 Battle Sir 1 8 st Piper 14 N'se F'r 3 Arore Rock I Premio 10 2 Summer Not 16 Sir Hot 9 Principe Fur 1 107.00) 4,200, C1, 4 YO VP, Pilots Pinsetter (Sibillel My Story (Espinoza) 12.60 7 00 Mr. Bruce (Melnncon) 6 40 1 011 2.00 Time 1: 13 25.

Rice Spur. Howlers Pet, Duke 01 Padua, Milk Crimson Oiney Pet also ran. Quick Buck, a Orschner, I'm The Judge. Zep ct, 2YO, Imi40yds, Tison Jr. (KLeBionc) 1.40° 5.00 3 40 Brehon Quemado (Keller) (NBroussord) 80 01 2.30.

Time 1:46 3 5. Tridocious, Upton's Jov. Lochness Mon Wor key. Two Twonce, Oleclabank, Winds Of also ran. (Exacta paid $39.401 4 YU vo, Sport Fomily Soirez) 23.20 9.60 Leo The Greek Nizami Cosmic (Belville) 13.00 $53 011 Time 1:06 45.

Tumbolero, Rory Norman, ron Fin, Early Indian, Touchland. Duty also Temperamental Tom, Diane Trend. Grey Amdor (Allemon) (Holmes) 60 6 60 00 3 60 Feetbur 4YO VP, Frank's Finest (Voidizan) 00 3 20. Time 1 12 1-S. Tim's Bov, Derby Sv, Plisky Lnd.

Nowata. Allens Venture, Picasant Prince, Ben Franklin also ran (I, 4YO up. 6 1. Rare Image 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Munster) 51 90 14 00 9 4C Booray Joe 1 Breen) 18 00 10.6€ Capt John Smith 5 Off Time 1:11 3:5 John Jet, Typo Roman, Ext Too, Guld. en Tudor, Scotch Thorn, A Roman Drag on, Sir Jester also ran.

(Exocta 2-4 paid Daring Jester alc. (Menard) 384YO, 6 20 Groton's Honor (Breen) 3.40 Brush Around (Cov) 5 Off 4:10. Time 1:11 3.5. 0-Miss Wandalee, Bin Cold. Creme A Lea, a- Tribal Envoy, Debbie Do, Poodle Pup also ran.

0-Lotton-Mori Anne Sta. entry. cl, 4YO up, Imi. My Cavalier (Menard) 14 80 6.00 8C Demagogue (Fletcher) 80 3.2€ Mr. Gust 0 Wind (KLeBlanc) S.6C Off 4:34.

Time 1:44 4 5. Errant Zephyr, Sunshine Princess. Humble, Mia Jimbo, Top Bout, Romar Beans also ran. (Exocio 1-3 poid (Attendance 7444. Handle $540.601.) If the man on your holiday gift list likes the comfort of stretch and the rugged look of denim these are the jeans for him.

They're a blend of polyester. Avril" rayon and 2 spandes. PERMAPRESTO Stretch Jeans come in a wide variety of this season's latest fashionright colors with flare leg and western styling. Sizes 29 to 36 waist in trim 'n light. Size- 36 to 12 waist in trim regular.

in the Jeans Joint. CHARGE IT on Sears Revolving Charge 1 On Sale Today Thru Special Christmas Shopping Hours Saturday SHOP Sundays 11 a.m. 10 7 p.m. el; West 110th, Maple Elyria, Mentor, Middleburg Akran, Richmond Carnegre (No. Olmsted 12 noon to 5 p.m.) Shop Daily 9:30 a.m.

to 10 p.m. West 110th, Maple Elyria, Mentor, burg Akron, Richmond No. Olmsted, Carnegie 9:30 a.m, 0 0 0 to 9:30 p.m. Shoregate 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.

1 The 'Shop Sundays 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. No. Olmsted 12 to 3 p.m. Sherraute 930 a.m.

In 9 p.m. shop m.m. to 10 p.m. C'arnegie 430 a.m. te 9:30 p.m.

