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Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Software Emphasis

The Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (IT) provides a solid

foundation in computer information systems and technologies, including

programming, web systems, project management, networks, operating systems,

databases, and security. In addition to the IT content, the degree program

includes a broad, collegiate-level education. The program is primarily designed

for those who have some technical knowledge and are ready to move to

increased levels of expertise and responsibility in the information technology

field. The IT component of the Bachelor of Science program consists of four

domains of study: IT fundamentals, software, networks and IT project

management. There are eight areas of study (sub-domains) that students

master including IT fundamentals, operating systems, software, networks,

database, web systems, security, and project management. At the end of the

program, students develop a comprehensive portfolio and complete a capstone

project. Students who are seeking a specialization in one of the sub-domains of

software, networks, database or security can complete the basic IT degree

program and pass additional assessments to earn one of these designated


Students seeking the BS IT—Software Emphasis demonstrate additional

competencies in this area by obtaining the Sun Certified Java Programmer and

passing the CIW Perl Fundamentals Exam. Students who have passed these

prior to enrollment will have the requirement cleared.

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Understanding the Competency-Based Approach Practically speaking, what does it mean when we say that WGU programs are competency-

based? Unlike traditional universities, WGU does not award degrees based on credit hours or

on a certain set of required courses. Instead, students earn their degrees by demonstrating their

skills, knowledge, and understanding of important concepts through a series of carefully

designed assessments.

Progress through your degree program is governed, not by classes, but by satisfactory

completion of the required assessments that demonstrate your mastery of the competencies. Of

course, you will need to engage in learning experiences as you brush up on competencies or

develop knowledge and skills in areas in which you may be weak. For this learning and

development, WGU has a rich array of learning resources in which you may engage under the

direction of your mentor. You will work closely with your mentor to schedule your program for

completing the assessments. (We discuss assessments in much more detail later in this guide.)

You will work closely with additional faculty members as you proceed through courses of study

that are designed to lead you through the content you must master in order to pass individual


The benefit of this competency-based system is that it makes it possible for people who are

knowledgeable about a particular subject to make accelerated progress toward completing a

WGU degree even if they lack college experience. You may have gained your skills and

knowledge of a subject on the job, accumulated wisdom through years of life experience, or,

indeed, took a course on a particular subject. WGU awards a degree to you based on the skills

and knowledge that you possess and can demonstrate, not the number of credits you have on

your transcript.

Accreditation Western Governors University is the only university in the history of American higher education

to have earned accreditation from four regional accrediting commissions. WGU's accreditation

was awarded by (1) the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, (2) the Higher

Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, (3) the

Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of

Schools and Colleges, and (4) the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities

of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. The university’s accreditation status is now

managed by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU). The university

is also accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC), and the WGU

Teachers College is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education

(NCATE). The nursing programs are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing

Education (CCNE). The Health Informatics program is accredited by the Commission on

Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM).

The Degree Plan The focus of your program is your personalized Degree Plan. The Degree Plan is a detailed

blueprint of the learning resources and assessments that comprise your program. The length of

your program depends on both the amount of new information you need to learn and the

amount of time you plan to devote each week to study.

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Students will vary widely in the specific skills and information they need to learn. For example,

some may be highly knowledgeable in a subject matter and would not need to engage in new

learning opportunities. Others may find that portions of the program require completely new

learning and that they may need to take an online class or participate in a study module to

acquire the knowledge and skills needed to pass the program competencies in that area. Some

individuals may be able to devote as little as 1520 hours per week to the program, while others

may have more time. For this reason, you will complete pre-assessments to help your mentor

form a profile of your prior knowledge and experience for use in creating your Degree Plan.

WGU’s Mentoring Approach Our mentoring approach is a powerful component of the WGU educational experience. When

you enroll at WGU, you will begin interacting with your personal mentor, course mentors, and

support staff. Your mentor takes an active role and a personal interest in your success. Whether

by e-mail or phone, your mentor will be your “point person” of communication throughout your

program. Your mentor will help motivate you to work hard to complete your program. When you

have questions or concerns, your mentor team will help you resolve them.

You and your mentor will work together to evaluate your educational background, strengths, and

weaknesses. With this analysis, your mentors will help determine in which areas you are

already competent (and can move quickly to assessment) and areas you need to work on; this

will become your personalized Degree Plan. Your mentor will direct you to the Courses of Study

that contain the best learning resources for you (courses, texts, independent study modules,

etc.) and are supported by course mentors that serve as your content experts for each area of

study. As you proceed through your academic program, you and your mentor will determine

when you are ready for the required assessments. If you are ready, your assessment will be

scheduled. You will follow this same process as you proceed through each domain.

Connecting with Other Mentors and Fellow Students As you proceed through your Degree Plan, you may also have direct contact with other faculty

members. These communications can take a variety of forms, including participation in learning

communities, office hours via the courses of study, and webinars. As a WGU student, you will

have access to your own personal MyWGU Student Portal that will provide a gateway to

courses of study, learning communities, and program communities where you will have

interactions with faculty and other students. Courses of study and communities are specifically

designed to support you as you develop competencies in preparation for your assessments

through the utilization of threaded discussions, blogs, and chats that are guided by content

experts. You will access your program community during the Education Without Boundaries

introductory course to network with peers who are enrolled in your program and to receive

continued support through professional enrichment and program-specific chats, blogs, and

discussions. WGU also provides a Student Services Associate to help you and your mentor

solve any special problems that may arise.