SOUTHGATE CARNEGIE ELYRIA WEST 110th AKRON MIDDLEBURG MENTOR RICHMOND 663.7200 795 2233 324-2411 251-3100 633-8500 Scars $45-2900 951-0055 449.2001 255-6311 SCAPE, ROLDUCE AND CO. 1 1 CHICAGO LP- Left wing Popeil scored three Cougars Rip Whalers, 6-1 Golden State Nips Pistons DETROIT UM Golden State outscored Detroit 19-4 in a five minute span between the third and fourth periods to overcome a 78-76 deficit croute to a 110-107 National Basketball victory Wednesday night. The loss snapped a tons' three-game winning streak and six-game home triumph string. Golden Slate (110) Detroit (107) Borntt AbdulRo 2 Adams 1-2 Sorry 2-2 Duvis Ding Ellis Ford 00 Milins Jhan foster 00 Loner Russil 12 32 Lanti Thrmd 9 Norwd PONe 46 Totals 47 16-22 110 Totals 19-22 107 Detroit Golden State 26 27 27 31 25-110 31 25 29-107 Fouled Out -None. Total Fouls-Golden State 19, Detroit 21.

Anderson OK, Starts Sunday CINCINNATI Quar. terback Ken Anderson, injured last Saturday in the 27-24 loss the Cleveland Browns. practiced with the first team Wednesday and Is expected to start for the Cincinnati Bengals Sunday. The Bengals close out the scason with the Houston Oilers. Waterford Results $1,300.

4 YO 6 1. Scary (Smith) 4.40 3.00 3.20 Toss A Coin (Daigo) 7.60 5.00 Belles Able (Tutter) 9.80 OH 7:15. Time 1:16.7. Boo, Windy Mork. Lovely Drive.

Small wager. Pol B. Jov Music, Harm's Choice. and $1,400, 3YO Stott Peisty Ci Mick Goid I Marley 5.20 3.20 2 (Howell) 5.00 80 Ailona Miss (Nacama) 2.80 Off 7:36. Time 1 Floshy Lass, Armi Carla.

Miss Orvall Cake Wolker, Belle McGraw. Lynda wood. Daily Double (5-1) Pard $17.40 $1,900. 1YO Up, 1. Dark And Lovely 1 Dalzo) 13.80 4.00 Devil (Marie Tulvors (Dion) 9.00 Off 1: Time 1:00.3.

ou's Gol, Best Delegate. Kullah Rullah, More Noble. Tipi Prissy, Light Intentions. Pertecta (9-4) Paid $49.80 Want L' Crocker (Howell) 67.80 16.60 6.40 $1,500, IYO UD, I. Reinstated (Glibert) 3.00 3.60 Our Fortune (Cape) 4.60 011 8:20.

Time 1:08.1. Sudden Guest, Greek Ante. Bid Her Well. Joy Dancer, Mitis Dream. A Dracon King.

Hawaiian Minstrel. $1,500, 3YO UP, S'3 1. Secret Cavalry (Marley) 4.40 2.80 2.00 Rite ng (Cave) 4.00 Oft 1. A Time 1.07.2. Flying Mist ( 5.00 neti, Sov Knowles, Thimbellino, Victory Vibrissa, Music.

Run Miss Me LyHome, Tres Dios. 61-cl. $1.500, 3 YO vo 6 1, Baldock (Took) 19.00 9.20 7.40 Toblou's Brother (Schroeder) 6.40 Sleepy Native (Dolgo) Of 9:06. Time 1:15.2. Bunner.

Miss Canfield. Tall Ruler, Well Keved. Truchon Maklak, Gornement Big Perfecta Paid $2,170 $1,400. 3YO UD, 6 1. Gallant War (Cove) 5.00 4.20 3.20 Zip John (Applebee) 5.20 3.80 Apple Twist (Gilbert) 7.60 A OH 9:78.

Time 1:14.3. Quintasaras. Bobtown Kid. Scatarin' Man, Recoudo, Two Dons, Carolyns Pet, Coladorus. Periocta (4.5) Paid $22.10 $1,500, 3YO UP, 4 1.

Bay Flag (sh*tlett) 13.60 6.20 3.60 He's A-Okay (Steineman) 10.60 4.60 Roval Delude (Schroeder) 3.20 Off 9:39. Time 1:15. Mi Wench, Living Right, Winged Scamp. Hasty Terry, Lucky V. Lund at Last I (Burton) 22.40 11.60 5.80 $1,600, 3 YO UD, 1 7rds.

Madel Boy (Smith) 13.00 11.20 Kurt's Fool (Nakama) 8.60 011 10:12. Time 1:49. Terrorist. Skilled Prince, Royal Garden 3D, Amber Count, Unilet. Gameplatter.

Monticello. Perfecta (8-2) Paid $248.80 101h- cl. $1,400 3 YO up, 1 mi. 70 vds. Doribigdes (Turner) 10.20 9.40 3.40 Springbrook (Howell) 4.60 2.40 Open Flight (Steineman) 2.60 Off 10:35 Timc 1:49.3 Mr.

Chester. Chief's Bully, Tim Gary, Spring Jut. Glory's Sister Dot, Ocraen. Pertecta (9-8) Poid $91.40 Attendance 2.692. Mutuels 258,782 Laurel Results cI, JYO, 4 Retainted (Cooke) 6 80 3.00 Amberino (Wright) 1.20 3.80 Peacelut Gideon (Shuk) 8.40 01 12:30.

Time 5. Slim Bim, Beside The Fire, Porenteral, Sklobadu, Brother Ratio, With Ease, thy's Pet, Little Tuck, Frontier Crossing also ran. man 2YO, 4 1. Lady Gordon (Cusimano) 18 60 8.80 5.40 Tache (Brocciale) 4.40 3.20 Manchester Lass (Howler) 2.60 Off 12:56. Time 1 15 35.

Grouch's Gremlin, Sailor'U woman, Sel Of Doubles, Bosuns Dancer, Corrie's Hot. First Vantage. Red Sky Tonight, Gun Cry, Classic Lody also ran. (Dally Double St paid $40.20) 3rd cl, 1YO, Little Marty (Agnello) 60 5 20 Farm Boy (Howley) 20 Deep Neckline (Broccinle) 3.60 01 1:27. Time 1:41 2 5.

Chaptico Challenge, Miss Savoca, Swoon Little, Mooreroom, Home Jerome, Snowslide. Stewart Little also ron. (Exacta 4-4 paid $54.801 cl, 3YO vo, 6 Gold Baton (Kurtz) 21.80 6 00 5.60 Newspaperboy 3.20 3.60 J- Gvosy Rattler (Agnello) 3.60 OH 1:55. Time 1:13 3 5. sh*tty Woolic, Centerville Hit, I'm Nashville Boy.

Bass Drum, Beau's Hang. over, Second Call, Praetorian Guard also ron. a- Yatron Newmever Entry cl, 3YO up, High Financier (Brocciale) 5.00 3.20 2.4C Maxidune (Shuk) 3.60 2.80 Flight Surgeon (Hawlev) 3.00 Off 2:25. Time Coatt 11, Gray Idol, Minor Love, Beckys Birthday, Dites Moi also ran. (Exacta 5-4 paid $22.20) ct, 3YO up mi.

o- Lexingion Park Cusimano) 2.80 2.80 2.40 Backsliding (Bracciale) 2.80 Banana Face (Hawley) 2.40 OH 2:53. Time 1.52 2-5. Midnighter, Ambi Hula. Whiskey Romeo, Timothy 0., also ran. o- Word The Little Sto Entry.

alc, 3YO, Rose Quartz (Howard) 3.60 3.00 2.40 Unsubmissive (McCarron) 4.20 3.20 Crooked Answer (Agnello) 6.60 Off 3:23. Time 1:13 3 5. Nokulo, Brook's Best, Tranquil Seo. Nice Flight. Prinish, Sunami also ran, Exocto 1-4 pold $18.40) Majestic Road (Cooke) 6 00 4.20 alc, 3YO vD, mi.

60 a Holster (Cusimano) 4.80 2.60 Cincpac (Howler) 2.40 011 4:52. Time 1:52 4 5. Royal Our Nesto, Loco Ribol, See More Sun, Mechtilde also ran. 0-Davis-Bertrando $la. Entry Cash Blue Pussmore) 12.40 6 20 340 cl, JYO UD, ml.