Education Without Boundaries Orientation

Education Without Boundaries (EWB) is a required orientation that focuses on acquainting the

student with WGU’s competency-based model, distance education, technology, and other

resources and tools available for students. You will also utilize tutorials, message boards, online

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chats, and other activities to connect with other students in your program. This orientation is

completed before you start your first term at WGU.

Transferability of Prior College Coursework Because WGU is a competency-based institution, it does not award degrees based on credits

but on demonstration of competency. However, if you have completed college coursework at

another accredited institution, you may have your transcripts evaluated and may be able to have

some lower-division or co-requisite assessments cleared. The guidelines for determining what

will “clear” through transfer vary based on the degree program.

The following guidelines generally apply: Upper-division degree requirements cannot be cleared

through prior college credit. However, students who have already demonstrated competence by

passing certain industry certification exams within the past five years may “clear” some of the

upper-division assessments. The certifications that will clear WGU requirements vary by

program. WGU does not clear any requirements based on a student's professional experience

and does not perform a "resume review" or "portfolio review" that will automatically clear any

degree requirements. Degree requirements and transferability rules are subject to change in

order to keep the degree content relevant and current.

Remember, WGU's competency-based approach lets you take advantage of your knowledge

and skills, regardless of how you obtained them. Even when you do not directly receive credit,

the knowledge you possess may help you accelerate the time it takes to complete your degree


Continuous Enrollment, On Time Progress, and Satisfactory Academic

Progress WGU is a “continuous enrollment” institution, which means you will be automatically enrolled in

each of your new terms while you are at WGU. Your terms are six months long. Longer terms

and continuous enrollment allow you to focus on your studies without the hassle of unnatural

breaks between the shorter terms that you would experience in a more traditional environment.

At the end of every six-month term, you and your mentor will review the progress you have

made and revise your Degree Plan for your next six-month term.

WGU requires that students make measurable progress toward the completion of their degree

programs every term. We call this On Time Progress – denoting that you are on track and

making progress toward on time graduation. As full-time students, graduate students must enroll

in at least eight (8) competency units each term, and undergraduate students must enroll in at

least twelve (12) competency units each term. Completing at least these minimum enrollments

is essential to On Time Progress and serves as a baseline from which you may accelerate your

program. We measure your progress based on the assessments you are able to pass, not on

your accumulation of credit hours or course grades. Every time you pass an assessment, you

are demonstrating that you have mastered skills and knowledge in your degree program. For

comparison to traditional grading systems, passing an assessment means you have

demonstrated competency equivalent to a “B” grade or better.

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WGU has assigned competency units to each assessment so that we can track your progress

through the program. A competency unit is equivalent to one semester credit of learning. Some

assessments may be assigned three competency units while other assessments may be as

large as 12 competency units.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is particularly important for financial aid students

because you must make SAP in order to maintain eligibility for financial aid. We will measure

your SAP quantitatively by reviewing the number of competency units you have completed each

term. As full-time students, WGU graduate students must enroll in at least eight competency

units each term, and undergraduate students must enroll in at least 12 competency units each

term. In order to remain in good academic standing, you must complete at least 66.67% of the

units you attempt – including any assessments you add to your term to accelerate your progress.

Additionally, during your first term at WGU you must pass at least three competency units in

order to remain eligible for financial aid. We know that SAP is complex, so please contact a

Financial Aid Counselor should you have additional questions.

Assessments Your Degree Plan will include the assessments needed to complete your program. To obtain

your degree you will be required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by completing the

following assessments:

Performance Assessments contain, in most cases, multiple scored tasks such as projects,

essays, and research papers. Performance assessments contain detailed instructions and

rubrics for completing each task and are submitted in TaskStream, an online project

management and grading tool.

Objective Assessments are designed to evaluate your knowledge and skills in a domain of

knowledge. Most objective assessments include multiple-choice items, multiple-selection items,

matching, short answer, drag-and-drop, and point-and-click item types, as well as case study

and video-based items.

Essay Assessments are used to measure your ability to integrate and apply concepts. Your

writing will be scored against competency-based rubrics established by the faculty.

Certification Assessments are used to determine competency in specific IT skills. Your

program will include certifications from Microsoft, CompTIA, Sun Microsystems, and CIW.

These exams may include performance items, simulations, and/or objective exam questions.

Each certifying organization sets the passing score that WGU follows to award you credit for

earned competencies. More details on individual certification exams will be provided later in this


Capstone Project: The Capstone Project is the culmination of the student’s WGU degree

program. It requires the student to demonstrate the integration and synthesis of competencies in

all domains required for the degree, particularly in the area of emphasis.

As previously mentioned, we have assigned competency units (CUs) to each assessment in

order to measure your academic progress. As an undergraduate student, you will be expected

to enroll in a minimum of 12 competency units each term. A standard plan for the program, at 12

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units per term, for a student who has no transfer units would look similar to the one on the next


Your personal progress can be faster, but your pace will be determined by the extent of your

transfer units, your time commitment, and your determination to proceed at a faster rate.



WFV1 IT Fundamentals I 3 1

AGC1 Foundations of College Mathematics 3 1

BBC1 Communications Foundations 2 1

CLC1 Reasoning and Problem Solving 3 1

LAE1 Language and Communication: Essay 2 1

LUT1 Language and Communication: Presentation 2 2

QBT1 Language and Communication: Research 3 2

AXV1 IT Fundamentals II 4 2

CPV1 IT Fundamentals III 4 2

INC1 Integrated Natural Sciences 4 3

INT1 Integrated Natural Sciences Applications 4 3

DFV1 Web Development Fundamentals 3 3

CUV1 Web Technologies 4 3

BOV1 Web Programming 4 4

GAC1 Finite Mathematics 2 4

HHT1 Finite Mathematics Applications 2 4

DHV1 Windows OS Fundamentals 3 4

DIV1 Windows Server Admin Fundamentals 3 4

CWV1 Network Fundamentals 3 5

CRV1 Networks 4 5

QLT1 Quantitative Literacy: Quantitative Problem Solving and Applications 3 5

DEV1 Security Fundamentals 3 5

CTV1 Security 4 6

DJV1 Software Development Fundamentals 4 6

BNC1 Organizational Behavior and Leadership 3 6

IWC1 Literature, Arts and the Humanities 2 6

IWT1 Literature, Arts and the Humanities: Analysis and Interpretation 2 7

BVC1 Geography 3 7

KET1 Introduction to Programming 4 7

CVV1 Database Fundamentals 3 7

CJV1 Database I 4 8

KFT1 Object Oriented Design and Development 4 8

TPV1 Project Management 6 8

ANV1 Software I 6 9

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WPV1 Software II 3 9

SBT1 Technical Writing 3 9

RHT1 IT - Software Capstone Written Project 4 9

In this example, the program will take nine terms for the student to complete. The standard path

shown above lists the courses of study (assessments) and the associated competency units by

term. The Degree Plan will include greater detail about the courses of study, including the

assessments and their associated standard learning resources.

Learning Resources You will work with your mentor to select the various learning resources needed to prepare for

the required assessments. In most cases, the learning materials you will use are independent

learning resources such as textbooks, e-learning modules, study guides, simulations, virtual

labs, and tutorials. WGU works with dozens of educational providers, including enterprises,

publishers, training companies, and higher educational institutions to give you high quality and

effective instruction that matches the competencies that you are developing. The cost of many

learning resources is included in your tuition, and you can enroll directly in those through your

Degree Plan as your mentor has scheduled them. Some resources (e.g., many textbooks) are

not covered by your tuition, and you will need to cover those costs separately. WGU has

excellent bookstore and library arrangements to help you obtain the needed learning resources.

Areas of Study Within the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology— Software Emphasis

The WGU Bachelor of Science in Information Technology program was developed in

consultation with our IT Council, which is made up of industry experts representing all facets of

the discipline from the high-tech business world to national research laboratories. The degree

uses industry-endorsed certifications from Microsoft, CompTIA, Oracle, and CIW to validate a

student’s skill competency. Additionally, the competencies in quantitative literacy, language and

communications, and problem-solving assure that the graduate has the well-rounded

educational background that is required in today's challenging environment.

The following section includes the larger domains of knowledge, which are then followed by the

subject-specific subdomains of knowledge, their associated assessments (including the four-

character code that is used to identify the assessment), and the sample learning resources that

have recently been used to help students gain the competencies needed to pass the

assessments. Your specific learning resources and level of instructional support will vary based

on the individual competencies you bring to the program and your confidence in developing the

knowledge, skills, and abilities required in each area of the degree. Please note that the learning

resources included in the following sections are sample resources that will vary based on your

own Degree Plan and the resources current at the time you enroll in the program. The Degree

Plan and learning resources are dynamic, so you need to review your Degree Plan and seek the

advice of your mentor regarding the resources before you purchase them.

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Information Technology Fundamentals Domain This domain covers the foundations of the field of information technology. It prepares the

student for the subject matter subdomains of the program. To clear a subdomain, the transcript

must show that students have taken equivalent classes in the subdomain content areas and

passed those courses with a C grade or higher at an accredited institution of higher education.

Certain industry certifications will also transfer or clear a subdomain.

IT Fundamentals I Content focuses on networked resources, hardware and software for the Internet business, and

web browser function, use, configuration, and customization. The student will also organize and

produce a simple but functioning website.

IT Fundamentals I (WFV1)

Proctored at an authorized Prometric/Pearson Vue Testing Center, computer-based

CIW Web Foundations Associate exam (IDO-510)

Sample Learning Resources:

Certification Partners provided by CIW which includes access to the study kits, online

exercises, course review questions, practice exams, and online assessments for

Internet Business Foundations, Site Development Foundations, and Network

Technology Foundations.

HTML Fundamentals provided by LearnKey is an optional video tutorial to help you

learn more HTML.

Skillsoft modules provide text, video and exercises, as well as TestPrep and Mentoring.