First Departure (Kurtz) 12.80 8.20 County Wicklow (Lester) 18.00 Off 4:20. Time 1.56 1.5. Contented Clown, Magnetic Force, Wolfy, Irish Minstrel, 0 Scorpios, The Scribbler, Chicolco, Dinner Jacket 2nd also ran. (Exacta 3-4 pald $139.80) (Attendance 7,446. Handle $976.376) goals Wednesday to pace the Chicago Cougars to a 6-3 victory over the New Eng.

land Whalers in World Money loss Association snapped a game. six. game win string for the Whalers who lead the erm division. Chicago. in last place in the western division, how has won eight of 27 gaines.

irst Period-1, Chicago, Popell 10 (Palment, Sicinski) 1 24; Chicago, capo, Whitlock Popeil 12 11 Barber) $: 31; 3. ChiPalment) 11:52. Penalties--none. Second Perios-4. Chicago, Popell 12 (sicinaht, 14:47, PenaltiesPointment, Chi, 7:40: Movely, CM, 16:25.

Third period S. Chicago, Knibbs (Whitlock) 6. New England. Jordan, (Seiby, Webster) 7, New England, Danby 7 (Cori) 4'20; Chicoon. Sicinaki 9 (Paiement, Mavelvi 10:21: 9.

New no. land. Webster 21 (Cattery) 13:21. ties NE. 9:24: Fleming, Chi, Jordon, NE, 11:29.

Shots on goal Now England Chicago A 1-30 Gouties-tiew Engiand, Landon; Chi cano, Gilles. Zips Breeze By Ashland, 81-64 Ohio (AM 'The U'niversity of Akron ripped off 14 straight points in a minute stretch early in the second half to dump host Ashland 81-64 Wednesday night in a college basketball contest. Len Paul. a 6-1001-4 senior forward. hit 10 of 20 floor shots for 26 points and grabbed 10 rebounds to pace the Zips.

4-1. Reserve senior center Paul Mesko chipped in with 16 points and sophom*ore guard Nate Barnett had 15 points in his first collegiate start. Pa vI AKRON UNIVERSITY (81) -Leonard Harvey Glover 4-1-9; Brion Westover 1-0-2: Lorry Jenkins 2-1 -5: Paul Mesko Earl Dixon 2-0- 1-0-2: Note Barnett 7-1-15: George McClain Kart Schwarzinger 0-2--2. ASHLAND COLLEGE (64)-Randy Emmons 5-0-10; Kirk Minteer 1-0-2; Thallman Mike Westbrooks Rice 2-1-5: BIll Higgins Tony Randy Brown 21-5. 64.

HALFTIME: Akron 30. Ashland 24 JV: Ashland 02, Akron 80. School Swimming J. MARSHALL EAST TECH 1 200 MEDLLY RELAY John Marshall (Steve Suzo, Bruce Weber, Bill Masavage, Randy Roenigk) 2:044.3. 200 FREE Bob Herris.

J. Marshall, Tim Birgnowski, J. Marshall; Smith, East Tech, 200 IM Tim Dawson, J. Marshall, 2:45 Bob Roth, J. Marshall; Watkins.

East Tecn. 50 FREE Bill Long. J. Marshall. 30.7; Al Nakingshi, J.

Morshall; Peterson, East Tech. DIVING Poul Mourice, J. Marshall, 42.53; Jerry Castle. J. Marshall; Knox, East Tech.

100 FLY Tom Bute, J. Morshall, Bill voge, J. no third. 100 FREE Richard Lee, J. Marshall, Randy Seighman, Marshall; Duncan, East Tech.

400 FREE Tim Biranowski, J. Morshall, 5:21.5: Dona Smith, J. Marshall: Watkins. East Tech. 100 BACK Richard Hort, J.

Marshall, Ray Lukach, J. Marshall; Peterson, East Tech. 100 BREAST Gary Pittman, J. Marshall, 1:20.9: Bob Fitzer, J. Marshall; Smith, East Tech.

400 FREE RELAY John Marshall (Greg Bottagha. Scott Battoolia. Bob Herris, Gory Kuban), 4:11.0. WESTLAKE S4, LINCOLN- WEST 3 200 MEDLEY RELAY Westloke (G. Scherma, C.

Stetten, B. Scott, J. 2:22.0. 200 FREE Jatwo, Westlake, P. Harper, Westlake: J.

DeJesus, Lincoln West. 200 IM S. Brown, Westiale, C. Corwin, Westioke: R. Crew.

Lincoin-West. FREE t. Brown, Westlake, 24.9; J. Aponte, Lincoln J. Avonte.

West; Lincoln. Ciao, West, Westlike, 36.9; 100 Smith. Westlake: P. Perry, Westlake. FLY R.

Urban, Westlake, no second or third places. 100 FREE R. Dietrich, West, 1:05.8: J. Mellott, Lincoln-West; N. Jackman, Westlake.

400 FREE P. Harper, Westlake, 6:00.4: J. Epcericy, Lincoln-West; C. Zganti, Lincoln-West. 100 BACK G.

Sherman, Westlake, 1:09.0: J. Suknalch, Lincolnno third. 100 BREAST R. Stetten, Westlake, 1:16.1: R. Dietrich, LincolnWest; Crew, Lincoln West.

400 FREE Lincoln- West (J. Mellatt, G. Robinette. P. Vonsach, J.

Dejesus. Tropical Results cl. JYO vo, 7 1. Spring Cieoning (Gattalione) 5 40 00 2.40 Huppy Relation (Tolles) 4.80 3.80 Replay (Plomchok) 1 40 On 18. Time 1:27 3.5.

Brando, Shut Tight, Motion Denied. Par Bad Bov, Candidato 1, Certain Splendor. Pache Leader, Sport King, Upstate Robber also ron. cl, mdn 384 YO. 7 1.

Count De Bells (Capodicu 19 60 10 60 6 20 Lumn Dog 7.80 4.40 Mortal (J Vasquet! 4 20 011 1 44. Time 1:27 3.5. Punchum, Game Pion, Rinbow Isle, Spirited Sport. Dommy's Marlin, Piloto Pardo, Ubiquity, Block Russian, Pagan Low also ran (Daily Double 4-12 pald $113.00) (Perfecta 12-2 pold $267.60) man 2YO, 1 1. Brilliunt Charger (Imparato) 13.00 00 4,40 War Arms (Si Leon) 6 40 4.40 Idle Dice (Russello) 3.00 011 2:12.

Time 1:28 Dandy Dugan, Nick Who, a Revitulize. Noble Verdict, Trader Nick, Genius At Work. Fearless Diplomat, Alton Knight, a Towel Rack also I ran. a Dogwood Sta. Ball entry (Perfecto 10.9 pard $133.40) ct, 3YO 4 Pal Fiving Ahead Rosetto) 20 5.20 Hunkeve (Rogers) 8 00 6C Joy (A 13.4C Oft 2:41 Time 1:13 1-5 Copain, Perpetual Youth, Orondo, Grey Tune.

Mr. Power, Noble Duel, also ron. Late Scratch -Good Balance (Perfecta 1.2 paid $47.800 cl, 3YO, 1 Two tones Perret) 20 3.00 3.00 Gardena Dancer (Verardi) 5.20 5 20 Victor Bav (GVasquez) 11.80 3:07. Time 1:26 3.S. Arrowante, Peacetul Ruler, KY Snob, Roval Cutoff.

Dash, Brown Cup. The Bull, Vacation Note. Grandpa Doin also ran. Perfecto 3.5 paid $24.00) (Trifecto 3.5-12 paid $2,201.00) For A While (J JYO, Vasquez) 10 20 5 80 3.80 Silent Roomer 4.80 3.20 Sun Fun (SILeon) 3.80 Ott 3:33. Time 1:12 2 5.