IT Fundamentals II and III Content focuses on understanding the personal computer components, and their function, in a

desktop system as well as computer data storage and retrieval; classifying, installing,

configuring, optimizing, upgrading, and troubleshooting printers, laptops, portable devices,

operating systems, networks, and system security; recommending appropriate tools, diagnostic

procedures, preventative maintenance and troubleshooting techniques for personal computer

components in a desktop system; strategies for identifying, preventing, and reporting safety

hazards and environmental/human accidents in a technological environments; and effective

communication with colleagues and clients as well as job-related professional behavior.

IT Fundamentals II (AXV1) Proctored at an authorized Prometric/Pearson Vue Testing Center, computer-based

CompTIA A+ Essentials exam (220-701)

IT Fundamentals III (CPV1) Proctored at an authorized Prometric/Pearson Vue Testing Center, computer-based

CompTIA A+ Practical Application exam (220-702)

Sample Learning Resources:

LabSim by TestOut, A+ Essentials (Exam 220-701) and A+ Practical Application exam


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SkillSoft modules provide text, video and exercises, as well as TestPrep and Mentoring

and include an e-text version of the following text:

Meyers, Mike. All-in-one CompTIA A+ certification exam guide (Exams 220-701 & 220-

702) (7th ed.). ISBN: 9780071701334. (e-text, cost of this resource is included in

tuition and fees)

Foundations Domain The Foundations domain focuses on basic subject matter knowledge that is typically required

for baccalaureate level study.

Foundations Focuses on application of grammatical standards, reading skills, basic numeracy and

calculation skills, basic algebra skills, basic geometry principles, and basic data and probability


Foundations of College Mathematics (AGC1)

Proctored, computer‐based objective exam

Communications Foundations (BBC1)

Proctored, computer‐based objective exam

Sample Learning Resources:

MyFoundationsLab in MyLabsPlus. This online interactive system allows students to

move at their own pace as they work through the content to develop language

and communication and quantitative literacy skills.

Liberal Arts Domain The liberal arts domain focuses on basic subject matter knowledge that is typically included in

baccalaureate level programs. Evaluation of your previous college transcripts may clear

assessment requirements for some areas of the liberal arts domain, which could shorten your

program of study by removing assessments. To waive or clear a subdomain, the transcript must

show that you have taken equivalent classes in the subdomain content areas and passed those

classes with a C grade or higher at an accredited institution of higher education.

Collegiate Level Reasoning and Problem Solving Content includes problem identification and clarification, planning and information gathering,

identifying assumptions and values, analysis and interpretation of information and data,

reaching well-founded conclusions, and identifying the role of critical thinking in the disciplines

and professions.

Reasoning and Problem Solving (CLC1)

Proctored, computer-based objective exam

Sample Learning Resources:

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Collegiate Level Reasoning and Problem-Solving Skills provided by MindEdge.

This online interactive module system allows students to move at their own pace

as they develop competency and includes an e-text version of the following text:

Paul, R., & Elder, L. (2006). Critical thinking: Tools for taking charge of your learning

and your life (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-

13-114962-8. (e-text, cost of this resource is included in tuition and fees)

Language and Communication Content focuses on collegiate reading skills, basic information retrieval skills, writing skills, and

speaking and writing skills.

Language and Communication: Essay (LAE1)

Performance assessment that includes writing

Language and Communication: Presentation (LUT1)

Performance assessment that includes an oral presentation

Language and Communication: Research (QBT1)

Performance assessment that includes writing a research paper

Sample Learning Resources:

Language and Communication: Essay provided by Pearson CourseCompass. This

online, interactive resource includes e-text versions of the following texts:

Faigley, L. (2007). Writing: A guide for college and beyond. New York: Pearson

Longman. ISBN: 0-321-39626-X. (e-text, cost of this resource is included in

tuition and fees)

Ruszkiewicz, J., Seward, D. E., & Hairston, M. (2007). SF writer (4th ed.). New York:

Pearson Longman. ISBN: 0-13-233458-5. (e-text, cost of this resource is

included in tuition and fees)

Smith, B. D. (2007). The reader’s handbook: Reading strategies for college and

everyday life (3rd ed.). New York: Pearson Longman. ISBN-10: 0321476840.

(e-text, cost of this resource is included in tuition and fees)

Language and Communication: Research and Language and Communication:

Presentation provided by MindEdge. These online, interactive modules allow

students to move at their own pace as they develop competency.

Natural Science Content focuses on scientific concepts and inquiry as well as key concepts across and within

disciplines of natural science.

Integrated Natural Sciences (INC1)

Proctored, computer-based objective exam

Integrated Natural Sciences Applications (INT1)

Performance assessment that utilizes scientific inquiry and analysis of evidence

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Sample Learning Resources:

Integrated Natural Science provided by Pearson CourseCompass. This online,

interactive resource includes an e-text version of the following text:

Hewitt, P. G., Lyons, S., Suchocki, J., & Yeh, J. (2007). Conceptual integrated science.

(1st ed.). San Francisco: Addison-Wesley. ISBN: 0805390383. (e-text, cost of

this resource is included in tuition and fees)

Quantitative Literacy This sub-domain focuses on the real number system, symbolic logic, number theory, set theory,

graph theory and their applications.