Steppin Careful, Cotton Point, Winged Speed, Ego Builder, Forgive Divine, Price Right, Count Flint. Spun Silver also ron. (Pertecta 11-12 paid $40.60) CI, 3YO vp 11-16 mi. (tur1) Gold Gar (E Fires) 10.00 5 80 3.40 Bianchl (J Salinns) 9 60 5.00 Virginia Deleaute (Perret) 2.80 Off 4:01. Time 1:45 3.5 Fickle Fellow, Sweet Manhatten, Tower Ot Strength.

Paletace, Barred Rock, Sir Omni, Turn Turtle. The Duke Ellie's Nashua also ran. da- Disqualified from 1st to 4th. (Perfecto 3-10 pold $141.60) alc. JYO UD, 41 t.

Turbulent Miss 360 3 40 Tenderly (Blum) 3.80 4 00 Classy Breeze (Bolin) 6.80 Oft 4:32. Time 1.19. Stay Out Front, Chick's Nancy, Loco Spring, Gov Northerner, Dream Dote. Gussie, Love You Dearly, Pompo Grey also ram 4.11 paid $30.60) alc, 384 mi, Ave Jay Ave Fieseimon) 20.80 8 20 4.60 Sir Perret) 2.60 7.40 Mr. Poul (Doezal 3.60 Off 4:58.

Time 1:40. Sueno Impossible, Playful Platelull, I'm Ed. Strong Medicine, Federo Ruler also ran. (Pertecto 24 paid $41.00) 4,000, cl, JYO, mi. Princely Charm (Matteo) 12.80 0.80 5.00 Arts Vilinge 31.40 10.40 Super Slick (Milord) 3.20 Off 5:26.

Time 1:56 4-5. Tropical Charm, Solid Port, State Fair, Foreign Actor, Bill Jack, Lady's Wolt, Flora Nett, Sleepless Ruler also ran. (Perfecta 8-2 pold $905.00) (Trifecto pold $3,457.20) (Attendunce Hondle $911,412.) A Racing News Aqueduct Entries ct, man 2YO, Question 116 Street Vergie Smittys Chagrin vervwhere 107 Othmar Big Mama's Boy National Stor Night Auditor 117 Jamie Ur. Evego 121 Martini 2nd cl, mdn 2YO, 1, Ain't I Sumpin 116 Twist Around Breezy Point 116 Lee Lore Vik LIvely Moon 116 a- The Hound Overdue Manic 170 113 LAnne Lamorn 115 Nancy Mac 120 Dimensional 120 Millen entry Ct, JYO up, 1. Bold Bess 114 109 Irish McCall 112 Personally Ann 112 A Bonspiel Dixie 107 109 Gentle Outlok 104 Four Decisin 104 man JYO UD, 4 Moons CumLod 172 Whole Truth 122 Big Rascal 122 117 106 12.000, oic, JYO vo, 1 GUY Golign! 119 A Sullivan Rood 111 Cut Bock 119 High Stokes A Good Thing 114 116 Handsome 114 a- Compe Walder entry ct, 107 JYO vp, A Penny 1, Savd Ellen's Choice 114 Quiet 112 0 Pinin 109 Of Straw 105 AFil Kim 109 More Or Less 112 o- Ver Nine Stable entry 7th- 12,000, alc, 3YO 0D, mi, Day After 113 106 Whitey 11 113 Warn Roman 113 Tuque 119 Dundee 113 aFiving Crimson 105 Ct, IYO up, a Ninue Miron 109 Restless Pro Reasn 1 108 CommercialBrek 114 Country Gorb 110 Out 107 o- Nectar Queen 116 GreekMmmy 106 Native Ar! 110 Ta: Mabelie Bonca Libre 107 b- Grov Vintage 111 a Camilo Stable King entry Fuller entry ct, 3YO up, mi.

River Patrol 111 Premio lI 111 Chioini Special 119 Master Piper 118 Train 107 Retic Post 113 Walpole 113 Deter 111 111 Amorio 11 112 x-5, xx-1, IDs poc. Aqueduct Selections Thursday Notional Star, Court Street, Or Evego 2 Dimensional, Breezy Point, Conquering Miss 3-Close Passage. Delaccord. Bold Bess 4-Magnitico, Magnus Cum Laude, Snow But 5-Cerrit, A Good Thine, Gov Gallant 6 -Quiet. Piggyback, Pinto 11.

Dundee Marmntade, Flying Crimson Nique Miron, Restless Pro Special, Master Piper, Deter Best Bet -Tuoul Fair Grounds Entries CI, JYO, Rood Gap 112 DixielandMusic Pogo Al 112 Doc McNall 119 Chief 110 Speak Fondly Lil Rae 109 Benjamin Many Ridon Star 112 Detective Story New Bor 115 Midnight Amber 112 Greeks Image 115 True Purple Around The Trn 109 Dandy Don 112 Bump An Go 112 Win Irish 112. 2nd- cl, 4 YO UD, Himaldo 117 Brod-0-Brign Belling Beth 109 Jovial Mood 112 Rozzel Tor 112 Rom Sac 112 Pet The Bull 112 Pie Mon Luck 112 Bettys Brother 109 Bim 100 Dutder 112 Mr. Trim Relic 112 110 Vilmas Choice Pete Menelee 115 No Choperone Dividend 110 Chivalrous CI, man 384 YO, a Bottler Guy 112 Paddy Patrol 117 Locia 112 Q. Bird 109 Dads Dondy 120 Madame Moon 114 Liz 114 Gina's Double 114 PODO 112 Happy MihrsDy 114 a- Gates- Barrios entry mdn 2YO, Inside Straight 118 Copt. Spencer 118 Super Bee 118 Running Hitch 118 Clems Lork 118 Rovcloro 113 Fowl Luck 118 Scotch And Soda 118 Sailors Avenue 118 Handsome Dplmt 118 Scratch Proot 118 Mr.

Ashby 115 Roman Tricks 118 Jacob's Fancy 115 Dana's Tomboy 118 Colonel Rennie Simple Sidney 118 Primate Ministr 118 c1, 4 TO Up, 40vOs. Mad Lone 112 Rompe Lontos 118 Ponshewaing 112 Midwrite 116 Cedar Siding 116 Rush Home 118 Git 116 Anglo 116 Blue Chippee 115 alc, 2YO. 4. 1. Shiriev P.

112 Tight 107 Fly Win 112 Musky Dime 112 Pride OtTmmny 112 Ann 107 Lady Prego Red Steppen Wiki 112 xBoid Fanta. 107 Lody 107 Nita Nevergivsn 112 Bib's Angel 112 Brown 11C Sunny Tut 112 Alhmbr 11C Miss Carolice C. 112 Brenda's Wondrti 112 oic, 2YO, 6 Val's Red 112 t'd Rather Not 112 Coxswain's Meg 109 Vodika Pamper Roval 115 o- Not So Well Novato 120 Linus Burglar Alorm 120 Rickey's Bill 112 a- Lowrance entry alc, 4 YO up, f. (The Busher) Road Man 119 Chum's Sis 116 Big Jim Waters 117 Mr. Louie Reword Lloyd 111 Roy's Law 109 Satin Lark cl.

4YO UD, Dr. Mascara 112 Clink 115 Persian Pointat 115 Terro Sands Cinder 1. 112 Qichita Chales Rock 110 Port Captain 112 Foster Homestd 115 Battle Street 112 Bill's Gold Winsome Line, 115 Duke's Go 112 a-xOff ToMarket 104 a Bernis-Poviol entry 1-5 Ibs poc. Fair Grounds Selections Thursday 1-Chocolate Chief, New Bar, Ridon Star 2-Pete Menclee, Bettys Brother, Hi. maido 3-Battler's Guy, Madame Moon, Lilly Bird 4-Clems Lark, Scratch Proof, Roman Tricks 6-Miss Caroline Fly 'N Win, Lady 5-Cedor Siding, Mad Lane, Rush Home Prego 1-Pamper Rovol, Navalo.