Finite Mathematics (GAC1)

Proctored, computer-based objective assessment

Finite Mathematics Applications (HHT1)

Performance assessment

Quantitative Literacy: Quantitative Problem Solving and Applications (QLT1)

Performance assessment

Sample Learning Resources:

MyMathLab and QLT1 MyMathLab provided by Pearson Course Compass are online

independent study courses that include e-text versions of the following texts:

Billstein, R., Libeskind, S., & Lott, J.W. (2010). A problem solving approach to

mathematics for elementary school teachers (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:

Pearson. ISBN: 9780321570550. (e-text, cost of this resource is included in

tuition and fees)

Lial, M., Hornsby, J., McGinnis, T., Salzman, S., & Hestwood, D. (2009/2010).

Developmental mathematics: Basic mathematics and algebra (2nd ed.). Pearson

Education. ISBN: 9780321599209. (e-text, cost of this resource is included in

tuition and fees)

Blitzer, R. (2007). Thinking mathematically (4th ed.). Boston: Pearson Addison-Wesley.

ISBN: 0131752049. (e-text, cost of this resource is included in tuition and fees).

Prealgebra Online provided by Thinkwell. This independent study course provides

extra practice with basic operations, especially working with fractions.

Literature, Arts, and the Humanities Content focuses on content, concepts, terminology, methodology, models, and issues within

and across the disciplines of the humanities.

Literature, Arts, and the Humanities (IWC1)

Proctored, computer-based objective exam

Literature, Arts, and the Humanities: Analysis and Interpretation (IWT1)

Performance assessment that includes subjective and objective analysis and

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interpretation in the humanities

Sample Learning Resources:

Humanities provided by MindEdge. This online interactive module system allows

students to move at their own pace as they develop competency and includes e-

text versions of the following texts:

Janaro, R. P., & Altshuler, T. C. (2009). The art of being human (9th ed.). New York:

Longman. ISBN-10: 0205605427. (e-text, cost of this resource is included in

tuition and fees)

Sporre, D.J. (2009). Perceiving the arts: An introduction to the humanities (9th ed). New

Jersey: Pearson Pretnice Hall. ISBN-13: 978-0136045694. (e-text, cost of this

resource is included in tuition and fees)

Geography Content includes fundamentals of geography, places and regions, physical and human systems,

and the environment.

Geography (BVC1)

Proctored, computer-based objective exam

Sample Learning Resources:

An e-text version of the following text:

Bergman, E., & Renwick, W. H, (2008). Introduction to geography: People, places and

environment (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN-13:

9780132238991. (e-text, cost of this resource is included in tuition and fees)

Web Development Fundamentals Domain This domain focuses on programming web applications, working with data and services,

troubleshooting and debugging web applications, client-side scripting, and configuring and

deploying web applications.

Web Developer Fundamentals

Web Development Fundamentals (DFV1)

98-363: Web Developer Fundamentals exam

Sample Learning Resources:

98-363: Web Developer Fundamentals by Microsoft Official Academic Course. June

2011. ISBN: 978-0-470-88915-2.

98-363 Web Developer Fundamentals provided by uCertify includes a comprehensive

Prepkit that contains questions and answers, study notes, interactive quizzes,

flash cards and study tips.

Web Development Domain This domain builds competencies in website design and development.

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Web Systems and Technologies Focuses on: using and updating web client software; web page creation and programming

languages; dynamic web page fundamentals: e-commerce infrastructure; and identifying

suspicious network activity and selecting the appropriate strategy to counter it.

Web Technologies (CUV1)

Proctored at an authorized Prometric Testing Center, computer-based CIW Site

Designer exam (1D0-520)

Sample Learning Resources:

CIW: Web Design Specialist and CIW: JavaScript Specialist by Certification

Partners. This resource includes self study kits, vlabs, supplemental files, movies,

online exercises, course review, quizzes, and practice exams.

SkillSoft Modules provide text, video and exercises to help increase knowledge in a

large variety of Web Development subjects.

Web Programming Focuses: on applying characteristics and features of web programming languages; creating,

modifying, and utilizing variables and data; decision structures; understanding functions,

methods, properties, and events; client side web programming language; custom web

programming language objects; controlling windows in a web programming language.

Web Programming (BOV1)

Proctored at an authorized Prometric Testing Center, computer-based CIW JavaScript

Fundamentals exam (1D0-635)

Sample Learning Resources:

CIW: Web Design Specialist and CIW: JavaScript Specialist by Certification

Partners. This resource includes self study kits, vlabs, supplemental files, movies,

online exercises, course review, quizzes, and practice exams.

SkillSoft Modules provide text, video and exercises to help increase knowledge in a

large variety of Web Development subjects.

Windows OS Fundamentals Domain This domain focuses on operating system configurations, installing and upgrading client

systems, managing applications, managing files, folders, and devices, and understanding

operating system maintenance.

Operating System Fundamentals

Windows OS Fundamentals (DHV1)

98-349: Windows Operating System Fundamentals exam

Sample Learning Resources:

98-349: Windows Operating System Fundamentals by Microsoft Official Academic


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98-349 Windows Operating System Fundamentals provided by uCertify includes a

comprehensive Prepkit that contains questions and answers, study notes,

interactive quizzes, flash cards and study tips.

Windows Server Administration Domain This domain focuses on server installation and roles, active directory, storage technologies, and

server performance and maintenance.

Windows Server Administration Focuses on:

Windows Server Admin Fundamentals (DIV1)

98-365 Windows Server Administration Fundamentals exam

Sample Learning Resources:

98-365 Windows Server Administration Fundamentals by Microsoft Official Academic

Course. ISBN: 978-0-470-90182-3.

98-365 Windows Server Administration Fundamentals provided by uCertify includes

a comprehensive Prepkit that contains questions and answers, study notes,

interactive quizzes, flash cards and study tips.

Network Fundamentals Domain This domain focuses on network infrastructures, wired and wireless networks, network hardware,

Open Systems Interconnection (OSI), and protocols and services.

Network Fundamentals

Network Fundamentals (CWV1)

98-366 Network Fundamentals exam

Sample Learning Resources:

98-366 Network Fundamentals by Microsoft Official Academic Course. ISBN: 978-0-


98-366 Network Fundamentals provided by uCertify includes a comprehensive Prepkit

that contains questions and answers, study notes, interactive quizzes, flash

cards and study tips.

Systems Administration and Management Domain This domain covers operating systems, project management, networking, and information


Networks I Focuses on: network topologies including: protocols, ports, addressing schemes, routing, and

wireless communication standards; physical and logical topologies, including wiring standards;

differentiating, installing, and configuring network devices; troubleshooting network connectivity

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and performance issues as well as common security threats; and using hardware and software

utilities to track and maintain network performance in optimized state.

Networks (CRV1)

Proctored at an authorized Prometric Testing Center, computer-based CompTIA

Network+ exam (2009 edition).

Sample Learning Resources:

SkillSoft modules provide text, video and exercises and includes an e-text version of the

following text:

Meyers, Mike. All-in-one CompTIA Networks+ exam guide. ISBN: 9780071614870. (e-

text, cost of this resource is included in tuition and fees)

Network+ Exam N10-004 provided by uCertify includes a comprehensive Prepkit that

contains questions and answers, study notes, interactive quizzes, flash cards

and study tips.

LabSim by TestOut, Networks+ (2009). ISBN: 978-1-935080-33-6.

Security I Focus on: basic concepts of security and security threats; recommending security procedures

and controlling access by authenticating users and groups; identifying security needs and

recommending appropriate security practices and strategies; encryption in network security;

procedures for organizational operations; and evaluating risks associated with network security

and recommending monitoring strategies and methods.

Security (CTV1)

Proctored at an authorized Prometric Testing Center, computer-based CompTIA

Security+ exam (2011 edition)

Sample Learning Resources:

SkillSoft modules provide text, video and exercises, as well as TestPrep and Mentoring

and include an e-text version of the following text:

Dulaney, E. (2011). CompTIA Security+ 301 deluxe study guide (2nd ed). Indianapolis,

IN: Sybtex-Wiley Publishing Inc. ISBN: 978-1118014745. (e-text, cost of this

resource is included in tuition and fees)

LabSim by TestOut, Security+ (2011)

Security+ Exam SY0-301 provided by uCertify includes a comprehensive Prepkit that

contains questions and answers, study notes, interactive quizzes, flash cards

and study tips.

Project Management Focuses on skills and concepts students need to know to plan and implement projects. The

project initiation and planning process is covered in-depth, culminating in the creation of a

project schedule. Learning how to manage business concerns such as cost and risk is balanced

by thorough the coverage of best practices in managing people and resources. Students will

also learn how to manage change and the steps necessary in closing a project.

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Project Management (TPV1)

Proctored at an authorized Prometric Testing Center, computer-based CompTIA

Project+ 2009 exam

Sample Learning Resources:

SkillSoft modules provide text, video and exercises and includes an e-text version of the

following text:

Philips, J. (2010). IT project management: On track from start to finish (3rd ed.). New

York, NY: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 978-0071700436. (e-text, cost of this resource is

included in tuition and fees.

CompTIA Project+ 2009 PK0-003 provided by uCertify includes a comprehensive

Prepkit that contains questions and answers, study notes, interactive quizzes,

flash cards and study tips.

Security Fundamentals Domain This domain focuses on security layers, operating systems security, auditing policies, network

security, client security software, and server security software.

Security Fundamentals

Security Fundamentals (DEV1)

98-367 Security Fundamentals exam

Sample Learning Resources:

98-367 Security Fundamentals by Microsoft Official Academic Course. ISBN: 978-0-


98-367 Security Fundamentals provided by uCertify includes a comprehensive Prepkit

that contains questions and answers, study notes, interactive quizzes, flash

cards and study tips.

Software Development Fundamentals Domain This domain focuses on the fundamentals of core programming, object-oriented programming,

software development, web applications, desktop applications and user interfaces, and


Software Development Fundamentals

Software Development Fundamentals (DJV1)

98-361 Software Development Fundamentals exam

Sample Learning Resources:

98-361 Software Development Fundamentals by Microsoft Official Academic Course.

ISBN: 978-0-470-88911-0.

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98-361 Software Development Fundamentals provided by uCertify includes a

comprehensive Prepkit that contains questions and answers, study notes,

interactive quizzes, flash cards and study tips.

Organizational Behavior and Management Domain Understanding how to lead and manage in the business environment is critical to a business

graduate’s success in the workplace. This domain includes two objective assessments:

Principles of Management and Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior and Management.