Linus -Road Mon, Satin Lork, Big Jim Wo. 2 Persian Potentate, Arare Rock, Win. some Line Best Bet- Road Mon Laurel cl, 3YO Val's Em Bess 113 Joan 117 Lou's Redhead 120 August Formal Waxing April Storm 113 Noon Year 113 Rhythm 106 Maid 106 2nd 4,200, mdn, Rulers Dorlin 117 Gold Landing 120 Happy Diana 117 Yemen's Specks 120 Apriori 122 Evastrive 117 Gal 114 3rd 4,500, cl, 2YO Valley Boss 112 Seychelles 120 Lenape Indian 113 ax Caramel boy 105 Cavan Coup 116 Ky. Hermit 120 Soldi Profit 116 Ski Girl 111 a-Scuderi Montgomery b- Palmer Bay State cl, man Heat Lightning 115 Que 115 Nuthotch 117 For Right 120 Mr. All Americn 120 cl, 3YO Horns 116 Piney Run 112 Kaual Count 116 Mating Flight 109 Orsi's Idol 116 Northern Hero 120 Broad Lace 113 Am Siom 120 4th cl, 3YO Better Be Quick 113 Guion 122 Royal Choice 116 D's Gary Fox 110 alc, JYO WoodchopprsBli 113 Imp 113 Bold Brick 113 Casbah Kid 113 Friend's Choice 113 alc, Petrous 117 Mountain Eagle 117 Reta N.

112 Crack Ruier Boone The Gret 117 4,000, cI, JYO Hang In There 117 Tumble Hmc 116 Great Choice 120 A. Area School Mat Schedule All meets start of 7:30 p.m. unless otherwise indicated. TODAY SENATE Aest of South. St.

West Tech of of Mg. Rhodes. HOves. 4 Glenville at East, 4 Kennedy at John Adams, 4 FRIDAY SENATE Phodes West Tech John Adam at Callinadod (At Spellacy Jr. LAKE ERIE LEAGUE Shaker of Snow Rocky River SOUTHWESTERN.

Med no at North Olmsted CUYAHOGA CONFERENCE Brock sville at Brooklyn Curanoga His. at Independence North Rovaiton at Stronosville CROWN CONFERENCE Paduo at Chanel INDEPENDENT P. Harvey at Bedford North Ridgeville at Berra St. Ea ward of Wtiloughby South Moyfield at Worrensville Newcury at Auroro Chagrin Falls at Cleve. HIs.

wood at Byzantine Richmond His. at St. Joseph Cleve. Cent. Cath.

at Columbia Station Madison at Chordon Hawaen of Wicklitte Cardinal at P. Riverside Hudson Triongular: Hudson, Twinsburo. Springficid SATURDAY SENATE Max Hayes at South LAKE ERIE LEAGUE Brush at Euclid Valley Forge at Garfield Lakewood at Parma Cleveland HIs. of Normandy SOUTHWESTERN Avon Lake Westlake Folls at Bay Village INDEPENDENT Solon at MaDe Ft-. Ashtabula at Mentor Rontstown A wrorn Orange at Sir toro Garrettsville at West Vi Kurt and Entries 1 1.

Pattys Bumpkin 116 x-Miss Winkle 108 Eorn A Princess 111 Lady Phumphry 113. Your Flip Exton Miss Traci C. 116 Count The Bells 113 No Matter What 113 384 vo 6 f. Up To Waltersson Now 120 Irish Mist 117 Mister E.C.A. 120 Paris Scene 120 Image 120 Why Not Morort 117 1 1.

Sitar 112 a- Rapallo Rain 113 Moylasain 116 b- Reason To See 116 Lance Commndr 116 b- RevenueShrng 114 Guys Barbizon 120 x0-Pinhead 108 Entry Entry 3840 Reoch 117. Pretty Shot 118 T. 105 Wizo Bay 118 xx Johndidit 107 Babe's Rival 116 Moon Singer 116 Sky Flight 116 Arctic Flame 111 Wart Face Gory 116 Free At Lost 116 Erezev 112 up 11 ml. Prince Joker 116 Levee Colector 112 Dusha Bitters 119 Stand Collect 107 UD 6 1. Boardwalk Barn 113 Reflectn 105 White Wake 116 Trunnion 113 Noor Side 111 3YO up 11.

1. Ellen's Reason 119 Copuaborb 117 Foil Rivr 107 Fast Will 115 Third Law 113 1 ml. Avarice 112 Mr. Percy 117 Arctic Pole 116 1.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.