Students are asked to demonstrate the ability to apply these concepts in a series of scenario-

based problems in the leadership concepts and applications tasks. Prior coursework does not

transfer to meet the requirements of this domain.

Organizational Behavior and Management Focuses on management and leadership concepts and applications.

Organizational Behavior and Leadership (BNC1)

Proctored, computer-based objective exam

Sample Learning Resources:

CourseSmart provides an e-text version of the following text:

Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2006) Organizational behavior (12th ed.) Prentice Hall.

ISBN-13: 9780131890954. (e-text, cost of this resource is included in tuition and


SkillSoft modules provide text, video and exercises to help increase knowledge in

Leadership, Management, Human Resource Management, and Organizational


Software Development Domain This domain builds on competencies in software development and practice with the object-

oriented language Java.

Introduction to Programming This subdomain covers skills and concepts students need to know to understand the basic

syntax and structure of the Java programming language.

Introduction to Programming (KET1)

This is a performance assessment in which students develop a portfolio of Java


Sample Learning Resources:

MySQL and NetBeans or Java SE Development Kit (JDK)

Skillsoft provides an e-text version of the following text that also has a companion


Horstmann, C. Big java: Compatibile with java 5, 6, and 7 (4th ed.) ISBN:

9780470509487. (e-text, cost of this resource is included in tuition and fees)

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Object Oriented Design and Development (KFT1)

This is a culminating activity that results in the student developing one or more Java

applications with documentation.

Sample Learning Resources:

Java for Everyone provided by WileyPLUS, is an online learning environment that

includes programming activities, source code for chapter examples, animations,

screencasts and an e-text version of the following text:

Horstmann, C. (2010) Java for everyone. ISBN: 978-0-470-46150-1 (e-text, cost of this

resource is included in tuition and fees)

Database Fundamentals Domain This domain focuses on core database concepts, manipulating data, data storage, and

database administration.

Database Fundamentals

Database Fundamentals (CVV1)

98-364 Database Fundamentals exam

Sample Learning Resources:

98-364 Database Fundamentals by Microsoft Official Academic Course. ISBN: 978-0-


98-364 Database Fundamentals provided by uCertify includes a comprehensive

Prepkit that contains questions and answers, study notes, interactive quizzes,

flash cards and study tips.

Databases Domain This domain builds on competencies in database theories and practice with relational database


Database I This subdomain focuses on: distinguishing between basic database terms and concepts, their

usage, and the type of database languages; selecting appropriate database designs, and

identifying design solutions that address application needs; normalization techniques in

database design; using database design best practices when creating conceptual, logical,

enterprise, and physical database design models; describing and applying SQL concepts; using

relational algebra to perform database operations; recommending appropriate security-related

configuration activities on database systems.

Database I (CJV1)

Proctored at an authorized Prometric Testing Center, computer-based CIW v5

Database Design Specialist (1D0-541) exam

Sample Learning Resources:

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Certification Partners provided by CIW includes access to a student guide, support

files, course review, exercises, and practice exams for Database Design

Specialist and Methodology.

CIW Database Design Specialist 1D0-541 provided by uCertify includes a

comprehensive Prepkit that contains questions and answers, study notes,

interactive quizzes, flash cards and study tips.

Software Emphasis Area Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology may elect this emphasis

area. It will enable you to obtain an additional certification while you earn a bachelor’s degree.

Students who have obtained the Sun Certified Java Programmer for the Java 2 Platform prior to

enrollment will have that assessment cleared. Students who have taken and passed the CIW

Perl Fundamentals Exam prior to enrollment will also have that assessment cleared. The

domain cannot be cleared through previous college work or professional experience.

Software I and Software II This subdomain covers skills and concepts students need to know, to understand, and to apply

object-oriented concepts in the Java programming language and the fundamentals of the Perl

programming language.

Software I (ANV1)

Java Standard Edition 6 Programmer Certified Professional Exam (1Z0-851)

Software II (WPV1)

CIW Perl Specialists exam 1D0-437 exam

Sample Learning Resources:

Skillsoft provides an e-text version of the following text:

Sierra, K. & Bates, B. (2008). SCJP sun certified programmer for Java 6 study guide

(1Z0-851). ISBN: 978-0-07-159106-5. (e-text, cost of this resource is included in

tuition and fees)

OCP Java SE 6 Programmer SCX310-065 provided by uCertify includes a

comprehensive Prepkit that contains questions and answers, study notes,

interactive quizzes, flash cards and study tips.

CIW Perl Specialist provided by CIW which includes access to the study kits, online

exercises, course review questions, practice exams, and online assessments for

this topic.

Technical Writing The technical requirement allows students to demonstrate that they possess the competencies

to think and write in a technical and professional setting. These skills will be integrated into

practice through preparation of a technical writing project capstone proposal. This subdomain

cannot be cleared by a course or certification and must be taken by the student prior to working

on either the portfolio or project capstone.

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Technical Writing The technical writing requirement draws from the evidence students have accumulated in

improved proficiency in research and professional written communication; the ability to think

about and write for different audiences; and improved style, grammar and syntax.

Technical Writing (SBT1)

Performance assessment

Sample Learning Resources:

American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication manual of the American

psychological association. (6th ed.). ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5. ($28.95)

Capstone Project The Capstone Project is the culmination of the student’s WGU degree program. It requires the

student to demonstrate the integration and synthesis of competencies in all domains required

for the degree, particularly in the area of emphasis. It includes a work product specified in

consultation with and with the approval of the mentor. It may be a project, a set of policy

recommendations, a business plan, a marketing plan, action research, a strategic plan, a

product, or a service.

IT Software Capstone Project (RHT1)

The capstone project consists of a technical work product and a report that details

various aspects of the product. The final product will also include a journal that

contemporaneously describes the candidate’s experience in developing the capstone.

The topic of the capstone must be presented and approved by the student’s mentor.

*Requirements and instructions for completing the capstone can be obtained from the

student’s mentor.

Need More Information? WGU Student Services WGU has a Student Services team dedicated exclusively to helping students achieve their

academic goals. The Student Services Office is available during extended hours to assist

students with general questions and administrative or accessibility issues. The Student Services

team members help students resolve issues, listen to student issues and concerns, and make

recommendations for improving policy and practice based on student feedback. The Student

Services team provides a formal means by which students can express their views, and those

views in turn inform the decisions we make.

Student Services team members also assist students with unresolved concerns to find equitable

resolutions. To contact the Student Services team, please feel free to call (866) 903-0110 or

email [emailprotected]. We are available Monday through Friday, 6 AM to 12 AM

and Saturday and Sunday, 10 AM to 7 PM, MT.

If you have inquiries or concerns that require technical support, please contact the WGU IT

Service Desk. The IT Service Desk is available Monday through Friday, 6 AM to 12 AM and

Saturday and Sunday, 10 AM to 7 PM, MT. To contact the IT Service Desk, please call 1-877-

HELP-WGU (877-435-7948) and select option 2 or email [emailprotected].



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For the most current information regarding WGU support services, please visit the “Help” tab on

the Student Portal at http://my.wgu.edu.

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How many courses can you take per semester at WGU? ›

You can take as many courses as you're able in a term and not pay additional tuition or fees.

What are the completion requirements for WGU? ›

Each WGU course is approximately 2–4 CUs and you need approximately 120 CUs to graduate with your undergraduate degree, 30–36 CUs for your graduate degree.

How to get accepted into WGU Reddit? ›

Your best bet to qualify for admission is to get some credits via another online institution that WGU partners with like Sophia Learning or Study.com. This is most likely going to be the quickest, most cost effective route to admissions for you.

Can I take 1 class at WGU? ›

Our single courses provide stackable credit towards relevant WGU degree programs.. With single courses, you'll enjoy the benefits of low cost and low risk, making them the ideal launching pad for your WGU bachelor's degree pursuit.

How many attempts do you get at WGU? ›

Assessments. WGU Academy students are allowed three attempts for each written or objective assessment. Once an assessment is passed, no additional submissions are allowed.

How much does WGU cost per 6 months? ›

Tuition: $3,735 per 6-month term for the bachelor's degree; $3,940 per term for the master's portion. Courses: 42 total courses in this program.

Does WGU have a 100% acceptance rate? ›

Western Governors University has an acceptance rate of around 100%. As such, all applicants who meet the school's admission requirements are accepted at WGU.

Can I get into WGU with a low GPA? ›

WGU does not require a minimum GPA or standardized test scores like the SAT or ACT for admission. However, during the application process, you'll need to complete an intake interview with an Enrollment Counselor to ensure that the program is a good fit for you and to assess your readiness for online learning.

Does WGU accept everybody? ›

Anyone can enroll in a WGU academy course, bundle, or certificate as long as they meet the prerequisite requirements. Enrolling in any of WGU Academy's courses or certificates means you will meet WGU's degree program admission requirements.

What is a passing score at WGU? ›

A student passes a course by passing the final assessment with a grade equivalent of B or better or 3.00 grade points on a 4.00 scale.

Is WGU 100% online? ›

WGU is an online school with career-aligned bachelor's and master's degrees in—IT, teaching, business, and healthcare—designed to help working professionals fit an online university education into their busy lives.

How soon can I start at WGU? ›

Start sooner with WGU. WGU offers rolling start dates every single month. Once you apply and start working with an enrollment counselor you can start as soon as the 1st of the next month.

How many courses can I take per semester? ›

For full-time enrollment, you will typically need to earn 12-15 credit hours, which translates into taking four to five classes per semester. On the other hand, for part-time enrollment, you will need to earn fewer than 12 credit hours per semester, which means taking three or less classes per semester.

Can I take more than 5 classes a semester? ›

Yes, you can take more courses than the recommended course load. Most schools will allow students to take one extra course or three credits higher than the recommended amount. With this in mind, you still need to ensure that you don't overwork yourself and have enough time to complete all your assignments and study.

How many classes is full-time at WGU? ›

Full-time flat-rate option: The degree plan for a normal full-time student typically assumes the student will complete 12 to 13 competency units (CUs, or credit-hour equivalents) per six-month term. The student may actually complete more CUs than are included in the plan if the student is able to progress faster.

How do WGU semesters work? ›

Our terms are six-months long and begin on the day you start, so for example if you started on March 1st, your term finishes on August 31st. You pay tuition for each six-month term, not per credit or per course. This means that you can start any time, and your tuition price will be the same.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.